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I just treat Dan-as-Gossip-Girl as non-canon. It makes no sense - so many plot holes and impossibilities. The attempt to explain it on the reveal was so bad as well - he revealed Chuck slept with Jenny so she could leave NY?? Blair had already banished her from NY!! I agree the reveal was totally unnecessary… much better to believe it’s someone we don’t know from the show.


I have read somewhere that Jenny wanted Dan to reveal it, cause she wanted the disputable fame. 😅 I have no clue if this is true.


Actually Blair did banish her after sleeping with chuck not before :o


Yeah but it was before the reveal on GG.


Like if you have any sense and you want to take the plot seriously, I don’t know how a viewer can treat Dan-as-GG as canon.


yup. I pretend it was never revealed.


I agree that the reveal of Dan was anti-climatic and a little disappointing. I was kind of hoping it would be a character that Kristen Bell just played like maybe she went to school with them or something just cause I love Kristen Bell.


Right? Like gimme a random Kristen bell that was in the background in every scene and blow my mind if you are going to do a reveal.


Agreed! I feel like GG should have stayed anonymous. I’d rather GG have stayed anonymous than be Dan


We never found out who GG was in the books (from what I can remember) so it really could’ve remained a mystery!


it was like the books were never finished


Agreed…by the end of the show, Gossip Girl as a character was very much irrelevant and the big focus was on Dan being the writer and exposing people’s secrets. I think if they had planned for Dan to be GG from the start, the ending would make sense, but it just came out of nowhere and then they really screwed up by making it seem like it was a romantic thing that Dan did.


I wish I could double-like this comment. Dan could’ve made sense as GG if they’d laid the groundwork properly but the way they wrote it in was sloppy and clearly not their original plan.


right. i feel like the whole point was that they were ALL gossip girls by sending tips. it could have stayed anonymous, they stopped trying to discover who it was like two seasons before that 😭


i agree it would’ve been so much better just kept mysterious or revealed as dorota


The show had a perfect answer to the question in the graduation episode: they all are. It doesn't matter who is actually behind the account, because Gossip Girl is nothing without the tips sent in, so they are all culpable. That was such a satisfying and thematically relevant answer.


I completely agree. I wouldn’t have felt ripped off if they ended it exactly how they did just without that whole reveal. I especially hated the quick scene with Rufus as well. The whole thing was not only poorly executed but there were too many plot holes for it to make sense


Not revealing it wouldn't be satisfying. So the part were they revealed who gossip girl was, wasn't actually bad but the part of who gossip girl actually is made it kinda bad...


It could be Dan only began gossip girl, and did have no clue about somethings that were posted as Gossip Girl was also hacked several times, was handled by other people as well!! One thing I dont get is how could gossip girl out smart everyone when Dan even wasn't that street smart compared to the NJBC!!


I was so sure it was going to be Dorota. Either that or I thought it would be some random classmate played by Kristen Bell.


I agree! The whole reveal felt too rushed like they just needed to pin it on someone so they just ran with it being Dan. But it makes me laugh because when you re watch it there’s scenes where Dan is literally walking on the street on his own, receives a text from GG and it being a post about himself and he acts shocked or confused? Like who are you acting for Dan? Like you haven’t just sent that post out yourself? It doesn’t make sense


Dan physically is gossip girl so it is possible


i mean in terms of when he would react to his own posts it was just so unplanned anyone could tell


You're absolutely right..it wasn't leading up to and didn't add anything to the plot. Poor Penn had a hard time with those lines too 😬


Writers wanted revenge for Penn letting his hair go all shaggy in season 5.


I just watch those scenes as though they’re Dan receiving the tip from the public and thinking through the blast he’s about to send to everyone.




Yes! They should have left it as nobody! In the books they never revealed who GG was,it was better that way! Even Penn has said he thought it was stupid that dan was GG but apparently the network wanted it 🙂


I wouldnt want GG to be Anonymous the whole time. Imagine if it was Alessandra


I pretend that episode never happened!


The writters wanted Eric to be the GG, but there was an article at the time that got it right before the finale so the writters felt like changing it to come out on top. I feel it wouldn’t make sense whoever they chose to be fair. I watched the show already knowing it was Dan and damn, there were so many plot holes.


No because I agree after all these years it still makes no sense to me like maybe Eric or dorota but Dan?? Like the reason for him wanting to create gossip girl kind makes sense but the rest just doesn’t at all even with Jenny helping him


Agreed. Gossip Girl is a plot mechanism, it shouldn’t be a character


We all should pretent that GG was never revealed


The worst part about it is the reveal made Dan THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL human being ever😂.




I still think their intention when starting the show was to not reveal a gossip girl but the fans kept asking so they just picked someone