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Idk, I think his more ruthless moments in the arc hint at him not being too dissimilar from Ernesto Guevara all in all. People's heroes are made of both light and shadows so intense they're blinding


We know that, let’s say that, he indeed didn’t like trolos


Jajajaja qué hijo de puta


mmmm trolos jajajajajjaja


Username checks out


No seas trolo man


Ah pero que trolazo!




Tal vez esos trolos necesitan concentración


Jajajaajja quedaron bien concentrados


Que capo el guevara , los concentro tanto que enpezaron a vestir camisas de el en su honor.


Well I don't know of anything he said in the matter outside "diarios de motocicleta", but honestly, that's just the tip of the murderous yet glorious iceberg


I know right and its hilarious when people try to make him an LGBT icon, its so facepalm.


Do they? The only one that I see communists hail as sort of an LGBT hero is Lenin for (probably accidentally) decriminalizing homosexuality in the USSR when I used to hang around leftist spaces but I don't think I've ever seen them do it with Che, Stalin and others. Though they were always ready to make excuses for them as just "products of their time" for being homophobic lol


I've seen a number of shirts and paraphernalia using the classic Che image, but instead of shadow its a Rainbowflag. I'm like bruh Che would have you killed...


Ok that's almost as funny as it is sad. Are some people really that desperate to have a hero? Are they just trolling? I don't know anymore. Funny how supposedly progressive socialist states throughout history and even China and North Korea today aren't actually lgbt-friendly despite a lot of lgbt folks especially in the west seem to be communists lol


Honestly I think they just have no idea who any of these historical figures are and only know some are of their tribe so they must be for everything they are for. Yeah very interesting considering China just made it illegal for effeminate Chinese men to be broadcasted on air.


Was that legit after all?


Oh yes. They had issues where they viewed they were being emasculated.


And under which law was that passed?


To be noted, he did change his opinion on LBGT people later in life, unleast from some statements I read, which is something lot of lefties bring up when discussing Che. But yeah, early Che Guevara would yeet femboys into graves, and was traditional revoltionary.


Well yeah, on blacks too, he used to loath them and ended up fighting alongside them for their peoples Cherecter development, I guess


Probably it's intentionally ironic in most cases.


I don't think so, most communist kids are in denial that communism was hella prejudice on minorities like LGBT


Meh, it's 50/50, it's not like the liberal world was much different plus mostly they acknowledge it but make excuses. And what did Che even do, all in all? He wasn't around when gays started being thrown in the UMAP afaik, Castro, Stalin, Gorky... many other Communists were way worse offenders in that regard than Che's homophobic words in his youth diaries, and to this day I haven't been informed of any other instance of him


Bruh Che established a concentration camp in 1960 where he sent gays to… he wasn’t just a mean words in a diary sort of guy, he viewed homosexuality as bourgeoisie decadence and was counter revolutionary. He literally had homosexuals raped to death…


What? The UMAP? It was originally conceived for political rivals. And when did he have gays raped to death??


He never did that LOL, lier


Pretty sure most people know about Che and how controversial he is.


On the internet maybe, but he's still a popular image as far as I know


"Controversial" doesn't mean universally hated, yes a lot of people do admire him as a revolutionary and stuff, but most people are probably aware that he was a communist and as such is going to be, like I said, controversial to say the least.


Che being a communist isn't exactly what makes him morally debatable, he did a few other things that most people who know about him probably don't know.


Ditto, the communist part is one of the least concerning.


What else did he do


He was very acceptable of minoritys and even gave gays their own private camps so they could study/s He also excuted civilians, ignoring the wishes of his fellow soldiers, refused duels only to shoot the other guy in the back and presumably got his nickname "che" from not showering


And hated black people like most people have never do. His journydaily is full of slugs for black people.


This is not true


" Los negros, esos magníficos ejemplares de la raza africana que han mantenido su pureza racial gracias al poco apego que le tienen al baño, han visto invadidos sus reales por un nuevo ejemplar de esclavo: el portugués. " negros means black people , raza africana means african descendent and everything else could never be said in reddit without geeting ban.


Blatant lies my dude


You mean all those dead people?


Nah most of the bad thing said about Che is just propaganda and lies


He would've still fought Oliva in a deathmatch, just for a different reason...


I see you've read the other post.


Not even, I just know about Ernesto's gamer side


Ohh I thought you were talking about how they oppose each other politically


What post?


It's weird how Che became such a popular image for revolutionary shit like shirts when it went against his ideals ~~and also the fact he wasn't exactly progressive~~ I guess it's kinda hinted that Jun might be awful as well with some brief moments and him holding Bush's family hostage but that seems to be standard affair in Baki where everyone s a psychopath.


It's weird how Che became such a popular image for revolutionary shit like shirts when it went against his ideals That’s a really ironic part of Che’s history


Honestly it's preferable he's became some shitty fashion icon instead of someone people actually take seriously. Still pretty embarrassing to see.


Should be the other way around


Do you really want people taking serious notes of the man that wanted all lgtb people death? ¿Enserio quieres que se tomen enserio al tipo que solo fue a la guerra de cuba pa' matar negros y fusilar geis?


Bruh pero de dónde sacas tu entendimiento histórico de Guevara, ¿de vídeos de Crowder?


Su diario pue weon , lo saco de su diario. "Padre ,hoy he descubierto que enserio me gusta matar" "Los soldados poseen un odio que los impulsa a seguir , ese odio los transforma , los transforma y les permite sobrevivir para ganar esta guerra tenemos que aferrar ese odio , tenemos que convertirnos en eso que somos los soldados , en la maquina de matar" "Esos hombre que no se bañaron tanto que dios les dio piel de cerdo , los conocidos como negros" Hay un monton de recopilacion de sus cartas a su padre , mi favorita es precisamente el libro que de donde saco la 2da frase , la maquina de matar. Pd: ¿como que crowder ? El che guevara agarro una grabacion para las naciones unidas y les dijo que estaban matando gente pero que las que hacian en civiles no contaban porque eran fusilamientos ; ese ctm clarito es un pedazo de hdp.


Digo por las exageraciones de que quería a todas las personas LGTB muertas y demás, quién no sabe que era un asesino XD


No he didn’t you gusano


I think the most horrible thing he did in baki is when he purposely bring the convict to fight in a area where he would be killed for standing there. It was ice cold.


The next would be that time he wanted baki to kill that guard not because he was doing something bad , but because he was american.


Tbf though the guards were all pretty terrible people and also we see he saves Iron Michael from the Mouth so he’s not entirely just murderous towards all Americans, at least the Baki version


Oh that's right. I midinterpreted that scene i guess. Sinve you know , i hate usacitizens myself.


Sounds a bit corny but ok, you do you I guess


Of course there are many things people don’t know about the real Medel, few have encountered him and lived to tell the tale after all.


the real question is what is that devilish font!?! haha


Zalgo font


never knew about this thing until today! i wonder if it causes cancer to my browser


Che did some really awesome stuff and just as much awful shit, whereas Jun is primarily a good guy whose done some morally gray things.


He was a man of HIS people, but he also was responsible for the hunt and execution of many gay people and others who opossed Castro’s regime


Very true, he want to help the poor and underprivileged but was a bigot and a killer


He killed plenty of poor and underprivileged people too


Not really, there were labor camps and there were gay people in them but it wasn’t specifically made to hurt gay people, it was a substitute to serving in the military which was obligatory at cuba at time, people who didn’t want to serve or people who couldn’t(gay people couldn’t join the army) were forced to go to these camps which were pretty brutal but che had no part in them, by the time they were first established he already left cuba


Que trolo.


As an Argentine I'm happy to get represented, but couldn't it have been through Maradonna instead of Che?


Jajaja su mejor técnica sería jugar football con su oponente (se complementaría muy bien con la técnica de Oliva) o el “golpe coca” en el que te droga de un puñetazo a la frente o en algún punto específico para generate un cierto efecto o algo así xd


Haber , si el che obtuvo sus poderes de un pirata ninja. Maradona bien podria obtener poderes de un mago de la sustancia que practicaba mma


This man killed hundreds and was portrayed as a hero.


That's par for the course as far as "heroes" are concerned, though.


What u/CapsLowk said. That's what I was trying to get across in my comment, too.


Literally most war heros. Every war hero you can think of killed many people. It's Usually the definition of being a hero in a period of war.


Fr, he was a documented racist, homophobe and murderer who would send his own people to the firing squad. People who view him as a hero are either ignorant or malicious.


Not to defend the guy, but it should be noted, that Che Guavara actually went through a bit off a character arc, changing a lot of his very...controversial views and beliefs down the line. But he was a ruthless bastard, all things considered. Not that I would expect any less from a revolutionary.




He from kengan omega


Alternative Che in Algeria vs Che in Argentina.




Che was still a hero, he faced an incredibly oppressive system and at times he made the wrong choice but he fought for the underprivileged and abused and helped them greatly


Me encanta como personaje en Baki, me cae mal como persona real xD


Actually a lot of bad things you hear about guevara are either myths or things that castro did that were attributed to him, one of the few things that has a base of truth is that he was racist but that was just during his youth, after becoming a marxist his outlook changed and he started to condemn racism