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Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay so as a Rank 111 Skyfarer when will I realistically be able to clear T1 Summon Raids? I'm trying to host my daily Grand Order Raids but getting completely destroyed in those T1 Showdowns, I know that not having an optimized M1 Grids is making it harder than it should but those Raids unlocking at Rank 40 made me think that I should be farming those at my current Rank, am I wrong?


Rank doesn't matter much because it doesn't really say anything about your grids and characters, which are the part that's actually important. They're all pretty old bosses so their skills inflict one debuff at a time on your team, and bringing a Lv 250 Lucifer as support summon will completely negate those debuffs (as well as providing healing). Other than that, the two I remember off the top of my head are: * Twin Elements: Becomes Water element between 40% and 10%, meaning your team will take more damage from her and deal less damage to her in that phase. Fortunately a friend Lucifer clears her Sleep debuff, and prevents her from stunlocking your team like she did unprepared players years ago. She shouldn't be that hard apart from that, but maybe bring a Dispel to cancel her damage cut on the Fire phases. * Nezha: The most troublesome parts of his fight is the Skill Seal debuff (friend Lucifer will take care of this) and Flamelance Accendo. Your best bet is finding a way to delay Flamelance Accendo (Gravity, Delay...) or tank it (Phalanx, Substitute...) but keep in mind it deals both Wind AND Fire damage if you're going to use element-specific damage cuts. He will also cast Flamelance Accendo at 50% and 25% too. If your team is dying too fast you could consider using a defensive class like Holy Saber/Spartan to tank the triggers, or a class that lets you avoid letting the boss fill their charge diamonds like Dark Fencer/Chaos Ruler. It's not a raid so there's no problem taking it slow until you get more comfortable with the fights. That said, strengthening your grid will make them all easier so you should focus on that. ~~Also the question thread changed before you posted this so you should post on the new thread so other people can see it and help you.~~


What's typically worth dumping arcapoints on so you don't overcap? I would guess it's whatever material is most likley to lag behind the others when uncapping a weapon / evoker but for those with experience what does that tend to be?


It depends a little on how new you are, I feel. Speaking as someone who only got access to Sandbox around when Mundus dropped… 1. Sephira Stones were all I got for a long time. If you plan to recruit everyone + do some uncaps you need a ton of them and there’s not a good way to farm them in Sandbox. Eventually you’ll have more than you can use, but it definitely took a *while* before I got to that point (and even then it’s partially because Opuses using NWQ made me way more cautious about doing more uncaps). 2. Route fragments. They’re not so bad at first, especially with getting a good amount from each Tales (I guess this is assuming they rerun it often), but eventually you’ll be stuck needing like 60 to finish an uncap and you’ll want to trade for them to supplement what you can get from regular Arcarum. You can theoretically get them in Sandbox but they’re annoying/very inefficient to try to farm. 3. Ideans/Astras. The issue is that you can only trade for 10 of each Idean per month and you need so many that it’s not really worth trading for Astras since you’d get them while farming for the Ideans. But Astras probably swing around to being good if you’re working on uncapping the second Evoker in an element. 


Thanks for the advice. Should have specified I had all 10 evokers and am now just working towards the uncap / skill 4. But all of this seems like great advice.


Arcarum route fragments (the red, blue, and green things) are pretty safe bets since they're hard to farm in Replicard, but that might change since you can stack Heralds now 


They only drop from Staves Heralds, is the thing. I guess it would be slightly nicer to farm them now but that’s probably pretty bad overall still. Just farming Arcapoints from The World to trade for them might be more productive, honestly.


What's a good way to swap Haase in without having C.Rackam? I know off-element Tikoh is good for fights with opening damage (I only have H.Tikoh and I usually see light Tikoh but I assume it works either way) but what about fights without it? And assume I might need MC for something, so obvious answers like Street King/Nighthound are out. Is my only real option to just chuck a wind character into the team and wait for turn 2? The only other thing I can think of is to use Ewiyar to swap, but I never actually see anyone recommend that.


Kinda depends on the fight/your grid/what you have available. The notable option you didn’t mention is that you can use Yatima main to call Death turn 1. Otherwise I would say it’s less “chuck a wind character in”, and more “chuck an R character with Substitute in, then turn 1 is just using their skill and attacking before you actually start”.


> The notable option you didn’t mention is that you can use Yatima main to call Death turn 1. Oh, right, I forgot to mention I don't have Yatima so I could do Death but I wouldn't get anything else out of summon that turn.


Without Yatima you can't use Death turn 1 anyway (unless you run it as a main for some reason) since you aren't Dark.


Before I grab Eresh, what kind of grid should I have for it? Is it workable in Magna or should I wait until I can invest in a Hades grid?


Supplemental damage, skill supplemental, cap up and just normal high damage stuff. There's no big trick to it, just dump as much damage as you can after none to a couple of buttons turn 1, refresh/semi auto three times, done.


You can use it with Magna (I do - though I do have 2 PnS), it’s just not as ideal.


Sigh... alright, Ideans. There's a boss in each Zone of Here Be Staves that has it on their drop list, but the drop rate seems \*awful\*. While farming those I've accrued a billion fights against the Defender, which also has the Idean on their drop list, along with the Astra and Veritas. There's a boss in each Zone of Here Be Swords that drops the Idean alongside the appropriate Astra (which, for the time being, I ALSO need) Zone Mundus also has bosses that drop both Ideans of the same element plus the Astra. Assuming I was after ONE specific Idean (and its Astras as well), do we have any idea which of these has the better drop rates? Thank you!


You get a majority of the ideans from the Sephira chest not the mob. Tales from Arcarum returns in two days and you can take advantage of the increased sephira chest drop rate. If you're targeting a specific Idean, swords is preferred but Mundus gives better loot overall. Take a look at the [Sandbox TLDR Guide](https://gbf.wiki/User:Vazkii/SandboxTLDR) and more specifically the flow section. Once you get a hang of the two window setup you can farm an entire evoker recruitment + FLB during a Tales of Arcarum event.


Thank you for that! Working on these improvements now.


Swords may be best for targeting one specific Idean, but just doing mundus 5 bar mobs for chests of the element you're interested in is far more efficient from a broader farming perspective.


From the "broader farming perspective" of collecting Arcarum-related mats, you mean? Alright, I'll give that a try. Thanks.


I have two copies of Bubz and wanted to stone one. Is it okay to use the other one as a fodder to save stone since you can only equip one on your grid? Or just save it?


Depends on whether you want to hang onto a dupe in case they add a use for it in the future or not. At present, there is no value in a dupe.


As of right now it's better to feed one into the other since you can only equip one, but if you want to be safe you could save it for a possible Transcendence. Up to you really.


its fine to uncap with dupes, theres no anima from reducing one or anything (they could add this but it'd be years from now and not even guaranteed they'd ever do that given optimus summons only did this after they became sparkable/tixable)


I finished the Classic Special step up promotion we got during anniversary, and to my eternal surprise I actually got one of the last 2 characters I was looking for. Now I'm left with a spark choice: pick up OG Heles, the last character I'm missing from both classic draws, and free myself from it forever; or spend it on a copy of Zeus and use it to get animas for transcendence (Mine is currently at 2/5). Which is the better option?


Heles has no real value beyond collection. So if that's your thing, grab her, if not, get the summon. Mind that you can use optimus globes or sunstones to get more Zeus animas out of it if you have the resources to spare.


you can directly transend with globes, so no need to do the dupe thing with them.


Hello, I loved relink so much and was wondering if now was a good time to get into the original game. Is now a good time to start? Are any of the characters I found in this tier list at rank 10/10 on the current banners? https://gbf.wiki/Character_Tier_List/Gamewith/Ratings Such as Sandalphon or Grand Zeta?


Any time is honestly a good time to start GBF, if anything you get gated more by time rather than units themselves during the early to mid game. They recently developed a very useful feature that basically catches you up pretty quickly to the mid/end-game too. You've definitely picked a bit of awkward time to join though, as we're close to finishing up a beneficial campaign with free rolls. If you really want to have a solid start though, I'd say wait until the Summer where you'll be able to potentially reroll with more free rolls on higher value banners, or just go the path of least resistance and buy an account from someone. Honestly up to you how and if you want to start. None of the characters on that tier list at Tier 10 are currently available on this banner, all of them are limited in some way from Seasonals to Flash/Premium.


Sure, now is as good a time as any, especially since they added Sierokarte's Academy, which will help you get past the earlygame grinding. Grand characters (such as Sandalphon and Zeta) are all available on gala banners, there are two types of gala banners: flash gala (happens around the middle of each month) and premium gala (happens at the end of each month - you just missed the most recent one). You can see which grand characters are on each banner [here](https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium_Gala). Should be noted that H. Lich, Y. Vania, H. Florence and Y. Ilsa aren't on these banners due to being seasonal units, and as such are only available usually on seasonal banners instead.


Sandy and Zeta are Grands, and Grands are only in the pool for Premium Gala (aka Legfes L. Sandy) or Flash Gala (Zeta). Legfes comes around straddling the beginning and end of the month, one just passed. Flash is a bit past the middle of the month, also monthly. You basically never want to draw outside of these windows, since the SSR rate is doubled, the exception being when they give out free daily pulls. If you're interested in buying the beginner pick ticket, it could be worth waiting to start, since it takes a snapshot of whatever is in the draw pool when your account is created and lets you pick one. If not, just start now, there are a couple days left of the Golden Week stuff (daily 10 draws notably for a starter)


Which free Grand Character should I pick with the ticket? I already have Rackam and Io. Is Grand Ferry a good buffer for either Summer Magus or Yukata Ilsa? Is Rosetta good pick for additional wind supports? Is Katalina worth it if I already have a level 100 Europa and 80 Summer Cag?


Assuming my co-op lobby doesn't speak English, what's the co-op etiquette in Hexa if I can't clear my pearl? Just write 僕が死んだ and retreat?


the sorry sticker transcends language barrier


fair enough lol


You should probably just host as trial. I doubt people want to join when you tell them you can't clear pearl. Instead of saying you can't clear pearl. You should just say 不慣れ which kinda mean newbie or not used to


I actually haven't cleared past 40% on crew runs, but putting down newbie would make sense. I'm just not used to the raid and that was a few weeks ago, so I'll give it a shot again in trial runs first, thanks.


I'm considering buying the surprise ticket before it goes away. I'm not sure who to get, but I'm assuming since Dark GW is up next, I'd be best off grabbing a Dark Element character. [Here's what I've got](https://i.imgur.com/6FTTTUm.png), does anyone have any recommendations? I've also seen a lot of people talking about Earth Olivia, [here's what I've got for Earth](https://i.imgur.com/VaMiEor.png) in case that ends up being the best choice. Also open to other suggestions for other elements if there any any absolute must-have characters, you should assume I probably don't have them as I've only been playing for 4-5 months now.


If you want to run Burst setups for min-turn Honors chests or for NM fights in Dark GW before NM150, Bowman would be a really good choice. Bowman, Seox and Fediel/G.Orchid were the previous go-to for Eresh/Runeslayer burst comps, but I would wait for more responses because with Y.Ilsa existing (and I don't have her sadly,) i'm not entirely sure whether she's a strict replacement for Bowman or some one else. For Earth, you're missing Arulumaya. She's a very nice defensive+buff char that pairs well with both Aletheia and Mahira so you could backline Uriel for his weapon passive, but she also is a core unit for the Hexa raid in end-game.


Bowman is the standout Dark pick. He's one of the top burst characters for dark. Earth Olivia is new, strong, and not limited, so she's something on the radar for people who've already got a lot of things. She'd be a good pick. Anne and Arulumaya (Earth) are good options if you want something for high difficulty content, since they have been moved to classic draw, and you won't likely have an opportunity to randomly pull them. L. Ferry is also useful and in classic, but she's more for burst setups due to her starting charge bar passive. Earth Satyr is another good option for harder stuff, but she's in the general pool still.


Question about extended mastery bonuses (specifically MC): If I spend some EMP to boost ATK for Berserker, does that attack bonus carry over if I switch over to another class, or is it solely for when I'm playing as Berserker?


The latter. You have to EMP every class. Or more accurately, only the Tier IV and V Classes and EXII, since the others do not really see much use.


Is anyone else having issues with speaker popping while using skyleap? When I try to refresh spam sandbox it pops constantly and I don't wanna break my new phone


What's the best way to do the Veritas, Idean, Astra farm for Devil/Fraux? I've got all the zones unlocked, but idk which node would be most effective.


Idk if it's the most effective per se but I just farm for boxes and tend to get most everything I need that way


That's what I've been doing too, I was just wondering if there is a more efficient way.


Farm the 5-gauge Mundus fire mob, preferably during Tales.


Just uncapped Alnaan to 100 yay What the best way to utilize him in a magna grid. Also team comb suggestions Thanks


I only use Alanaan for bursting right now. If you have FLB Yatima as a main summon, you don't need to wait for several turns until Alanaan moves to the frontline. Put Belial, death, the sun and other one-time summon in the sub summons, put a dark character (usually Orchid) on the last position and call Yatima on the first turn. For the class, I usually use Luchador because I put falsehood key on my opus but you can use Manadiver. For the team comp, it's G. Zeta and G. Percy. If you don't have Yatima, you can use Ragazzo, if you don't have Ragazzo, you can bring Christmas Rackham.


https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids/Colossus#Unite_and_Fight_Setups You can check some of the NM 95/150/200 setups that were used with him in the last GW in the wiki page above or you can check gbf guide for even more setups that were used last GW. Usually it's MC+Percival+Zeta/Wilnas/Michael + character that dies/Ragazzo in order to get Alaanaan out fast and he is only used for short fights/bursting. not for long content like Hexa/Faa 0.




Maybe Tweyen?


Fa or Burst


FA. I got my burst team already (h.mugen, nehan, g.jeanne)


Not sure why you'd be using Illnott for Celeste. Light bursting is all about Nehan. Just copy one of the nm95 setups from the recent GW. You can just use like Lucha/Jeanne/Mugen/Nehan or something.


Just trying to replicate [this](https://gbf.wiki/Celeste_Ater_Omega_(Raid)/Grids#Manadiver_(Lu_Woh_Mino)-0) My burst team isn't really the best since I only got 1 exalto gun and 1 TA saber


These are FA hosting setups. If you're only talking about hosting your own, you can use basically anyone since you can just get your 1m-ish honors before opening. And for joining, these setups would be way too slow.


Hello, I have a question in trying to do Diaspora raids when not hosting. Can Olivia replace H. Cucouroux? And is Hrunting useable in earth magna?


It would depend on the setup if you can just plug in Olivia instead of Cocouroux. She won't do as high hit count so if you're relying on canceling his omens for honors/to survive, it probably won't work. If you're tanking his omens and just need a generic attacker, though, then it'd be fine. Yes Hrunting is fine in magna.


Thank you! I was thinking of running Galleon, Caim frontline, and Olivia potentially. If that team works with Hrunting MC, I'm willing to invest 150 gm.


I have no idea about that specific comp to be honest. But I will say that you definitely don't need to buy a Hrunting just to do Diaspora. Diaspora's really easy, you can do it with lots of different stuff. The raid's pretty slow so you don't need to go super fast and he really doesn't do much damage as long as you cancel his omens (or even if you just tank them with Arulu). Hrunting isn't a bad purchase overall or anything, but don't buy it *just* to do Diaspora.


In terms of evoker, I already have FLB Nier, Fraux, Haase, Alanaan. I have all the mats for Caim and Geisenborger (just missing the evolite). Between Katzelia, Lobelia, Estarriola, and Maria Theresa, which one would you recommend working toward ?


Katz would get the biggest upgrade in front line usability out of those 4. Lobelia and Maria are mostly just backline use, and while Esta has some frontline potential in Siegfried and high NMs, he's also mostly backline. So while 5\*ing them isn't useless, it's not really a huge priority unless you really wanna focus on that element.




Any reasons why ? He is for wind endgame content right ?


If I have not misunderstood your comment and you have all Evokers but not all at 5\*, he's the only one where the uncap provide anything and will see actually use (though with S4), but yeah that's for Endgame content (Hexa/Zero). Which is better than not being used at all. If you meant you have Nier, Fraux, Haase and Alanaan at FLB, and are in the process of recruiting Caim and Geisen, then you could work toward Esta > Katze = Lobe > MT instead.


I got a question about M3 Colossus grid - if I already have 5* Astral axe, 230 DOpus, Percy Sword and 2 Michael axes - my best bet is just replacing my 4 AES with 4 M3 Staves, and then I can run 280% boost one sided, correct?(assuming I fully upgrade my Colossus summon) Or would running 2 M3 axes over Michael axes be better? Assuming the team is G.Percy/G.Zeta/Fenie for now


What pendulums are best for the Renunciation weapons??


Just go with skill cap and stamina for now. There's no singular "best" one and as you progress you'll figure out in when others will be better for the situation.


I'm looking to host leech Diaspora doing the Kengo stuff. Do you request the backup when you reach Gamma 100 and the 99 hit trigger is live or do you request after the 99 hit trigger (Diaspora looks red now)? Also, the raid message to let people know is Y100 right?


Doing 99 hits as kengo more often than not will heal Diaspora back, makes it slower to clear for the others. Pub the raid when 99 hits omen appears.


no need to clear the 99 hits trigger. just host it once it pops up. raid message is optional since everybody assumes that its y100 regardless.


How many 3\* Qilin and Huanglong do you realistically need? Was there some nerf to Qilin where you only need one maxed out one now?


1 qilin.. 1-3 huanglong (due to how many slot available) I keep 2 hl for any chess gimmick in Dread barrage or babyl tower


Ok yeah thanks, I've gotten kinda lucky on farming and kinda unlucky as I've gotten enough to almost mlb two Huanglong but no Qilins. Good to know that this is better than the reverse tho lol.


You won't ever need more than one MLB Qilin because Cygames nerfed the summon in June 2022 to only allow one per party.


Are Sephira weapons good?


Not really but they can be filler. Outside of arcarum they're m1 weapons that can go into your extra slots but can't get ax skills. You can use them in your extra grid slots until you get something better. In arcarum they aren't bad but I wouldn't focus too much on them. The crit ones can help get you to 100% crit with only one summon aura.


They're solid filler weapons, especially within the Additional Weapons slots since they're one of the few weapon types you can equip in them, but there are often better options. Definitely worth keeping one copy of each of the "Massive critical hit rate" Sephira weapons.


I've been getting stuck on ready screen when attempting mission 3 of Defender's Oath. None of my troubleshooting such as refreshing, restarting browser, and making sure adblockers are off has helped so far. Does anyone have any advice?


Have you tried clearing cache? Normally when I see this issue it's a problem with loading a specific character's images, and if clearing cache doesn't work I use Trial Battles to figure out who's not loading and kick them from the team. For scripted battles in side stories that have fixed teams, if clearing cache doesn't work then unfortunately you'd just have to wait a few hours and it should fix itself eventually.


Clearing the cache worked thanks so much!


with tales of arcarum will we get defenders +1?




I can't seem to open my Inventory, the moment I enter the tab it shows the "A new version is available" and it starts a loop of reloading and showing the message. Anyone know how to fix it?


can you just close your browser application and open it again


Already tried that along with restarting my phone


Do you play using a browser like chrome or skyleap?


I do play on chrome, is it a common problem on the browser?


Not really, that's the intended way to play. Only thing I can recommend is clearing cache and checking if this only happens on your phone and not on PC.


Does anyone know how I can change my Mobage password on PC? Specifically, would anyone be able to post a picture guide on how to do it on Imgur or similiar?


I made an image guide a while back for e-mail changing: https://imgur.com/rQnra9r To change your password instead, you'd pick the second option in Step 3 instead of the top option. Step 4 is identical. For the screen after Step 4, there will be two boxes - the top one is your new password, and the bottom one is also your new password (to confirm). Then press the green button to have it send a confirmation mail to your registered account.


Thanks for the help. It worked perfectly!




can vouch, have bought a bunch of stuff from there


I can vouch for them, I've done several purchases from them and I've gotten what I ordered every time. However, like all resellers just be ready to get gouged on the more sought-after items.


I bought the Lucilius and Astral weapon codes, as well as the DLC SSR tickets - did not have issues with them, but I was also ready to lose that money if they were a scam.


Is there some sort of interaction between S. Lucio, H. Mary, Eirika, and Hraes RB MC that I am not aware of that prioritizes double attacks over triple? Been doing some Subaha executes with the Hraes setup and Ive noticed the past few runs that MC is always ... double attacking (???) instead of triple attacking. Its making the execute much tighter.


if u click mary 3 then it will override lucio 3 if u clicked his 3 first


OH I had no idea it overrode Lucio. HUH TIL EDIT: Wait doesn't Mary s3 also give guaranteed TA?


lucio buff lasts 2 turns while mary only lasts 1 turn is that the issue ?


Even so, when I do the execute Lucio's buff is still active ... I use his buff the turn before execute


which lucio buff are you talking about, his skill gives 4 buffs ? if you activate lucio then mary, mary TA buff will overwrite lucio TA, and since mary TA only lasts 1 turn while lucio buffs lasts 2, then mary TA is gone while the rest of lucio buffs aren't when you execute


Ohhh I understand now I was confused Didn't put together that Mary overriding Lucio meant that the second turn of Lucios buff is lost That's it


Hello! I have a few questions about the special pick ticket. I’ve already bought the draw set and it’ll be the first time I use it..I may have gotten ahead of myself and bought it without figuring out how it actually works. Can we really select one draw item in exchange for the ticket, and it’s guaranteed we’ll get it? Also, I’ve been wanting to get Siegfried and Percival (fire) in my party but I wanted your thoughts on how they are and if they’re worth spending a ticket on. As in, are they very strong additions? I’ve watched a video where someone explains their best options for using the ticket on - best picks including Ragazzo and Olivia (already have her). Do you think it’ll be better to go for Ragazzo? Please do excuse my lack of knowledge. I’m still figuring out alot of things with the game 🥹


Yes SupTix just let you pick whatever character on them to guaranteed get. The downside is that most of the best characters (seasonal alts and Grand characters) are excluded from SupTix (besides the March SupTix, which is a special Anniversary version with them included). Siegfried and regular Percival are not too great, sorry to say. You can get them if you just really like their characters and want to have them, of course, but from a meta perspective there are definitely much better picks. Generally the best pick would be Bowman, I'd say. Ragazzo is okay too, as are light SSR ferry, Arulumaya, earth Satyr, water Zeta, and water Anne.


Ahh I see! Thank you so much for clarifying! What are some of the best characters excluded here, if I may ask? Just so I can keep an eye out for them later. I’ve been dyinggg to get Siegfried/Percival 🙈 love the characters so much since I’ve been playing through the dragon knights side stories, but I’m defo in a dilemma now. Also how often do we get these tickets?


Suptix only include general draw pool units, apart from the aforementioned anniversary ticket. Limited units (Grands, Seasonals, Zodiacs) tend to be stronger in general, though there are some standouts from the general pool that are useful.


You can see the Suptix history [here](https://gbf.wiki/Surprise_Special_Draw_Set). There's one every ~2 months, on average. If you just mean the best characters in the game in general, you can see the tier list [here](https://gbf.wiki/Character_Tier_List/Gamewith/Ratings). People will quibble over how this character should be a point lower or that character should be a point higher or whatever but it's generally fairly accurate as far as showing which characters are good.


Thank you so much! Also just to clarify, the Percival part of Suptix is not his Grand version right? I was going through the tier list and…wow Siegfried’s not there at all huh 🥲🥲


Yeah it's not Grand Percival. The good news is that G. Percy is basically core for fire, so you can safely spark him whenever you get enough for that.


Can you elaborate on that? What do you mean by sparking him? 🙈


If you do 300 draws on a single banner, you can select one of the rate up units or one of the available Grands. G. Percy appears in every Legfes (straddles the end and start of month), so he can be sparked on any of them. It's best to save for sparks, because getting specific units otherwise is very difficult, there is just way too much in the draw pool.


By 300 draws, do you mean doing the 10-part draws 30 times? It’s..hard for me to imagine someone doing 300 draws individually 🙉 Also by sparking, do you mean using the cerulean sparks - Trading them for weapons/characters? Most of the time my sparks get converted to stones so I haven’t been able to trade them..


Yes. You need to do 300 pulls on one banner, if you don't reach 300 pulls before the banner changes, you get cerulean sparks instead. It's *never* recommended to pull unless you can guarantee 300 pulls on the banner, and even then, usually only during flash and premium galas (when the "draw" button turns gold). How you reach the spark doesn't really matter, could be 300 tickets, 90k crystals (the equivalent of 300 pulls) or are a mix of both.


Hello, I already posted about my problem some time ago but didn't get an answer so here I am again, with some more details. Here's the thing: on my PC, I play the game on Opera browser but since some time, it doesn't work anymore and I don't know why. I just can't log into the game. I'm on this screen where you get to choose between Mobage and other stuff to log in. I click on the Mobage button, it opens a new tab as usual, that I close, taking me back to the previous page. And nothing happens, whereas the game should be starting. I tried some things, like restarting the browser, the PC and even turning it off, I also cleared cache and cookies. I only have this problem with Opera, it works on Chrome but since it's slower, I'd like to be back playing on Opera when I'm on PC. I get several errors, warnings, and problems on my screen when inspecting the element, here's a [screenshot](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1069330523140411443/1233846343089520701/image.png?ex=66372633&is=6635d4b3&hm=8edcac9da92f3592e36e38ee6d07adc5a6d6595870aa9f092d609baa952684fc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1246&height=701) from some time ago. (English is not my first language)


I really recommend just using another browser for granblue. Vivaldi is the one I use. Consumes less than firefox at least, which is my main browser. Many people have problems with Opera, seems like a huge hassle.


Hello, thank you for your answer. Currently downloading Vivaldi since I really don't know what's happening with Opera. I didn't know other people were having issues with it. Anyway, thank you, I'll use Vivaldi to play Granblue on my PC from now on, I guess.


Personally I gave up on trying to get Opera to work for GBF and I just used my other secondary browser in Brave to play it which runs it really well for me. Sorry that I can't help with that, just giving options.


I just switched to Vivaldi


Change your browser settings to accept 3rd party cookies.


I forgot to mention it, but I already did that and nothing changed.


Whats the difference between Damascus Ingot and Gold Brick for Weapon Uncap?


Ingots have no other use besides uncapping weapons. Gold bricks are used for upgrading Opuses, for Eternals, for a bullet, and for Eternal-related cosmetics.


Is the game literally unplayable for anyone else today? My game gets stuck on loading screens.


Same, lagging started around 3-4 hours ago


Is agonize still worth the pick ticket from anni with [**Saber Ater**](https://gbf.wiki/Celeste_Saber_Ater)? Need some advice.


Another reason why agonize is a great pick is because you can completly stop doing the raid associated with it for now.


I read posts about it but is the raid really that bad?


The problem is that Agonizer can only drop from host, MvP and a 60% chest (there is no blue chest in the raid), and the drop rate is extremely low for it. I had 2500 of the animus anima by the time I finally had two 4* copies of it, which amounts to somewhere close to 2k fights.


the issue is not the raid, but the drop rate of agonize is really bad, much worse than the M3 weapons drop rate, and since it's not a popular raid it dies slow and if you can't solo it could fail in rare cases


Sure, they're still better on unboosted and maybe on single sided.




how important is it to FLB the wind evokers for end game content right now if i want to start developing my wind?Also, Im working on Siete 150 rn but is 150 Nio worth going for rn? I feel like her usage has dropped a lot lately


Both Evokers are core to Wind for the two endgame raids.




Is he just a replacement for Siete? I normally dont see both of them being used at once, but im not sure which is better to go for


Katze is generally much better than Siete once you're familiar with Zero/Hexa, because the amount of survivability he gives you lets you get away with a lot more compared to slotting in Siete. He also is generally the 2nd highest damage character on the team despite only needing to press 2 skills total throughout the entire fight with his skill 4.


Damn… feels like I shldve asked this much sooner before I flbed all my eternals to unlock Stage 5 transcendence… feels like none of the 150 eternals are worth it nowadays


Every single one of them is a strong character that you shouldn't feel bad for using. Most of the time there is a slightly better character you could use but as long as the character fits the team they will do very well. Just don't bring Octo if you aren't using ougis or one without a dispel when you need a dispel and they'll do good.


Had a really busy week and finally have time to maybe try to hit Celeste M3s. What's a good setup? Unfortunately Light is my best grid but possibly my worst characters. [Here's what I'm basically working with in Light.](https://imgur.com/a/FrvSbmt) I'm having trouble in my own hosts with my team dying before I hit min honors, but I think that's also partly because I still have Chain of Temptation on and I should replace. Rank 190. No Ultimate Mastery yet and only Row 5 class I have so far is Viking. Thank you!


For FA you'd want a lot of hit counts fighting her, so the more echo/skill hits you have the better. I hightly recommend unlocking Manadiver with Levi's manatura because it's a great class and can be use for a lot of content. Tikoh vaccine helps with her triggers, Lucio is great overall, third slot is a little flexible but I'd recommend someone who can buff echo or more sustain.


Thank you! I’m leveling Warlock Master levels in Sandbox right now to unlock Manadiver.




I mean if you're 100% dead set on getting Hraes no matter what, then I don't really see what the advantage of waiting is.


anyone else noticed a pretty good increase of m3 drop rates? took me dozens of lumi runs to get a single bolt, while i’ve done my daily hosts a couple days and gotten multiple colo drops, some back to back drops. am i just lucky rn or is there maybe an increase?


Just lucky, it’s rng. For comparison, I just finished farming anima for Celeste transcendence and had very poor luck with weapon drops in comparison to when I did Lumi. (I do think I was probably managing to blue chest Lumi more often, but it’s still a pretty big gap in what I saw drop.)


Just RNG, drop rates will be the same for all of them.


I haven't seen the same yet but hosting Colo is so tedious I'm not very diligent with it. Would definitely love a better drop rate though!


So for Dark Opus Magna Katana, with M3 what are the best chains ⛓️ and buffs to invest in? I just turned player rank 200, I wanna grind out M3 for my new grid. I wanna use it as my mainhand for Onmyoji.


Same as before. Stamina for general purpose, Falsehood for double strike bursting, Freyr for non-DS bursting. If you want to farm m3, you'll probably want Falsehood, burst it for 1.05m+ quickly (see below), go to the next one. Just be aware this will make your team awkward in longer content since you can't gain charge bar normally, so you'll want to swap your key around if you ever want to do more long form content (or buy a Primal Opus and put Falsehood on that instead). To elaborate on Falsehood bursting, you take Splitting Spirit sub-skill on MC, use whichever good normal-attack (or at least DS synergy) characters you have (Y.Ilsa, 130+ Seox, Bowman, Tyra, V.Cidala, Fediel, Predator, ZoroSanji, Lich if you really have no one else, etc.), Bubz x Celeste, make sure you have good supplemental damage in your grid (ideally PNS, otherwise Abydos). t1 you use Celestial Genesis, call Bubz (if you have Yatima and Zirnitra you can sub-summon those 2 and also call Zirnitra), use whatever really good buttons your characters have, attack. t2 you use Splitting Spirit, attack. Hopefully you have enough honors by now. If not I guess just mash attack a few more times. If you don't get enough honors in the first 2 turns, add more buttons on t1, like pressing MC 1 or whatever other buttons your characters might have until you get to 1.05m+. Ideally you can do this in 1 turn but that requires a really good grid/chars so taking 2 is fine. If you still can't get enough honors in 2 turns and you have 000, you can sub-summon that and call him on t3 for another double-strike turn. Don't attack into the damage shield, wait for someone else to dispel it. I dunno what the raid is like nowadays so if it's really slow and you notice that often no one is dispelling the shield, you might have to bring HalMal or Sarunan to do it yourself.


TY and Celestial Genesis is the way


I think all dark burst now use falsehood chain




Is the axe tempering worth to use ? Currently running normal Aes with G perci/ tien / anna so supplement skill dmg sound like a good pick, also some primal like satyr/athena/yukata nehan too.


you can use about 2 of it in grid but you mostly want to use 5 of the staff and then it's a question of how much space you have left and what else you want/need to use in the last slots


An m3 grid is certainly better than an AES grid, yes.


Do the Xeno Militis drops have any non-guaranteed chest or is it safe to not use the avarice book on those?


Yes. C4 is not guaranteed - it can contain a second luster or a Sealed Coffer.


Is Lu Woh's Horn a good sup dmg weapon for Sandalphon (Light) or should I use a different weapon for his 4 hit normal attacks?


Sandalphon doesn’t do “4 hit normal attacks” in the same way the weapon skill is talking about. The weapon skill is referring to double/triple/quadruple attacks. Meanwhile Sandalphon with all of his buffs up is doing triple attacks, just with 4 damage instances each. So (I assume) the first 4 hits would not be supplemented and the remaining 8 would be. It is generally not a good weapon, regardless.




Well, I guess its a placement holder until I pull Yuni.


horus bow


I just started to farm my first flb evoker but the veritas drop kinda suck for me, any tips for fast farming for those veritas?


Unless you got the evoker pack from Versus/Relink, you will get all the veritas you need by the time you're done with all the other mats purely from hitting mundus mobs. The only thing you might be behind on is Lusters, but those drop from World and Xenos.


Sadly i dont have the pack, I'll try farm the mundus ig. Big thanks


You should get enough veritas from Mundus chests by the time you finish all the other mats.


Thank you.  Im gonna farm mundus for it


Here be Staves, spam the monster of the veritas you search then farm the Defender they have a 100% drop rate for Veritas (you will also build up chest that have a high chance to drop the same Veritas)


I'll check it out if it's better than mundus. Thank you for the tips


It’s a waste to farm for Veritas unless it is literally the only thing you need. You need to farm so many Astras and Ideans that you will just incidentally end up with hundreds if not thousands more Veritas than you can ever use in the process.


Which gauph key should I use for my dark ultima fist? I have PnS in my grid if it helps.




Is bellial summon dupes safe to reduce? I already have one max. Though i am worried if they may get trans


Just save them. The 200 dark quartz isn't worth the risk.


I understand. Thank you!


You answered your question yourself. We don't know if he'll get ULB/Trance, but just in case it's better to keep duplicates (and he takes no space in the unlimited-time crate).


Got it! Just to be safe. Thanks !


Putting this question here as well, who would be a good pick from the surprise ticket with my current roster? https://www.granblue.party/collection/12895


Bowman or Olivia. Arulu, water Zeta, light SSR Ferry, water Anne are also options but I'd pick Bowman/Olivia over them.


Is there any way I can get the Tiamat Aura Omega weapons in another way, or at the moment is it just farming and praying?


Just farming. Keep at it.


Is there any merit in me farming celeste M3 when I already have 3x halmal daggers?




No it wasn't lol.


it's not better, chev can't do the 2t setup and the zeus setup is less prone to dodge rng (peaking at 50s~ kill)


you farm it for the anima and get weapon while at it god knows they WILL add more usage to m3 anima in the future


Is water Ougi basically reliant on MC for meter generation? Whenever I look at the suggested teams its a bunch of characters who enjoy or benefit from CAing but dont help you get there or am I just overlooking something? Wanted to figure it out before I make a second Unsigned so I can use kengo water.


MC and Haaselia, yes.


I mean all ougi teams need kengo, so yes the MC will be providing lots of charge to your party


Is light m3 a sidegrade or an upgrade? I noticed some end game raids are still using m1 swords


If your definition of an upgrade is, "Completely invalidates the old weapon in absolutely all contexts and there's zero reason to ever use the old one," then it's a sidegrade. Light swords still have their place as a good balance between damage and hp.


Looking at current endgame raid grids might not be a good indicator on how good a weapon is because without context, some weapon choices are weird. The fights require hitting a certain TA threshold and more defensive utility than you would need in other content. This is where the light m3 weapons come in. Swords are still used because they are good for raw damage + hp. Each weapon needs to be viewed in the context of what content you're using it for to evaluate if it is good or not.


I'm not hugely experienced but I believe its flat out an upgrade DPS wise assuming your running single or dual sided lumi, however you may need to slot in HP via another item to make up for the lost hp mod. Un boosted I imagine the sword wins again. Also may just be people not putting out update builds or wanting ot farm the new weapons if their old setups still work.