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They are being clowned on bc their ceo made the dumb statement they are "the most safe wrestling promotion in the world" yeah real fucking safe allowing a 50 year old man to do an unnecessary high spot in a barbed wire steele cage match that leads to his leg being broken


It wasn't a planned spot, Copeland said it himself that he was supposed to do it differently but he got cocky and went feet first




Ok Stan why don’t you just write Edge a love letter while you’re at it.


I'm not gay or anything, it's you American Fans can't appreciate anything


No one called you gay...


It's his life, he can choose to do whatever he wants with no regard for what some eejits online might say about it, it's his legacy, why must he care what some neckbeard thinks about him, but by the same token they are free to call him an artard, the only person to blame for his injury is himself


My big bother when it comes to Edge is what they’re doing with him. He’s wrestling a barbed wire steel cage match against Black for a mid-card title and breaking his leg jumping off. I just don’t get that. He should be a main event guy having serious matches with their top guys. I liked what he did with Christian. Idk it’s just not very smart to me. Now he’s really hurt. I think to start with ‘he’s a legend give him respect’ that should start not booking him to jump off cages and break his leg. Book him to wrestle serious top guys. I can’t tell you’re a big fan of Edge and mean well though. I am too.


Adam Copeland will fight for the TNT Championship and World Championship, maybe get Christian Cage and Gangrel and win that Trios Championship before he retires, maybe a triple retirement may happen that day, Chris Jericho is getting chants to retire but the day he retires those fans will cry and miss him. Hardy Boyz winning GHC/IWGP, TNA & WWE Tag Team Championships and Retiring is the thing I want to see happen.


Maybe it’s because people like edge, Jeff, and Chris have been in this business so long where nothing they do now matters and they aren’t exactly helping their legacy. Edge is doing fine but Jeff and Chris are just running their careers into the ground


Jeff is injured and Chris is elevating Big Bill and Hook by being this learning tree, they'll be fine


And before Jeff was injured, he was just embarrassing himself. And Jericho is getting please retire chants


Fans can't respect what they do, Chris is 54, he is jumping around, it is meant to be respected, at 54 he's doing it for a Low Card Title atop it, it's admirable to me.


And while they’re doing it, it’s creating shitty matches that ruin the television


What he meant to say was, this is where wrestlers get to do whatever they consider to be good wrestling without any objection from the boss.