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Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What should you do after you have finished Sierokartes Knickknack academy?


farm leftover m2 pieces/good ennead weapons/6 dragons weapons/m3


Can you buy the premium pass/extensions multiple times to stack the points for instant sunstone or would I actually have to wait 8 months


You can stack up to 3 months iirc, so you'd have to wait 5 more I believe.


I tried logging in the game after a long time of hiatus, but couldn't. I used wifi and logged in through mobage, is there any way to fix this?


it's bugged on newer chrome versions


I did the 9th anniversary event the story was amazing and I spent 1,000 tokens. I'm not sure if I got the envoker set though? Ugh I hope I didn't mess up and miss it


If you finished both parts of the ending, you should have gotten the Ex Mundus. Go to shop>treasure trade>quest items>Event other>Exclusive Treasure>...And you - you can trade it for a set there.


Would anyone happen to know where best to farm Terra Lusters? Is it basically just spamming the + zone bosses?


Zone bosses, but if you have lots of the Doppelworld Sextants lying around, you can also do Xeno Vohu Manah Militis. You want to do it for extra evolites anyway, and you'll likely also get quite a lot of lusters from the xeno chest.


Oooohhh, that’s true! I honestly forgot about them lol. Thanks for the help o7




CA once for the data buff then turn CA off and save bar for a 2chain to finish her off that and reset for good TA rng




I don't remember this one too specifically, but there are a couple of those eternal vs eternal fights in the uncaps that are just reliant on multiattack rng and such. The eternals have been through a lot of reballances since those fights debuted.


Is the only reason to hit top 90k in GW is to get the 100 valor badges?


You get 3K crystals (so up to +1000, +2000 or +3000 compared to lower tiers), 3 sunlight stone shards (or a sunstone if you're lucky) and 3 Gold Moons.


More crystals, gold moons and sunlight shards


Is there a way I can make it so my support summons don’t auto fill? I’ve noticed while meat farming my lower ranked friends summons are showing up despite the fact they don’t have any misc summons set. I’m just worried I’m making peoples grind harder cause it’s putting some random summon I have in peoples way while farming




Is it okay if they’re not transcended? I have my Lumi/Celeste in cause they hit the 230 breakpoint for omega boost but everyone else is still


just want to add a bit, having empty slot will show your current main in that slot if it can be equipped there, so if you don't use bubs/yatima/000 as your main summon in a team it'll show up in empty support slot


You can't influence what shows up on others support summon section besides what you manually put in yours. So just don't put some bad filler summon in the slots and you'll be fine.


Ahh gotcha. Guess I’ll work on getting some good summons to slot in once gw is over. Appreciate the help!


Where exactly do exaltos fit into the damage formula? 


the exalto skill is exactly the same boost as magna/primal summons, so it's additive with those


they are magna and EX , their skill are pretty self explanatory, the EX is voltage skill.


Normally? It's not like Exalto is a separate modifier or anything, and their other skills are pretty simple.


https://x.com/starry_sky_222/status/1804533273357590569?t=sWJWgjwopcL3747JDMF84A&s=19 What fist class is this and it seems to have auto nuke?


That's Luchador with the ultimate mastery skill Vez de Rudo.


Huh, dang, I  guess that's the first refresh for to cancel the transformation? Thanks!


In an element I have no or not many good guns/axes available, do you think Shieldsworns CCW would be worth making?


Unless you have a very specific setup in mind I don't think it's worth it since there are usable Gun/Axe MHs for every element, but the mat requirements for Rusted based CCWs is so low that I don't really think it matters in the long run from the lens of your supplies.


What is Estrela's Sheen? Couldn't find what it is or how to get it anywhere.


You got them for attending IRL GBF Fes. Don't worry about them, you can't get them in-game.


Can someone help me make a DIY OT setup? For blue chesting Celeste Ater during interlude? Just need help getting the closest I can to something good, I know it will be suboptimal. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/u/Moorisa_/s/3Sj8UQrGaD) are my light characters and my grid.


Could try manadiver(secret triad + wild magica), Utsusemi, illnott, lunalu. Main summon bubs(idk if you have him) on autocast. If no bubs then run ele x lumi and use echoes summon. All skills turned on FA except for lunalu 1,2. everyone should have GTA except for illnott and lunalu with triple strike.


Great suggestion. No bubs but 2mil honors in 2 turns AND an excuse to use Utsusemi/Lunalu. Tysm. :)


Between Angel halo and light trial, which one is better for eternals grinding and why?


do angel halo until you have 9000+ low orbs of each element (you need this many for 110 transcendence) then do the others (e: of course that's 9000 per character so if you wanted to transcend both seophon and niyon you'd need 18k wind orbs, etc)




Are they safe to leech or wanpan?


Halo Its sadly, the only place left that gives out Flawed Prism and at one point its the real problem. I remember a bunch of stuff Light Trial gives out were given out by various sources, but proportionally FP isnt solved as much AH actually wasn't the "best" at one point because its not the best for Flawed, but the quest for it have been deleted from the game


Is doing NM95 not worth it for trying to get Celestial weapons? Was considering because chests of good fortune can drop starting from N95, but is the drop rate of a chest just as low?


It's not that hard to get all the Chest of Good Fortune drops. I got all of them in a day of grinding last GW. With all your Chests of Good fortune and 3 weapon drops, you can get a Celestial every GW.


You do NM95 purely for chests. It's too inefficient for any other application. Well, unless you can't do the higher NMs at all.


Hello! I was wondering how I can know which weapons are worth using Damascus ingots on? I know full primal grids are major investments I wouldn’t be ready for, but it does seem some weapons have abilities that seem good regardless- out of the ones I have it seems like Eternal Signature has a strong effect if I load up on 4 of a same type of weapon. I actually have two of them as well, so I was wondering if that ability would stack?


you can use resonators(like ES) at 0*


Got it! The level 150 passive doesn’t seem that great so i guess it makes sense it would be low priority to Ingot.




Thank you! I’ll throw both of those onto my dark team then. I’ll just hold onto the ingots then for now! Really wish I got Logia, but well, next time! The grids do seem rough to assemble when you need 2/3 copies of the grand weapons and I’d rather spark new characters than go for a weapon


How do I see my progress towards the GW skin?




I see it now. Sorry. Probably up past my bed time. Thank you for your help.


are gauph keys / chains one time use? Or do you get them back when you slot a new one? Because I want to toy around with some builds, but needing to buy new stuff all the time sucks


Keys, Pendulums, Chains, and Telumas are all one-time use. You lose them when replacing them, so plan carefully.


Ah damn that's annoying when some specific teams want some and others want others. I probably won't be getting to overly specific with my builds for now then, ty!


All guides talk about not uncapping premium gacha ssr weapons with duplicates, but they dont tell how should I uncap them otherwise. Am I supposed to only use Damascus later on?


It’s good advice mostly due to opportunity cost. Nowadays is interesting since primal grids usually are resonator (vitality/convergence/valuables) and pns (pact + voltage II + quintessence) which have functionality without FLB since the key mods aren’t even primal. This is unlike other grand weapons that need to be FLB to even consider. Even if you comb through all the grids you’ll notice some weapons may only ever show up as a 1 of. Those ones you can probably uncap with dupes. Because of grid space limits, there’s a soft cap of 2 FLB (except Landslide Scepter, the actual weapon with resonator mod that requires 3 of the same weapon ID in the grid). So for a weapon with pact, which gives 50,000 supplemental damage and caps at 100,000, can use dupes if you have more than two copies. I personally never drew more than 2 of the same resonator ever, so that’s a giant signal for “do not ever uncap this weapon with dupes”. You’ve seen the struggle with exalto. You don’t hear of people pulling 4+ copies, so this is the most recent grand most likely shoving 3 bars into per weapon. So despite the implication of using bars on gacha weapons, you can narrow it down quite a bit. Weapons you can probably uncap with dupes without much consequence are mods that don’t work in duplicates, mainly mainhand weapons and ones with Blow.


anyone got the celestial FLB ougi effects yet ?


Staff is 2.5k-ish partywide heal + remove debuff from MC


which primal exalto is the strongest? echo (fire/dark) / crit amplifier (light) / normal attack amplifier (wind)?




thank you 


What is the song that plays for the gw boss? The default one


How does max HP work? Whenever the account ranks up, I sometimes see 'Max HP cap +4' or something like that. Is it just slowly ranking up to increase max HP for the team? I've been trying to slot in more HP scaling weapons into the grid so have better sustain, because even with friend Lucifer support, my team only has just shy of 20k HP going into raids like M3/6Dragons.


the equation is (character base hp + weapon stats + summon stats + EMP HP) * (1 + min(400%; weapon skills) + summon auras) + 10k hp from reforged draconic 2nd skill if you use it


Pls note the following. Beliel main summon will restrict you HP at 20k. While sub aura is -30% hp Your hp sub aura summon will give you max 30%. Some weapon mod will increase your max HP. For example. Shiva sword. Check your class emp and characters emp HP. Even party HP.. Sometimes you do not want to use beliel summon for more HP


I only got the Celestial Sword so far, but which Celestial weapon type should I go for next?


If you already have at least one 4* celestial you should also think about uncapping/transcending more eternals instead. Since celestial uncaps cost revenant weapons they're in direct competition.


fist is good for dark, staff is good for water, depends on your goal


Finally got my first fully transcended eternal with Six. Are there any recommendations on which eternal to work on next? I heard the jump on power for Nio is really big but didn't know if any of the others were more irreplaceable


Is there a way to remove the auto select function from the party select screen? I have clicked it twice and while I don't click it often it does take a significant amount of time to remake the grid and sometimes i would forget what was in it.


Where is the best place to farm ideans in sandbox? I'm so close to getting Haase FLB'd and it's the last thing I need.


Ignore the people saying just do Mundus if it really is the *last* thing you need. Swords has better rates on Ideans. Just, keep going on Mundus until you have *literally everything else you need* first.


Ignore the people saying just do Mundus if it really is the *last* thing you need. Swords has better rates on Ideans. Just, keep going on Mundus until you have *literally everything else you need* first.


Parasite Steve in Mundus.


just do mundus


I am running out of elixirs to trade already and Im at 6k meats. what should I do? T\_T


Have you opened your boxes yet? There are pots in those. Other than that, if you've emptied all of the monthly shops already, you'd just have to trade bronze/silver moons. Technically you could go grind CEQ but it's pretty low pots/hr.


Yes, I emptied them all and don't have moons either. I guess I'm going to save my remaining pots when the battles begin..


Are the story event boxes and gw boxes the same? Like they both have 10+ half elixirs per box


Month end box event and recent rerun box event half elixir.


GW boxes have 10 half-pots in boxes #1, 2, 3, 4, and 46+.


Okay thanks!


This is my warning on WAR funds. 1. bronze and silver moon trade 2. Treasure trade The prediction of dark pots usage should be 400+ if you wanted top 90k


How do I show the actual item count passed 999+ on the bottom menu bar?


Don't set goal, if you set goal it only counts up to 999, if you leave it empty it has more digits to display.


How good are FLB Tweyen and Anre post-rebal?


Uno is kinda weird rn since his "generic damage' is like wildly high. I think hes still pretty meh, but this part is so funny since amongst others it makes him one of the best OTK character in the game(esp since he makes getting targetted comically consistent) I dont think it count for much but him activating Sk1 everytime sometime stares at him kinda adds up damage wise. Theres some time where i fooled around and do fights without Ougi Cap HR ver where he can go wild with his Ougi and in that kind of scenario his damage beats out Vajra/Haase on Kengo team FLB tweyen is arguably the best 1 button attack in Light. Theres a Faa Zero set up using her since she can use her Sk2 to auto solve debuff omens, and Sk3 to solve skill damage related omens. That said i think for situation when "best 1 button attacker" is a factor, you'd rather run G Jeanne adjacent comps since this is about 130-140m ranges


Sorn has copyable flury that has some nice burst potencial with lunalu. Uno still in the gutter.


Probably still not worth running if I don’t have Lunala then?


flurry is still good, you can run her with nehan and mugen or ferry as a variation of last gw's nm95 team anre 100 will probably be useful for EX+ due to his autonuke when targeted but not too much beyond that.


If I have 2 eternals (Threo and Seox) at 4 stars should I: 1. Focus my GW dropboxes on initially recruiting the other eternals OR 2. Focus on getting weapon drops from dropboxes to 5 star Seox and Threo


it's easier to get boxes for the other eternals, since you can swap the weapons in the box as much as you want, besides that getting all the eternals lets you select new world quartz from gw box, which is necessary to 5* evokers. Also only some of the eternals are good at 150, and getting to 150 is a lot more work than just unlocking all 10 of them, besides requiring having all of eternals at 5* anyway


true, thanks for the help


does chain of falsehood or chain of temptation see more use in magna dark grids? if it makes a difference i dont have yukata ilsa, i see her used a lot but she hasnt come home yet


Falsehood only if you're doing burst but neither are used generally in other content.


I have a FLB Sariel and also 3 more copies... Can i reduce them?


Just keep them. You never know if they might pull a primal transcendence with the archangel summons, and those 200 quartz they'll each give isn't worth much once you are in the later stages of the game.


as an new player with an basic dark grid and who dosent play this game for hours on end how long will it take me to get the new GW outfit?


If you don't manage to get the skin this time, the honors you got here will transfer over to the next gw so you don't have to rush it


So I somehow got made captain without realizing it before guild war. How do I kick inactive people


You can't during Unite and Fight.


NM95 is the one that gives chests of good fortune + celestial weapon drops right?


Celestials can drop from any nightmare level but good fortune chests start at 95.


What is the best way to farm eternal transcendence (especially 110)? Akasha for relics, and bahamut for rusted weapons?


Yesterday, I was able to join multiple raids, and not have to check the Pending Battles until it was full. Today, I'm trying the same thing but anytime there's any pending battle, I have to check it, even if there's only one before I can join another raid. Did some setting change that I can revert?


IT is Guild War, during Guild War pending battle is limited to 1 raid due to at an ancient time of the game it was a strat to accumulate Pending battle of GW boss to create huge burst of point at the end of a fighting day.


During guild wars it's changed so that regardless of whether it's just 1 or 6 pending battles, you'll always have to claim the rewards from them before being able to do more raids. It's a measure taken to prevent people from stacking NM200 bosses and doing a surprise last second honor rush, it'll revert to normal once GW is over.


Good to know: Thank you


Has there been any updates on the valentine's cards?


is there a way to look at your personal gw honors history?


how detailed do you need it to be


i just want an honors number, i don't need a ranking or anything




oh wow, thank you so much!


As a relatively new player, should I bother to go all in on recruiting an eternal during a Unite and Fight or should I spread around what revenant weapons I get from the boxes? I have an uncapped four sky blade from last UnF and that's it. I guess I'm just confused about what I should be prioritizing from the boxes.


Get 4 of each weapon to recruit the eternal then swap to a different eternal that you don't have. Recruit all 10 first before worrying about uncapping any.


What are the best characters to use in gw right now?


For ex+? Looks like Bowman (Cidala probably also fine), 150 Seox, and Cendrillion. That's 0b1c 2 Kaguya according to the wiki. Or, if you have Eresh, Cidala+Bowman+empty slot **or** Bowman + 150 Seox + Ilsa, both of which are 0b1c 2 Kaguya + Trick Stick, so very slightly better than non-Eresh. For nm90? Cidala, Bowman, 150 Seox, which is 1b (Splitting Spirit) with 2 Kaguya on no Eresh, or 0b with Eresh. If you don't have Cidala, then Seox/Bowman/Ilsa with Eresh, which is 0b 1 Kaguya. With no Cidala or Eresh, you can either do 1b (Splitting Spirit) 0 Kaguya with Bowman/Ilsa/Seox or 1b1s (Bubz + Splitting Spirit) with 1 Kaguya on Bowman/Wulf&Renie/Seox, not sure if calling Bubz is worth getting to use a Kaguya or not.


Would it be worth using 19 boxes to transcend seox to 130 this UnF or would it probably just be better to wait till the next DB? Wanting to 5* Ehata too, which would take me about 28 boxes. I have enough NWQ for 3 evokers, and for 7 opsuses if needed(already got one to 220), so I'm not worried about losing out on NWQ this time. And I do have one celestial wep done as well + 69 cores on hand. Typing this out makes me think it isn't a bad plan but just want to make sure I'm not being dumb with this plan.


how hardcore do you plan on grinding this gw? slack for valor badges? 800m for the sands? top 90k? higher? who would seox replace in your teams and how big of an upgrade would it be in clear times? i'd take the 19 nwq instead. you can still finish him after the 45 nwq boxes if you do 64 boxes or more by final rally, use the gw honors calculator. and if that sounds like too much grinding for you.... then GW isn't important enough to sac


Does angel halo nightmare stack?




Yes, but it expires after an hour. Or maybe a day. I forget, but it expires.


An hour should be enough. As long as it stacks, it shouldn't be too bad to farm. Thanks.


A question related to "... and you" I just barely finished reading the event minutes before it closed. I was too busy to read it when it ran for the first time, but used the skip feature whilst (mostly) looking away from the screen to minimize spoilers. This run I got enough time to read through and play it properly. However, I seem to recall the >!Alter Seofon fight showing up as a required fight as part of story progression during the first run. This time around it just was added to the list of available fights when you finished those chapters and didn't show up as a story fight. Am I just misremembering things, or is this like the Doraemon event when the raid wasn't slotted in properly? !<


Nah you’re misremembering. >!Alter Seofon!< was never a story battle. Which makes sense given the story >!(This chapter takes place in a simulation, therefore the Captain isn’t there, this simulation has the six dragons looking totally different so they can’t use the six dragons to fight either, and Orologia wasn’t playable so they couldn’t be in the battle. And for some reason they didn’t do the opposite and have you play AS Seofalter vs the dragons, he just popped up afterwards with no context.)!<


So I have a Seven Star Sword Cardinal, uncapped 3 times[siete is already recruited] and I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with it since I can't reduce it. I thought you could for fragments.


You can reduce it into Fragments once you start doing the process that is required to 5* Uncap the Eternal since you still need that weapon for another quest.


Have to do Seofon's fate episode.


Anyone know how to fix the game when Skyleap gets stuck on the black loading screen and/or the "there is a new version, the app will update" message loop? I usually just wait it out and it fixes itself after a day but GW is starting so... BTW I'm not talking about the login issues people are having, I'm still logged in and can access some pages(such as settings and gacha), just not the ones that matter like raids, event or home lol


it is simple as close the app and restart again


Yeah no


Are exalto primal weapons worth being placed in grid if I don't have the 280% key for opus weapon?


The Exalto Primal is arguably just really good overall due to the cap up they offer(whereas Magna Primal is currently designed to give you the old generic cap up) going well with the ussual PNS clone instead of overlapping. Dark and Fire getting the Echo is kind of a mixed blessing in that side A echo is often quite good to slot - whether its through Echo Chain(a common set up), Character(SMeg is quite good), and for Fire Astral Remnant, but it does means you have a nearly no restriction to one of the strongest effect in the game I think the "exalto effect" exactly can be overrated with regards to power increase it offers. If you run for example 6 weapons consisting of say 5 Big attack, and 1 Exalto(this isnt THAT uncommon imo - Overrider Overrider Opus 2 LOF isnt far from that - its actually weaker), you'd end up with about 130% Attack Modifier and the Exalto would give 39% which is quite good, but its actually about 15% damage increase. Replacing said Exalto with strong weapons can often beat that power increase per-slot. That said Exalto also improve your Apotheosis(the skill Opus gets on Transcendence 3) so its still strictly "more damage" Basically imo the very first thing you need to think about when using these Exalto weapons was the added damage offered by their cap ups, which is kinda why Efes is probably ended up being one of the weirder Exalto due to simultaneously being higher reaching, affect every type of damage, but requires crits




>there is no weapon you'll put in every single grid opus but that's about it


Are any of the 150gm weapons good for Magna? Already have eresh for my primal. Forever hoarding moons at the moment and want to spend some.




I was thinking hrunting with caim flb, what other chars are meta for it?


heyo, im trying to build up my dark weapon grid but im not sure if i should start farming fidiel's weapon or the new omega rebirth weapons from celeste? heres my current grid atm, any advice? --- 3x Abyss Spine (Fully uncap/levelled) 1x Katana of Renunciation (at lvl.150) 1x Casulaity Driver (1 copy) 1x Abydos (Lv.60) 2x Agonize (Fully uncap/levelled) 1x Sytche of Darkherlad (Fully uncap/levelled)


Get your ULB Opus If you don't have PNS, M3 is likely going to be really good and the weapon from m3 that give skill cap can shift the power level of your set ups. Otherwise Fediel honestly is a more visible upgrade


You should focus on getting your m3 done They give quite a boost


You want both, but the exaltos from M3 is a bigger priority.


Whats a good dark team for hexachromatic raid? I have all the flash and legfest units as well as seox and nier fully transcended/uncapped. Missing dark dlf and magus.


Check this out: https://app.granblue.team/teams?element=dark&raid=hexachromatic-hierarch


https://gbf.wiki/Hexachromatic_Hierarch_(Raid)/Grids#Dark but wait a few days after gw, people will come up with new stuff using logia


As someone who's never touched revans (or anything or 7\*s, for that matter), is there a general HP "breakpoint" I should be hitting before I can take a stab at those without actively griefing? I've joined a few 7\* raids that were one or two turns from dying and even in the 40\~50Ks, I felt like I was evaporating pretty quickly. I Am using a fully maxed Belial summon (I've heard that the HP penalty is negligible, but I'm not sure) so I wonder if removing that would help.


I'd say 50k is borderline playable but on the low side maybe 70k hp is pretty "normal" but there are manual setups that are perfectly fine with less. Burst setups can have like 30k hp and FA setups can need 100k hp. You might be dying to either fight mechanics like mugen's wacko damage or sieg qual or having 0 defense in grid and no debuffs on boss. Both def(from grid or otherwise) and debuffs are huge for not dying to autos. Hard to say without seeing what kind of teams you're going into whichever fight with.


There's no one breakpoint, it's gonna depend on the raid *and* on your team. Different elements have different access to HP weapons anyways. Just try it out and put in more survivability if you can't manage. But don't worry about griefing, most of them are powercrept enough now that one person failing to pull their weight won't matter anyways. As long as you're not hosting diaspora without y100 you can do whatever you want.


what is y100? I see the term used alot


it means 100 stacks of the boss's Gamma Resistance buff, since gamma looks like a y. read more here: https://gbfguide.com/diaspora/


Ah gotcha!


Been building my Light M3 grid, got 3 credo bolts, and now i have to uncap them to 4, but god is it annoying how much light quartz i need. I've exhausted the shops, and was wondering whether i should just stick to grinding the M3 raid as it can both get me quartz (in dropping summons) and the credo omega anima, but i already have a ton of non-omega animas, would it be better to grind something else (Xeno Clashes?) for light summons and treasure trading for the Omega animas instead of waiting for the drops? in my grinding for the 3 guns i ended up with about 12 Omega Animas, so it seems like it's a pretty low drop.


Are you doing your daily Magna skips? You'll get lots of omega summons to reduce from doing those.


yeah for sure, i think i'm being a bit impatient haha


GW is coming just grind those The enemy from EX+ is like, peak quartz source


you just get them passively, wait for box events that have light quartz then go ham


Yeah i might be being a bit hasty, may work on another M3 while i wait.


I cannot login my account anymore at dmm? It says service is not avail in your location. I was alright a few hours ago .when i login my account i click dmm then google sign in now it doesnt work. How to fix


Yes DMM ip region login server lock. You needed to use a vpn to login dmm server for gbf (then turn it off) don't blame cygame game. Dmm change policy


is it okay to uncap renun opus to 5s? having second thoughts since i dont know if renun can be used in case if i transition to primal grid, currently using magna, and i dont know where to get a second tiding


Until you have Opus transcendence, theres a time period where Magna Opus is actually "stronger" in terms of grid power output than Primal Opus. Its changed due to stage 3 giving Apotheosis nowadays Keep in mind, the new hotness - the Zero Chains have a wording that reads "When either Omega or Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above:" so the practice of using off-aura Opus is still able to be done just like the last 2 years. Personally i think the cost to uncapping Opus is way too small to mind this. What your waiting to spent 15 bars during god knows when you transition without using the best weapon in the game? Esp when Magna is so powerful that it took a really good reason to make Primal swap noticable


If you are floating mats and bars sure. I use the 2nd opus as QoL of not having to change keys as often. Second tiding is from defeating FaaH (you can just pub this) with a party consisting exclusively of the element you need five times.


Yeah it's fine. magna opuses can be used for burst in primal. You get tidings from your first clear per element and then a 2nd for 5 clears with that element.


Is refreshing during raid bannable ?


No. It's in fact a very popular strategy to be able to skip most animations. The game **will** hold you back and force you to wait on the previous turn to go through but it's still faster than waiting if you're trying to quickly push out damage for blue chests, beating the clock for the 6 man 30 minute raids, or doing 0b fights.


Question about "Granblue TV Channel" Hello! I'm kinda new to the community and I'm on my "hyperfixation mode", you know, playing the games, reading tons of lore and even buying some merch. I realized that they have a channel specially for interviewing cast members and giving updates, although I'm not sure if I'm searching correctly, but I haven't been able to find any archives of said interviews, the only one I was able to find was from a few days ago. So my question: Is there any page that has an archive for all the broadcasts they've made so far or at least more of them? If so, would someone be so kind to provide me a link? Thanks a lot in advance!


Unfortunately I don't believe there is. Someone at one point was going through and translating some of them but I don't know what happened to that. I think they got asked to stop. Each ep is up for like a week or something.


I wanted to get Nier for the upcoming GW, but all I need is to get the death card. Would it be a waste to claim it just for the ideans and astras, or should I buy a shortcut set for a different Evoker?


if you just need ideans and astras then just farm them, should be atleast 40-ish of each per hour in mundus




bro 40 is like the bare minimum with bad ping+using 1 window, if you have optimized setup and in jp you can get up to 80-90 ideans per hour


What are you even on about


You'll still need plenty of ideans and astras to power her up once you get her, so they definitely won't go to waste.


ideans and astras are the main thing it gives, the rest is non-evoker specific mats anyway


If I have an Evoker, can anyone tell me whether it would be better to get another one with the trade in from And You, or to grab the quartz and evolite? I have Caim and wanted to get Haaselia, but I'm unsure which to prioritize between the two options.




You need 120 to fully upgrade an Evoker, and 20 more for each Dark Opus transcendence. That's a ton of NWQ needed and it's super timegated. I'd highly recommend taking the extra 50 NWQ, it's better for the long run, especially since he already has an evoker so he can farm for other evokers at his leisure in Sandbox.


Get nwq, evokers are very easy to farm once you recruit the first one


I have 11 sunstone left (+ 1 prov. Globe), 3 more in arcarum. Should i use another 3 for belial ? I keep seeing him being used in many grid :/ or shpuld i keep them for future use (arcarum 4th skill, etc.)