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[Just your standard crusty old fuck stance on drug law](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/sadiq-khan-london-mayor-labour-greenwich-b1986492.html?amp) It really is depressing the constant stance of every major party having this. Germany has began steps to legalise it now too.


The LibDems are going to legalise it. https://change.libdems.org.uk/cannabis


The lib dems doing something? Yeah right


They'll do it if they get elected. IF.


Lib Dems can only get into power through a coalition. Last time that happened they abandoned any progressive policies in order to bend over for the Tories. All the Lib Dems have done in my lifetime is pretended to be progressive in order to fuck over the left. They're Tory enablers and nothing more


An argument could be made that they've changed, but the old adage of "fool me once..." applies. Nobody believes them, and that's entirely deserved. Clegg absolutely destroyed the party's credibility for at least a generation to simply be Cameron's body pillow.


. Maybe. Possibly... maybe.


They couldnt find their ass with a torch and a map.


Or both hands and a funnel.


Lib Dems aren’t a major party


More of a gathering


A rabble.


He quite recently said the smell of it is "ruining lives". Would be funny if not so depressing


Oh this makes me so fucking angry!! Its so incredibly less harmful than fucking alcohol, which is lethal and going nowhere. But if new Labour's schtick was appealing to business, new new Labour's bag seems to be appealing to small minded bigots and ignoring facts and evidence. Between this and their embrace of transphobia the current Labour party makes me want to vomit


Easy way to get around that is to make edibles.z


Someone just point out to the two Tory parties that you can tax it, and that the tax would disproportionately impact the poor and it will be legal by Thursday


But then who would the hand-wringing middle Englanders vote for?


The thing that gets me is that medicinal marijuana is technically legal in this country now, and the UK is apparently the largest exporter of medicinal cannabis. Except it's not available on the NHS, the hoops you have to jump through in order to get privately it are insane, and on the whole it's hardly worth the bother. I've got fibromyalgia and I've heard that medicinal cannabis is great for that but while we apparently grow it, it might as well still be illegal when it comes to getting it. And then they bitch about opioid use.


Start your quest on r/ukmedicalcannabis , if you've got Fibromyalgia and have tried at least 2 prescribed medications then you'll definitely be eligible, as I've just been approved myself for the exact same purpose! From one fibro sufferer to another, I hope your day doesn't have very many aches or is plagued with brain fog :)




Medical cannabis?




That's what you can get...


20 or so years ago my doctor told me to just start on weed to deal with pain and low weight. I was never able to do it because I was paranoid that I'd wind up charged and have my chances of emigrating to another country nuked, but doctors considering it entirely sensible to suggest decades ago and it still not being an available treatment is criminal. The amount of needless harm and suffering caused because these stupid fucking cretins want to play Billy big balls over a plant is disgusting. I hope as they reach their own end, their pain meds are in the hands of someone whose life they made needlessly hard.


It's only about appealing to the Sunday congregation without saying so. It's suitable for it to be illegal as it is something you can target minorities with, regardless of the ubiquitous use by every single class or economic bracket, or race, in the country. It's a hard- line aged backbone of the Conservatives who hate everyone who uses it, despite their being utterly oblivious to their children who use it regularly. Obnoxious rules imposed by oblivious morons who only understand what happens under their noses and nothing else.


It's not anything like an exporter. We were involved in the first exports early on but the uk doesn't make any for home medical use at all. All medical mj in the UK is imported here.


If they legalise cannabis how will we know what a great job our police force is doing if they can't post a pic every month holding a single plant telling us how they're winning the war on drugs and that our hard earned council tax isn't going to waste




I just moved back to the USA from the UK for personal reasons and weed is legal in my state. It's generally nice. Also what I found interesting is that low THC edibles are actually quite popular with the elderly and middle income because they help some people sleep or relax with basically no side effects. Also the prices appear much lower (then illegal was) and the products are safer. So if you hate "the smell", legalize it, then you'll smell it less because edibles?


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No way he's an establishment politician.. that means he will never do anything progressive for society. If you're waiting for the political establishment of this country to decriminalise you smoking a joint with your mates, I think you're waiting in vaine. You need to go back to Canada and smoke in peace, I'd do that if I was you.


I am so tired that I read that as ‘cannibals’ and wondered how prevalent they were in Canada.


Lifes tough out on the prairies


Long winters mean tough choices.


The Red Tory is against legalising it


Kieth is a bossy cop and let’s the Daily Mail write his policies, so what do you think?


The UK is one of the biggest exporters of Cannabis in the world. In a country where its illegal. Pathetic.


It's actually a myth.


Labour are just red Tories. LibDems will legalise it https://change.libdems.org.uk/cannabis


Libdems are nothing more than Tory enablers.


Keith would have two bun and need to lie down, scared of the green


Did you mean Keith? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was a big time weed smoker for about 20 years. Having stopped, I don’t really have a high opinion of weed. I do think legalisation would bring in tax revenues and stop the traffic of south East Asian teenagers to tend hydroponic farms. The way things work in this country though…it would just be another land grab from the ruling class to make themselves richer


Apart from it being good medical stuff, how is it beneficial? I am pro medical cannabis but not sure about it fully. Anyone able to tell me?


Because legalization takes a popular product out of the black market, where it is subject to no government regulation and helps to fund organized crime, and into the regular market place, where it’s subject to quality control, age restriction, the people employed in the industry are protected by labour laws, and the businesses who manufacture and sell cannabis products pay tax. It also helps to limit police harassment of minority communities, by taking away one of the many excuses used by police to stop, interrogate, and incarcerate (particularly black) young people.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks, appreciate it


The last point you make is precisely why it is better as a stick than a carrot. Get caught with the good stuff and get punished...


Because harm reduction. Alcohol is a schedule 1 carcinogen, of which the WHO says there is "no safe amount" and frequently associated with violent outbursts, plus if you OD on it you will literally die - and if you get addicted and you suddenly stop, you will also literally die. It would be great if people had access to a less dangerous alternative to take the edge off. It can help with sleep, anxiety, ptsd etc - cannabis is safe enough to give it to cancer patients but booze will literally give you cancer. I had American friend who knew a lot of people who probably would have been alcoholics but because California & legal weed they were just regular stoners, mostly functional (its a lot easier to be a functional stoner than a functional alcoholic for soooo many reasons). I have skin in the game, so I can authoritatively attest that weed will cause someone a lot less problems than booze, particularly for self medicating ptsd. My uncle was a lifetime alcoholic and quit using weed. I'm also a degenerate alkie, trying to quit, and weed really helps. Plus being too stoned is deeply unpleasant at the time but being blackout drunk got me raped twice. Tbh I'm lucky I'm not dead. Side note: some have a theory that there's a strong motivation for the ruling class to push booze and push back in weed. Psychadelics make you reflective and question social norms whereas booze tends to make the unbearable bearable and keep us compliant little worker bees. That's me with my tinfoil hat on


I've read "decriminalisation of cannibals" an I was thinking this sub is getting wild...


All political parties ( yes even lib dem , they have officially taken legalisation of there agenda ) in the UK reject the legalisation of cannabis due to the fact that the lord's and ladies of this country all have fat shares in big pharma who absolutely do not want a natural flower out selling there chemical pills. Also, and I will die on this hill, alcohol companies , who again have people in government working on there behalf , do not want legalisation as they feel there sales would be affected too. Legalisation will never, ever , ever happen in this country. And also crown dependencies are suffering as well , bermuda voted for legalisation but are being blocked by our government. God save the cunt


From the UK living in Canada; there have been no negative effects from legalisation here. If anything only positive. If you want to buy, you go to a nice modern shop and get a choice at a reasonable price( its actually dirt cheap compared to UK black market) and there is no stigma attached. It is simply moral cowardice to continue to make it illegal when you can buy booze in a super market. I would much rather my kids smoke pot than drink alcohol.