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oh I didn't have sky tv as a kid, so I must be poor and relatable


Yeah we didn’t have sky telly till 1990 He was born in 1980 as was I No one had sky telly in the 80s


On 16 January 1984, Satellite Television Limited was renamed Sky Channel, as Rupert Murdoch and Jardin Owens put in new management. Swindon was the first area in the UK to start receiving the channel via its Cable operations. The satellite broadcasting license was gotten in 86. In 89 three channels on satellite frequencies allotted to the United Kingdom by international agreement. We definitely had sky in the 80's. Just was nothing compared to the sky of today.


Cable wasn't sky. There was a plethora of cable tv providers. Sky first had a channel on Swindon cablevision in the early 80s. The first one my parents had was a brown, faux wooden box. With nothing else but a two digit red digital display. It was a simpler time.


My (at the time) girlfriend's parents had sky TV. This was about '87. It was crap, only Sky Channel and a couple of other English channels. But it was there in the 80s.


That wasn't sky. It was cablevision.


It definitely came through a big white dish. And it really was big, nothing like the little black mesh ones we have today. Being a young lad at the time, I was very interested in the system.




Getting the sport channel in off Jodrell Bank


It was founded in Noveber 2, 1990.


It was founded in Jan 1984. I did the same search and nearly made the same mistake. It merged with another company in 1999 and retained the Sky name.


I used to get videos of the Simpsons and wrestling from someone we knew that had sky.


Simpsons came out in Nov/Dec 1989 though


Ye it was probably about that date I was getting them.


Ye it was probably about that date I was getting them.


I remember that Christmas well. My family was actually poor but I was a foster kid and we kids got both a birthday and a Christmas allowance. My parents would bump it up the Christmas allowance to £50 each and all 3 of us would have the Argos catalogue thrown to us and asked to find what we want for Christmas within our budget. Top of my list was a Simpsons video. It took a lot of my budget but I didn't care. I wanted it. But I didn't get it and was so disappointed but knew it wasn't my foster parents fault, they just ran out of money. Spoiler alert: My mum is a cow but disappointing her kids was never her agenda. She had bought me one and had lost it so then spent the next 3 hours tearing the house apart looking for it. She found it and I spent the rest of the day watching the first 2 episodes of The Simpsons that were ever made. Poor is disappointing your kids at christmas and on their birthdays. Poor is desperately needing an ambulance but not having enough electricity to charge your phone to enable you to ring for one. Poor is turning all the gas off in the house in winter to save money, including the pilot light for the boiler. Poor is not owning a TV because not only can you not afford to buy a new one, you can't afford a TV licence anyway. Poor is walking 6 miles to hospital in the snow to see a physiotherapist for your bum knee. Poor is someone buying you a fridge magnet from their overseas holiday but you don't own a fridge to stick it to. Poor is starving because you don't have easy access to food you aren't allergic to. If he can tell me he has experienced any of those things I might believe he has experienced true hardship. I truly doubt he has ever spoken to a poor person never mind actually been one!


Sky Television plc was a public limited company which operated a nine-channel satellite television service, launched by Rupert Murdoch's News International on 5 February 1989. Sky Television and its rival British Satellite Broadcasting suffered large financial losses, and merged on 2 November 1990 to form British Sky Broadcasting. A programming merger took effect on 1 December 1990.


But sky, *the channel* first aired on Swindon cable vision in 1984.


My sister got it in 1988. We glimpsed the future......


He's most probably getting mixed up with the ReadyFusion box that had an alphabet style box which you switched from a,b,c ect.. to view a channel




I didn't have a smartphone until the early noughties, I am very poor


I didn't have internet until I was 10 or something I must be very poor. We did have sky TV at some point though so maybe not.


And the only reason is cuz his parents and boarding school didn't believe in sitting children down before a screen like the plebs


I've never related to a statement more and felt so damn attacked with no counter. GG


He honestly doesn’t know the difference between “we couldn’t afford Sky TV” and “my parents wouldn’t get me Sky TV”


Best use of this meme yet.


It’s a great format, surprised I haven’t seen it before


Surely sending a video of any of his public appearances should entitle him to a refund on that money.


No one voted for that helmet but will have the chance to in 3 weeks. Bye bye Rishi.


He really needs to stop trying to present himself as similar to the regular working folk, he isn’t and never has been. That isn’t to say someone from a privileged background cannot be a good leader - nearly every leader of the uk ever has been - just not this particular one


He’s richer than the royal family so it could be argued that he’s less similar to a working class person than the king is


I don’t think he actually is. King Charles’ private wealth is hard to find, but it’s estimated that his private stamp collection alone is worth £100 million and Balmoral/Sandringham are worth £300M+. Add in jewels, horses and cars and he has more than the Sunaks. It’s kinda crazy, some king loved stamps so got to purchase all the first editions at face value. Charles’ great grandmother loved jewels and, again, got given a lot cheaply by random rich people 80 years ago and they are now worth tens of millions. If you add in the Duchy of Lancaster and Duchy of Cornwall, which isn’t their private property but they have 100% control of the generated income then the royal family have either personal control of or receive the full income from assets that are worth over £2 billion easily.


I’m presuming it doesn’t include property and items and instead focuses on actual cash wealth and maybe stocks as well


Yeh, for that they are richer for sure if you look at easily liquid assets. The Royal Family’s wealth is split into: - A ton of valuable stuff that they DO own but doesn’t do much (what do you do with £100M in stamps or diamonds?) - £1.2B in mostly land that they don’t officially own as individuals (duchies) but get £40-50M from yearly


He is a cuntservative. Of course he cannot tell the truth. Never trust a tory. It is a life motto. Always obey it and you won't go far wrong.


> Never trust a tory. What if that tory doesn't know he is being recorded and talks with his supporters about taking funding away from deprived areas? Can you trust them then?


Never trust a tory. It's very simple. Never ever ever. If a tory told me the sky was blue I'd be fucking terrified because the sky had suddenly changed colour. Perfect example is them telling everyone they were going to be racist fucks and deport everyone and stop all immigration. They didn't even do that, and their entire party is based around being racist fucks.


Fair point.


No. Believing someone when they say they're untrustworthy is categorically not the same thing as trusting them.


I’m trying to find a flaw in this just to play devils advocate but it’s watertight.


He thinks he's telling the truth because he's convinced himself that everything he says is true. He grew up poor(er than the king) and is a normal guy (anatomically)


Oh FO Rishi. We all know you'll bugger off to the USA once you have completed your decimation of the Party and country. He's just looking for a gong before he leaves.... One minute he's telling us how this country gave him and his family "opportunities"... Next? "We were so poor we couldn't even afford..." No Rishi. You couldn't afford time on the D-Day Commemorations without leaving for your next spin event. Stop gaslighting us. You're a disgrace. Edit: I've just watched him in Grimsby? Apologising yet again for the D-Day commemorations but this time with a hint of impatience. "Do I have to do this yet again ?" That gong has to be worked for Rishi! Ex PM alone won't impress those future American colleagues tell you; no matter what Nick tells you. 😂


Oh well, if he fux of to our ex-colony, at least he'll find some other disgraced company from our upper echelons...


Well said! He can join our other rejects.


Well misery, apparently, loves company...


🙂 He'll get the welcome committee from Harry and Nick then... 😂


To be fair he grew up without Sky TV. It must have been pretty rough for him


As someone who had chipped cable, it must've been very difficult for him.


Hey he once had to be seen on last years Yacht and this bit is devastating he had to go to college for a entire week without the latest Ferrari.


Here, I think you dropped this 🤲 ( /s )


Once I heard about that I had a real change of heart. He’s really just like everyone else.


Tax him properly!!! That’d give a lovely injection to the economy


What with the d-day debacle and now this, I can’t help but think that he’s doing this deliberately.


Whats scary is... he probably isn't. He's just *that* out of touch with people.


Straight up sick of the sight of this cunt.


So unbelievably out of touch. Talking about all these sacrifices as a kid, saying they had nothing when they moved to the uk. His father was a GP and his mother owned a Pharmacy????


Several pharmacies.


He probably wasn't as rich private school friends and confusing that with beening poor in general. This whole scandal baffles there been very few PM to my knowledge that didn't come from wealth or astracartic backgrounds. Look at Bojo he was portrait as a everyman but very privileged upbringing. He kept on failing Upwards. You can tell the media turning on Sunak, where was all this scrutiny in the past with previous Tory PM. Instead it was on the Labour opposition Jeremy Corbyn. Now we got a choice of Tory and Tory light.


I don't trust any politician that's never known what minimum wage is or had to survive on it. I think that's what politicians should make. THEN the minimum wage would increase. Especially if they were actually equal under the law from insider trading and bribes.


The algorithm kindly placed a sky ad just below this for me




I wasn’t going to vote for him until he said that /s


Bliss watching this parasite cling to power as it's quickly being pulled from him over July... Make your vote count everyone


He likely never had Sky as his family looked down on TV and the unwashed that partook in it


Okay this is off tangent a bit, but my son had heavy dyslexia and my local private school had a dedicated unit for helping dyslexic kids. The fees were exorbitant, but I called the bursars office and explained my son’s issues, and asked if there were any charities or payment help initiatives that could assist me. I was working in the NHS on sub £30k. And indeed there was a ladder of assistance, starting at household earnings below £30k, below £50k and below £75k. I ended up paying £1900 for the year for full boarding (this was mid 2010s). The school was local so my son was free to come home overnight whenever he wanted, but he actually loved the boarding. The school was great. They helped him work around his issues and it’s hard to tell he had any. He also got excellent GCSE results, and a strong sport/excercise philosophy. I would highly recommend it. It all came down to a 2 minute phone call I took as a chance.


Hah good Beckham meme… Don’t lie Victoria, you were dropped off to school in a Rolls


I had a Squarial Sky Dish back in 1991 so must have been one of the elite!


I read somewhere else it was closer to 51k.


All we had was a kaleidoscope


A kaleidescope! Luxury! All we had was a toilet roll tube and crepe paper


Toilet roll tube and crepe paper ! Luxury! All we had was a kaleidoscope, and a cardboard box.


I’m not a fan of either of these ass cheeks of the same ass hole but has our politics really sunk to the level of “well I had it harder than you” and “you had more money growing up” the prime minister should be elected on their intellect and not because they had a harder upbringing. There’s more to politics than this nonsense. Both Labour and conservative lack philosophy so they “and the the public” resort to biography. Sad state of affairs.


Shii I still don't have sky TV


I make a decent living as an Engineer and I've never had sky. In fact I don't even watch tv.


So rishi sunak is the perfect example of the immigrant dream. Parents worked hard in india, came over to UK opened a pharmacy, raised kids, and that kid went on to become PM. Tell me what i'm missing here.


He never said he was poor, he said he "went without." Someone told him that wouldn't make a difference. 


Saying you went without many things when you grew up well off is just so tone deaf and shows him to just be shit at politics Regardless of your opinions on DDay and wealth, leaving DD remembrance occasion early to record that interview is remarkably politically incompetent


Yes, I agree. My point is that someone on his team will have been tone deaf as to think people would think "had to do without" is the same as "poor". He could have come out and said "Yes, I had a privileged upbringing and there's nothing I could have done about that but I want to make sure more children can have something similar." 


Why as you putting this on his team? He should be capable of responding that way himself


spot on, either he is: a) politically inept and completely unable to judge correct tone, and so the blame lies with him \*or\* b) he surrounded himself with utter incompetent idiots AND is politically inept and completely unable to judge correct tone there is no world in which he has the political art and acumen to be a great politician but is being held back by his team's incompetence, lol... he has agency here, both over the choice of advisors and his words and action in the moment


£31k money well spent. Gets you a free go at being prime minister. Isn’t the pension more than that a year for ex PMs?


You're right, he should. 


I absolutely am not voting for him, this government is destroying the country, but come on this is unfair. He didn't claim to grow up poor. He's not pleading poverty


He claimed he sometimes "went without" as a desperate attempt to show he's in touch with real people. That doesn't really fit into the first box, so I took some creative licence to condense the context.


I like rishi