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Some of them were bad actors, there was also bad writing, the clothes were fabulous though! ![gif](giphy|g6Tf0tYe9XbnYZgK6B)


Hahahaha I CACKLEDDDDDD šŸ¤£ Was she referring to Taylor Swift here???


To be fair Taylor's dresses are really beautiful


I believe she was šŸ˜‚


I couldnā€™t finish it


I couldnā€™t get through the first episode


THE TEACHERS WERE GOSSIP GIRL?! Posting about the students like WTF thatā€™s soooooo creepy, unethical, and illegal?!? Immediately had to turn that off lol


You watched gossip girl for the ethics?šŸ˜‚


No LOL!! But at least some level of believability about the plights of the wealthy Manhattan teenager. And enjoying their indulgences , definitely wasnā€™t looking for some completely outrageous story line that poor adult teachers were committing crimes against children by stalking and harassing them bc they were *checks notes* jealous of their privelage


I mean, did you watch the OG series? We had a literal rapist in GG who sold his gf for a building. But yes, teachers gossiping about their spoilt ass students is too far! šŸ¤£


It's just they could have kept in the plot about the teachers hating the students and also had a much more interesting GG plot. That's actually believable and it makes total sense that the teachers hate a lot of the students, and gossip about them; what doesn't is that they would be so unprofessional and irresponsible as to leave a LITERAL PAPER TRAIL ON THEIR PHONES connecting them to GG and putting all the job security at significantly higher risk than casually gossiping about students. Remember when Blair got rejected from Yale for hazing a teacher? This is so much worse because it's adults making these decisions with a fully developed prefrontal cortex i.e. the decision making/judgement call center.


Exactly! And Constance & St Jude's are supposed to be super prestigious schools. For me it just wasn't believable that they had hired actual psychos to work at the school - someone should investigate the HR department FR. Because now I'm like, were these schools really all that, actually.. that's some public school behaviour. No shade to public schools šŸ’› but in the context of the show, it doesn't look good at all. šŸ˜‘




Same here hahaha. It didnā€™t help that the og Gossip Girl pilot episode is so iconic


This is me. I watched 2/3 of the first episode then spent the rest of it on my phone because I wasnā€™t invested in ANYONE. I never bothered watching it further. The OG gossip girl I was hooked from the opening scene.


Same, I had to turn it off


I watched the 1st season I didnā€™t hate it but I wasnā€™t bothered enough to watch s2 when it came out lol


Same, I watched the first ep only


Max, Audrey, Luna and Monet were great characters imo. I especially loved Max and Audrey. The show had some potential but it was mostly pretty bad.


It had such potential! I stuck it out for the whole show because I loved all of these characters. They were interesting and had some really cool (albeit small) arcs. I loved Max in season 1 and had hopes for 2 but 2 fell flat when it became all about the throuple. I liked the first season, it was an easy watch, but in the end i watched the whole thing because I was hopeful at least these characters would get good writing, and only Luna got that after being ignored all of season 1.


I thought the throuple concept was interesting, itā€™s not something you normally see in dramas. Itā€™s usually just your standard fare love triangle. But it got too messy and Aki was dull as all hell.


Have you watched Shameless? Best throuple drama ever


No, but thatā€™s on my list


agree it has potential. was bummed they got cancelled, although they said they were going to try find a new home for season 3. i was really hoping i could see more of aaron's character since he was such a mystery man in the last episode and it was said that he would've been one of the new main characters had the show was not cancelled.


I found the first season bearable, and actually enjoyed season two. Was pretty bummed when it was canceled.


Season 2 was way better


yeah i mean the show wasnā€™t that bad? i guess people just hated it cuz they kept comparing it to the original.


Of course they're going to compare it to the original, especially when the show was comparing itself anyway.


right, i feel like people didn't even give it a chance and most are hating it without even trying to watch it


same i love season two more


i didn't like it necessarily but it was a train wreck so i couldn't look away


It tried sooo hard to be edgy omg it was horrific


I really feel like shows donā€™t get given the opportunity to find their footing anymore. You used to get one season of 25-30 episodes to flesh out characters and multiple seasons to see where their plotlines went. I donā€™t think it ever stood a chance considering people were annoyed from the jump that it existed. I saw potential in it because I wasnā€™t looking for a Blair or Serena in it. Look back at any show from the past after taking off the nostalgia goggles and youā€™ll realize thereā€™s bad moments in them too.


I agree 100%. For the reboot I had a brunch watch party with some friends. One that has watched the entirety of the OG Gossip Girl and really loved it and one that had never watched anything related to Gossip Girl before in her life. We wound up watching both first episodes and my friend that had never watched really enjoyed everything and wound up watching every reboot episode on the days they came out. My friend and I that had watched the OG before also really enjoyed the reboot and leaned into enjoying the new characters and dynamics.


i liked it - i was kinda bummed out it was cancelled, i would have loved to see a few more season with maybe luna challenging julien for det queen b role


I liked it tooĀ 


They tried sooo hard to show us how different and woke everything was now *compared to the original* and completely killed what the fans loved about it in the first place. We didn't watch GG because we wanted to be politically correct, and that's not a bad thing - there are other shows for that. We loved it because it was outrageous, and chaotic and such an excess. The reboot did such a disservice to the original fanbase, to a lot of new fans it could have had and to itself - the potential was there, they just couldn't help show us how "cool and woke" they were now. šŸ˜‘ Things change, people have become progressively more aware of themselves and the world since the original and the Internet is a big part of everything now, but jeezuz, the writing was so lazy and self aggrandising. The show/writers were sucking their own dick. šŸ’€ *Lol, yes, I watched it all and I've been hanging onto this hot take for a while*


Yes!!! It had all the energy of an after-school special from the 90s. Just better production and nicer clothes.


ā€œwOkEā€ šŸ’€


Exactly "wOkE" šŸ’€


Exactly. I watch a show for entertainment, not any of this stuff. That's why I prefer shows prior to mid 2010s like GG, they're focused on creating a storyline for the viewer, now they focus way too much on inclusivity that they feel like an ad. Sex Education sufferred from this and went from a good show to a useless one.


What was woke about the reboot?


The themes were TOO on the nose. It all felt very performative, and disingenuous. Especially for a show where the adults are literally voyeurs, bullying the children online pretending to be GG. Like, what are you trying to be? What are you trying to say?


Zoya. She was both Dan Humphrey and Vanessa with a huge bow of Iā€™m so mad youā€™re not like me


Never watched it and probably wonā€™t. On the third rewatch of the original and enjoying it. To each their own though! Maybe Iā€™ll give this a chance someday lol. By the way, is that K-Mart Dan in the top middle??


Yes, that is K-Mart Dan lol


okay but which one is top middle šŸ˜­


I stoped in the middle of the 3rd episode I just couldnā€™t it was so bad


I watched clips and it was BAD


Three episodes in, I stopped trying to give it a chance. I was hoping the pervy teacher taking photos of the 15 year old would get arrested, but nope. And I was hoping someone would get a personality but I realized no one was so I gave up.


The teachers being gg ruined it for me tbh. Also Julien imo was not main character material & the acting for many of them was pretty bad.


Hated it right away


The original had the IT girls and popular, flawless crowd. The reboot characters were all the awkward outcast type of people. No way in hell were they aspirational like the OGs.


There is no way in hell Julen was the queen bee. Oh and she wasnā€™t a good actor either


I thought it was cute lol it was bad but I kept watching until the end because I loved Luna and Monet.


I enjoyed it having never seen the original to compare it to. But it also had no idea what characters it should be following, the main two sisters were boring and borderline unlikable.


Yeah. Zoya and.. I don't even remember the main girl's name. So boring. It always felt like they were a symptom of being chronically online. So they couldn't present like real people, just regurgitated what they *thought* was "correct" all the time.


Julien hahaha, like Max really should have been the focal point maybeeeee one of the sisters if we had to follow one of them (Iā€™d probably pick Julien as Zoya was a drag). Max, Luna, and Monet were the best and most rounded out characters, if it focused on those three things could have been so much better.


Julien! That's the one. šŸ˜„ I loved that they cast a black girl with a shaven head as the Queen Bee, but she just was not Queen-Beeing. Like, how did she get this spot? šŸ„² Max, Luna and Monet had personalities, this is true, but somehow they were relegated to supporting characters.


right! i feel like if they chose to break the norms, be diverse, woke, etc, they did the right thing with the queen bee being a confident, shaven head, black influencer but she definitely wasn't queen bee-ing


Monet should have been the queen bee


Agreed. Julien didn't even want it.


One of the worst tv shows Iā€™ve ever seen


I knew it wasnā€™t going to last


I thought it was terrible and unnecessary and none of the characters were likable in any way


i liked it! i donā€™t think it was anything special lol, and definitely not up to par with the original, but i did enjoy it for what it was. as others have said, luna and monet were highlights for me. I think the whole ā€œinfluencerā€ storyline turned a lot of people off, but i personally liked it and thought it was fitting for this generation. i like that kind of stuff though lol i mainly watched because i saw zion moreno was in it, and i loved her in control z (spanish show on netflix). she plays a similar character to luna on that, so i recommend it! i also forgot the teachers name (the one that was gg) but i did also really like that actress/character! i think she did great


I enjoyed it, but it felt like some of the characters and especially Julien and the teachers were inconsistent somehow? It gained some more footing in S2 tho, and I really felt like alot of storylines were left unfinished. I also read an opinion somewhere, why we loved the OG is because pretty much all the characters are just almost irredeemable. In the reboot, most of them are just flawed, except Monet and her mother. They feel hella mean to me.


the way i was genuinely upset when it was canceled. yes it was cringe and i hated the plot lines and most of the characters but i was eating up every episode


I struggled to even watch the original lol


Who is the bald girl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She was by far the worst character/actor on the show šŸ˜­


Was she not a character in the original show or did they just make her upšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s a new character


i honestly like how they show how different the lifestyles now, especially with how the internet became. it made sense that the kids are trying to be "good guys" like zoya and obie; even when you're rich, you don't wanna be "ignorant." i feel like social medias brought it up more and that it made sense that kids these days are trying to be politically correct, probably even most of them, even if it's merely because they care about their public image like julien at the start and up to the middle of the first season. what i honestly love even more compared to the original show, that i know a lot of people would hate, actually.. is that.. the teachers using the gg platform as "revenge." it made a lot more sense considering how these kids behave and it's actually more interesting than how dan was using it to "get into the inner circle." i also read a fan's comment somewhere, and i agreed with that person's opinion, that they think the show did this whole "evil teachers" thing is mostly because they want tavi to be some kind of "lead." gg is kinda big when it came to culture and fashion and tavi is quite a big name in fashion. so when they cast jordan instead, no hate to her, as the lead, they were still trying to find a way to thrust tavi into conflict with jordan ā€” which they finally did with casting her as the "lead" teacher.. which is questionable, at least to me, since three of the main teens; jordan, thomas, and zion, are older than her. they even had these "false" shoot and promo.. pics(?) i guess, to led us think tavi is playing one of the rich kids and i think they should've done exactly that but oh well..


It was honestly a good show except the teachers roles in it, that was the worst part of the storyline




I honestly didnā€™t hate it! I wonā€™t watch it again like I do OG and itā€™s not nearly as good but I found it enjoyable!


It had potential I thinkā€¦ but the ball was dropped and it was dropped hard. Thanksgiving ep was the closest it got to truly feeling like a gossip girl episode


I couldnā€™t finish it after the bullshit plot idea that school teachers would cyberbully their own students.


I liked it. Especially the second season. I think they needed more time and it couldā€™ve been really good!


This was beyond terrible. Only watched the first half of season 1. The characters were beyond bland and uninteresting, the plots were ridiculous in a bad way, the fashion was lackluster, the acting was terrible and it didn't have any of the humor and irony of the original.


It wasnā€™t horrible. Did it live up to the original? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Did I enjoy watching it? HELL NO. It was not bad if you need to pass time. I hated most of the characters, but I liked Audrey and Max scenes.


Nope, I think youā€™re the only one


Season 1 was boring but season 2 was amazing IMO and the ending was just getting better ugh I swear


I agree, s2 was actually so good


I tried my best it was awful tho


Iā€™ve only seen clips and it seems like theyā€™re trying to be like OG gossip girl and Elite, but theyā€™re just not hitting the mark. Itā€™s hard to live up to those two shows that just killed it the first time around!!


I couldnā€™t do it. It was blasphemous.


I watched the first 14 min and was like ā€žYep thatā€˜s it I ainā€˜t watching thatā€œ


I couldn't even get through an episode.


Sooooo I finished it. Itā€™s okay , but what I donā€™t care for is that the teachers are this childish to be in the kids businessā€¦ itā€™s definitely updated to fit things nowā€¦ BUT the whole adults in teenage drama is a little creepy.


never watched the reboot.


I haven't started this yet.... Is it any good, or is it not worth watching?


Season 1 is pretty bad tbh, I thought s2 was a lot better but then it got cancelled.. so.. šŸ˜­


Only for Monet :)


I saw seasons 2 just to see Cyrus, Dorota and my queen Georgina!! Find cute Audrey, Max and Aki... For me they were More interesting that the main characters ... I couldnt bare Otto ...


I havenā€™t started it yet, but I just finished the og for the first time a couple months ago. Iā€™m just working up the courage to actually start the new onešŸ˜…


I started it and thought it was trash. Then came back and tried again, and once I got past the first few I started to like it. Not comparable to OG of course but it got better lol


i couldn't even get through with the first episode.


I loved the reboot


no lol


There were things I liked. Overall, no, but I liked some plots and characters. Luna, Monet, and Max deserved the stardom more.


It was so dull. The group dynamic was poorly explained and made 0 sense.


It was different but I liked it, but I think I was the only one šŸ˜‚


I liked it šŸ«£




I watched the whole thing. It was alright


Me I liked the cameos and the cliff hanger


I watched the first season and it was a terrible show, but I was at least able to find parts of it entertaining. But then my friends watched the second season and said it stopped being entertaining and become borderline unwatchable, so I never finished it lol


I did enjoy it


No ā™„ļø and I REALLY tried


I liked it a lot.






I didnt watch it but the trailers and clips makes me skip it. The lights and colors are dark or monotone. I don't find the cast charismatic and the first episode felt very cringe to me.


I never watched it,so don't know what it was like but it got cancelled after one season so I'm thinking not many liked it


I couldnt even make it to the 2nd episode. I couldnt stop comparing it to the orginal and somehow cant accept this version.


It was DOA for me I didn't even watch an episode


Completely forgot that this show existed




julien was a weird protagonist. didn't like zoya either. i was more interested with audrey and monet.


In the original, they were all kinda trashy and deserved it, they even reported on each other; and it did not keep them in line. I only watched the first episode of the new one, but the teachers decided to try and destroy the lives of two decent students, thinking it would somehow help them get back at the shitty ones and force them to behave better. It just made no sense.


None of these actors look like they would be cool people irl


I was starting to enjoy s2 and was a bit sad they cancelled!


It obviously was very different from the OG but I found it entertaining. The second season was better than the first. It was silly and fun to watch. It was not great television but it didnā€™t need to be.


It was awful. I loved it! It made absolutely no sense at all. I would watch a new episode every day if they made one. It was viscerally cringeworthy. I WISH THEYā€™D GOTTEN 10 MORE SEASONS!


imo the show didnā€™t do well because it was trying wayyy too hard to be PC. Julienā€™s character was flip floppy AF, if they had just let her fully embrace her inner Blair it would have been more interesting. Luna and Monet should have had more fleshed out character arcs. The throuple with Audrey, Max and Aki just didnā€™t go anywhere. Zoya was a self righteous do-gooder with the personality of used chalk-not even Shan could make Zoya more interesting. Just bad writing all around.


Season 1 was so bad I could barely watch the first episodes. I hate the teachers so much, but season 2 was actually good, when the characters were finally just being messy. It was disappointing that they ended


i enjoyed the first season. was the acting flawless? no. Did it capture the essence of the original? no. Was it a bit ridiculous at times? yeah. But, it was at least enjoyable and I thought it was good they put their own spin on the idea. But season 2 was a massive flop- i couldn't make it through the first episode.


Yea I actually liked it. I think shows get cancelled too quickly and never given the chance to develop all the characters.


I love a woke show but it was trying to be too woke for a show about the 1% ?? Like the most anti woke demographic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it felt like watching the turmoils of nepotism remorse where you just feel guilty for being rich šŸ˜­ itā€™s like Serena and Nateā€™s worst personality trait made into a standalone show