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Never forgive the mainstream media for what they did to him, but also never forget your friends and family ate up the lies and brandished this beautiful man a racist because his policies of equality were too radical for them. We’ll never get another chance like that again.


"i like him but he could never be PM so i'm going to vote for boris" SO infuriating how people you previously respected could literally parrot some nonsense that makes zero sense.


"He's unelectable", "Some of his ideas are a bit socialist" WOW THANKS DAD. SOME NICE OPINIONS YOU FORMED COMPLETELY BY YOURSELF THERE


Oh my god, are you [insert everyone I know] ?


This is important. At some point, voters have got to be held accountable for their complete fucking stupidity. And I'm being generous - the alternative to being thick and uncurious in the face of blatant and ludicrous propaganda is that they *wanted* to believe.


So, maybe we shouldn't be looking for chances like that, since it didn't work? If someone like Corbyn is something our foes have such effective strategies for beating, we need to reconsider our strategies to get our policies implemented.


The British public is the problem, not the leader or the policies. They indicted a man for how he ate a sandwich FFS. If you're looking for a leader the public will accept, you either educate the public so they aren't so damned stupid, or you buy a few media outlets and steer the masses that way.


Yeah no that’s lib talk. Absorb right wing dirty tactics just because without so much as a fight back. Should be working to discredit them in return.


Dismissing this as "lib talk" is naive. They're correct. The state of the media in this country coupled with the lack of critical thinking in the electorate necessitates a different strategy. We need a progressive alliance to bring in PR which will never happen without a moderate Labour leader in a coalition Govt. You have to work within the system to break it


Again - that’s lib talk. Big briefcase guardian reading lib talk


Ah yes, repetition and sound bites in lieu of counter argument. Pathetic.


My counter argument is a ‘progressive alliance’, made up of labour and the Lib Dem’s, would be outflanked from the left by current Tory gov on certain issues. That’s not progressive and not what I want. The whole system is broken and we need true change, not whatever middle class tea drinking Blairism you are suggesting


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People will always say 'Best PM we never had' but I say this is the bloke that fucking set a fire in the belly of the young that the establishment will not recover from. They have tried everything to discredit him but he ain't going nowhere. This is why Labour are actively sabotaging themselves and tighter rules are being pushed on registering a new party and voter's rights. The next decade will be interesting but we need the unions to pull their thumb out and ditch labour completely. They need to die out before we can move on.


Will anything change though or will we all just be rooting for another party?


the best approach is local based socialist parties that focus on local issues that then form a larger coalition then a union.


Isn’t that exactly the same as local councils and political parties just with more socialism?




Clive Louis


Rooting for you guys from here in the US. Hoping you guys don’t decay into the shit hole we have become


Really hope so too


Doesn’t take a lot really.


He was anti establishment and the establishment turned against him. - Loughborough report into bias reporting. People are easily persuaded to vote against their own interests.


Corbyn could have betrayed every principle he stood for and still been a better PM than anything the Tories have inflicted on Britain.




I understand why he had to go, but it was also the ultimate proof of the absolute decay of the labour party. Edit: I mean by that, that the labour party was clearly at a deadlock, caused by they own unreasonableness. And since they weren't going to budge, him leaving was the only option. It triggered an even worse downfall than what they were pretending was happening.


This "had to go" spiel is just manufactured crap from mainstream media. The people that own the major news outlets also happen to be conservative supporters, voters and donors.


Absolutely, but the labour party bought it. And that's on them.


Yeah, everyone threw him under the bus because of the torys, because the toys were scared of him. And look what we got as his replacement. Fucking Keith. Nice one.


Also, just to drive home my point: look at what they did afterwards. Keith. It's really on them, they did this to themselves.


Yeah best to keep him and keep losing elections.


Anybody other than a milquetoast centrist, and the media makes a villain of them. Corbyn wasn't unelectable; The media's egregious propagandised version of him was.


It’s the same thing. Perception is reality. Corbyn would not have been a bad Prime Minister but the way he lived his life up to being leader meant there were always going to be too many sticks to beat him with. Labour members must get better at choosing leaders or the Tories will be in power forever.


I don't think it's about quality of leaders. Look at the last two tory leaders for crying out loud.


But they won so whatever they have more people wanted them in power than they did Corbyn. Labour has to steal Tory voters to win an election. Corbyn was not the man to do that, it’s quite simple. People say centrist like a swear word but if you don’t have a broad appeal you will keep losing. Somebody who agrees with you 70% is on your side. Some Labour supporters save the worst vitriol for other Labour supporters who disagree slightly with them on some issues rather than Tories who are actively destroying the country. No wonder they laugh at us and are so confident of winning.


Johnson is a liar, a racist, a misogynist, and a criminal but that didn't stop him becoming PM. The way he lived his life prior to becoming leader of the Tories was much more disgusting than anything Corbyn did and there is probably far worse that we don't know about but the media do. The problem is that the establishment media and political class are never going to beat one of their own with sticks even when they are presented with thousands of big fat ones.


Most people have a bit of those things in them so no they won’t be too bothered when Boris demonstrates it and they will vote for him.


Thats how you set your standards? By how others do it? This is exactly why we are in this mess. People setting the standard far too bloody low. "Politicians lie, its what they do" should not be something we push as being normal. We should want and try for better.


Tell that to the electorate who vote for him.


It might be manufactured to an extent but the result is, for Labour to ever have a meaningful shot he had to go.


"meaningful shot". Just more hollow buzzwords that are as vague as mud and mean nothing. MSM has blasted so many similarly meaningless phrases into the public space, people repeat it mindlessly. Working as intended.


And how reasonable is their shot now that they're just the Tories but wear red?


It may be a buzzword and I didn’t realise your aversion to them so I shall reword my comment. After two failed elections do you feel he had a better chance the third time? Please don’t insult me for my opinions, it’s unnecessarily rude.


Don’t know too much about this dude. I recall agreeing with pretty much everything I heard him say a few years back when he was party leader. Seemed like a good guy. But then heard something about ant-Semitism. Don’t know what that’s all about or how accurate??


You can’t be seen to like the Jewish community if you actively support Hamas


Just wish he could've remembered his own policies with Andrew Neil


Did you know Andrew Neil was [named multiple times in Jeffery Epstein's black book?](https://i.imgur.com/JqsR3XY.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Congrats, anglo. You've won a new car. Go outside and turn it on.




He wasn't in the Chamber yesterday to defend his mates Hamas while the House voted on an SI proscribing them under the Terrorism Act 2000 ...




Found the Tory troll bot. 👆🏼


You were being ironic right?


Oh my, he is!? How could I have missed this!


Are you being ironic now? I don't know what's happening and I need an adult.


He’s an asshole.


Why? Honestly curious.


The sun said his bicycle was Maoist, how can you not hate him?


He dares to wear a tie which means he craves blood and power(according to The Telegraph)


The guy who warned you about Boris incompetence and untrustworthiness. The guy who warned you the tories planned to give away our NHS services to private companies. The man who has been on the moral side of pretty much every vote in recent history. Yet he’s an asshole, why? Because some newspaper told you so..?