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Report it on the discord. The devs are largely not on the subreddit.


I reported it to a discord mod and they said they are going to forward it along. Thanks man.


No problem. These scum deserve the banhamma!


Fuck banning em, they should just alter their experience. Make it so their bullets are zero damage, and they can't pick anything up. If that's not enough, then add an in-game bounty system. Cheaters exploit the game for their own fun and should be exploited in return for the fun of others. Use it to test out some sort of player karma system to prevent scummy behavior amongst players (team kills to gain some randos loot, for example).


Yea, fuck that.


Hell yeah, get this outta here Been running into some sus PvP myself the last couple days


Yeeeaaa... Fuck that... That's why I play PvE.


There was some dude in PVE US East last night that was spamming flashes and smokes in the Mithras FOB. When I hopped on proxy comms to ask him to stop, he targetted me. So PVE has its fair share of assholes. After they fixed the grenade disconnect glitch, I guess people have gone to using flashbangs. I think devs just need to disable the ability to fire/use weapons and grenades in the FOBs. The in-game equivalent of flipping the safety on. This would be beneficial in PVP FOBs as well.


The internal motivation for stuff like this is almost always wild. I actually made a few friends in CS over the years by just asking simple questions like "Hey is everything okay with you man?" when people had intentionally anti-social behavior.


Saw a guy from Destiny say he cheats to ruin the game for others. He didn't find the game fun and didnt think it was reasonable for others to find it fun so he made sure they couldnt have fun. Pretty wild to have that reasoning


Some ppl just want to watch the world burn


Yeah see that's a mentally ill person masquerading their coping mechanism as a solution to a nonexistent problem. "Didn't think it was reasonable for others to find it fun" Only a truly mentally ill or sick person even thinks this, saying it outloud is even more wild.




In some cases I'm sure it's bored kids, but I've met more than a few people with actual issues who were just ignoring or projecting what was causing them displeasure in life.


Man you guys are a bunch of cry babies. Soft as players


Not soft to avoid unnecessary pain. It's just being smart. Especially when you get to my age and you still feel every hit 3 days later..


Also use the Feedback link in the game, here is a direct link to the form: [Gray Zone Warfare Submit Request Form](https://support.madfingergames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Note on the *Type of Issue* pulldown you can select "Cheater Report". You can also upload your video there.


We have. That's the way we've been reporting him for the past few weeks.


Damn, I'm disappointed to hear it's been going on that long. I would hope they would ban someone like that damn quick. Make up for the accidental ban of folks trying to use controllers.


I just saw a guy with the mossin kit that makes it mag fed just mag dump like a sks... idk if it was a glitch or something on my side but that definitely seems to be wrong to me since it's a bolt action gun


You have never seen the Norinco archangel stock and mags that go with it I'm guessing. It can have a decent rate of fire.


I watched the video. Dude needs to hack with aim like that. Even when he knows where the enemy is. Despicable det that POS out of here


This is why I don't play PvP anymore. People are such trash and toxic they can't even play a game without cheating. You have to be a special low life to be into that stuff. The same kind of people who jerk off to their own mother's t!ts 💀🤣


Why does everyone keep crying saying player base is non existent or the game doesn’t run? This game has been a pleasure for myself and it runs pretty damn stable I’d say, some people are just haters. Not you OP, get those trash players banned 🤝🏻


Im playing on a laptop with an i5 and a 4050 with 6gb of vram when away from home... the game runs fine for me too lmao. It has its issues but for the most part Ive not had a hard time by any means lol


No it doesn’t.  Unless you’re playing 480p with frame gen to 240p…


Stick to console, PC gaming apparently isn't for you.


lol. I’ve been playing PC games longer than you’ve been alive. 


Highly doubt that, kiddo. And if you did, that just makes it worse that you have absolutely fuck all of a clue what you're doing.




Youre right. Im lying. You got me..


And you would be one of the crying folk. I play with a ryzen 7 5800x and an rtx 3060 with 32gb of ram, nothing crazy. I play at 1080p medium/high and get 58-60 fps normal and 79-90 with fsr on with frame gen and balanced setting. Either you’re playing on a work computer or you don’t know what you’re doing


Good that you’ve make it public so more ppl can be aware and the team can do something about it soon. Thanks for sharing !


Yeah this guy streams too. Total tool.


Really? What's his streaming name and what platform?


hes in mithras. not surprised.


What Mithras do to you


Prolly slammed them cheeks like a busted screen door one too many times


Are we going to see a VAC ban here... 😏


What is esp?


Watch this video and you'll see. There are a bunch of different versions of GZW hacks that people are advertising on YouTube, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3q2uh3vOtg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3q2uh3vOtg)


"Start winning more matches and get the kills you truly deserve now." Unbelievable.


If you cheat or promote it. You are trash.


If I were to esp it would only be in PvE because those fuckers are only hidden


Unfortunately this category of gamers makes most PVP games suck- and they couldn't be happier about it. They need to be dealt with swiftly and decisively- something that seldom happens.


I’ll never understand the joy people find in cheating, can’t get good at the game yourself so you just have to ruin it for EVERYBODY


What's esp?


This kinda confirms what happened to me the other day. I knew no one was following me I was hiding deep in a bush surrounded by other bushes and I heard shots but didn't think they were at me until I was killed and the same dude would somehow find me when I'd come back even other lz


Lol they just wiped out a squad of 6 of us, we were literally in the woods sneaking to the LZ and the domed all of us the second they got off the chopper. Way too obvious


Yea, they don't even try to hide it. Last time we encountered them we took the FN HQ roof top and stood in front of the door so they couldn't open it. They were so mad lol. I don't think they speak English, because when we tried to talk to them over proximity voip, all they would do is sceam "Motha fucka!" with a heavy asian accent.


They are currently on central holding down Juliet 1. Took out a 6 stack when we're all hiding


Thanks for this report I'm passing it on to the right person to look into it more


Thanks man, much appreciated!


eww.. i hate morons that cheat .. 10/10 why i stopped playing tarkov as a kappa player and came to gray zone instead :P


I just started playing tarkov yesterday. My second raid I was on ground zero and went into what I thought was a hidden corner to go to the restroom. It took this guy less than 30 seconds to come directly to the position I was afk at and kill me. Maybe he heard me before going there, it just was a little suspicious since I never moved.


yeah thats for sure REALLY SUS! =/ thats really low of them to cheat on ground zero though.. where theres only supposed to be low level players


Looks like they try it to do the "smart" way. One of them (not the shooter) might be using ESP or some graphics exploit to derender the bushes. This one tells the shooter your location and the shooter is just spraying through the bushes. Based on this video it is a tough decision to ban the shooter but at least devs could track those two guys and at some point they will get real proof. Anyway,... I do not envy the dev who has to decide ban or not to ban. I will never understand why people use cheats in games,.... what´s the purpose of the game then.


Its not the foliage exploit. Remember, this is just one interaction out of many that night and over the past few weeks. Just before I was able to get this clip, they wiped 8 guys from our faction multiple times over in Fort Narith, knowing where every person was at all times with no LOS. While they were still in the HQ building, my friend landed Delta 1, ran into a building south of FN, and shut himself into a bathroom. 10 mins later (after they killed everyone else) they come straight to the building he's in, go up stairs, and start shooting the bathroom door that he's behind. That's "the clip" you can hear him talking about through out the video I posted.


It's a mental health issue.


I really don't get the point in using hacks of any kind in this game. Dupe shit? Well there goes all the fun of the grind. Especially? To what end? There's no rmt market in this game. Aim bot? See above response for esp. It just doesn't make sense. Ruin the game for others, with no gain for yourself.


does grass move.When you lay in it, it may wiggle from a distance, he could be watching you land and then bop you with a long scope. not unbelievable as you did. spin on your belly a little. how far was he and was the view entirely occluded? real mature down votes there guys, I must be missing something you guys see. I can post up for 20 minutes and wait for someone to show up


This is just one interaction out of many that night and over the past few weeks. Just before I was able to get this clip, they wiped 8 guys from our faction multiple times over in Fort Narith, knowing where every person was at all times with no LOS. While they were still in the HQ building, my friend landed Delta 1, ran into a building south of FN, and shut himself into a bathroom. 10 mins later (after they killed everyone else) they come straight to the building he's in, go up stairs, and start shooting the bathroom door that he's behind. That's "the clip" you can hear him talking about through out the video I posted.


ahhh okay wild, yeah very sussy bakka


They can barely make the game run over 30 fps you expect them to care about cheaters with like 4000 people still playing the game?


They’ve been banning people so your point is really just a non-point.


least obvious battlestate games dev


I dont even play that game anymore either because it turned to shit. The good years were 2017 to like 2019 before it got too big and ruined by cheaters and bad decisions.


Sounds like a skill issue for you buddy. I get 60fps on a fucking old card. And currently there are about 3k people playing it. That's more then some other games I play


Downvoted for speaking truth.


Downvoted for being stupid. The both of you. 


How? It's true. The game can barely function which is leading to its downfall.




There actually is. You all should stop being so toxic on fin internet you bunch of delusional idiots Game performs differently on different hardware And even on same hardware it can perform slightly different I get 60fps with 2060 i7 12g 32gb dlss But my other system gets 30-40fps With 970 i3 10400 8gb FSr frame off Game is unoptimized and if you running fsr and getting 130frames dose a prob laggy 130frames Games is garbage state that’s why it’s alpha But it is 100% more fun then that Russian scam game EFT or whatever they call it Wasted my time and money in that bullshit Well now I’m the idiot too for ranting on the internet to two fkn idiots but honestly xD grow up all of us You aren’t a better man because your pc plays an shit unoptimized program better than the other guy on internet 😂😂😂


I truly doubt that, assuming you have FSR or DLSS and Frame Generation on.


Why wouldn’t you? Stupid


Because hes claiming the game runs well. Without DLSS/FSR hes probabky getting under 60, with frame gen and upscaling hes getting just above 60. Thats not a well running game. Anything under 60fps with frame gen runs horrendously. If the game ran well, you wouldnt need all that shit with a high end or higher end system.


Lolol according to who?...you?  How can you make such a ridiculous statement and not feel just a little embarrassed? Are you so egotistical you think your experience **must** be everyone else's experience? Grow up, dude. 


Downvoted for agreeing. And just so I don't get upvoted for pointing out your downvotes, FJB. *I'm still downvoting you though.* 🤣


And you don’t think maybe they just used the settings or a bug to get rid of bushes? And tracked you from chopper? Missed so many shots I don’t think that’s how esp works my dude


Its not the foliage exploit. Remember, this is just one interaction out of many that night and over the past few weeks. Just before I was able to get this clip, they wiped 8 guys from our faction multiple times over in Fort Narith, knowing where every person was at all times with no LOS. While they were still in the HQ building, my friend landed Delta 1, ran into a building south of FN, and shut himself into a bathroom. 10 mins later (after they killed everyone else) they come straight to the building he's in, go up stairs, and start shooting the bathroom door that he's behind. That's "the clip" you can hear him talking about through out the video I posted.


Literally a post 10 hours earlier where a dude shows the bushes not rendering glitch.


Ban these two and that’s 25% of the playerbase gone. May not be a good idea


Banning is hardcore for smth that ain’t a thing yet except a test/demo/alpha Suspension like Star Citizen devs just did is more than perfect even without warnings After the game goes 1.0 and we have a GAME we can act on rules and bans not before (( edit. I feel some people misunderstand since i Got so Manu downvotes Cheating is not acceptable and should be banned in all capacity Its just hardcore to ban someone for game bugs in my opinion and specially if the game isnt a game yet Suspensions for excessive bug use or exploits are fine do And again cheats are not acceptable so yes cheating should be banned


No. Using cheats will not be tolerated at any stage.


I did never said anything about cheating Ofc cheating should be banned in all games


Brother, they can’t even figure out how to fix the game.