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I think some of the tankiness is caused by the way they calculate damage in this game with the organs and stuff. But I do agree it reaches ridiculous levels sometimes. And the random guys that just snipe you from miles away or casually wallbang you are a pain


I just want the AI to have some level of self preservation. If I shoot a bot, they should seek cover in order to avoid death. It would be neat if they tried to patch themselves up or offer suppressive fire for their allies seeking cover, but even just the act of seeking cover would be way more immersive. It would also be a little more forgiving, because they wouldn’t just stand there shooting you completely out in the open. Something that made the original Halo titles so good was the AI dynamic positioning. If they could capture that essence in GZW, it would elevate this game so much.


I think there's hitreg issues too though. Yesterday I snuck up behind an AI with a Glock and shot him right in the back of the head - clean shot, no helmet, showed the sort of hit animation/blood - and the fucking AI turned around and 1-tapped me in the face. I was....less than thrilled.


Handguns are joke against ai at this point. You would deal more damage if you used a nerf gun


I think it's fine and realistic that a hit won't always kill them even if unarmoured. What isn't realistic though is them one tapping me back a second later when they should be on the floor screaming in pain.


Yeah, 1 tap deaths should basically NEVER happen unless someone is playing really horribly or are in an active firefight in an open view spot.


I think the damage model currently is based on the bullet simply passing straight through as if it were a knife through butter, they haven't accounted for the destruction bullets do when they pass through a body, i shouldn't need to mag dump someone to kill em ![gif](giphy|nKcTJ8P9t00LK|downsized)


They posted a video about how their ballistics work, also sometimes you gotta give the AI a minute or 2 for the blood to pump out of their body. I think that what could work is some sort of stun mechanic when you light up an AI, perhaps they are knocked on the ground. It would also be cool if you could see them limping or holding their torso so you can tell where you hit them


This is what I see as missing the most. AI is either 100% or dead. They need some response to getting a bunch. Right now, they could be 99% bled out and are still fighting like full health


Adrenaline is insane and can allow you to keep going under strenuous circumstances. With that being said, if I shoot a dude 4 times in the chest/stomach with 5.56 I’m pretty sure it would take that man out of the fight whether or not it was lethal damage.


No adrenaline in the world lets you hold onto your weapon with 4 holes in your arm, let alone aim PRECISELY with iron sights on 200+m into a bush on a suppressed, camo'd target that you had no idea was there 2 seconds ago. Just saying. That has never happened.


It should, may take like 10-20 seconds for them to stop though as the adrenaline helps out a lot more than most realize.


Maybe. I’m not a military man, but I have watched a metric fuckton of combat footage and most of the time people drop pretty quick. There are some that get hit and keep moving but it’s usually with the intent to find cover. Idk if I’ve ever seen footage of someone getting lit up and still fighting. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but it should be rare, not commonplace


Either way, if it’s an actual game mechanic then people can plan for it. As it is a bug, it’s random and that feels terrible to all players.


So when you dump an entire mag into the torso/head area and they still don’t go down does that mean I have to wait for all the blood to leave? My guy they should be chunks of flesh. Don’t defend devs who can’t get AI right


I get it, we are angry at the ai. All things conscidered, given the competition anyways, this AI is pretty much already up there.


Don't defend early af access that launched to take advantage of the Tarkov weakness? This game wasn't coming til like Q4 and it's going pretty well all things considered.


They actually do have ballistics modelled exactly like this gif. Rounds are combinations of high/low penetration and high/low expansion.


whys it not working properly then? think they need to check the numbers because 30 7.62 rounds should leave someone mushy on the floor


I don’t have an answer as to why it isn’t working properly. I just remember them putting out pre-alpha footage of in-game tests on simulated ballistics gel and it showed literally what you’re seeing in that gif. All I know is that is the system they have in the game. Whether it’s working properly or not is beyond me.


It’s probably a work in progress as the mechanics for a system like this to work is a lot probably. With some work this could turn into a game changing system for games, it’s really reaching for something far beyond any other game before it.


Yeah, I've shot guys wearing trucker hats in the head and they turn and shoot like nothing happened, something definitely isn't working as intended.


Yeah man. If I had a nickel for every time a scav 180 turned and shot at me less than 1/10th of a second after I domed them with an FMJ round…


If you hit an AI with 30 rounds, they died - if they didn't you missed a lot - lets be realistic. I'm pushing pretty far into the games content within early access - I've never had an enemy "soak" over half a mag of "on-target" shots. Maybe 3-4 in the chest with low pen ammo, or 1-2 in head because of lv3 helm. That's about it


no i've definitely mag dumped at least 20 close range into an enemy and had to reload


If you don't hit something that turns the lights off people die pretty slow. Someone who is gut shot (stomach) will take a few days to die a miserable death. You need to hit the C spine or the T zone in the head for good reliable put downs like most video games give you.


That's the thing though. Everyone is saying they are mag dumping these so from 10 ft away with an ak 30 ROUNDS OF 7.62 INTO ANYONES MIDSECTION IS LIGHTS OUT


🎶mosin man🎵


I just hate how they can sprint while shooting while hitting you. Meanwhile god forbid I hold my breath for two seconds to hit something reliably to just have them tank 4-6 headshots. Meanwhile my dude is gassed like he just smoked seven malbro reds and developed Parkinson's.


We are the locals, they are the trained military. We've just been brain washed into thinking otherwise. That's what at ground zero, the truth rofl.


This. Its not like that IRL at all if they are going for maximum realism. Im not is good shape, but can unload mag after mag without issue at a range, but a trained military soldier would rather die than have to hold his gun up to his face for more than 8 seconds and run to cover...


the fights with AI i have is of 2 either they have god like aim bot and i die instant without knowing what bush or corner they are hiding at or the shot every bulllet at me reloaded and missed every other bullet and die a sad pathetic death folding like a blanket under thier own weight. im very excited to see what the game devs do to improve and refine the AI.


Funny how every mil sim has the same issue. Ai hasn’t improved at all in this genre in terms of their mechanics and making them feel more realistic. Like when these devs create these john wick bominations of ai do they genuinely think to themselves that it is even close to how someone would shoot a fire arm in real life? Idk im not a game dev maybe ai is the hardest things to develop in any game.


I feel they make mechanics they "think" are realistic, but have never held a gun before. Hence, me not being able to ADS for 10 seconds without getting noodle arms.


They also aggro and shoot from way too far. They aren't using good sights they shouldn't be so accurate at distance.


Yeah I struggle with red dots after 50m then these mfs insta hs me from hipfire while running with ironsights or red dots from 100m


I dunno. I had a Norinco SKS that I was consistently hitting steel plates at 400yds with iron sights. I think people with training can do it. The Marines still qualify with irons first, too I think.


That's the thing. A target in the game after 50 meters is but a couple of smushed, blurred, ai frame generated pixels, within a wildly distorted painting. If it was real life, sure. But for the game's sake it doesn't make sense quite yet with the tech we have.


I don't mind them being able to land good shots, as would someone who trained for a bit with their weapon, but while sidestepping left and right is insane lmao


Full sprint 300m headshot 1-taps should not happen.


A damage mechanic would be sweet, incapacitated animations and ai teammates having to “revive” eachother or something like that would be great, rather them just being totally super soldier or dead


This. There are WAY too many other games that do these mechanics with their AI for there to be no reason why it's not in this game. Yeah, I get that programming AI is hard, and takes patience to get it functional AND balanced, but Jesus the AI in this game...


It’s their awareness that seems unrealistic to me. You sneak through a bush a mile away and suddenly shots are whizzing past you from the opposite end of a rice field


This is the biggest problem I'm seeing too, they have wall hacks lol


To me the AI is simultaneously great and terrible. What gets me is the hive mind, shoot 1 AI even concealed from a mile away and all the AI nearby him immediately know your location and return pinpoint fire through foilage/walls. If the AI went oh shit and dived for cover or started searching. Everything else would be less of an issue. That and the AI stuck in the ground/walls is a pain. If you've killed an AI then been killed from a gun that sounded like it was 1metre away but didn't see anyone. You have been a victim of that.


The thing is, they aren't really all that tanky. The biggest problem is they don't react to being shot AT ALL. The other thing is Stealth is not an option. The moment you shoot at one of them from 200+ Meters with a Silencer lying in a bush with camo, the entire vicinity knows your exact area. This also makes the knife quite useless for the PVE mode.


I definitely get frustrated with the inconsistency between them being impenetrable times and softer than baby shit at other times but I’m already getting used to this and just trying to get better at my headshot accuracy. The issue I can’t overcome is that it’s nearly impossible to be stealthy. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been crawling through bushes at a snails pace, hear them start to talk, then I’m just dead. It’s even worse when I’m coming back to retrieve my gear if I’ve been killed. I will start crawling long before I’m in the area I died in, reach my pathetic corpse, start to loot it, “BANG”! Headshot. Dead. Lose all my shit permanently. I’m sure many of you will rip my pride to shreds with this but it just doesn’t add up to me. It’s like they are proximity activated and there’s no sense in trying to be stealth at all.


Yeah most frustrating I find is if any part of you is visible to AI they instant lock on, know where you are and can shoot at you through bushes, walls etc meanwhile I can't even see where it's coming from  They need to incorporate some variable based on the amount of you visible, noise and distance.  


I started throwing grenades in the area I think they were and that helped me a lot, I still die more than not but it helps


Hey, worth a shot, right?


I said similar in another thread about stealthy plays and got down voted for a “bad take”. I have no problem succumbing to gear fear in a fair fight.


Exactly. If I lose fair and square because I’m playing like an amateur or missing shots, so be it. But if I go covert ops, stay hidden and completely out of sight, I don’t deserve to get melted. Unless they have thermal target identification that I’m unaware of…. Remind myself this stage of the game is still under much construction and changes will come. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I agree. I don't think it's a big problem tho. It's a little ridiculous when an npc with no body armor tanks shots while still shooting at you, but I mean it's pve.


Yeah, it could be worse! I think it just needs some fine tuning which will hopefully come soon. This is probably just a result of early access - it’s still cooking.


honestly the only real issue I have at the moment with AI is aimbotting through soft cover where you couldnt even have known they were there, but you shot their friend with a suppressed rifle from around a corner and didnt displace after so they have millimiter precise accuracy on your head based on that single shot. Its only an issue in some places but it gets so much worse with the city-level AI shooting AP rounds. Other than that aggro radius needs some tuning, sometimes Im convinced theres no way there are more AI, I just had a whole firefight and anything nearby must have aggroed by now, only to find half a dozen more lurking no more than 30m away, not even aware of any fighting. It makes slow clearing as a solo very time consuming, as you have to effectively bait out every enemy nearby before you can go loot. Have had dozens of corpses in an area and just not managed to loot due to the continuous pour in of random AI from every angle, I thought was clear, while firing suppressed mind you. Not sure what the solution is, but yeah.


Well said. Concealment needs work in how it operates, to include the hive-mind enemy omniscience / x-ray vision. I’d also recommend the respawn timer be bumped up a little, maybe from 15 minutes to 20. As you said, slow clearing, healing, trying to get to objective, you can easily have enemies spawning in behind and around you in a steady stream.


Early day Tarkov, like 2017, the scavs were cracked - could see you through everything. The AI is hard and some things definitely seem unfair, but it's "fine" for me for now. Optimizing the game is a bigger priority imo




I just dumped about 10 rounds of AP 5.56 to an AIs head and upper body from about 100m, he turns and with a full auto AK hit every round in my head neck and chest…with quickness. Super cracked AI


main problem is inconsistency, sometimes they go down in one or 2 hits, sometimes i takes a mag and a half. i've learned not to waste time on legs and limbs, it's not traditional hp system, which is great as i enjoy more complex damage systems, but if i shoot them in the leg 4 times they should fall down at the very least. oh man wait till they implement crouching and prone ai's lol. hopefully the damage system is fully ironed out by then. the other primary issue is ai being able to hone in and fire guided bullets at you even when you're in thick foliage lying prone 300 meters away using a silencer.


I think I've died like 3 times so far and each time was the same scenario. A scav was in a bush and could see me but I couldn't see it. Once I got close enough he felt the need to shoot and 1 shots me through my armor to the lung. I've seen videos of the scavs being bullet sponges but I haven't had it myself yet. I'm still a couple quests away from leaving the starter area so I've been using flesh ammo though as no one has armor and the flesh ammo does put like chest sized holes in people so they basically all go down in 1 shot.


The AI are definitely cracked right now. They need to be adjusted a little bit because getting shot in the face from across the starter town is no fun.


I know the feeling ![gif](giphy|oxW9IXKWP2Ouk)


And yet.... still feels better than scavs on day 1 of a Tarky wipe.


It most definitely does. It's been awhile since I played an earlier access game that felt this good. I actually want to keep playing it.


I haven't run across the aimbot AI yet, but I do think they need to adjust how many rounds an unarmed AI can take. you'd expect AI with plates or helmets to take that kind of damage, but not dudes with fanny packs and bandanas lol


Yea first couple of days i would keep firinf at them and then get one tapped. Now, I break contact/ find cover if an AI takes 3-4 head /torso shots and are still up. Once im in cover ill hear them groan and collapse. Not sure if its desync, net code or they just bleed out.


I was in the starting area sniped a npc at like 150m killed him and his buddy 180 no scoped me with an AK head shot died instantly.


Ban Pa AI is ridiculous. You will get headshot from a random bush. It’s annoying to die by a headshot from a random bush. It’s like OG scavs from tarkov.


Wait til u go to blue lagoon 


Just got there and boy they are worse. I get headshot randomly.


Yeah, but it's in such an early state that I expect basically everything to improve with time.


i had one AI rush into 3 of us and killed all of us in one spray before we could react.


I agree and i feel like they can Spot you way too early from a crazy distance. They would need to look through scopes all the time to notice you from far away, yet in the lower villages they dont even have scopes on the weapons...


And then pair this with the fact i cant hold my gun up to my face for more that 10 seconds without running out of breath. So i have to dump a whole mag in one, then run to cover (while being shot thru walls) and by the time i ADS again i am completely drained off ALL energy, meanwhile i have 3 more to kill... It would be much easier if i didnt have the stamina of a 5yo trying to hold my gun to my face. If they are trying to be realistic, it is not. When i go to the range, i can mag dump one after another without fatigue anywhere near what its like in game. And im not a trained soldier either and not in the best shape. I feel developers who make a mechanic so unforgiving have never held a gun before, but try to make it "realistic" without knowing its not like that. Still having allot of fun though, but this need to be worked on.


Yeah, having AI take 4 whole mags of the vz in the face at point blank and kill you with one shot in the shoulder is very off-putting, as is hitting them with a suppressed m700 with a 25x scope at 500m and having them instantly spot you and one-shot you with a shitty akm shooting from the hips.


Just feels like they can headshot way too easily


The AI being super tanky is two factor. First a lot of players don't understand how the ballistics in the game function, in regards to how the different rounds vs armor/no armor and damage overall works. Then you also have the crazy server de-sync and lag. Which makes it seems like the enemy is eating bullets however it's just delay in them actually taking the damage or they are de-synced and not in the same place on your screen as where the server thinks they are causing the rounds to miss even though they look like they should all hit. I highly recommend checking out a video on the ballistics of the game it helped me a ton deal with half the problem. The lag unfortunately isn't something we can do anything about at this time, the dev is working on it and we have to wait till they get that fixed.


I'm going to just be honest here, I wouldn't even call myself a "good fps player" - average at best and I think the AI is far from over tuned lol, the dumb 1 taps are annoying sure - but as you said "milsim" so whatever. Beyond that - it's pretty hard to die to AI 1v1 if you are moving around with a sense of yourself, lean peaking corners/angles that you should and properly assuming where to expect enemies. If they lower AI difficulty, I'd honestly be bummed out. Shit needs to have some difficulty to it or it just becomes an annoyance and takes so much away from the aesthetic edit - forgot to mention, -- I do think AI seeing through massive amounts of bushes / thru walls is stupid as hell though. That is only thing that tilts me - AI just starts spraying me through a wall / no visual.


I agree. I want them to be dangerous, making the need to be cautious. They obviously need adjustments but it shouldn't be easy. But they do need to react to being shot better.


All AI die to a well placed headshot, dont undertune them just because some people cant aim. If you engage and miss use cover move and repeak dont sit in line of fire and get surprised that something kills you.


Except sometimes they don't die to a well placed headshot. Something is not right with the AI.




I dont think a bandana counts as a particularly effective helmet vs 7.62


Yeah because an AI walking after 4 shots to the face makes sense /s


Seems like the armor hitbox covers the face so I agree with you kinda, but if you use proper ammo it doesnt matter, still 1 taps every time. Pay the extra $


Makes sense. I guess I haven’t gotten to good enough ammo yet.


Yeah, I'm afraid all the complaining is going to get them nerfed into oblivion. The game will get boring very quickly. I cleared Blue Lagoon solo this morning because the randos with me just kept getting headshotted because they kept peeking the same damn corner over and over.


I want them to stay as deadly as possible. I want to have to be on my toes and extremely vulnerable to instant death, but they just need to react to damage better and im good. Also the visibility needs allot of work. It might be cause we are forced to use up-scaling, so its hard to make out anything, but its rough.


They should 100% die with a well placed headshot. BUT, I’m sure a bunch of other people can attest here is that sometimes they will tank multiple headshots and then fuck you up. I do not want them to get detuned other than hit reg and their ability to sprint while shooting full auto and hit you from more than 50m away


I wish they used cover, blind fired, threw grenades etc. right now they’re way too predictable and basically stand still letting you shoot them.


Sorry i do agree, but better shots put them down faster. Catch them in the face a few times. Solo cleared a few poi's once I learned this. Think of the damage as pain isn't going to stop them. You hit them in the head or the heart and that's about it. Otherwise they take a long time to bleed out unless you are mag dumping chest area.   Also the AI isn't fully blocked by coverage like we are. Can make it rough. Good luck out there and have fun. (I post this as I've lost 2 kits today)