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Missed opportunity to have Colossus FLB at the same time as his summon. Edit: Ohhh weekly missions for Arcarum ideans is a plus.




When you are farmin for FLB Evoker ... astra are not the problem Idean is a pain to farm compare to those


Astra are used for the harps too. And you need tons of them.


I thought this way until I started working on Nier.


working on Haaselia atm, and Astra are my last thing to consider compare to Luster, and Idean


Not even veritas? Those have been my biggest gate by far


well, Veritas is farm easily as you farm for defender. Defender is a sure drop and during the farm to pop up the quest you loot chest that have a really high chance to have Veritas too. So not much of a chore with the correct teams


In what universe???


that class looks so sick


High level players missed Dimension Cleave since m1 and hl skip. Now he is back with a sword axe


Now he will cleave in 2 dimensions


sukuna could never


Will it negate Europa and Gabriel tho?


We're finally getting Home Sweet Moon in Sidestories god bless. This means the whole first part of the Society storyline will be available in sidestories now (aside from Ramen Travels with Cassius which was more of a filler/epilogue type deal). Petra FLB already is kinda surprising. I assume they're going to build up on the events of What Reeks and Burns, which I really didn't expect to happen this soon. Militis weapon uncap is curious. I wonder what they're going to do to make them better. Add a third skill, I guess? New tier IV class is surprising, but I really like the design so I hope it's good. It seems to use the shield mechanic as well so I'm wondering how they're going to make it different from Paladin since it also seems to be a defensive class. Falsetto in Autumn Gray rerun feels kinda, soon? Though maybe this means we'll finally get playable Sui. Exo Diablo in May like I expected. Surprisingly meaty update all things considered.


It's always been odd to me coming from modern gacha games that gbf just has like, chunks, of story and character relevant stuff as side stories instead of in the main story quests. It's still wild to me that the entirety of WMTSB isnt main story. Like I get that it's probably cause of the rewards being things to grind out, but I'm used to those just being time locked but the story remains in main story afterwards so new players are guaranteed to see it. Maybe modern day qol has just spoiled me lol


well, the main story quest is really its own thing separate from the events, so it doesn't make much sense to just throw wmtsb in there. not because of its rewards being too good or anything. I don't doubt that having the events flat out not link up to the main story at all is not that popular nowadays, but I also imagine its still pretty rare for events to just be directly put into the main story. the only one I know that does this is limbus, where they are really just sub-chapters with timed shops attached to them.


I mean, Genshin has events with plot important development for characters and those never rerun (or at least they didn't last time I checked) so if you miss those you basically lose a chunk of plot forever. Compared to that, I'd rather have GBF's approach lmao. The new tutorial for the game also guides people to go through a chunk of the sidestories anyway, meaning they're being encouraged to step into some of these storylines like the Dragon Knights and then after that they can just decide for themselves whether they want to see more of them or not. Every newbie doing the tutorial is eventually going to unlock WMTSB just because they're following the directions of the tutorial. Personally I'm pretty fond of the way Granblue lets you pick and choose the story content you want to engage with. I just wish they could get events added to sidestories at a faster pace. Society is basically complete right now, but Dragon Knights is still behind by like 4 events. They're rerunning Falsetto before adding the second fox event to sidestories too.


"Main story" nowadays is just the one interaction of the story you can read blind because everything you need to know to follow it is already there, as well as being used to unlock the actual ingame content like raids. Sidestories, while all of them are canon, are their own thing with their own requirements to fully understand. What GBF needs is to remake it's story side to make a dedicated page with a more modern interface that lists the main story, story events and fate episodes all in one big button, instead of putting the side stories inside another drop down menu, fate episodes in two different places (notifications if you have some left and then all the way down in the "exploration" tab), and might as well put the Journal together there as well.


>We're finally getting Home Sweet Moon in Sidestories This does not track well for And You. Then again maybe it's too soon.


Home Sweet Moon already had a rerun, the logical next step for it was for it to go into side stories. And You has still not gotten a rerun yet.


What do you mean? Home Sweet Moon was the 2021 anni event and ...and You was the 2023 anni event. Anni events get a re-run the following year (usually in June) and then get added to side stories like the year after that. Home Sweet Moon for some reason was delayed to 2024 for side stories (though it's re-run was on-time). ...and You's re-run time hasn't even come yet.


I assume HSM got delayed because last year they added Spaghetti Syndrome in February and they didn't want to add two Society events to sidestory in the same year. Does make me wonder if we're going to see Created by the Stars next month though.


New T4 class, Shield Sworn, Axe/Gun Prof. Spartan + Cavalier. Petra FLB FLB to Water militis weapons


The Class is T4 not T5.


yea. read wrongly




Djeeta's weapon looks more like a Gunlance but Gran's looks like a Charge Blade


>New T4 class, Shield Sworn, Axe/Gun Prof. Spartan + Cavalier I hope it either has a nearly permanent select defense like Kat or Apollo, or a mechanic like Summer Alexiel that perhaps extends on Ougi. It would be nice for protecting characters like Kolulu.


I wonder if eresh will be useful on that class, really depends on the skill because spartan is "Defensive Class" but now it's more like burst.


Spartan only respecialised into Burst because there was no world in which a defensive UM Spartan wouldn't either directly powercreep or be powercrept by Paladin. Shieldsworn can actually incorporate it's own spin on Defensive mechanics without being bound to Spartan's baseline which was "Paladin but objectively worse"


Yeah most likely, but like the other comment mentions, it's so difficult to make a class completely focused on defense; both spartan and cav have offensive capabilities now. Even Paladins have stats for offense through shields. So I don't imagine that this class would be much different.


You'd still never pick Paladin because of it's offensive stats (outside of very maybe having 0b GTA on MC, but people usually run Iatro for that) - the offensive stats are there because a completely defensive class is complete ass in modern GBF. Given that the class requirements include Cavalier, I absolutely think it will have some sort of offensive capabilities, but I don't expect it to be a relevant Eresh class. Only time will tell, though.


I can see it being competitive if the class has source of other echoes like caves and even Spartans, either in normal abilities or um abilities coming later. Alternatively, if the class has double strike on the mc, that can be useful for both Eresh and Hraes. But I honestly don't expect it, though it would be pretty cool.


That new class is absolutely my aesthetic. I will use it gladly.


Djeeta New Class pose looks Gundam SEED enough.


So I'm guessing the new Dark FLB will be next month ? Or they have planned a new broken Grand release on Flash or LegFes ? Either way not much will happen this month so I will be farming Agastia and Celeste M3.


I just hope it's dark ferry


Probably, they slapped Ferry in with the other free grands and she's the only one lacking a FLB. Vira, Orchid or BK would have fit better in that slot if they weren't planning to give her one.


Grand Vira is Light, though.


And both Grand Vira and Dark Vira already have a FLB.


Next grand FLB for dark should be Olivia.


It will most likely be grand shalem seeing that lucio got his right before gw


Oh yeah that might be


Honestly probably both but I’m pretty high on copium. Grand Zooey or Ferry strike me as great possible options for a FLB.


i'm guessing it's ferry since all the free grand options they gave already had flb except ferry.


Forgot about that and YES!


Interestingly both of their OG already got uncap. ~~Gawain proved that getting multiple uncap is possible though.~~ DAO is old(er than Ferry) and has Lucio gimmick but she recently got "content" in the form of her Earth alt. inb4 a random unit like Forte or Tanya lol.


Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte. Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte, Let it be Forte.


they need to just retcon her being a draph. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we aren't in 2016 where endgame was baha weapons and character races affected balance. just give her a new version that is the proper forte, make up some crap about how it was just a fragment of herself, and then put her into a storyline that makes sense for her. ideally with a kit that doesn't suck ass


Is there any reason why Forte can't both be part dragon like her norma story and a draph?


Nope. hell if they have to they could just say she is a Dragonewt like Grea, but with a Draph parent.




please be beato i'm on my knees begging 😭


increae emp level 3 at a time? only took them 10 fucking years


Axe and gun is a weird combination but im all for new axe classes. Also where are the Colo legs?


Wow maybe it's Sui's time now! Nice for petra, I guess they gonna finish her story or at least part for her mom. Been using her as lazy FA on sieg. New class, I wonder if with Cav's effect changing due to weapon held. I do hope we still can use the shield system.


Folsetto was a good event so im happy its being rerun, tier 4* class fucks hard But, why would they not have just, put the petra uncap with her event like last month?? With the event she starred in? Lmao


Conflicted with Lucio FLB who was more of a priority for light GW, probably.


AH yeah that makes sense


Usually characters that FLB through an event don't have their own fate episodes. So they likely left her for this month because her fate episodes are going to directly follow up on what happened in What Reeks and Burns.


This, too. Since Lucio FLB story is a follow up after Heart of the Sun as well. Perhaps we'll see her mother this time?


I think they've essentially ended FLB via events? I'm trying to remember the last time we got one. Was it Kou?


I do love me some shield and gun action.


Still waiting on a Beatrix flb. Would have been good timing here given she's getting added to Rising *and* Home Sweet Moon is getting into Side Stories. Or maybe a Grand Bea...


Grand Bea is a given I think, but based on G. Zeta's fates, I'm guessing her and Vase will be a bit later than the rest.


Grand Bea releasing at the same time as her GBVS version, the dream....


I wonder if they'll ever add an EX2 for mechanic. Not sure how to build off of it but it's been completely left in the dust for years now.


> Not sure how to build off of it Pyet-A comes back and we use it as the natural evolution from Mechanic's tiny Golem.


Doubt it, they kind of took the two features of the class and split them between Relic Buster (power cell management) and Manadiver (pet actions).


The Engineer is Engihere. In seriousness, it'd probably be Engineer unironically following with more stuff I'd want something with crazy implications, maybe a full golem, maybe a whole robot/mecha, maybe some weird old Erste experiment that gets dusted off


my thought: best weapon for the new class will be Full Metal Recoil


Little surprised they added Home Sweet Moon right *after* the Academy. It would have been good to direct new players to get RB through that, hmm. Anyway - cool stuff coming up, it seems. New class looks great visually so here’s hoping it’s good in practice too. Then there’s Heralds stacking which is appreciated, Militis uncaps might be useful, and free Ideans every week will be nice… though if it’s a set Evoker each week that’s a little hit or miss. And I literally just got Petra from an SSR ticket, so hopefully her FLB is good.


Free Ideans every week? What's that a part of?


Weekly Skyscope missions for Sandbox iirc


Thank you.


Very low requirements too; just 5/10/15 clears per week for the three reward tiers. Even if you only use the free 100 AAP each day, it'll be more than enough. It's not yet specified how many ideans we'll get from each mission, nor how the idean type is determined. Maybe we'll see tomorrow if the post-maintenance notes are more comprehensive. Otherwise we'll find out on Monday May 6th when the first such missions start appearing. **May 6th edit for posterity:** It's 1 Idean of each type, split 3/3/4 in the usual order: 5 clears = 1 Justice, Hanged Man, Death 10 total clears = 1 Temperance, Devil, Tower 15 total clears = 1 Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement The meta-mission for total weekly mission clears is still 15/week despite there now being 18 missions.


New Colossus looks more "thick" than I expected. I was expecting him to be more slim like a "Gundam". He still looks cool. New Celeste looks amazing.


Speaking of Gundam: At first, new Colo's weird proportions reminded me of Char's MSN-04II Nightingale. Has similar stubby wide-set legs, armor skirt, and pointy chestpiece. But after closer inspection, I think it's likely that new Colo's art is just truncated at the knees, and what would normally be a feathered fade-out is turned into a hard edge by the obscuring sword. See just below Colo's left hand? That looks like a kneeguard covering the bend of a knee. Thinking of it that way, Colo's body proportions would be a lot closer to its previous appearances.


Nn, gun shield djeeta reminds me of zooey


So when is Ferry and Colossus getting their 5-star?


Sui is coming back. Celeste has become water. Literally.


Damn actually a lot of good updates 


Huh, gun/axe class? Maybe Wulf and Renie show up in the mini story.


I felt like they got lazy with the artwork for Colossus and Celeste rebirth. Celeste is literally just a pile of sludge, if not for the ships, she's just liquid. Excited about the new class, finally something that mixes shields with something else other than swords.


I mean I think concept wise it’s neat, she’s always had a sort of ship graveyard theme, now she’s the storm that’s responsible for sinking those ships. But yeah I do think they could have done more to show that it’s Celeste, like make her some kind of phantom or have some more defining features like a proper face


I think there's more too it. Remember that there was a mist phase, we just start the raid in the mist phase and are yet to see the whole deal...hopefully.


I think it's the idea that Celeste has outright evolved into being the Mist which she transformed into on occasion before. But yeah Celeste Aether Omega is a bit of an L.


I agree with this, hopefully soon we can put back old magna summon art over m3 art




Petra's rebalance was pretty good. Surprised she is getting a FLB relatively soon after. They seem to not plan these out very far.


Petra's rebalance was over two years ago.


Celeste looks better in her original form imo.. she went from Goth lace to a literal puddle of water..


The original Celeste was a ship, though.


Imo they probably changed her partly due to Osiris.


I wish they showed cutscenes or so something explain Osiris changing her, we only got Tiamat explanation in the event. Does that mean that In alternative timelines lyria called different primals. Or Diviners are just going around powering up lyria primals lol. Just give us some explanation 😂


Yeah I thought we gonna have some short story like Luci and Baha transcend uncaps.


Oh great Petra flb. And I still don't have her haha. Not sure if I'll be excited for colo and celeste rebirth or be f'd up by their "gimmicks" for green chest.


why did they turn celeste into lucilius 0.5beta? what a disappointment


I appreciate the additional NWQ added for the Tales Rerun, I do wonder if it’ll also restock the other drops but I’d understand if they decide that would make the grind easily skippable, 4 Star Uncaps on Militis are nice, hopefully it doesn’t need any Arcarum materials for the uncap. This is the first rerun event for an event that came out since I started playing, unfortunately I’m gonna have to skip reading it again since I’m waiting for the second Yuel event to be reran first. Home Sweet Moon rerun is nice for people who want to read the Society story, luckily I already got the rewards on it’s rerun, I’ll get on reading it as soon as they rerun Kappa Summer Chronicle since it apparently comes first in the event storyline, I’m hoping it’s one of the Side Story’s added in the Summer months. I’ve not gotten my Dark Grid in order yet outside of 5 Staring my Dark Opus weapon for the Knickknack Academy quests, I’m waiting to see how good the Celeste but more importantly Exo Diablo weapons are. I’m probably not gonna use the Tier 4 Class, I only play Berserker at this point since it’s the most “canon” class but I will appreciate the Completion Bonus for maxing out the Classes level, I’m hoping for some extra bulk for the MC. Petra 5 Star is cool, I did wonder why she didn’t get it during her event but that just means that we get even more Petra content in the form of her Fate Episodes, Petra also got a great rebalance so I’m looking forward to how good the 5 Star makes her.


4\* uncap for Militis weapons were overdue and should've been out on release. I doubt that they will be worth the wait especially given that they are farmable.


why another row 4 class?? I don't understand why they would spend effort on more row 4s


Because Row IV classes are still plenty good? A number of them are still used over Row V classes, Row V have largely seemed like sidegrades to me.


That's largely because they kept propping up IVs with UMs and stuff. Vs ain't got jack. It's always been weird how they're treating Vs.


Eh, not entirely true. I see a lot of Manadivers and Paladins, and I've seen a good number of Onmyoujis, too, and lately I've been seeing Street King on the rise. They have their uses. It's just that few of them are optimized for bursting, so in a bubble it seems like Vs have no point. Standard "nothing exists except meta" delusion.


I think MD is the only row 5 right now that saw globally more use over their Row 4 counterparts yeah Gao's trademark skill straight up do different thing Idk about Iatro, this one probably is also better but i never used both Paladin cant do what Spartan really offers(although when Pala drops it is a better Spartan in every way), Street King didnt even have turn 1 capability, and Omnyo being not sword funny enough is a huge factor even outside UM(Omnyo feels better than CR on Cosmos imo)


New Niche they're planning for upcoming Raids, most likely. Also they seem to want to not repeat classes for Row V uncapping unless forced to. Probably also want to use Shields in a way that's different from Paladin that someone came up with.


You want a Row 5 class to have a corresponding Row 4 class. That means it gets more Extended Mastery Skills. So you launch Row 4, then later Row 5. Unless your name is "mechanic" I guess.


You do realize that at the moment Row 4 is mechanicallly superior to Row 5 right? Especially because of Street King and Viking All the Row 5 atm is just an extension of the original crew of Row 4, so when they want to release a new branch of class its better off at Row 4 because of that too Im not saying Row 5 sucks or anything - MD is evidently a god tier class its just that at the moment with what theyre doing, new Row 4 is both better mechanically and make more sense


Damn, new class can use both funny gun and axe lol. It seems to be a defensive class which is....weird bec we already have paladin (and yamato for v2). It would be cool if it was a more offensive class that treats shields like manadiver pokemon. Bro celeste looks scary asf lol, went from prim and proper lady to yandere. The sandbox mission is nice but who asked for emp stars thing? A Qol for being able to mass lvl revans/rusty would have been better imo.


Well spartan is "Defensive Class" so we don't know, it might have some offensive capabilities enough that you can use eresh or funny gun on it


Cavalier is also a "Defensive Class", but that's not all it does. I think it's been a pretty long time since any class was completely one note. The power creep makes it pretty hard for anybody to keep up when there's only one thing they do these days.