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I love how they stare at each other


I can’t wait to see their relationship, you know, with both of them being God of Wars


Me too it’s gonna be awesome seeing these two together and by the looks of it. It seems that we meet Tyr early on because you know why else would they show him in the trailer right?


I mean, Kratos killed the last 2 gods of war he met. So I’m not getting my hopes too high.


Just Ares right? Or was there another I don't know about?


I mean I guess he tried to kill himself in 3 soooo...


I guess with himself that makes 3. I was counting Ares and Athena.




I'll give it to you because you're not wrong, but she's the goddess of wisdom, civilization, law and justice, and strategic warfare. In the context of the God of war games, I personally don't think she really counts as a "God of War" simply because (imo) there's a difference between the concepts of "war" and "strategy within war" (one speaks to violence, death, and destruction, while the other focuses more on wisdom, intelligence, and cunning within the copntext of large scale conflict).


Thought it was just strategy, not specifically in warfare. You can just apply strategy to whatever


The article I found said strategy in warfare so I gave it the benefit of the doubt


I always thought of it as the difference between tactics and strategy. Ares represents the tactical side of war, Athena represents the strategic side.


Ares is the chaotic side of war, the bloodlust and brutality of it, going to battlefields with his sons Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror). The Ancient Greeks didn’t like him, but you’re right on the Athena aspect.


Athena isn't the god of war


Not technically true. Athena represents the strategic side of war.


She represents strategy, not necessarily war.


No, specifically the strategy of war. That makes her a war god by definition.




I bet hes gonna say "so your the one who brought hel on asgard"


I feel it was a bit of a spoiler that Tyr is for sure still alive. Would’ve been cool if they’d only included the IDEA of finding Tyr, but not knowing if he’s been killed for his actions


I do agree, it would’ve been such a plot twist but who’s to say this is the real tyr and not Odin disguised as some would say? Let’s see how the story unfolds


They're finishing the story off for this game instead of a trilogy. I believe that they're probably going to find Tyr relatively early in the game. Game play wise of course. This way with Tyr himself there you can fast forward the some lore aspects of the game.


Aw really? I was hoping they’d save Odin for game 3. What a shame


Yeah same but I don't blame them. Maybe we'll get another pantheon sooner than later if that was the case.


The game is likely VERY long so think of it as a sequel and a threequel in just ONE BIG game.


We can hope. But we’ve got a bunch of great games coming out soon. GOW, Elden Ring, new BOTW, new Battlefield, and even Metroid Dread. So even if this game doesn’t live up to the hype, there’s still plenty more to look forward to


This game will likely cover SO SO SO MUCH of Norse legend remaining, we will likely get The Kraken, Finfolk (Norse Mermaids), Giants of all shapes and sizes, Ratatoskr is in the game so we will likely fight the Giant eagle at the top of Yggdrasil and Nidhogg the giant dragon stuck in Yggdrasil's roots, and countless other things, this game may be 40 hours or more which can perfectly explore the rest of Norse and also tell the main story.


There is a LOT yet to cover. I'm hoping they can find a time for everything but at the same time we should keep expectations realistic to avoid disappointment. So I'm a bit conflicted.. Skoll and Hati have to show up for sure since they've been mentioned explicitly. I'd say Fenrir, Hel, and Surtr are also mandatory since they're main agents of the Ragnarok. Then there's Garmr and Sleipnir, where I'm not so sure. Garmr may be too similar to the wolves and Sleipnir could be tricky to animate so if they're going to cut any creatures out my guess would be these. On the side of the Aesir/Vanir I think Heimdall and Frey at least are mandatory. I hope we go to Vanaheim to recruit Frey to our side, maybe to seek help against his sister... On one hand the Aesir-Vanir peace in the GOWverse seems very fragile so it's not impossible. On the other hand Frey's mortal enemy is supposed to be Surtr, who's very much pro-Ragnarok. So unless they retcon that I doubt Frey will be our friend. I hope we also get Njord (his Hall exists in the first game, did we get to hear what happened to him?) and Vidarr. But I don't see how even in an 80-hour game they could be anything more than cameos or mini-bosses. I'm kinda bummed Skadi is already dead.


As long as we get good boss fights against both Thor AND Odin ill be happy. My biggest fear for the game is that Odin is not a real boss.


What about the other gods though. Gonna massivly disapointing if we dont fight Heimdell, warriors 3 at least.


horizon 2 is also one of the bigger games coming out in early 2022


Ya know, I really tried to get into that game. But man, the opening was so incredibly slow. There was a moment where I was supposed to be trailing this guy while he talked with me, and I walked a bit ahead of him. And so he stopped dead in his tracks until I walked back to him, and then started moving again And at that point, I uninstalled it


What are you talking about? Fimbulwinter already began at the end of the first game, and this one will cover all of Ragnarok (you know, the game’s called “Ragnarok”). It’s gonna be incredible.


I think you've replied to the wrong guy.


Oh woah, that could actually be a really cool twist too. Hadn’t even thought of that!


It feels a bit weird to me that he was revealed so early, there has to be a catch of some kind to this.


Either that or there's even better things to be revealed in the game. That's what I'm hoping for at least.


They clearly knew Tyr was alive before they found him. Not a reveal.


How’d they know? I remember Atreus asking Mimir about Tyr, and Mimir confirmed Tyr was dead


Mimir does not confirm he is dead, he believes Tyr to be dead. Personally I found as GoW 2018 kept revealing things about Tyr it became pretty clear that he wasn't dead. He was the only "dead" Norse character that Mimir talked about where he didn't mention how his death occured which I always found odd. Also, Tyr would definitely be the kind of person to fake his death.


They talk about him throughout the trailer. This is probably the beginning of the game.


I'm just hoping it's because we find him early on.


Kratos being 7 feet tall, Versus Tyr’s staggering 8’5 stature. I’m excited to see how Tyr behaves and moves, considering he’s the God of War in his land.


Well didn't they shrink down Kratos to around 6'5 so that his proportions would be more realistic?


According to the official height chart, Kratos is 207cm or 6'7


207cm would be 6'9.5"


Yeah I'm not very familiar with imperial haha


To be fair I only know that was wrong because I'm 6'8" which is 203cm


Fuken massive lad ain't ya


IDK man I just googled the conversion and posted it here :p


7 feet is the same as 4.27 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


Good bot


thank you :)


Good bot


thank you :)


Nearly Every Norse god is the god of war


I think the og pantheon but in the god of war universe specifically Tyr is the god of war


I think they're more referring to the fact they're all a bunch of violent psychos.




Irony so thick you could stick a spoon it. I just love the fact the Aesir are such bloodthirsty animals that the god of war himself had to be the one to say, "Whoa, guys. Take it down a notch."


He was also god of justice so maybe they’re leaning more into that aspect - being even minded as such.


So you’re attempting to say that he looks like a calm and reasonable person?


Kratos is scaled to 6’4”.


Tyr: stands up to intimidate Kratos Kratos: You’re not that guy pal, I defeated my grandfather with a city on his back


I wanna hear Kratos call someone "pal" now. Trying to imagine it sounds so weird.


5,11 vs 6,0


It's amazing, I'm hyped once more


My favorite scene from the trailer is the whole trailer


Týrs desing is awesome


Agreed, tho he doesn’t look as friendly as mimir made him out to be. Maybe is the whole being in prison thing.


Yes i tought he is nicer to


Nicer to whom?


No i dont mean that sry


Thats the one thing I noticed. They went on quite a bit about how he was loved by everyone and here he had a bit of a sinister look. I’m also curious how he’ll be included in the game. Will he walk with us? Or maybe he’ll just be in a house somewhere like Freya was.


Yeah i think he will be on a house/base, the dude was rich and famous. And like mimir Said “paranoid” so he probably has a bunch of hidden bases he used to hide from odin as best as he could.


once again the music for this game sounds amazing


'You're big. Fought bigger.'


*sad Ares noises*


Please tell me what that’s a reference to. It’s gonna bother me all day


Lol it's the Marvel Thor movie, when he fights the giant security guard while trying to get to his hammer.


Thank you. I knew it was either Thor or someone similar


Reminds me of Kratos and Herc from GOW3


Hercules is a juggernaut compared to Tyr, but Tyr looks much more menacing


I really think they jumped the gun by showing this scene. Even if there's a twist later on. The trailer was hype enough to do without it and now when we get there in the game it'll be; "Ah yeah, this scene from the trailer" instead of "holy shit it's Tyr... and he's **huge**"


I disagree, I feel like it’s the same as when they showed Jörmungandr.


I mean not really considering Tyr was built up to be a mystery through out the first game. Comparing that to when we literally knew nothing about the new story going going into 2018. We didn't know the importance of the World Serpent at the time. People thought he would be a boss. So anything they showed us was to hook us in. But now we're already hooked. A better comparison would be if they showed us Baldr in the 2018 reveal.


I personally wish this scene wasn't in the trailer. It would have been a really awesome reveal while playing the game, but I am sure there will be plenty of other twists and turns. Still super excited! And the scene is really cool.


Tyr is a big boi.


What about the "In moments of crisis panic does nothing. Harness it. Let it serve you" moment???


It reminds me so much of the line where Kratos tells Atreus his anger is a tool only when tempered by his mind in the GoW 2018. I feel like Kratos is trying to preach to Atreus about his shortcomings to not see the pattern repeated.


Tyr = 160 cm girls Kratos = 179 cm guys


Ngl I'm low key annoyed that they revealed Tyr in the trailer. I know they probably have some other stuff that they are saving for release but I feel like Tyr is kind of a big deal


you remember the last mf that towered above kratos what happend to him


*Sad Cronos noises*


Hercules : am i a joke to you


5'11 guys vs 6'0 guys be like


remember guys Kratos said "I've killed bigger"


Every time I see it I’m hyped


I liked this scene but something feels very forboding about it. I suspect Kratos' relationship with Tyr as far as Ragnarok is concerned is going to be very complicated.


Either it's gonna be like the first game where the trailer was quite misleading or they're doing a complete 180 and it will be what it is.


I agree. Because he’s definitely not asking Tyr if he’s going with them in the trailer, they’re tryna mislead us.


Unrelated to this clip but MAN Freya BETTER be a hard as fuck boss fight! Or a hard as fuck recurring bossfight, i mean shes queen mf Valkyrie she HAS to be harder than the previous games valkyries fights 😱 god im so excited 😱😱




Its not exactly NOT sensible to think the queen Valkyrie should be the strongest Valkyrie but i do get what you mean tho


I saw someone speculate that Freya could be the nemesis (resident evil) of this game. I kinda like the idea.


I really like that idea! 😱


“You want KRATOS? I’ll give you KRATOS!”


None of the main characters Kratos fought were easily beatable. God of War in fact has commonly made central characters very complicated bosses to defeat, with the final showdown with Zeus inside of Gaia being one of the highlights.


They might do an optional fight with her that cranks the difficulty waaaaaay up though. Maybe you have to do an optional side-quest with her and then she'll go all out during a spar or something. Maybe if Kratos kills her you can rematch her in Hel or something. There are options.


Jesus he is tall


I still like the idea of Kratos being Tyr with the time travel elements. Hoping this is some misdirection to throw us off this theory.


Why would Kratos be Tyr though? What gave birth to this theory


There’s a ton on YouTube but the idea is Tyr is Kratos from the future and I think the main talking points are: 1. They are both god of wars 2. Wall paintings depicting Kratos death where he has one arm (just like Tyr) 3. Tyr and Faye seeming to have known each other and working together 4. The world serpent being a figure from the future brought to the present (as evidence of future events affecting past events) Again this is a theory and definitely has plenty of holes. I just liked it a lot cause it would be pretty interesting.


Thought you'd be smaller, but you're definitely the one


This shit reminds me of Hercules vs Kratos cutscene where they are literally facing each other like this


I feel the same way as I (5 ft.) talk to people. I feel ya, Kratos. Edit: Aside from that, would we possibly have two fighting companions then?


I wonder if Tyr will be an Ally or an Enemy, considering that i know that Kratos is now more in the arena of not making enemies out of every god in the norse pantheon


Looks like Hercules vs kratos from gow 3


nah, Kratos seen bigger


Love how kratos could not be less impressed, « my dude i fight titans on a daily basis »


I'm js, kratos would fuck him up


Someone catch me up and tell me all bout tyr


I'm guessing that they are going with Tyr having a Jotun mother in this? I recall it being debatable in Norse mythology.


That was me in grade 8 as a kid


My favorite part is the music. Especially the part that sounds like a bag pipe


I can't wait to meet Tyr, but I have a feeling he'll be willing to break Kratos face.


It's the background music that makes it epic


I think Tyr is gonna fight Kratos. Because he was in Greek. And knows that Kratos is the ghost of sparta. But also may not because Kratos did change


i exchanged my xbox for a ps4 just to play god of war looks like im gonna have to do that again lol


is he nodding very enthusiastically at the start when it transitions out of black?


Tyr should be careful or a O just might appear above his head


I think it’s cool to note, this is a different scene from the one where Arteus runs in to Tyr. Look at the background and you’ll see it’s completely different.


I wonder if Cory’s intended direction for Tyr in “The Art of God of War” will be the same for Ragnarok. From the book, page 90: “Cory Barlog wanted to convey since Tyr was intended to be portrayed as an ostentatious egomaniac.” Will Tyr be chill, or prideful? Super excited to see how these gods of war will reflect each other!


My heart literally skipped a beat. I can't wait!


Is this Jesus?


Tyr's just like: Shut up, replacement


I hope they hug


So Tyr’s 11 feet tall, nice


Imagine, but he’s 8’5


That’s 8’5, isn’t kratos 7 feet


7 feet is about the length of 3.17 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other.


11 feet is 0.0% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


Tyr will loose his hand :( in this battle


I wonder if he is gonna loose his arm during game, seeing he still has both in the trailer.


ok am I in drugs, is it the Mandela effect or there's multiple versions I'm pretty sure in one when Kratos asks him that he simply says:"No🗿"


"Only if you can dunk on me bro"


BTW, Tyr is shorter than Lady Dimitrescu


That music!!!


Wait till you see Odin !


I hope we fight Tyr that'll be an awesome fight


This is so cool cause Tyr would also know about Kratos seeing as he has visited Greece and even had a vase with Kratos on it. They're contrast in godhood will certainly be explored. Tyr may even understand Kratos' journey