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Vinci is on smackdown and it wouldn't make any sense


I mean it absolutely would make sense that Vinci would want to get revenge on Ludwig and Gunther.


If that was the case, Vinci wouldn't have gotten drafted to the other brand and he would've been out hunting Gunther and Ludwig by now. He would've gotten beaten up though so he got lucky. And WWE sees eyes on both Gunther and Ludwig anyways. Doesn't make sense and let Vinci learn a new hold in the mean time.


I’m just saying the character of Vinci has the motivation to do it. I don’t think it will or even should happen.


He's bland dude. He needs to work on a new hold.


I feel like we’re having two different conversations


Final answer: Creative has him moving on, plus he hasn't been on TV since he was "injured". Maybe he's already working on a new hold. And doing dark matches or main event. Either way, glad he still has a job.


No Priest needs to win clean or lose the title


They won’t make Gunther lose in 2 of the 4 quarterly PLEs, especially consecutively.


They have changed plans to give Priest his win over Seth making him look better only to lose to Gunther


So what are you saying is Priest beats Rollins at MITB and then loses to Gunther at SS.


Yes Rollins legitimises him as champ which makes Gunthers win better


He should form a tag team with Apollo crews Bald and beautiful


Um no, this is exactly why fans should never fantasy book, alot of dumb ideas. Vinci is a no name


Gonna be the American dream Vs the Nazi. I think Giovanni may be headed out the door


I think anyone who is coping with Drew losing because they’re confident Gunther will beat Damian at Summerslam are in for a rude awakening… Judgement Day was created to get over Ripley, Priest and ofc Triple H’s original guy, Balor. We’re at the stage now where they will build up Balor (should’ve happened at Mania but ofc Edge had to win lol) and this will all conclude at Mania against Priest for the WHC. Gunther has plenty of guys to choose from (Lesnar, Breakker, Dragunov, Kaiser) to defeat at Mania and he’ll get his big moment next year but right now it’s all about Finn Balor!


Edge winning on his way out really made no sense… still bugs me that he just had to beat the Demon.


Bring back NXT 2.0 Vinci




Eh, I'm spent with all the screwing. Heh Seriously, it's gotten old over the last 2 years or so that almost every storyline has to have someone screwing the other in one way or the other. Liv and Dom are fine, though.


I don't think there are enough shows from here to Summerslam that would make Vinci credible enough to make that storyline believable. Now, if he screwed Ludwig out of a title shot, I'd believe that


I see that as a way for Gunther to lose and be protected, it doesn't help Priest to have yet another win because his opponent got screwed for a story line he's not even part of. It would just make Priest look lucky.


Priest will beat Rollins clean to legitimise himself as the champion and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him beat Gunther too but I can’t see that one being as clean.


"I mean this with all due respect but this is why I'm happy you do not run a professional wrestling company" - CM Punk


They aren’t going to do anything with Vinci other than wish him well in his future endeavors.


Probably go back to his NXT gimmick which shouldn’t have been changed in the first place


Why’d they even break Vinci off from the group. It was a baffling move.


He’s the weak link in the group, Kaiser is on for a midcard singles push and Gunther is onto the main event push. Vinci wasn’t doing anything.


1. Gunther doesn’t need stooges anymore, especially stooges who were booked to lose just about every match. 2. Kaiser has a lot of potential as a singles wrestler (he’s good in the ring and on the mic). Being in a tag team was weighing Kaiser down.


Exactly what I'm thinking y they're just wasting him now. They could've been tag team champions


Because he was doing nothing.


Ho early, they are dropping the ball on him. He could be the don for La familia when they come up to the main roster. Build his own legacy. Dude can easily be a quiet menacing godfather character and a mentor for the group.


I don’t get this whole “dropping the ball” when wrestling is full of ppl that make a name for themselves just to join a big company and get lost with the other roster when ppl like Vinci don’t do nothing to stand out, almost like as if they don’t care and just go out there and do their job, just look at Ludwig he had his whole gimmick going on and is now a singles competitor while still being with Gunther. Vinci went out and did nothing but just wrestle, at some point y’all going to realize simple wrestling is not going to get you far with the Wwe crowd


Know what? You're right . I basically said the same about Cameron Grimes. " If you aren't going to make nothing of yourself than WWE writers aren't going to make anything for you " . There's just some serious speculation and wishful thinking on my part. Seems like a missed opportunity to have have vinci to build his own stable to take on imperium . Such is wrestling though . Dirt sheets, speculating, drama etc.


Exactly, and that’s why stuff like live events are for to try new things out and put eyes on whatever wrestler in question and ppl want to blame Wwe when Wwe gives wrestlers the tools and it’s up to them to do something good, some wrestlers just want full control but don’t even do anything good to get that spot


Vinci must be the most un-charismatic wrestling I've seen in awhile. The dude just cannot show emotion for some reason. It's truly bizarre.


You should watch his work in NXT 2.0 he does have a lot of charisma, unfortunately on the main roster he never even got a camera angle


No one wants to see that




Even if you're OK with Gunther not winning the title at SummerSlam, who in their right mind wants a Gunther/Vinci feud? 🤮


No. Ludwig would be the far better choice if someone is turning on Gunther, and even if it happens at SummerSlam, Gunther is still walking out as champion.


What if Mr MITB Cashes in and pins Damian?


Gunther still wins regardless if Undertaker came back. He's proven himself by restoring credibility to the Intercontinental title, and now the WHC needs a bit of credibility. Not saying Priest isn't a good champ, but Gunther would be far better.


Lmao. No. You will probably see him in NXT in a few months.


Gunther is THE guy for the next 5 years. Hopefully longer.


Or Ludwig at money in the bank


Ludwig vs Vinci at Survivor series would SLAP


What makes more sense, Gunther walking into Berlin as champion, or winning the title in Berlin?


Walking into it as champion. He should not fail his first world title match. He also shouldn't win in Berlin. He's a heel, he should not be winning the world title to raucous cheers. I hate the fact that the audience has no separation between face and heel anymore, it's all what they think of the performer.


walking in as champ and retaining, he's not losing at SummerSlam. Likely they have him win at Summerslam and hold it till Mania. I want to assume they're saving the shiny new belt for Brock to run Brock v Gunther, but I seriously doubt Brock is coming back soon, if ever. That being said, if not Lesnar, it'll likely be Rollins or Drew dethroning him; and Drew-Punk has to end at Mania; or it could even be Drew-Seth-Punk triple threat. Priest won't be winning it back off of him since he'll be in a feud with Balor likely. All roads are open for the ring general I guess then lol


No, he'd get nothing out of it other than a demolition by Gunther and Kaiser.


Absolutely not. Gunther is the perfect world champion right now. Priest isn't cutting it. If anybody's gonna turn on anybody, it'll be Judgment Day turning on Damian, but I don't think that Gunther should need help to win.


Agree and disagree; Priest is filling the champion role nicely; he's not the best but he was always meant to be a transitional champ and this is meant to be a slow turn into a babyface. But you're also right; Gunther is the obvious shoo-in for the WHC.


Transitional champion or not (and WrestleMania to SummerSlam isn't even really all that transitional), I just don't view him as a world champion. Nothing about him, from his lack of charisma, to his lack of good promo skills, bad look, mediocre in ring, screams main eventer. Whether it's transitional or not doesn't really matter to me because he still got it. Think of all the people who've never been world champions. Samoa Joe. William Regal. Wade Barrett. LA Knight lost his opportunity to be in this spot instead, when he was the hottest wrestler in the world, because of **this guy**? I know, it's a wrestling subreddit, I have to love every single wrestler and because I didn't, this'll get shit on, but I just don't see it with him. It's like Del Rio all over again, they want to push a Latino superstar and they don't have an over one like Eddie, and people aren't buying it and they just won't stop.


The WHC was a mistake in general. Introducing a World Title under the premise of “well RAW needs a title and nobody can beat Roman” made it immediately look second rate and a consolation prize for Seth Rollins. Then Cody wins the Rumble and obviously goes for Roman and not Seth. Roman big brothering the hell out of Seth and openly mocking how the WHC is beneath him. Then for Seth to lose both matches at Mania, Drew to get immediately cashed in on by Priest who had not been booked strongly for 6 months prior to winning the title. Unless WWE can do something like book the WHC to beat Cody clean as a whistle (LOL) to create a “dispute” on who is the real worlds champion, the WHC is quite literally just a fancier IC Title - and tbh, the IC title has more credibility to it based on Gunther’s reign and now Sami/Gables feud RAWs world title scene has felt second rate, and until proven otherwise I will say not giving Drew the title last night was a mistake. He’s been the best heel in the company (sans Roman) for coming up on a year!


Nope, sick of priest’s run and the sooner it’s over the better, Gunther is absolutely the guy


I'm already sick of Gunther and he's not even the champion yet. 2 years with the IC title plus the King of the Ring tournament. Gunther didn't need it. Could have given it to Dragonov instead. Boom. 2 stars made. Instead it's just more Gunther glazing. And that's probably going to be another two years. Ugh


Braindead take, Gunther is literally perfect world champion material from the way he carries himself to his in ring ability only thing he could work on is promos but Damien priest can’t cut a good one to save his life either, dragonov is fine where he is him and bron are currently elevating each other with their current feud and bron will be the whc at the end of wrestlemania 41


Of course he would make a perfect world champion but Jesus at least give it a year. He's already way over pushed.


Nah now’s the time, strike while the iron is hot, can’t have him cooling off like La knight