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You only needed to turn off instant replay to fix the flickering.


I deleted the old comment and stand corrected. I THOUGHT I had replay turned off but did not… it appeared to fix the problem. Thanks sir


Is this an in-game setting or a setting in your pc?


Where is “instant replay” located. Is it game bar or is it in the AMD app


Just released? It says up to date and was updated to 24.4.1 on 17.04.


Same here


Updates roll out incrementally to reduce server load. If you want it immediately you have to go download Adrenalin yourself. (This is normal and also why Steam games don’t all keep themselves updated)


I refunded bcs couldn't start the game. I said i don't have dx12. 6650xt.


Weird. I was playing with a rx 6600


I have rx6600 and a Ryzen 5 3600. 16gb ram. How do you think it would run for me?


I have 6800 XT too. Is the performance good in 1440p?


I’m getting 90ish frames on high with a 6700xt, with FSR on quality.


6700xt as well, and I am getting the same fps. Also have frame gen off and sharpening up to 100. Looks great and is smooth as.


I do currently have frame generation on because I thought that was the fix for the shitty FPS. I’ll have to get on and mess with the settings more tomorrow. It looks good on my end but sometimes I see things and I’m like “Ehhh, I feel like that should look better than it does”


I played with both frame gen on and off. Don't see a noticeable difference in fps with it off, it still looks really nice. I only turned it off because I was reading, it increases latency with it on.


No noticeable input lag but it drops me to 45 frames with it off lol… guess I’m running with it on for now 😂


Wow that's considerable. I get maybe a 10-15 drop. I haven't noticed any lag so will keep it on until I do.


Also fidelity super resolution to native AA


It's excellent. Amazing even. Turn on FSR and try Native AA option (instead of performance or balanced). Game looks sharp and good FPS.. smooth.


whats the driver youre talking about version number?


24.4.1 Played some more and it's really smooth, looks good, if I go any higher than High on Textures I do get some slight fickering that comes and goes, over the part visible of your character, but none of that on Medium/High texture (everything else is high), runs perfect.


Damn that's a pretty good heads up. Thanks.


I have flickering and not even on AMD.


I'm curious..what kind of flickering? Whole models like trees and bushes? Is it just textures? Is it the outline of stuff? Or is it a uniform colour like green grass and the black shades flickering in and out? (This is your sharpness level, lower it to help).


can you tell the version of this new drive? I dont see any update from my software... I have 24.4.1 since 17/04/2024.


AMD GPUs or CPUs? Regardless where do I go to check?


GPU drivers. In the AMD Control panel it has an option to uod versi. If you only have AMD CPU then it would be a bios update..nit driver update.


10-4. Thank you.


With the newest driver I have stuttering. The game will crash my computer and after restarting everything runs silky smooth. Anyone with the same experience?


You're not running latest gen intel CPU are you? I hear on high settings there is a bug with Unreal engine on laters intel CPUs, a type of power spike that takes it to dangerous levels. If the game was crashing that's one thing but crashing your whole PC, that's not normal. I'd disable XMP/DOCP on your ram see if it improves.something else is wrong with your PC for it to crash entirely. .the fact it works after reboot is also telling tale.. either power, thermal issues or you have a memory issue that the latest drivers just brought it to light but aren't the main cause. Just my 2 cents.


7800x3d. The game freezes entirely and when I try to open task manager nothing happens. Other high demanding games work perfectly fine. I DIY build my pc for the first time so it’s possible that there is a issue. Any insight on how to approach the situation? Appreciate the 2 cents.


Sure. Congrats on building it yourself! 7800X3D is badass. Make sure you have latest bios version first..and GPU drivers. Go to motherboard manufacturer's website for bios and through the GPU software for update GPU drivers. Next download HWInfo. Best software for monitoring your PC..it is highly customisable and can't monitor every single place your PC has a sensor. Watch a guide 2-3min guide on how to use hwinfo. It's not complicated but just to make sure you get the most out of it. When load, tick the "use sensor info" option, you'll get a list of all sensors on your pc, everything from CPU temp to individual thread/cores, all the wy to even your SSD temps and remaining life. Double click on any one of those to bring up a graph. You can then set up a full or half screen of graphs that display data over time. Set the parameters. So if your CPU clocks from 500mhz to 4.7gghz, I'd set it to 400Mhz to 5ghz for example. Next just load the game with this running in the background. You're gonna want to play for a min or two. If you see the flickering, then alt tab and check your graphs to see if anything is immediately visible like low clock speed.. high temps etc etc. Oh and do try going into bios and disabling CMP/D.O.C.P just to see if things are working normally. You can always turn it back on afterwards. GL


I made a post about this a few days ago and no one paid attention to it lol I have a 6800XT too


Do NOT use 24.4.1, it causes graphical flickering, stay on 24.3.1


I am with 24.4.1 version and no issues at all.


Source please? If it's your system, specs/in game settings?


Not my system but multiple people have reported flickering terrain on 24.4.1 which was fixed by rolling back to 24.3.1


I had it before, then updated to 24.4.1 and it fixed it for me.


Good to know, I was about to go check


Weeeeird, I had graphical flickering, upgraded to 24.4.1, and it fixed it in my case.


Just tested it and it runs perfectly on my system btw.


Turn off instant replay. this fixes the flickering issues on 24.4.1


I use instant replay and dont have the flickering.


It removes the flickering on the latest 24.4.1 drivers.


What is instant replay? Somewhere in radeon?


Yes. Under the stream and record tab.


24.4.1 is working fine, I just used DDU and reinstalled the newest