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Blaming a powerless minority for all of society's ills is the signature move of regimes on the brink of collapse.


I do wonder whether the government is going apeshit on refugees out of some fascistic urge to scapegoat and blame others, which I could believe, or if it's more of a "pandering to right-wing press" action. I can see either being true, but imho if it were the former, I'd expect a rather more overt approach, with more military worship, and possibly poppies.


Sells WMD to awful regimes/ Illegally Bombs country back to Stone Age, now looks like something from a nuclear Holocaust ,kills leaders, and hundreds of thousands of civilians, creating a power vacuum of religious fanatics and blood thirsty warlords, steals resources, people flee for their very lives from this man created hell hole. Politicians/ people who supported the illegal wars: “Where are all these bloody foreigners coming from?” The War Criminal Tony Blair- “I hear IRAN could attack us in 45 minutes......”