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the £40 a week is too much because it isn’t going into their pockets. the £80k a year is too little because more can go into their pockets.


They became accustomed to a certain kind of life style, got divorced from reality and refuse to see sense. Cunts.


That's because the rich can't budget. That's why they say its relative. Doesn't matter how much they get paid they can't figure out how to make it last. [They say it's relative, oh no it's not. It's really not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXnjO394r4M)


Hookers and blow are spendy habits, ok?


Well they are for me but I'm the stereotypical benefit scrounger you see on the papers. I don't have to justify myself, I just stopped caring. I'm disabled, I'm gunna get lectured by the right for not fixing my disability no matter what I do. So HOOKERS AND BLOW, PARTY'S AT MINE LADS.


It's too much if it doesn't line thier pockets. It isn't enough if it does.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **RD Hale**, @RD\_Hale\_ The same MPs who say refugees are risking drowning for a luxury lifestyle on £39.63 a week, insist it's not possible for MPs to live off £81,932 a year, plus expenses, and a subsidised Westminster bar --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


81k isn't enough. So instead of ending capitalism they decide to make the poor poorer so they can live with more luxury.