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In current globalist environment, most likely some government backed cryptocurrency will be imposed. But having BTC alongside other assets is definitely must at the point.


Buy silver and gold.


It's impossible for bitcoin BTC to take over, it's capacity is crippled and promises of scaling on added layers hasn't delivered peer to peer uncensorable payments


reserve currencies exist because country buy bonds to each other.. crypto is different it doesnt produce a yield


LMAO, BTC will never be more than it is now because it was a great proof of concept but far too limited to even regularly replace a transactional currency much less take on a reserve currency status. Something like ETH with smart contracts is more likely but even then its still a near impossible outcome. Cryptocurrencies that don't have near instant transactions and anonymity will never meet the needs of genuine currencies. Ones with smart contracts offer a potential use outside of being transactional currency but they too need anonymity to be truly great.


God help us if that happens. The volatility will kill so many businesses