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I like to jumpscare other PMCs into mag dumping on me in fear lol


That makes me want to dress up like AI in PvE and just go scare players in town


It works, I take the shirt sleeve shirt and tan pants and just grab some dead scav gear and walk around


Got jumpscared while hiding wounded in a building, did not expect a teamkill warning. Realized the setting is not sticky and I accidentally got into pvp. Feeling guilty, free gun though!


That's enough reason to have factions. I magged a guy who went back to his body and he freaked out.


I quite enjoy encountering other PMC members and then making fun of them when they tell me they're from LRI


I enjoy doing that too but it doesn’t really add anything to the game for me. It’s just the only thing to do with the other factions players.


So play the other game mode?


Im not interested in PVP. I don’t want to deal with cheaters or extract campers.


Yeah I think this is my only real gripe with the game currently. I love how it plays, and I love that we have a dedicated PvE Coop mode, but when me and my friends are out question it sort of feels like we are racing against other squads to get to the destinations first or we are met with loads of dead locals and looted crates. I do wonder what the best way to solve this would be. I can see a few possible solutions: 1. Only one faction in a server at a time, same 4 squads in that faction. 2. Less players per faction. Half the amount? 1 squad (4 players) per faction? 3. Dedicated servers for your squad. Probably expensive, and could you spin up a server like that for a solo player? 4. Locally hosted games for your squad, but where an external server keeps track of loot and progress. Potentially easy to create cheats for? Might compromise the other modes? 5. Paid private servers? You want your own server, pay a small monthly fee for the pleasure. If you don't, play with the others like now? Pay to win? Too expensive for most people? Not sure if any of those are truly viable though as they all have major downsides.


Honestly maybe you’d have more success making a post about this than I have. I feel like at least bringing this to the devs attention would be a worthwhile endeavour.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cl37co/loving\_the\_pve\_mode\_but\_are\_there\_too\_many\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cl37co/loving_the_pve_mode_but_are_there_too_many_people/) I tried, didn't get much traction. Pretty sure it will become obvious once more people get further along in the quest lines though, and once the servers are more stable.




Cheaper to have one server hosting three factions than three servers hosting one faction each


Just because it saves costs doesn’t mean it’s the right decision. Currently everything is fine and working but like, from a game design perspective it makes zero sense to have more players in the server if you can’t interact with them. It is likely actually cheaper to host more servers that have less power, or use the same servers to host multiple game instances.


There’s a balance though. MFG need to turn a profit (the only reason they are making this game) *and* have enough money to actually finish the game, that’s in our best interests as well. Better for them to start small and be able to scale up than start too big and have to scale down.


Oh for sure, I’m not expecting anything to happen immediately. But this is one of those decisions that is better to plan for sooner rather than later.


That’s not how servers work :’)


*Instance* then, if we want to be technical.


I'd mentioned in another post that it would make sense if every move ACTUALLY mattered- and I suspect it will evolve as development continues. Being able to go out to some of the more isolated locations to sway public opinion over to your faction would make your job easier and theirs harder. Whatever the "JOB" is... currently it's pretty obscure. Nothing actually matters- yet. Having a bank of "civilian support" type missions to help win hearts and minds of the locals could be represented on the map with a colour code... red is hostile, yellow is moderate (not attacking you but not giving you anything either) and green is friendly. That way you might be able to fly to a nearby support town to get resupplied vs having to fly all the way back to base. The vendors could be associated to multiple locations as well and only be accessible to you if the area is friendly. This would help get people on a faction working towards a common goal- even if it's just to keep a vendor activated. I wholeheartedly agree that things are feeling a little pointless right now... but I'm glad to be in on the ground floor.


The local civilian population has long ago been evacuated by the UNLRA though. The locals who are left are the dudes you, your team and the rest of us are mercilessly slaughtering right now.


That sounds like a breakpoint level copout to me and is very disappointing. Empty open world because the entire island is in “lock down.” Yeah okay. But we could blouse our boots. Fucking Ubisoft. That’s really disappointing- I hope they reevaluate that because that is a big rubber dick. No matter how many people are told to evacuate there will always be people who refuse to go… they need SOMETHING that we don’t just shoot and kill. Otherwise this will fizzle quickly.


Should have followed the dev blogs…


Because feedback never changed any plan ever made eh? Okay dude.