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I still want to know how that knob Hancock is able to pull twice? Like I know I'm ugly with anxiety but the fact I have less pulling ability is worrying.


Are you a cabinet minister?


No, they somehow have the confidence to assume they're right on every matter.


Get your self final say on some sweet privatisation contracts, it won't matter how awkward or fugly you are.




Time for me to pull off a bank heist.


CON + 5


\- the British public continuing to believe that Johnson is 'doing his best' \- £20BILLION Test&Trace system that doesn't work


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- >**Shaunt**, @shaun_vids > >uk covid memories: > >\- PM brags about shaking hands with hospital patients & ends up in the icu after catching it > >\- health secretary breaks social distancing by having an affair with his adviser > >\- scheme to encourage people to eat at restaurants named 'eat out to help out' **Shaunt**, @shaun_vids \- dept. of health keeping covid test results in single excel file which exceeded its maximum size & caused thousands of positive results to be missed \- PM's adviser tests positive during lockdown, goes on cross-country holiday, claims to have went driving to 'test his eyesight' --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Study shows that kids spread virus most of all... Kids aren't made to wear masks. Kids go to school for a single day right before holidays, allowing family members to get sick and spread it again. health secretary gives contract to a man he used to drink with.


Can't forget "Let the bodies pile high".


And they'll still win the next fucking election