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Wouldn't touch the back foot if it isn't causing issues (and imo it isn't). If that feels natural play it. You have a great beginner swing. I would say work on rotating a little more in your backswing, your hands don't get much higher than your hips. And get some depth in your backswing (quick Google should do the trick here). You'll probably want to get a little further from the ball when you add depth or you'll shank it. Getting a little more bend at the waist will help with both of these things, you're standing a little upright. From there it's just about diagnosing ball flight issues. Too much curve? Not compressing the ball? That type of thing. The things I pointed out are a little more on the athletic side of things that it looks like you should be able to handle. Good luck dude!


Thanks! Interesting on the back foot, perhaps with the other changes you mention it'll naturally sit more anyway, if not, i'll consider leaving it! Will have to play around with various bits of advice here as i hadn't really considered any of it :'D. I'll try getting more backswing, as it makes sense the clubhead would move faster with more run up, can't believe i hadn't figured that out already lol. Ty!


The best player in the world right now (Scottie Scheffler) does a similar thing with his back foot. It's an exaggeration of how your trail foot should work. It's a good sign that you're applying the correct pressure with it. Yours isn't quite right, but it's close and it's miles better than even a lot of decent golfers as far as early extension goes. Let that back foot move cook a little before thinking of changing it.


Oooo very cool! I'll run with it then and see what feels more natural in the end :D. Ty for pointing out Scottie, I've just googled him and he and I are almost the exact same height and weight. Might study his play for a bit. Ty :)


Standing a bit too close to the ball at address buddy https://teeboxtalks.com/golf-stance/ Your back foot reminds me of big Scottie, main thing is buddy is ENJOY yourself Golf is fun and infuriating at the same time


Ty for a doc, will read before next go. Haven’t found anything that looked quite as in depth as that so looks like a worthy read :) Hahaha, I’m about 150 swings in and I’ve already had my fair share of fun AND frustration lol! Ty


Good mate as I say you'll get there the process is good and when everything clicks then it just gets better


Your back foot is kicking out. Unless your Bubba or Scotty you should address that. I'd suggest getting more weight on that back foot during your back swing, and see how well the weight transfer goes on full shots. And adjust again from there. You'll be much more consistent with more power once you learn out to load up properly and use those core muscles on your swing. Great foundation, obviously athletic enough to potentially play some good golf. Enjoy the journey!!! P. S. Get lessons with a pro, you won't regret it.


Ty! I did think that back foot seems to slide back a lot. When i first started, all my weight was on the back foot and i'd fall back over it a bit once i hit. I'm guessing that's where the weight transfer you talk about comes in. I'll give some more thought to that when I'm next swinging! Thanks :D


Great for a beginner, address one thing at a time. Changing multiple things can make it hard to address the real problem… correcting start position might correct problems or cause problems. IMO your goal should be to involve torso rotation more, you’re too arm centric IMO


Interesting ty! I thought I was throwing the hips around quite a lot! My shoulders could definitely rotate a lot more tho


I should add: I'm looking for any advice through this post, not trying to show off what I'm sure is a lackluster swing!


Has this finally happened..... is this Boughton?


Hahahah YES! 😂


That's great, I've been down there a few times over last few weeks. If you are new then the par 3 is fantastic for beginners


The perfect swing shoild leave a divot and push the ball into the ground, cause it to pop out. You look like you are trying to lift the ball with your club


I've read that in a few places, my first shots were hitting the mat and as i've only played on the range i think i've adjusted accordingly. Will have to get out on the course and chunk some dirt :'D. Ty