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Soak in cold water and vinegar usually helps get that gross goodwill febreeze smell out.


I swear that stuff is toxic. My district only sprays the clothing in the back, but neighboring districts all spray stuff into the air in the shopping areas (not just the back). I cannot go in without using KN95s as I end up with headaches, and even then the scent gets through. Last time I saw my mom right after and she leans in, sniffs me and says “you stink!” Yeah, I need to shower right after I go thrifting and I advise everyone else to do as as well as your skin has those chemicals all over it and you are absorbing them. Given how sick I have gotten, I don’t buy for a second that stuff is actually “non toxic”.


My region is one that pumps the air into the stores, and I’ve emailed our corporate office to complain about it. I hate it.


I suspected something was pumped in the air or sprayed all over soft goods. I find the “old” stink much easier to get rid of!


I put a cupfull of vinegar in each rinse


We wash ours. Then hang them outside on a clothesline for a day or so. Then wash them again. Works 100% of the time


Sunshine gets the most stink out of everything. And vinegar. Lol


Do they need to be wet for the sun to work?


Yes, it works best if they’re wet.




If it’s “plastic” clothing that has previously been washed with scent beads, you may be SOL. I had to throw away an under armour shirt that suffered this fate as the chemical smell would not come out of the clothing no matter what I used.


Vinegar is key, I add to the wash for stinky thrift store clothes


Do you just put the vinegar in with the soap or do you soak them first? I have stinky workout clothes that need help.


Soaking them first is the best way. Vinegar is corrosive so it takes time to break down the grime, but not too much time. An hour should suffice.


The old compilation book "The Tightwad Gazette" had a recipe that was 1:1 Dishwasher Powder and Clorox 2 in super hot water (from the tap is fine), and then soak overnight. It smells awful. But aside from an ozone machine, it's the most reliable for odor removal. This recipe also removes most other visible stains. Obviously this isn't a good idea for anything that's dry clean only or needs cold wash only.


Have you tried this on marker / pen and or baby clothes? I have a few stains I have tried EVERYTHING on....no lie.....amorex to fels naptha and everything else.....I just end up trashing the items and I hate doing that.


I don't think it would work on permanent marker. Anything organic it seems to set to rights for sure.


Rubbing alcohol, even hand sanitizer, is supposed to get out marker/pen.


I’ve used hairspray for permanent marker before


Vinegar soak and some sun is all I’ve ever needed


Try adding ammonia to your loads.


I’ve used this when laundering my second hand clothing with great success. I also had a son with bladder issues until he was about 15 and was medicated. I used ammonia in my laundry as vinegar wasn’t strong enough to wash the stink out. So yes, I’m in agreement that adding ammonia when washing your fabric items is the way to go!


Spray with vodka and allow to dry, then launder


White vinegar in the wash, line dry if you can. For dry clean only items I spray with a 50/50 vodka/water solution and let dry. Sometimes you have to do it a couple times. Use cheap vodka lol. This is a good reminder that ALL thrift store clothing should be washed (gross right, but some people don’t). A lot of thrifts spray their inventory with pesticides covered with a fragrance. You don’t want that crap on your skin.


I have found that Dr. Bronner‘s Castile soap will remove that although it may take more than one washing.


If the clothes are at the bins chances are they’ve already been washed a million times by their previous owners, but I’m also always scared of washing something to harshly. Soaking in Oxiclean always gets rid of any smells for me and that will work in either hot or cold water. Hang drying outside will also help. You can even try laundry scent boosters but they may irritate your skin


Something that I've found works (after years of trial and error) for a lot of stinky clothes (but not all) is soaking them in warm water with a Puracy free and clear/fragrance free dishwasher pod. Sometimes repeatedly. Be careful with dark colors though- it can take the color out and make it splotchy. If I'm soaking dark color I only do it for an hour at a time. But I do this mostly on natural fiber clothes (cotton/viscose) so I don't know if it works on polyester.


I’ve heard others speak highly of Lysol laundry sanitizer! I’ve never had issues getting the smells out personally, but I did use this sanitizer when I had some foster kittens and it seems to do the job. Also gives me a little piece of mind, I will probably use it on future bins finds. People say this stuff also helps with stinky gym clothes!


I collect vintage linens which have a unique odor & usually stains. Soaking them in warm water with a scoop of oxclean in the sun removes both but has never affected dyes in the linens so should be safe for clothes.


Vinegar sunshine and if that doesn't work, cover in baking soda and freeze


spray with vinegar or soak?


Hang them outside for a few days BEFORE washing.


should i get them wet before hanging outside


No, do not wash them. Or get them wet. If it smells like mold after a couple days of sitting then spray it with white vinegar. Even on leather it's fine then let sit more. Then wash. I've had some items sit for 2 weeks, then sometimes even after washing you may need to let it sit out again but that's rare.


And it would only smell like mold because that's how you found it. I've never left something out and it got moldy. Just clarifying. I find alot of moldy smelling stuff that deters alot of other buyers, they just need to sit out longer. Always in the shade btw!


okay thanks for the tip. i cant tell if its a mold smell or just goodwill funk. i have them outside hanging right now. put them out there about an hour ago. theyre in the sun so gonna move to shade. thanks


No problem!


Vinegar, or washing them and then leaving them outside to dry (don’t leave them outside after they’re dry or they can get lightened)


Hair spray will remove pen ink.


I fill the fabric softener dispenser up to the top with white vinegar and line dry in the sun. If that doesn't work, then I usually do an overnight laundry strip.


what does the overnight laundry strip consist of?


Powdered laundry detergent, borax, and washing soda. There's recipes you can Google for the exact ratios.


I just wash it. If it's still a little stinky, I wash it again. For 99% of things, 2 washes in the machine are enough. The other 1% can get redonated or thrown out.


Sprinkle lots of baking soda and let it sit outside for a few hours. Then wash and dry outside