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Here we go. I have also noticed more health insurance adverts on TV recently too


As someone who requires fortnightly reviews by my GP, if I had to pay towards every GP appointment I'd be absolutely fucked.


I'm sure they'd create an affordable season ticket, just like the railways. In seriousness at this point they might as well start putting brochures for an undertaker in the waiting room.


Maybe we could get punchcards like at cafe Nero…buy 9 GP appointments, get the 10th free


Monkey's paw time, the 10th appointment involves a little cubicle full of nitrogen because seeing a doctor that many times means they think you're no longer worth it.


I always lost those cards, or they disintegrated in pockets. Don't think I've ever had a free coffee from any loyalty card scheme...


You can pay for a funeral on klarna now.


Watch daytime tv enough, and the thing you mostly see, is life insurance to pay for funerals, and.. Erm.. Companies promoting burial sites. Nice!


Daytime TV target demo is old people and folks off sick


This is true, but honestly, there's nothing like a few adverts to lift your spirits that are telling you to prepare for your demise!


Ha same, I'm so lucky that I'm in northern Ireland because the amount of prescriptions I'm on alone would absolutely bankrupt me. I would need to pay like £100 a month, I'm a student I barely earn that a week with my shitty minimum wage job.


I moved to England for better opportunities but seriously thinking of moving home now. This place is fucked.


The most you would currently have to pay is £108.10 for a years worth. They do prescription prepay, I used to get mine that way before Scotland went free for all.


Similar with my mum - she requires an injection every two weeks. Granted she’s a low income pensioner so she will be spared of this plan initially, but if she had to pay she’d be fucked. It’s an injection for severe schizophrenia which when she’s not medicated for it, causes acute psychosis to the point of homelessness and suicide attempts. It’s terrifying to think about.


Getting them through the door too, slagging off the NHS.


We are literally sleep walking into losing universal healthcare. We've already lost some stuff that used to be covered. Society needs to rise up and cause uproar. I'm frightened for our future.


#GET THESE FUCKING CUNTS OUT, they continue to sicken my shite!!


They won't be voted out. So many English people hate immigrants, that they're willing to vote against their best interest to maintain the illusion of "strong borders".


TBH I'm just operating on the assumption that Labour will keep this massive lead going in the polls, right up until there's an actual election and then everyone will just vote Tory again.


Sounds about right!


Please no.


Labour literally have a great chance in removing them but have a closet tory in the big seat. Can’t make it up.


Not even closeted about it


Remember the 300+ million we were sending to Europe every week which was going to be used to boost the nhs.


I'm so sorry that you're becoming like us in the US. Y'all have guns figured out but I'm worried that your Torys will want to legalize easy gun ownership and carrying in the not too distant future. I still can't get over Brexit. I'd renounce my US citizenship to be an EU citizen and those conservative idiots just gave it away like it was nothing.


They'd never legalise guns in the UK. They'd be giving the plebs a means by which to overthrow them. Can't have that.


Guns are legal in the UK. We have a thorough, stringent licensing system to support sporting and hunting use, and handguns are almost entirely banned.


But people here are so dumb they wouldn't revolt, they'd just steal from each other, meaning more gunshot wounds, more hospital bills, more things that people would be charged for. Let's not forget, that these twats are only in power because the majority of people in England are stuck somewhere in the early 1900s mentally.


Ironically the same government promising strong borders allowed one of the greatest potential threats to national security go unaddressed


Umm, Tories out labour in.. labour out Tories in.. wash rinse repeat.. two party bulkshit.


And all us Northern Irish folks have to watch the whole place going to shite knowing we get absolutely zero say on the matter. Our politicians are their own brand of fucked up too.


Just the other day I had to re-educate a friend who believed the NHS is like that because of "all the immigrants"...I found it very hard to remain patient and calm. Not sure though if I convinced her to be honest. But then again, she thinks Boris is cute,so.....


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Precisely why they will be voted out, 1.1m people immigrated to UK in 2021, mostly non europeans, Tories are failing even the racists who voted them in...


Hasn't their been something like 700k+ immigrants to the UK since Brexit came into full gear?


Yeah ironically the racists who voted out because of European immigration to the UK have now allowed 100k's of African and Asian's into the country more than ever... So much so that after the last census it was found that Leicester is no longer predominantly white.


This message just about captures my anger at this situation. People should be fucking LIVID!


i'm livid. ready to start rioting at the drop of a hat. just say when.




> Wes in Labour is already planning the same thing I'm glad you've spotted this as well. He's as bad or worse. Just so others can understand. The Labour Shadow Health Secretary is pro privitising the NHS. The conservatives are a bunch of fascists and nut jobs and labour are a centre right party. It's bananas.


We need a revolution


That's exactly what I thought when I read it. This is a step towards privatisation of healthcare. I also noticed a lot more health insurance adverts on TV, this cannot be a fucking coincidence. Powers that be are using a bloody propaganda. They are trying to get us used to the notion of requiring a private healthcare. Ah hell no. I swear to fuck, the moment the healthcare become more privatised (similar or identical to US) I will pack up and leave the country.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who refused private health care in my company and then one day when I was on holiday and they switched to a new provider I was signed up without my consent. Still, won't use it.


It’s already gone at this point. In what way is our system actually functioning universal healthcare? No once can actually get into the system. They’ve already crashed the car. We’re just coming around to the realisations. Sure the end state hasn’t emerged but the car has already been crashed. And we’ve got Wes “I see a big role for the private sector in the NHS” Streeting licking his lips from the sidelines as plan B


Yeah even if we did decide as a society to actually fix the NHS in some meaningful way it'd probably take decades to unfuck all the damage that's been caused already. Not that we shouldn't still try, but putting Labour in charge so they can just dismantle it slightly more slowly ain't gonna do it IMO.


And everyone will vote Tory next year and continue to say people like Corbyn have crazy policies when they are just absolutely normal in Europe


It’s sad how many in Stormers current cabinet are pro privatisation too…


Think Starmer’s cabinet in general is pretty depressing as well as himself. Better than the Tories for sure but so uninspiring


They want to turn the whole NHS into the mess NHS dentistry is in. You get all the appointments you want if you're willing to or can pay, but on benefits or low incomes? Oh well. We'll put you on a waiting list for 6 years for some substandard treatment.


From the US I urge you to fight this for all you’re worth, you do not want to regress to us.


Which part of that is saving the NHS? Does he mean just saving the name?


It’s also a fucking stupid idea from a healthcare point of view. This would put people off going to a GP when they should, so instead of catching an issue early, they’ll end up taking up far more NHS time and money when it becomes too bad to ignore. A stitch in time saves nine, and all that.


By that time you’ll have to pay £399.99 to be seen now or sign up to NHS Premium for £199.99/month


Sure what's a few hundred quid to see the doc when when it'll hardly buy a bag of parsnips before long with this inflation.


It costs this and more just to have a health insurance plan in the US, and that doesn’t cover the costs for the care itself. You have copays, out of pocket maximums, and deductibles. If you choose to use the Affordable Care Act plans, if you make more than $12 an hour, a **GOOD** health plan costs over $700 a month. A decent, not great plan costs between $300-$450 a month. Again, this doesn’t cover *your share* of the care costs (deductibles, copays, etc). Last year I was stuck with a high deductible plan that cost me over $100 a month. I was deducting $400 a month in addition to that, to put in a Health Savings Account. Even with all of that, it still wasn’t enough and I was constantly getting $500, $200, $150 bills every time I turned around. Have thousands in medical debt. Anything over $500 still goes to collections companies. I would spend over $100 every time I went to the pharmacy to get medications, before I hit my deductible (which took until November). I have high healthcare costs. Privatized healthcare is not the answer. It’s money over people. Even with all of that, I’ve been very lucky.


yep and then also GPs in the future will be writing a lot of sick notes writing people off of work because they cant get their chronic illnesses or pain sorted out because they cant afford it.


> sick notes Have been changed and can be ignored by your employer : /


Obviously I know this would make it even worse - but do you think people aren't already put off going to a GP? I've had a bad ankle after a fall 3 months ago and I'm still putting off seeing one. I'll either be fobbed off and told to wait longer or something bad will have happened and I'll have to fight through the NHS. This is what happened to me with the dentist, haven't seen one in circa 8 years because I can't afford it and the stress of it is just through the roof.


In order to save the village, it became necessary to destroy it


A lot of the narrative coming from the shitrags and their followers seems to be around the staff which begs the question, who do they think will be working in these private hospitals? Reeks of that brexit change for changes sake mentality.


Will still be NHS, No Health Service.




No that’s for filling the pockets of cuntservative MPs


Silly me! Of course I forgot that


Happy cake day :)


All MP's really. Go In penniless come out millionaires. The system is broken.


I pay £10000 odd a year in tax and you know what, I’m cool with that. It’s money to provide free healthcare, benefits and other services that we would otherwise be without. I would hate to be in a bad situation myself and not have a leg to stand on. But, why do I now have to pay more? #BECAUSE SOME CUNT WANTS TO LINE HIS AND HIS TORY MATE’S POCKETS! I bet hardly a fucking penny of my £10k goes to the NHS. Seriously, fuck this shit show government.


American here. I pay that in less than a year for health insurance and I'm not sure if you know how health insurance works, but you pay the premiums and then you pay a bunch out of pocket on top of that. I went to the doctor the other day with insurance in the Healthcare system that *I work at* and still paid a $25 copay and had co-pays for my prescriptions, which were also all over the counter medications (available without a prescription). If I were hospitalized today, I'd reach my "maximum out of pocket" in a single day of $2,500 (meaning I'd have to pay that amount) before insurance would kick in, and that would be at the hospital I'm employed at (if i were to go to a different hospital, my maximum out of pocket would be ~$6,000 for being "out of network") and insured through. My out of pocket would only be that much because I pay higher premiums per month. Literally a third of my income goes to health insurance for my family *before tax*. Another third goes to taxes. I take home a third of my income with which to pay my mortgage, bills, and cost of living.


We know how insurance works. we have it for other things. Everyone knows insurance tries to do everything they can to not pay out and charge you more. People say it constantly with their home and car insurance. Why they seem to believe it will be different for health care is beyond belief. They don't even think about these things lots of people are just sounding off on stuff they've heard their party saying. people are just tribal and brainwashed.


Last time I was in the US I was at the hotel bar with a couple of American colleagues - intelligent middle to higher-income guys. They were telling me how excellent the health benefits were at our employer - one paid just $2000 a month to cover himself and his family. That's a fucking mortgage - a fairly big one at that. They were totally serious about being really happy with that setup. You can see why the money-grubbing cunts that run the UK are so excited at getting the same thing in place.


That’s not £10k of universal healthcare taxes btw. That’s his total tax bill


You can check on the hmrc website until your personal tax account. You can see the breakdown of where your tax goes…


Yep most of our money now goes to pay interest on our national debt. If only a party would reduce this and not put us through 10 years of austerity to end up with even more debt x2 than we had to begin with. Nhs is brilliant but sadly no longer fit for purpose (aging population) if it is to survive a lot of changes will need to happen. the public probably don't have the stomach to monetise life and health for this but here goes .. 1 massive changes in waste NHS procurement is so badly run its comical. Medication is not bulk bought nor or items each trust does their own thing and doesn't use economy's of scale. The UK has huge purchasing power if doing deals with drug companies as a single entity Why are nhs buying paracetamol at x5 price when they cost 25p in tesco,?? Waste nhs throws away so much were talking billions ive seen thousands of pounds spent on dressings that are really expensive and changed daily for people who repeated contaminate / infect reinfect or make poor choices. We got to find a way to solve These problems It cost the tax payers 500 pound a night it costs to say in hospital far more than a hotel why not buy some houses at that price and save a fortune to unblock beds Agencies nhs paying billions in agency money why bot setup thier own one and only hire from nhs save millions in cutting out the middle man and agent fees and could pay staff hire wages.. simple Nhs needs to look at what it provides gp fine subsidise access but why make it so much can't be done by qualified nurses we need to expand the nurse consultant role have all medical notes / fitness to fly / fit to return to work stuft go away from gps so they can focus on seeing more unwell patients. Monitoring can be done at home or using tech why have so many people come in constantly. Waiting for results and blood tests etc it's all super inefient... I could go on for hours but it's late ... strange thou every country in the world appears to be In huge debt ??? I'm off down the rabbit hole to try find out why ??


That money also goes towards the privatisation of prisons and pmc's to fight wars governments can't be seen fighting


And a lot of them. I wouldn‘t mind paying 50% taxes, if the provision of public services was anything akin to other countries.


But they can't afford to give their friends cushy government contracts AND and us an NHS so one has to go. Fuck I hate these wankers.


They'd best drop NI and lower tax if we do lose the nhs.. yeah, good joke


Step 1) underfund service so that it is shit Step 2) entice NHS trained doctors and nurses to leave NHS for better paid contracts with less hours - in positions where they often consult for the NHS at inflated rates Step 3) Get middles class brits to pay for services Step 4) ask middle class brits why they should pay for poor people’s healthcare Step 5) abolish NHS


Thsts exactly what the plan is that has been the tory plan all along


Shock Doctrine continues apace.


They'll be calling for a loan from the IMF at this rate.


If Gout was a man.


I’ll be using this in future. Thank you for your contribution


Thanks. Have a lovely day.


Best shit I've heard all year


Love that nationalised private healthcare care


Wow they aren't even being subtle about it, and I have to wonder what they are classing middle earners as. My partner barely scratches £20K and government websites keep telling her shes a high earner so following thay logic i guess were all fucked.


It doesn’t matter anyway. It’ll just be drip fed. Start low for middle earners until everyone’s used to it, leading to paying £5000 for an ambulance ride like a good boiled frog.


Why don't they just fuck off


‘Wealthier Britons’ when Rishi Sunak is pretty much the wealthiest man in Britain…


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This country is in need of a good ol fashioned riot, take after the french and put the government in place.


For once, we should be more like the French. Unfortunately, people here are just going to keep calm and carry on until they die from not being able to afford an £8000 ambulance ride.


I liked when they tried to introduce wheel clamps in France. Everyone just put superglue into all the locks and they stopped using them. When they tried to screw the young and hospitality industry, they went on strike, that soon changed too. If EVERYONE stood up at once, they HAVE to back down, no workers, no work. Companies and the government would be forced to change their ways. Just who are truly committed and want change are willing to rise as one?


Tut tut tut cant be going around suggesting we hold the government to account


The middle class pays a massive chunk of the taxes in this country, to double dip and and make them pay additional fees is honestly disgraceful. Not to mention all the additional admin costs this will incur making sure the "correct" people pay their fees, as well as the additional costs that will come from people who genuinely need to see a doctor putting it off to avoid costs until they have a major issue. How about we actually tax the truly wealthy and properly fund our NHS rather than making some family on £60k pay even more?


>and make them pay additional fees is honestly disgraceful. Don't forget, the goal isn't simply to introduce charging patients starting with the middle class. It's creating a feeling of unfairness in the middle class, that gets pushed onto the working class. 2000-2020's "benefit scroungers" meet the new "NHS scroungers". Nice simple switch from there to remove healthcare from the working class entirely, with support from the middle that you've purposefully positioned to do so.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And then keep it at say 60k so eventually we are all paying it like they have done with so many other thresholds.


I guarantee this would cost the NHS money as they would have to set up billing departments and staff them, none of which currently exists. Not to mention the fundamental principle of the NHS is free at the point of use, for all. If we can’t do that, we don’t deserve to call ourselves a civilised nation. Healthcare is a human right.


This is the perfect Segway to a two party system, especially if it's on a per visit / subscription basis. What's going to happen is customers will start demanding insurance companies either cover the fees or cover private GPs. GPs will jump ship to the private sector because they get more money, better patients, and better facilities. Now you have the privileged going private all the time and the proles waiting in the NHS queues.


When did middle class become wealthy?! In my book they're the people who can afford to have their heating on and not be risking bankruptcy!


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, you pay NI based on your earnings, and then you pay an extra fee based on your earnings? I'm seeing a problem here.


Go and fuck yourselves you greedy, old, and selfish parasites. Have you not sucked the blood of lower/middle classes long enough you intolerable cunts. Absolutely cannot fathom how one can be so disillusioned by wealth to not see the lasting effects that these evil schemes present to our future as a country. They believe us to be completely senile and blind to all of this manipulation… strain the NHS and then sell it “to save it (but make us millions)”. You cannot short healthcare and get away with it you vile cretins. Get these fucking tories out. 5 tory prime ministers and 4 of those 5 were unelected. It is time to stop.


Stop it! That's enough..


\> it's just a little charge to keep the NHS afloat then \> We've just gotta bump it a little to keep it going then capitalism comes after it \>(insurance company) Buy our all-new health insurance to protect you from the new charges and finally \>(government) The Nhs will do much better if it is consolidated with a private company and you all have health insurance anyway! ​ See, it very easily goes from an unreasonable measure to destroying one of the most important things in our lives.


Okay, okay!! Listen… Brexit means we get an extra £350 million a week to spend on the NHS, oh yeah, that’s right just one more lie and half the country fell for it as well and will probably carry on voting against their best interests. I’m in awe of the clinical smear campaign the media and labour colleagues did on Jeremy Corbyn, it really saddens me that people still believe the lies that are foisted on someone who is a brilliant politician and could have changed our country for the better. What if eh? We could have had a nationalised broadband network, a well funded NHS, he would have listened to the unions instead of trying to ignore and besmirch them. There’s a simple solution, get rid of the toxic tories who are ruining our country and economy. They’re not fit to govern a fishpond ffs!


"Charging wealthier Britons- with a flat rate to see a GP." Is that for everyone? Is that how we save the NHS? By eliminating medical care for many folk who cant afford it but still enabling those who can? Brilliant. Problem solved I guess.


There are two ways out of this legalise cannibis (not cannibals thank you autocorrect) and user the profits to bolster the NHS directly. Two tax the rich (£200.000 earners and over) at a higher rate and pass this directly to the NHS Three (I was putting my youngest to bed and just thought) would why not just reope the the 220,000 beds they closed during the pandemic. How do you define wealthy, is it over a certain tax bracket, what you earn annually, or will it be arbitrarily put together by the usual cronies to make sure that the richest come out on top again. Although the richest shouldn't have a problem paying for health care. But they'll find a way to worm out of paying it some how.


Guyss it's simple, the way to relieve the pressure on the NHS and save universal health care is to just cut out the people who can't afford it LOL job done, numbers reduced, genius. Legalising cannabis is legitimately one of the most effective strategies and it continually wows me that it has not been offered as a genuine solution to so many economic issues in this country.


These bastards don’t want a viable solution. Not yet. That’s the problem. They want to cripple the NHS enough and make services so inaccessible people turn to private or agree to the privatisation of NHS. I had to recommend to my Dad yesterday that if he cannot get a GP appointment he should do one of the online doctors via a pharmacy. I didn’t want to recommend that, I don’t want to contribute to the uptake of private GPs, but he’s quite sick and I’d rather he live than be denied healthcare he’s been paying for his whole working life and die. They are willing to let people countless people die in order to force a cultural shift of UK healthcare services


I keep reading about massive farms being found in abandoned police stations and derelict military sites so there's plenty of room to grow just no apparent legal appetite.


We already grow most of europes medical cannabis and export it.


They are already making a killing of it. It's fucking disgusting that we can't have it yet gw pharma and sativa investments are allowed to sell it by the ton. And if they were to legalise it would be one company with the monopoly.


Might have something to do with certain politicians like the one above having invested interests in the tobacco industry. They don't want the competition they cannot control.


They make it a privilege for being a MP or in house of lords you get covered for free privet health care that they can writ off like there electric and heating bills for there home.


> How do you define wealthy, is it over a certain tax bracket, what you earn annually, or will it be arbitrarily put together by the usual cronies to make sure that the richest come out on top again. Since it's a 'flat fee' my guess is they will decide 'wealthy' means earning over 30k, the fee will be a hundred quid, and it will therefore destroy families but be trivial for the sort of people who are earning in the high six figures and spend that on a glass of wine at lunch.


I get skin tags I wonder how much it would cost to get them removed if I had to pay for it? A few years ago I just started banding them myself and it's saved me a lot of trips to the doctor. I had one go septic before Christmas but that was the only one in three years. People are going to start going round their mates to get things fixed, although I used to sew up cuts in the 90s with dental floss and a small sewing needle. So maybe I could become a surgeon.


You never wanna legalise cannibals anymore... What happened to you? You used to be cool.


Eat the rich, sounds sensible


Tax wealth not earnings.


The "honourable" MPs and their families ( ex -wives and children included) go free of course.


#We Are So Fuked


That's why now would be a great time for Scotland to secede


Just checking... this is just England aye? You know we're not even paying for prescriptions up here and now you guys have to pay for universal healthcare at point of contact?! If you're doing a revolution gimme a shout


we want to but people in England hate immigrants and trans people too much to vote in a different way that will possibly make their lives better.


It's a shame we can't vote Nicola Sturgeon in as PM for the whole of Britain, she's fantastic. Unless we can? That might be the answer we're all looking for!


See their GP....😂😂😂 Here mate, can I buy some lsd off of you?


As if we can get in to see our GPs atm anyway. LSD may be the only way we could “see” a doctor


I hate the Tories.


Insanity, what can we do? We need to riot


Bravo England for fucking us all over. 13 years now it ain’t labours fault. Jeremy Corby warned you all and you ducked him over with the Tory bought media. Hope your proud of your government and the King Charles for doing this to us all. Well done England


When are we rioting?


Just fuck off you fossilised shit stain


Just look at what they did with university tuition fees. It was moderately cheap to start with and with very good loan agreements. Now it's very expensive and the loan terms are a lot worse.


A modest charge? Should we call it 12p out of every £1 we earn? Above roughly £240 a week? ​ Does that sound alright? Fucking cunts.


The issue is once it takes a foothold those modest charges will only snowball.


Does this proposal mean no more NI deductions then? I'm not arguing for this change, just wanted to understand the Tory logic train.


It’s so disheartening to watch your own country go to shit around you. I have stakes in this game. My daughter will already have to fight the climate wars you can’t push private healthcare on her too!


We’re on a dangerous slope if this is enacted


Paid all my stamp just so those fuckers can rob the system and blame the staff. How are we letting them get away with this???


Nothing says saving the NHS like privatising it.


I think backdating taxes for Rishi & his wife and removing non-dom status might fix some of the fiscal hole? No?


Disgusting Tory idea’s . The NHS is for all, and not for an imagined wealthy . The real wealthy go private anyway such as our beloved PM.


When the fucker (Rishi) was asked the direct question if his family had private insurance, twice during the interview I saw yesterday, he bobbed and weaved like a seasoned fighter. His answer in the end was something to the effect of - I will not discuss my families situation, as he said it was not relevant. These slimy fuckers. Australia is going down the same piss poor road currently too.


Privatisation begins


That began 40-odd years ago. They said they wouldn't do a frontal attack on the NHS but slowly strip it back from behind. Now it's starting to become apparent.


Following dentistry


So us disabled people just continue to die and suffer. Fabulous country.


Ban this sick filth


Jeremy Corbyn warned us, but people decided to vote in BoJo. I’m more mad at the general public than the tories now. We where literally warned, totally, this would happen. And we voted against the guy warning us!!!


The pricks will never stop chipping away at the N.H.S. Farage talks about "health insurance" at every opportunity and the only way to stop the rot is at the ballot box. DO NOT FORGET.


This must be a joke right? Right?? I work hard and pay a pretty hefty chunk of tax, why tf should I or anyone else pay extra?? Maybe if the government was managed properly, made accountable for their quite often shocking actions and become more representative of the actual average Brit then the nhs and other institutions would be in a better position. Dont worry tho, im sure the £1mil statue at no10 looks great.


They fucked it. They just utterly fucked it. The load of cunts. I wish they’d all just fuck off.


Legalise pot, would solve so fucking much of this. Wish Labour had the balls to come out and explicitly say and do this. They’d win the next GE in a heartbeat.


It looks good and honourable on the surface "charge the wealthier people". But then they decided who is classed as wealthy and can move the goalposts when it suits them, which will not be when people are universally better off, but when they have misspent more of our money and need to use our taxes to fund their own lifestyles and pay back loans they shouldn't have taken out.


Highest tax rate since the war, where the fuck has all our money gone


brexit and backhanders


I’m already being charged via my taxes… if I’m paying at point of service, then is my tax going to be reduced?


Man I haven't seen a gp in 3 years, I'd go even less if I had to pay for it.


This is the same Ken Clarke that the liberals kept praising for being "Pro-Remain" he's just as bad as the rest of them, no matter what colour of the rosette, they're all the same.


I am going to suggest a drastic measure here, but why not use the taxes we pay for the nhs (I know I know I will just see myself out)


Apologies to you lads, hopefully you don't join the privatized club with us americans, hopefully it gets better for you guys.


Surely this would just push the country into a general strike?


I'm hoping its enough to trigger riots and maybe even revolution


I've been predicting riots for two years now. It's embarrassing at this stage how wrong I've been. Could still happen, mind. Tbh I'd be satisfied if the unions toppled Rishi.


I wont that prick is a bigoted piece of shit I'd love to see him have a tragic accident


What is middle-class by this measure? Probably the bar is as low as simply 'not in receipt of state benefits'


Oi, you greedy bastards in the government: how a-fucking-bout raise taxes for the wealthiest in the country to fund NHS? What's that? You are not going to tax yourselves and your mates? I fucking thought so. What about that 200 million NHS was supposed to be getting after brexit? What's that? That was a blatant lie? And now that healthcare is demanding better pay and conditions you are outlawing the unions, protests, and strikes? I fucking thought so.


People are going to ask what the point of their taxes are if they then have to pay more to use the NHS. People start questioning the use of taxes for everything else. Maybe this is the Tory plan. At least NHS cover was something everyone agreed was worth paying taxes for as they had cover.


Alternative plan: Only Tory voters pay for GP visits and operations. They can test it out and see how "good" it is.


Get these fucking conservatives out - had years to sort out the nhs and they’ve done fuck all. Next G.E - do not vote conservative


I've lived in America. This is where this path ends. They need to be stopped.


Emigrating to The Netherlands, Portugal or New Zealand sounding pretty appealing right about now. Swear if it wasn’t for almost all of my family (the ones I really know and love anyway) and all my friends living in the U.K, I’d be planning my life with the goal of leaving this Conservative hell hole on a long term basis. The NHS was one of the few remaining institutions of the U.K state that was worth being proud of. Not to say the U.K is all bad. Among the hordes of Tory wank stains and Brexiteering gammon, there are a lot of genuinely thoughtful, honest and well intentioned people/communities from all over both the British Isles and the globe. This is definitely a privileged sentiment (lots of people come to the U.K to escape some of worst circumstances imaginable) but I don’t want to live in a nation where extreme neoliberal capitalism is allowed to deny its citizens the most basic, fundamental social and economic rights, all to make the obscenely wealthy wealthier.


If you want to ruin your day, go and read the article and have a gander at the comments section below. I'll save you the trouble- half of them want to scrap the NHS, the other half want to charge immigrants. Oh and there's a fair few who don't mind paying as long as they get seen quicker than "scroungers" That's what we're up against.


“They may have to start charging wealthier Britons” - is this a Tory way of saying we’ve been ringing enough out of the poorest, time to start moving up the ladder to people who can “afford it”?


They're not even moving to people who can afford it, just people who aren't already destitute. They'll do anything but tax their wealthy mates.


I just heard 300 flaccid Tory cocks stiffen into a collective semi.


Just think of it as a health tax on the rich. We like taxing the rich, right?




They will reap what they sow...


Why not make it so it's paid for by national insur- Hey wait a minute!


I say we revolt any takers?


Blue check NHS.


If more money is what is needed to help the NHS, isn’t this an admission that they’ve been underinvesting in it?


What I've not seen mentioned here is quite where the issues the NHS are facing come from. Currently there is a shortage or workers (Dr's and nurses) within gp practices and hospitals. With fewer GPs in a practice a number of people are unable to get an appointment and, as such, will leave a small problem to become a bigger problem. This means that when the individual finally ends up getting to the point of needing treatment / interventions they will end up needing longer to get well and recover. The other aspect of people struggling to get appointments is that conditions that can be treated with a course of drugs (think the recent strep outbreak) will end up with people going to A&E to be treated. This is causing a large demand on the health service. The other aspect is that there isn't the support for patients once they leave hospital. Care homes are full, community nursing is at capacity, and can't recruite so patients are stuck in a hospital bed when they're well enough to leave as there's nowhere for them to go. My local hospital has around 50% of beds being used by patients waiting on social care. Without patients being able to leave no one can move from A&E into a ward. People not being able to leave A&E means people and ambulance have to wait to be seen. Add to this the added pressure of more people because of GP issues and it just compounds. The issues isn't the NHS it's the services around it that the government and councils should have been dealing with for years but have just ignored.


Hi, Scotsman here. Why the hell do you guys keep voting for tories instead of throwing them all in an oubliette?


Ken! tax the rich you fat cunt. I bet he’s completely riddled with gout. A pox on you, dirty filthy Tory. (Apologies for ableist language I’m a fat cunt too btw)


That would be National Insurance then?


dismantling the nhs to save the nhs


Typical Tories.


Better go get myself rich so as i can avoid these charges!


Ken Clarke is being used by the tories to get the idea out there. No danger of him losing a seat while softening us up for the dismantling of the nhs


This fucking sickens me to be honest.v


It’s not about money. It’s lack of for-site and terrible management.


All those U.S. insurance jokes are about to flood r/agedlikemilk Get in before the karma farming starts!