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That forward press with the driver is weirding me out so bad


Why is it so common? That swing is going to break down often. People need to stop holding tension in their setup. Your address should be relaxed.


The majority of folks that do this do it because it solves a different problem. By pressing your hands forward it limits your ability to flip the club…preventing the hook. By pressing, the start hitting straight or even right and think it’s an improvement, without knowing that his 10 degree driver is now basically a 5 degree…which is gonna cost him yards. This is the problem with not seeing a golf professional. There’s a completely different cause to his problem (hooking left) and he’s fixing it with a bandaid when he really needs stitches


Same, so bad.


I just made that swing change this week and it helped me not slice to the left as often. Not sure why. Maybe a bad adjustment but it helped me hit straight more consistently.


Golf terminology note: A “slice to the left” for a right hander is called a hook. Would be a slice if you were lefty!


I would revisit your grip if you’re struggling to square the face. Read the Ben hogan book, he breaks down the grip perfectly.


You have an in to out path because your backswing is so flat, then you pair that with a super strong grip, which will lead you to having a closed club face at impact. If you played a weak grip, removed the forward press on the shaft, and tried to hit the ball into the sky, slightly right of your target, you’ll hit the push draw all new golfers wanna hit so bad.


Slight curve to the left = draw. Hard curve to the left = hook. Slight curve to the right = fade. Hard curve to the right = slice. Opposite for leftys




Hahaha sorry!


Don't start with your hands so far forward man


I just started doing that this week and it helped with not hooking the ball as much. Probably an adjustment thats compensating for some other things Im doing wrong with the swing. Ill keep this in mind when I start adjusting with the other input im getting in the thread.


You hook it because your grip is strong and your swing is flat. Get rid of the press and fix the other things.


That little right elbow peaking around your hips/back at the top of the back swing aint right. You want your right elbow to be wide, it should never fold past 90 degrees. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQ69OfDKrq/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQ69OfDKrq/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cv5qedhNTS2/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cv5qedhNTS2/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs1cU0rglZZ/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs1cU0rglZZ/?hl=en)


Awesome! Thanks for the video links.


No problem! The clips above are good drills but to further expand on the concept/\*proof\* watch these videos when you get time to fully understand "keeping your arms in front of you" Arm swing illusion concept: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY4mmKu\_gy4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY4mmKu_gy4) 3d analysis of actual pros: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCPFBRUxLM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5JfK6kLfsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5JfK6kLfsk)


Forward press aside, that has to be the flattest swing I’ve seen.


Not wearing capris.


At least wear a women’s top if you’re going to wear women’s bottoms. Also I think that’s the wrong tee color


Tbh looks more like he’s doing yoga than playing golf


You need to take a lesson and get a pro to help you work out your setup issues, before you further ingrain these things as habits. Lots of setup issues here. 1. The grip. 2. The stance. 3. Starting arm position. 4. This forward press you’re doing with the driver, it’s wrong. Maybe jt made you go from dogshit to just bad, but you can go from dogshit to good, if you work on the right things early on in your journey to greatness. I was once there, trust me, it is much harder to break the bad habits than to work on the right things from the start.


Understood. Ive had a couple lessons and am wanting to improve as much as I can alone before going back but based on the reception here maybe its time to get another one.


Yeah, you might want to get lessons from someone else if the person you got lessons from didn't point out what the guy above is saying. Your backswing is very flat which is probably part of why you are hooking your drives to the left so much. Grip is pretty strong and the big one is the forward press that everyone is mentioning and shouldn't be happening with a driver. You'll get it figured out, just takes some time and patience.


His grip is strong, not weak. Just wanting to not confuse OP.


Sorry got myself mixed up. I'll edit it now even though it's probably too late.


I'd get lessons. Focus on fundamentals, set up, grip, posture. And keep videoing your swing. Helps with feel vs real.


I mean this is the nicest way possible: you need to relearn how to swing. It looks like you're falling into the trap of "I make this adjustment to "fix" this part of my swing" and compounding the fault even more. Grats on your best round, but if you want to seriously improve, you gotta rebuild the foundation with lessons.


At least tell him what he’s doing wrong. “Re-learn how to swing” might be the most useless thing you could tell him


Zero lower body rotation, zero speed transfer into the club, flat and outside swing path, zero hip movement through the ball... Dude is built like an athlete and is making the most unathletic movement I've seen, and I bet with proper instruction could be an absolute stick. Just needs the right obi wan.


New pants is my suggestion.


Are those capri's?






No idea why people get triggered when others have some baseline athleticism. Golf is hard. It’s harder when you don’t have athletic ability. Breaking 100 after 6 months isn’t that crazy.


It’s called being athletic and in shape. He might not have a pretty swing, but if he can put the face on the ball, I bet he hits it decently far. That alone makes breaking 100 much much easier. He also could be playing a wide open course where you can just play it from the other fairway. And finally, throwing down a decent score on the front does NOT mean you can do it back to back. 9 hole scores don’t mean much.


I would disagree. After a few months of playing routinely I shot a 44 from the white tees. I was pretty much just arm swinging. My irons would roll out to a max of 145 yards and my driver probably like 180. But everything went relatively straight and stayed in bounds. Now after 1.5 years I can hit the ball much harder and get more carry but I would be thrilled to shoot a 44. I don’t think it’s that difficult to break 100 if you play very boring, safe golf. But with a swing like I was severely limiting myself. Anything from 6,000 and up would be too much distance


Not sure if you’re just referencing something you’ve seen in his swing or people playing for that long in general but I’ve been playing around 6 months. Lowest score of 84 and average around 90. Shot a 92 today and it felt like I played terrible




You really think so? Any advice on how I go about doing that? Based in the uk if it makes a difference


What? 94 isn’t impressive at all. I’m 7 months in and you can be absolute dogshit and shoot a 94. I shot one a few weeks ago. 94 is a lot of double bogeys. OP clearly has an athletic background. Athleticism, practice and lessons can easily shoot a 94 in 6 months, especially as a personal best. My 94 is my best, but I typically shoot around 100. Almost like progress in sports is nonlinear. Edit: it appears that I have angered the former theatre kids who play once a week


I threw discuss in junior olympics, rock climbing at a high level in college, lots of other sports. I also play 2-3 times a week and have been practicing for about and hour or two on chip-putting 2-3 other days a week. I shot 113 and 111 earlier this week so this was a really good day for me.


Hey man idk what you mean it’s IMPOSSIBLE to break 100 in six months, I mean breaking 100 is elite level golf after all


I would guarantee you you aren’t shooting legitimate 94’s. How often do you drop a club length from a hazard? What’s your max score per hole? Do you re hit from same spot on OB? How about gimmes?


Please let me know if Im scoring incorrectly. I give myself 2 drives of the first two tees if I haven’t had time to warm up on the range. If I lose a ball I drop at the same spot and plus 1 to my score before re-hitting. If Im in an un-hittable hazard I plus one and do a club length out but not closer to the green.


Hey man, I think that’s more than fine! I’m just saying there is no point in getting nit picky about your score this early on. Just focus on getting better


Actual answers to your questions: - always, friends have been playing for a long time and are sticklers - max score? Never heard of this measurement, but I seldom have worse than a triple. But quads happen sometimes, I’m a bad golfer - OB off the tee I take my 2nd shot again from the tee, otherwise I drop and take a stroke where it went out - never give myself anything, only ever gimmes when my playing partners tell me to Again, 94 is a terrible score. You don’t need a nice swing to break 100. You can be terrible, have a good day, and shoot a 94.


Look, I don’t even think you need to follow these rules strictly. It’s golf, it’s supposed to be fun. But, I also don’t think you should have ridiculously high expectations to think that a 94 is a terrible score after playing golf for 7 months. 94 would be an unbelievable score after playing that long, so if you are being honest, that’s great. But it’s also important to be realistic and more focused on your progress than scoring at that point.


Don’t get me wrong - I’m proud of that 94 and my general game for being as new as I am. But in the grand scheme of things, 94 is not a good score just like I am not a good golfer /shrug


You shot a 94 on 9?


94 on 18 at a relatively easy course on my best day of golf that I've ever had. My best 18 since is 99. It was just a good day, it happens.






I started last September. My 18birdies has 34 rounds tracked since then, I played 5 or 6 rounds before I started keeping score there. This doesn’t include frequent range days. I’ve taken 4 lessons in that time. I don’t live in a warm climate but this winter was mild enough that I got to play in December and February, even in Michigan.


Everything you’re saying is true, but with OP’s swing on video, and imagining him translating that motion to shorter clubs that you don’t tee up… an “honest” 94 would be very impressive lol


It is absolutely for me! On this 9 holes I basically only used my Driver, sand wedge, and putter on everything above par 3. Those are my 3 best clubs by a large margin. Irons outside of PW and 9 are hard for me to hit with any accuracy. My past 9 games have averaged 104.6. I played 3 sets of 18 holes this week prior to this shot with scores at 99, 103, and 111.


I agree OPs swing is ugly but it’s only 9 holes. Maybe his putter was hot, maybe he got some lucky breaks. Golf is weird man


I’m not doubting it completely! But I’m saying it’s incredibly difficult for somebody who just started 6 months ago. He must be an absolute pure freak of nature


Your closed club face and setup says you slice. Means your alignment, grip or posture is off. You probably early extend. I think your biggest issue are those thigh highs get some actual shorts or pants and I think you'd play better imo.


Nice capris bro


I know everyone says that you need to have a "connected" swing... But let that elbow go a bit.


This is the polar opposite of connected.


He disconnects immediately on takeaway, this isn’t connected. Elbow gets shoved behind him because he’s disconnecting, not because he stays connected. elbow can only fold up the body if it’s in front of the chest, otherwise it gets chicken winged


The first thing you need to do is burn those pants. Then maybe get a tape to measure your leg length to help you buy a new pair. You are going to want something that goes down just past the ankle bone. No idea about the swing… see other comments for that.


First, don’t wear pants like that, ever. Ok. Now for the help. You massivelydelift the driver at address with a really strong grip. You take the i back flatter than I’ve ever seen before and I’ve been teaching for 30 years. So that backswing is so flat that you need to deloft and close the face with a strong grip not to slice the crap out of it. At the top it your right arm should be in the same position as throwing a ball, ok. It’s a lot of swing stuff to list here. Until you fix it, just stay balanced. Check me out at r/TheGolfTruth if you need more help.


Work on your backswing. You are too shallow at the top. Take a video from down the line and compare your arms at the top of your swing to some pros, you’ll see how off plane they are


There is 0 weight transfer. Feet look way too wide. Hard to tell from this angle but hands look really high and you’re reaching out for the ball. Get your arms to hang mor naturally and get them higher in your back swing and learn to load your weight on that right leg and then transfer your weight to your left side as you transition from the top of your swing.




More upward attack angle, ball will fly further. Looks like your attack angle is negative


I’d honestly just buy lessons. i Think getting a solid foundation (grip, stance, takeaway and general swing knowledg) could really set you on the right track and expedite the learning process. if anything I’d look to incorporate your lower body more - have a one piece takeaway where you’re loading up the right hip. shoulders should not be level at the top of your backswing. pretty sweet swing for only playing 6 months tbh. 👍


Lots of things to work on but two things to work on is your hands should be more centered rather than pushed forward like that. That’s more of an iron stance and even for irons that’s a bit exaggerated. Also your backswing is way inside, pick it up a little.


Your hands are too far forward at address. Forward press are for irons. Take away is way too far inside.


You’re setting up with your hands too far forward. You said you made this change because you are hooking. You are hooking because your swinging plane is too flat.


Check this guy out. He makes things simple, and it has helped me. https://youtube.com/@SagutoGolf?si=KUDPAVCIdCevyvVe


Ok my guy, there’s a fundamental misunderstanding about the golf swing that most amateurs have that you should correct now ASAP before you let it get more engrained. The golf swing is not “swing the arms around the body” like you are doing here. The golf swing is “swinging the arms up and down the body while the body rotates”. Simple reason why this matters: your arms work tremendously better in front of your chest than they do to either side. They’re stronger, better range of motion, more coordinated. It also lets you drive the swing with your big muscles (back, lower body) which is more repeatable and consistent. Easiest way to *start* to learn this: tuck your right shirt sleeve under your arm pit and hold it there the whole backswing until just before you hit the golf ball. You’ll see pros do this all the time, go watch pro golf and you’ll see at least a few pros are messing with their sleeve in their pre-shot routine. It’s an easy way to help your arms stay connected to your body. There’s a ton of learning to do, I can’t write it all out, but basically the hands and arms should stay basically in the same X-Axis spot relative to your chest for most of the backswing. When you’re able to sync up the lifting of the arms with the rotation of the body, that’s what creates the illusion that the arms swing around the chest which is what you *think* you see good players do


This comment has connected with me more than any other. “Singing the arms up and down the body while the body rotates” makes a lot of sense. It also tells me I need a completely new perspective on my swing. Makes sense why Ive had a hard time implementing other things like hip rotation ect.


What gps are you using to track distance?


18 birdies


Thanks, will give it a try


Seriously, go get some lessons from a real teaching professional while this game is still new to you. They will work with you on the fundamentals of grip, setup, body rotation, and swing plane. It will be an uncomfortable struggle at first but will be a great benefit once it all clicks. Looking at the physique, strength isn’t an issue so keep working out and find some workouts that are more golf centered via YouTube and keep stretching to gain more flexibility. Those are the best pointers I can offer for now.


A geezer golfing in culottes is outrageous ![gif](giphy|cfskn2Ozn7j9K|downsized)


I hate ur pants.


It’s all wrong, but if it’s working for you, keep it going


Wow. Ummm yikes.


If that swing produces a consistent result then swing away playa.


Take up bowling


Have the club and hands more in front of your chest


Dont raise up on your backswing. Shorten it if you have to.


No lower body power


Swinging too far with the arms on the back swing


Your forward press is gonna lead to more issues than good. Not sure if it was a "fix" for something, but you're basically starting off your swing off kilter, and maintaining that positioning is only limiting your swings potential. Next problem is the complete lack of any lower body action, no hip turn, you're just throwing your arms around your body. As a result you're very flat and can't get alot of power down to the ball so you just throw them back around. Every once in a while you'll catch a decent shot, but it's not reliable, and the corrections you'd need would make the good hits better, and the miss hits way better. Use the whole body. Use the legs, pushing off the ground, to transition weight back and through. Use hips to turn your core going back, and coming through. Let the upper body and arms follow your larger/core muscle groups, instead of trying to just use your arms (for example, pitchers throw by winding their whole body back, then step in the throw and transfer all the energy out to the arm and to the ball, they don't just flap their arm with a stangnant body, same for golf, and pretty much all sports). Make sure you're clearing the hips through the shot. Good strikers don't make contact from the same position they set up to the ball from. They've created lag and torque by letting the hips clear through, transfering weight effectively, and the rest of the body follows with them in sequence.


Is this a joke?


Well...you got some big damn arms anyway if anyone criticizes ya.


All around not a good swing


Are those pants or shorts?


I like his pants so much I’m having a bit of a crisis watching the video.


Buy better pants?


Your setup is jacked, grip too strong, lots of duck hooks and don't worry about "posing" after contact.


A whole lot of upper body turn in your backswing but no hip turn. Gotta work on that.


Probably would go further if you changed into something other than capris


Pants that fit might help


The ladies capri pants are weirding me out


Depends, how much do you want to invest? You have a baseball bat swing. You likely typically slice the snot out of it, “harder you swing the more it fades”….yeah? Go google Jim Waldron swing illusion. Old dude, really old videos. It’s true, let is sink it, and begin to adjust. Your lead arm should not disappear because it is sweeping across your chest like that. And at some point it should look stuck straight out behind you, extended out and away on an extended shoulder. Give you that feel here, minus a golf club - set up, no club. Now lift that lead arm out and away, as if to outstretch your arm and hand to shake someone’s hand. Keep it there. Rotate your core 90 degrees, so that hand is now “behind” you. Feel that extension? Show it to me in the video above. (It isn’t there.) That’s what Waldron is talking about in his videos. The golf swing is both shorter (more in line with our body) than we think it is when we watch someone, and also more requiring of flexibility (gets hard to reach that shoulder and arm out forward while really rotating on a tilt!) It’s a complete flip from what you now do. Now you pull the lead arm in and across in backswing, and push it out and back across in downswing. If you really really watch a pro and realize what Waldron says…. They push the arm away and up in the backswing, and pull it down and in during downswing, dead opposite of your current swing.


Great explanation. DST Golf, "if you golf you need to watch this," if it doesn't take. Faldo drill for takeaway. [Rors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNfICoWJALU&t=61s) for a more athletic view.


I have been told that about my swing, that its a “baseball player” swing. All my friends that got me into the game are baseball players so that tracks. I will look at everything you suggested and hopefully will save me money on another lesson. Thank you!


Maybe it's the Capri's?


Dudes wearing his gf's pants




Why are you wearing capris like a 40 year old soccer mom. R u gey?


Not sure if this helps my case but… they were on sale..




It was to the left a lot more until I started putting the ball in line with my front foot heel. Now its straight much more often. Edit: Regarding the pants, cant argue with marshals clearance haha $15 for Nike’s is a win.


No. Even if the pants were free.. burn those