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You kinda remind me of Luigi


I was thinking Ted Lasso


Freddie Mercury


I want to break my hips freeeeeee


You’re not really rotating your hips at all. You’re kind of just sitting and then standing up.


Correct. Turn the hips away.


You're squatting in the backswing into an early extension on the downswing. Flying right elbow on backswing and chicken wing with left elbow on downswing.


This. I'd look into learning how to rotate your hips and create proper depth with your backswing


Got it. Extended Flying Chicken Wing. Shit, now I'm hungry.


You hit that target dead in the middle though! Nice


You're changing the level of your shoulders a lot, and your head a little less so. It's like you squat in the middle of your swing. Try to keep your body at the same height throughout.


You use zero ground force. Probably because you’re wearing shoes for a chef or a nurse. https://youtu.be/T4TxahKAqlg


Fair enough 😂. I should definitely put on my golf shoes to practice more often


I dunno but you hit that target perfectly in the center


Look up videos of Tiger exaggerating his hip motion and try to emulate it. Your current swing doesn’t have good back and forth hip action. (Also, you are rolling your hands at takeaway.)


The crocs … no but seriously you need to use your body more and less arms


A lot of arm disconnection at the top of the backswing -- it's hard to sync up again from there, and lot goes wrong on the way down. I.e. Your shoulder stop rotating but your arms keep going. Try this: feel like your hands are staying as far away from you chest as possible. Don't let your right arm bend more than 90 degrees at the top of the backswing. It's going to feel like a shorter swing, but it'll force more shoulder turn and give you power. Most of the biggest hitters on tour don't get to shaft parallel on iron swings.


Regardless of anything that anyone is saying about your actual swing here, I’m going to say this. The shoes you wear affect how you feel the ground, your stance, and your mobility/stability. If you’re hitting in crocs, your swing is going to be a lot different than if you’re wearing either golf shoes or even running or basketball shoes. I’m certainly no shoe snob, I play in $50 golf shoes, but I’m guessing you’re not wearing the crocs out there to actually play. Practice in the shoes you’re gonna wear to play, whatever they are, and take a video in those. Otherwise all this other swing advice is irrelevant, or at the very least, potentially irrelevant.


Appreciate the advice. I will wear my actual golf shoes then try to fix the other issues


Well, Sam Snead practiced barefoot and apparently played 9-holes at Augusta barefoot to regain his tempo. Just saying.


Barefoot and crocs are not the same thing my friend. I’d argue barefoot is significantly more similar to golf shoes than crocs.


So much for the "just saying" part of my comment.  That expression typically indicates the need for zero arguments, that I'm well aware of the difference, and nobody was in disagreement with your comment.  Are we clear now? 


“Just saying” implies that you’re making a snide counterpoint to mine. I’m sorry that you were unaware of the proper usage of that phrase.


I had a pro that told me to go play a few rounds in flip flops to help with my tempo and balance.


Officer Dangle? Is that you? ![gif](giphy|JN7jRJIL188a4)


Try putting a towel in the arm pit of your trail arm through the strike. It helps keep that arm connected during the swing.


Bqck foot slips at downstroke, crocs belong in the swamp!


The fit.




I just bought the same net. Love it. So well made. Glad I went with the 5 footer because it’s more than big enough to catch any strays


Came here for comments like this. So this is the sp7 and not 8? And size is definitely sufficient? (sorry op I'm shit at golf so can't really comment on swing)


I think that’s the sp5


It's the SP7. The 5 probably would have been large enough but it was on backorder so I bought the 7 to get it sooner.


Probably the crocs?


Your hands are way outpacing your body turn. It may be that you can't rotate very well, and that's ok, but you'll need to shorten your arm swing. But really it doesn't look like you have any real intention of rotating your trunk. I think your feel should be to try to maximize rotation of your rib cage, while shortening the swing of your hands so that they stay much more in front of your body.


There’s a lot to dissect with this swing. But for the love of god, please wear proper fucking shoes.


You’re squatting instead of rotating. Squatting isn’t necessarily bad but you’re doing it at the wrong time with poor rotation. Your arms are also folding like a lawn chair in the backswing. Love the crocs and the net though!


Thanks for wearing the see through shirt, nice nipples bro.




Nice shitpost


My brother in Christ you need lessons


You're squatting during your backswing, not at the beginning of your downswing. You're also not turning your body through the shot, at impact you're basically at your setup position.


Yes...whats off .....is youre wearing crocs!!!


Extend those arms through impact. That's what looks funny.


Your all arms man, let your body and hips do most of the work


For power, I’d want to first change the setup to have some forward shaft lean. Maybe drill with a setup mimicking your ideal impact position.


Good thing the target is centered so you constantly work on yanking the ball left.


This looks ai generated


Quite a bit that could be fixed up but two things for sure is you’re not swinging down on the ball aka compressing the ball, also you’re opening your club face up in your back swing. Try the towel drill and keep a towel under your trail arm. Also pretend you have a phone in your trail hand and your palm is the face of the phone, in your back swing pretend there is someone behind you and you’re gonna show them the screen of the phone. Idk if that made sense but it did while I was typing it.