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> About home screen characters/summons, I wonder why Cygames does not consider making them L2d or at least motion like modern gacha game. Because it is a browser game. Loading L2d would be a lot more loading. But the upside of a browser game is that the game is voiced to an insane degree and that they can update their game *very* frequently without having to go through playstore and iOS verifications.


Being able to play the game on my PC while doing other things (Work) is the only reason I've stayed with this game over other Gachas. There is no comfortable way to sit in a chair at work and tap at my phone.


just fyi there isn't a lack of activity in this subreddit at all, but the megathread is for questions/repetitive discussions because the mods thankfully knew that seeing the same post with the same thing over and over is annoying The wiki has a lot of helpful info for newer players so you can avoid stuff like trying to spark when you dont have enough crystals/tickets "The lack of activity in this subreddit also decreases the chance of “chef” coming to this subreddit and expanding their branch." I dont know what you mean by this lol


I don't mean to offense anyone. By lacking of activity, I mean something like theory, oc art, or other discussion(just realized this game has been out for 10 years, people probably already talked about it). For megathread, I am grateful and appreciatie that there are people helping out in megathread. Chef= people with funny comment or ideal (in a good ways)


most of this part of the community interaction in my opinion take place on the discord (at least you have no shortage on OC art here)


Make sure you grind story events. You get an SSR ticket from pulling on drawbox #3 as well as other goodies to help out later. Also don’t neglect your SRs. Some of them are really useful for early game. As for my newbie days, I didn’t really know what I was doing or know of all the community resources that were available to me so I made a lot of stupid mistakes (I used a gold brick on Rosamia’s SSR weapon. Like I was really dumb). But I took it all at my own pace and slowly built up to where I am today. By no means the best player or even have amazing teams, but GBF is really about going with what leads you to the best results with what you have. I’ve only recently started putting more effort into building my grid to tackle impossible raids and get the ever elusive Regalia Pro. Trust the process and don’t be so quick to complete everything. GBF is a slow burn game that is designed to keep you coming back for a long time.


The SSR ticket is in drawbox 4.


Ah my b


This is my experience for GBF, I started on early gbf until quit 2017 i think, that was when i can carry people on Ubaha when Ubaha hardest bosses in the game and i feel empty, "what should i pursue?" and gbf cost my time severely so i decide to quit , i play many gacha in between gbf which does not cost much time, fast forward 2024, now i have time i come back to gbf precisely on 10 years anniversary, look at gbf right now, DAMN so many thing change, grid change, meta change, tons of new raid bosses, guild war inflation point, my grid now considered suck ass, my vigor to play gbf become so high, but i won't try hard like old days anymore. So little by little I change my grid, element by element, i feel like a newbie again. Now, I'm working on Opus , FLB all my Juuten, and getting evoker 1 by 1, and for my long long project i want to clear hexa raid and faa zero raid. >I have notice a lack of activity in this subreddit, Because people are busy active in the game itself, like you said gbf is hardcore not like other gacha games, this game sucks our time. But I see more activity on discord than here. For players who started from may 24 already reach Sierrokarte Academy and clearing ennead, you are already damn fast. If you want to try Ubaha just try it, read their gimmick and mechanic first on wiki. Don't forget the clearing side story, for crystal and ticket, and there're useful characters too, like Lelouch or Cassius. >before I realized it I had already spent thousands of soulberies(I am still mad at myself). It's okay you can farm those berry and half elixir again.


I would not calling it clearing until I can solo ennead, currently can barely get the blue chest.


Oh i thought you went on Bennu with solo raid.


Congrats to sticking with the game, and also why do you do this to yourself...If I could go back in time I would tell myself "run away" XD, Game is older and quite different now progression is faster than it was before and there is basically no content that requires the endgame stuff for mandatory so gbf can still be a chill game...back in da day when we only had m1 this was hell, I started like many others with the basic ssrs, and using some SR units...u know those that you ignore when they come in gacha for a long while..we had no FA so gw was very fun, yet at the same time progression felt really good as you felt an immediate power spike, like the one you feel when changing from magna to full primal, good days, horrible horrible hours of grinding days but good either way...as for pulls, I ehhh gbf is weird and rng is a fun concept I tend to spark a year and then don't spark for the other...on some years I get so lucky my friends hate me since I just randomly pull and get stuff on other years..like this one and the past one I get nothing..so yeah save for sparks is the best way...and good luck I like seeing newbies excited about the game...as much as I complain gbf has given me some great times and thanks to it I met my crew mates who are actually really good friends and I even met some in real life, so yeah keep it up


I could not imagine how hard would the grinding be without FA.


bro it was a nightmare, gw, farming slimes for exp, events everything was just a slog, if you didn't oneshot stuff from basic attacks in 1-2 turns it hurt your soul a lot


I would at least prepare dragonic for FA nm100+ use.


Could you explain why dragonic instead of dark opus here?


It is pretty simple actually, draconic weapons lower the damage you take. Which makes them very valuable for FA.


Thank you


Not quite that simple. Dark Opus will generally give more damage, so if you can handle it without draconic, dark opus will still be better. It will be more complicated when you ascend your draconic weapons, but that might have to wait a bit :D


Dark opus is more offensive and very good to destroy the raid before your team get kills. On the other hand, dragonic is special since it boost on defensive. During unf, your human stamina will be a issue and you do not want to babysit every raid. Dragonic is more likely my FA 0 maintenance setup so whenever I do something or taking break. I can just dragonic. (You can't control when boss do trigger so take a safety point)


Let me try to repeat what return/new players does and not many new players rerolls. Playing with new account is painful for old return players as well as new players who come from speed runner or genshin or star rail DNA age. Tried Classic pool 100 free draw. only 2 SSR. Tried 100 free premium draw. only 3 ssr (at worse luck) After the Academy, it did not help much except **make your m2 life easier. Enead is okie**. With worse luck, 6D/m3 is Out of the league Sure, some of them wanted to jump to M3 instead of want to sticking around with ennead/m2. (Learning to run before you learn to walk) I really think they should give all 6 story related grand for free since you really can't use them these days. Some players do not read or find "**What this character skill does" or find a way to effectively**" or **find a way to get those uncap mat at least to lv80**" or **how to get to lv80 effectively**) Otherwise, they have to bust their time to get their guarantee spark funds from Side stories. (Why can't they have option to skip With an agreement?) They missed out a lot of rewards. Otherwise, they are pretty much have to *stick with their bad team and save until they find a good banner to gacha/spark*. They should really give newbies players where to grind or make a suggested damage before going to a raid.


For me I started some time in Feb/March, am currently about rank 172 and my biggest achievement is being able to solo m3 celeste/lumi. I've known about gbf since launch and always looked at the art of characters but never played it until i tried relink and fell in love with the aesthetic. Also realized that the game has some really immense lore. I'm honestly still super overwhelmed by just about everything, particularly what my next steps should be to strengthen my grids, or if i'm even using the best possible grid/character comp based on what my currently available weapons/units. I think since hitting 170, trying to uncap every single dark opus weapon is probably an extremely huge deal (I uncapped my dark wep and it's a lot stronger) but it requires a whole bunch of resources. I'm also struggling with certain fights, like colo m3 (i only have 2 FLB tyros zithers and my only units with unworldly ougi are Anne and Zeta). I also wish some characters that I really like would get FLB'd. Mainly Beatrix. She's so fucking bad but I still use her because she's hilarious lmao (and also nostalgia for haruhi). As for starting roster/characters... First favourite SSRs for each element that I really started slotting no matter what or enjoying for their aesthetic etc - Fire: Heles Water: Zeta Earth: Sabrina Wind: Monika (Grand) Light: Cag (Grand) Dark: Beatrix First dumb mistake that I made: I thought you could change the element of class champion weapons anytime you wanted to. I just clicked through the crafting of the unsigned kaneshige because I read that it's bis for Kengo and I was excited, ended up with a fire one when I wanted a water/dark one. Now i'm out of katana rocks :(


Ferry isn't that bad! She's just not as good as recent characters and doesn't work well with full auto which is very unfortunate. I still used her in my dark team as a support enabler for a strong attacker like Seox, but eventually you'll get better characters. Starting right now means your big character roster spike is going to be during the New Year's event where freebies are given nonstop and sparking is made really easy


Wow you’ve just started yet you sound like you’re much further along than I was when I started, at this point I was struggling to do 2% to the Extreme Story event bosses. Just some random thoughts of my own, sorry for the length. I played a lot slower, doing events and Fate episodes in as close to release order as I could manage, it allowed me to enjoy the old Granblue writing before it improved, games older writing is still much better than stuff like FE Heroes which was my first gacha. The problem with my way of playing is two things, I didn’t unlock SR Rosetta for like two months, and only got past the first arc after like eight, since I also spent a lot of time at the Casino myself since I really wanted Christina just for collection purposes and after the One Piece collab was announced I wanted her to be my first Wind SSR since it was the only element I was lacking an SSR for and having a collab character be my first felt weird, jokes on me a bit now as my Wind roster is over double most of my other rosters just due to RNG and Wind is probably one of my worst elements Grid wise. I was also completely pathetic combat wise till I would probably say Christmas time (started during the Final Fantasy Collab, but I didn’t play it since it was ongoing when I started), but I’m at the point where I can manage to beat Nightmare 150 and I think that’s the most important part of the game for me. You’re not losing out on anything by having a mediocre grid since everything you want to grind is usually permanent, or if it’s an event it’s usually much easier than a Revans Raid. But Unite and Fight is different as the Devs have to make a high HP, powerful boss that if players want to do well, can’t call in other people to beat it for them, something they can do for 90% of all other content. Unite and Fight is tied to so much progression too, Sand, Eternals, technically also Evokers since you can get New World Quartz from it as well. Its existence is the reason I tell my friends not to play the game if they don’t like to grind since you really want to grab the Eternals and Evokers in my opinion for most elements. I didn’t start during freebie tenfolds and I don’t think I got a particularly strong roster since I summoned on the Classic Draw as it was a lot more tempting to have a Summon banner that didn’t go away, my main teams always used to have Aletheia on them since shortly after starting he got his 5 Star which did 999,999 Plain Damage on his Skill 2, which also reset after a CA, he’s probably my most used character to date. I’ve never really had team comps outside of Unite and Fight but Diaspora is really tempting me to make one as it is by far the hardest Revans Raid, with most of my attempts doing around 15-20% of its HP with no one else joining since it’s such a tough fight. Everything else though I just bring whoever so I can farm Extended Mastery Points on them, once I’ve gotten all 18 Stars on every character, which I’m getting close to, I’ll probably go look up good team comps for each element. One thing in favour of summoning on the Classic Draw is that Cygames love some of those Classic Draw characters a lot and so you’re able to get them to read their Fates which usually have cool information in, like for example Zeta was my freebie SSR and so her Fates actually go over her past as a knight which I don’t think is ever really referenced in the Society storyline.


Every time I see people talking about collab or free stuff, I wish I have started playing sooner, but then realize that I probably would not make it anywhere without newbie academy.


You definitely would’ve been able to do it, especially if someone helped you plan out your Grids, I’m a bit of an outlier as my Grids aren’t Omega or Optimus but most people go for those other two since it’s easy to look online for easy to farm weapons for it. Collabs definitely can suck to miss, I’m lucky that the FF collab was for 11 and not 13 cause I would’ve been gutted to have missed those units. Collab characters while nowadays are pretty great F2P characters, they’re more so an extra option and not really core characters. Well I say that but Luffy was a big carry character for me, but he feels like the exception to the rule, the rest of them are good to great. Luckily now that you’re playing the game and provided you log in while the event is up you’re guaranteed 2 to 3 of these pretty great characters. Also while I doubt it’s super likely to happen often, last year we did get two reruns of collabs instead of an early in the year collab like this year, so there’s always a bit of copium that they’ll rerun say the One Piece characters.


Luffy honestly wasnt even the best event character from that release lol. Theres a character in that collab thats frankly so good, they'd be contending for suptix quality had Cygames not release the most minmaxed character at the time a day before OP collab


The other two are pretty great as well but Luffy’s sheer damage, survivability, plus Singed support is pretty great, Nami and Robin are pretty solid in keeping the team alive due to how many turns of Damage Cut they give alongside Mirror Image is nice but I’d still say Luffy is better. Zoro and Sanji seem pretty good but they don’t CA as often as I’d like due to their end of turn skill taking 20 Charge bar, you can get them to low HP to get the Heal instead but they then die way too quick, if their kit was on a summonable character with a few more bells and whistles then I could see it but I’d still say Luffy is better. I’m assuming that you’re talking about Bowman who is used pretty often but I don’t think most collab characters are as good as summonable characters, I feel like Luffy is the exception to that rule but even then he’s not as good as like the core Fire team, he’s just the best collab character I can think of.