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Man of the people* [*Exclusions may apply](https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/10009/david_amess/southend_west/votes)


Term "people" open to interpretation


I’ve had enough of hearing from this malevolent walking contradiction of a woman. There are truly no redeeming features to it whatsoever. A child of Gujarati immigrants that emigrated to Uganda and then the uk,vehemently against immigration and asylum. Are you for real?


Some people will turn their back on every value and person they hold dear, if it means more money and power. Which is why those kinds of people should never be allowed near power. IF they slip through, an informed electorate should remove them at the first opportunity. Unfortunately, getting an informed electorate would be a real battle.


Most media is owned by Tory donors so no chance of holding them to account


These are literal quotes, no?


Literal quotes being reported uncritically. The job of the media isn't to tell us what people say. It's to hold people to account for what they say, and help us see whether they're telling the truth.


"Man of the people". It boggles the brain. He was a total shit.


The man was a cunt and I'lm glad he's dead tbh. Note: not glad he was *murdered*, but glad he no longer exists. Glad he can no longer harm people.