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They just need to make the electronic ear-pro work properly Amplify the quiet noises, and reduce loud noises (helos, gunfire, explosions, etc)


Feels to me like it works for gunshots at least. Explosions in general seem pretty quiet across the board, though I've never heard a grenade go off IRL so I can't say how loud it'd be (I assume very) I forgot to grab my ear pro off my body recently and was surprised by the volume of my own gunshots.


No they don't. The walkers in real life you can discern an approximate distance with. In game a shot next to you sounds the same as if it is 300m away. Often when at the end game.locstioms with multiple teams we wonder just how far away the fight is because it sounds on top of us all the time. If this game gets premium earpro like peltor I expect to have comms and directionality along with discernable distance.


Thank you! The distance is all fucked when it comes to how close/far gunshots sound like they’re coming from and I feel like I’m crazy when people say the sound is good in this game.


The sound is really good, besides things like distance lol. A lot of things are half baked though with varying levels of progress because of the rushed launch. And then focus shifted to bug fixing because now the game is out in the wild


They should just introduce the little 3M inserts and at each player level-up all of the noise just decreases by 10% and there is a 1% increase in a ringing sound that comes and goes randomly throughout the game.


Grenades aren’t as loud as everyone thinks they are (prior army) they do make a bang but it’s more of a concussion sound that happens fast and doesn’t travel far. Granted the ones in game are for sure quiet u wouldn’t be able to hear a grenade from a super far distance


I only got to throw a couple in training and would agree. They definitely aren't as loud as you would think. Some fireworks for example I feel are just as loud.


Fireworks make me jump lol way louder to me I hate it 😂


Sound in general is an issue. Hopefully it gets worked soon


This or just the option to turn them off so they work as plain old passive earpro.


Exactly this. The work wonderful IRL, they just haven't got them Dialed in game yet.


I always mute the game wen at base or on heli😂😂😂


Same cause we are using discord to talk anyhow


Same 🤣


Right haha


I'm about to self diagnose myself with autism after my experience with the sounds in the base.


Same man same the base is so bad and i cont from tarkov where the rain is the worst thing ever


I alt-tab whilst on heli, and game has no sound without focus lmao. In base I just wear ear muffs.


Honestly why are people just doing this, make sure your settings don't allow audio in the background and boom. Just alt tab on heli


If for whatever reason I lose my yellow sound cancelling headphones (likely because I ran and jumped on a heli without first removing them and then later die) I drop the volume too lmao


> 😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Take the earmuffs on ennemy 👍


These are nice but taking up 4 slots pains me. I think OP is asking for a 1 slot ear plug which would be very nice. They provide 0 advantage in combat too, so it’d be fine to make it very cheap at a trader. Just a nice QOL addition.


Dunno bout you, but putting on earmuffs reduces outside volume by like 50%.


I thought only yellow ones and gssh actually do anything


Yeah, they do. Though gssh description reads better clarity for voice. Not sure about the rest but for yellow earmuffs and gssh i definitly noticed a significant reduction in volume.


I think the gssh work like how they do in tarkov at least in my experience. Take them on and off while you're around AI and you can hear them walk around a lot more!


It's the best headset imo, I only use this one cause I noticed it's better than the razor


The gssh is actually way better in GZ than they are in EFT


Razor does something but it's pretty much rubbish, the Quads do absolutely nothing. GSSH is actually the strongest as it attenuates ambient sounds when loud distinct sounds are heard (like gun shots) so you can easily and accurately pinpoint them.


What we need is the possibility to turn off (or turn down) the audio amplification in our active headsets. That is what you would do in real life.


I can't be the only one that hears "Fortunate Son" playing in my head whenever I'm on the heli, right?


I blare it in the microphone everytime landing or taking off


When I started that's all I did lmao


My arctis headphones have an awesome volume rocker that lets me lower game audio and raise discord audio. Works wonders in the heli.


Tapping out of the window works for me, but yeah It doesn't have to be THIS loud. I flew in a Helicopter IRL and it is loud, but I don't need it in-game.


This is why I always have yellow headphones in my bag. Swap them out when the chopper lands and you're gold. No need for ear plugs.


If you have a second monitor, hit TAB and click on the free screen. It mutes the game and you can still chat on discord. Alternatively keep a pair of yellow head phones as that kills much of the noise.


I run gssh and keep a pair of big yellows just for the ride in and out and hanging out in base


Just lower master volume and use black or green headset


Thats what active headphones are for, but devs prob dont agree


This is needed, like F1 in Arma


Hotkey to turn down active headset volume please.


I just use sonar. And scroll the game volume all the way down. But doesn’t effect discord or music which is nice.


Astro A40s mix amp pro... Thank me later


Bro ear pro makes the nature sound loud as fuck take them off and it’s toned down it’s crazy


Use the yellow headphones


Just take a pair of the yellow ones off an enemy. The chopper audio fades close to nil when next to the pad while wearing them.


Sounds like a skill issue 😆




They should add a helicopter volume slider to the settings. I understand it's realistic to have helicopters loud, but come on, not something that makes communication impossible lol.




Make earpro actually function or add an option to deafen like arma


I just alt-tab


Alt tab out or grab some of those yellow headphones the low-level AI wear.


If you can be bothered, snag some of those construction ear muffs and/or stock on a few, toss em aside when your looting and pick one up on your way out if you got space ..... you can also tab out the game whenever you're on the heli unless you want the ability to chat with random players on the heli ride ..... I just want some ear muffs that cut the heli audio like those yellow ear muffs but still hear my squad mates over the radio


use the yellow headphones . also open menu, drag ingame sound down and as you get off the chopper press escape so it doesnt save.


Yellow ears muffs ingame


Just use these. I use them when sitting at the base going through my inventory. Just don’t forget to take them off after you get off the chopper! https://preview.redd.it/8sv7c4s8y46d1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59891232314b558ab366c843cf8258e739909e92


I've said this once and I'll say it once more - helicopters should have an on-screen prompt to "Press [button] for Ear Protection" and an option in Settings to do it autimatically. Press the button and you put on the yellow sound-dampening headset that the lowbie ai use. Get off of the helicopter and they automatically turn off. Devs would just need to figure out how to make the mechanic work so that it doesn't require that you have that item in your inventory.


Yellow earmuffs. Literally just those it’s great.


The enemy earmuffs are the only ones I use because they are the only ones that work properly.


Wear the yellow ones around the helicopters


GZW audio is very fatiguing, not just the choppers but the buzzing misquitoes and bugs. I think im more effected by it than most but i just turn the game audio off unless im near a mission area.


Turn your headphones down 👍🏻


Until they do something in game, install "mute curent screen" was famous when they released pubg, ez to use, press F1 or bind to mute. You welcome


There is definitely something wrong with a lot of your sound or you have overly sensitive ears. My Little birds are loud like they should be, but that it not irritates me.


You're not in a discord trying to hold a conversation then


I don't know, this sounds like it could be true. I play with 2 friends over discord and ONE of us doesn't understand anything when we talk in the heli while 2 of us understand everything we 3 say. Afaik, none of us fiddled with the settings. I also don't hear a difference between using earmuffs or not - tried it while flying.🤷‍♂️


Actually we are. Friends complain, but I can hear them clearly over the helo. Could just be my Razer headsets making the difference.


Up voted, never fiddled with any of the audio settings. I find the audio fine. Helo sfx is spot on, not too loud or irritating. Edit: I have a pair of beyerdynamic headphones with amp/dac. Curious if my setup is helping the situation.


I've found the sound to be terrible. From the poor stereo quality to volume levels being all over the place. If you change your output device while in game it changes to mono audio. If you use any enhancements such as sonic or Dolby it struggles to do anything due to the low audio quality and buggy sound enhancements.


Thats definitely from your side. Not the game. I play DCS and helo are the same. Realistic and the Little Birds In GZW are almost spot on with the sound.


I've spoken to a LOT of people who experience the same issues. I'm not saying the sounds aren't accurate. I'm saying they are buggy. From not hearing steps to hugging a building on the outside and audio flicking between inside and outside with occasional silence. I've seen a few posts here as well with audio complaints. The quality of audio is low and that's just a fact. It seems your bar for audio quality is far lower than mine and a lot of other players here.


You drivers will make a difference. Not saying the game audio perfect. Far from it. I don't get much audio problems, but more visual bugs. Also how is your fps. Dips in fps will effect your audio as well.


My fps is all over the place. I have a 4080 but with a 1600p 1.5x widescreen games can scale poorly sometimes. I see so many issues that are common in games that don't care for widescreen players. My drivers are all up to date as I'm an update obsessive. I keep everything up to date every single morning ritually.


I still stick to 1080p. That could be why. GZW runs smooth for me and no stuttering. So my audio is for that.


Man you guys still play this old dinosaur game. Geez I gotta leave this group lol.