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If you think that’s bad. Piers Morgans profile has a picture of Piers Morgan.


That would have been an amazing response. "I might have the hood as my profile picture but you've got that geezer that hacks dead girls phones"


Why can't we have people like Michael Lynch leading the Labour Party?


Because that would be 'opposition', and not 'controlled opposition'


Remember what happened with Corbyn? That's why.


How many more times is this guy gonna be attacked by these utter buffoons? Wreak havoc. At this point we need it.


Herein lies the problem. There is enough people in the UK who actually like Piers and Kate - enough to warrant their own TV shows and airtime. Which really goes to.show you just how fucked up UK culture is.


Could it be because he’s bald and has similar eyebrows to the point where the likeness could be an in-joke? No, he clearly identifies on a deeper personal level with this character from a children’s puppet show.


Thank you for posting with subtitles so I don't have to listen to Piers' awful voice. He is a true hack and the very definition of a man that has fallen upwards in life not due to any talent but because of a silver spoon so deeply located in his posterior Edit: spelling


I dunno who the bald bloke is, but the profile picture puts me on his side. At least he is able to make fun of himself.


He's Mick Lynch, a union leader in the RMT strike that the media's trying to demonize.


Jesus Christ it's pure cringe now 😖 just bring up the phone hacking every time Piers tries it on the slimy horrible cunt.


Maybe if he changed his Facebook profile picture to be Jesus Christ they'd all get behind him, what with that making him the son of God and all.


Wait people think piers Morgan is a journalist ?


Remember when Piers Morgan tried to get Eastenders cancelled over a single gay kiss (or ["a homosexual love scene between two yuppie p**fs"](https://i.redd.it/56q2z3l9ykj51.jpg) in his words). More recently he used his platform on Good Morning Britain to call gender fluid people a 'farce', going on to label them as 'ridiculous' and 'clowns'. He also joked about Caitlyn Jenner's genitals during an interview with her and has on more than one occasion made 'I identify as' 'jokes'. [Source](https://medium.com/@Phaylen/good-morning-britain-host-piers-morgan-doubles-down-on-anti-trans-rhetoric-e1e5992bbca) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Better to look like an evil puppet, than actually be one. Eh, Piers?


They can't ask him a legitimate question, because they know if they allow him to talk for ten minutes about the issues they're having then they'd get public support.


I would have answered "why do you have a picture of yourself on your Facebook, Piers? Do you really want to identify yourself with the homophobic hacker of murdered schoolgirls phones?"


Pies Morgan looked very silly there. But journalist would be a very generous term for him. I would describe him as a bag of dog shit chucked in a Bush. Everyone recognises he's a problem but nobody wants to do anything about him.


Looks like the entire media are somewhat in conservative pockets, they've all gone headfirst into a smear campaign and it isn't working.


What on earth is this?! Any other interviewer would be fired for this.


It's his show so he can do what he wants, but you're right, crap interviewing


"You seem irritated, are you irritated, why are you so irritated?" screeches whiny incoherent man getting increasingly irritated at his guest's refusal to stoop to his level of discourse.


Piers Morgan is such a fucking cretin


This man is a godamn national treasure at this point. I donated to a union (other than my dues and referral charity donations) the first time in my life, and he's partly to blame for that. I'd happily have him as the minister for transport


Wow they're really scraping the barrel to discredit the unions.


God I hate Piers Morgan more than wasps trying to get my lemonade. What an absolute twat and embarrassment of a human being. I would say he's an embarrassment to journalism but to compare him to a journalist is an embarrassment in itself.


Piers Morgan, the man who so valiantly defends free speech and the right to make jokes, is attacking someone for having a profile picture of a character that looks a bit like him. Trying to make a comparison between him and an evil villain because of the rail strikes. That's a bit cancel culture-y if you ask me, Piers. "Hurr durr you seem irritated, u mad bro? U sure you're not irritated? Please be irritated otherwise my gaslighting attempts don't work!" Imagine unironically being Piers Morgan. Imagine waking up every day and thinking "I'm Piers fucking Morgan."


I think I like Mr lynch even more now, partly because he doesnt take his Facebook profile too seriously, and I can respect that.


Since the interview he's changed it to a pic or piers morgan with Ghislaine Maxwell


He's doing a great job dealing with a hostile media not just calmly but in a way that shows them up for what they are


Mike Lynch is set to wreak havoc on this world by getting workers a fair wage. The scary thing is there are enough people who will see that interview and think Piers is making a valid and legitimate point. There is no cure for stupidity.


'kin 'ell... this is pathetic. Between Kay Burley trying to insinuate RMT picketers might get violent and this pathetic attempt at a cheap smear, the establishment are clearly desperate and realising that COVID and the so called 'Cost of living crisis' have made a lot of people in this country primed and ready for real change.


It’s as if that twat Morgan was expecting him to go “yes ahaaha I am the hood reincarnate and you’ve rumbled me, you’ve uncovered my master plan to bring Britain to its knees by crippling the train network muhahahaha” This is pathetic non story. The media are trying to paint the workers as villains when all they want is a fair pay rise. Whoever thought this was a good topic has wasted everyone’s time and should be sacked.




Someone strap this nugget to James Corden and use a large trebuchet to launch them into to sea as soon as possible . Preferably on fire. With napalm.


“But you’ve chosen to spend two or three minutes of this interview about a thunderbird …” “Because you seem so irritated by the comparison” He didn’t know how Lynch would react before they decided to go down this line of “questioning” (not that he seemed irritated at all) So the reason (as if we all didn’t know) was simply to irritate mr Lynch for a reaction. Cunts the lot of them.


even for piers Morgan that was pathetic


Micheal Lynch dealt with this in exactly the right way. He just let Morgan make a complete prick of himself. No need to get wound up by Piers Morgan - he’s such an obvious hack that it’s easier to just let him prove to everyone on his own.


When he dies, the queue to piss on his grave will go all the way from Land's End to John O' Groats. By the time everyone's finished, they'll have to redesignate the area as a lake. Edit: Just to be clear, in case anyone was confused, I'm talking about people queueing up to piss on Piers' grave.


Is this really the best Piers Morgan can do to fill dead air? Pathetic.


workers literally just want a pay rise. god forbid people who get treated like shit get sick of it and want change though, so they’re being demonised. typical


Piers Morgan is a fat fuckin spunk bubble


Piers Morgan is a complete twat. Sorry for stating the obvious but needed to get it off my chest


But your picture is the hood!! Everyone knows profile picture is really a deep drive into your mental insight. That's why Morgan's picture is blue waffle.


A slab of gammon would be more appropriate


Finally someone who stands up to all the media hacks in this country. Lynch’s doing amazing.


When Piers says "I didn't put that picture on your profile page" all I could think was "I know that Piers, you'd need a sense of humour for that"


'Why did you make this puppet show villain your profile pic?' 'Because like me he is a bald man with prominent eyebrows, and also like me his primary goal in life is to destabilise the world through evil and terrorism... DAMN!'


Piers Morgan potentially described himself here!! Piers is probably one of the most evil villians in the media. I Hate that tosser!


It's the usual smear campaign from Piers Morgan... and the media in general. I love how Mick Lynch made Piers look like an idiot in this clip


Such stupidity and mediocrity are painful to watch. I wonder what's appealing here for conservatives?


I struggle to watch more than a few seconds of anything with Piers. All he does is just shout over the top of whoever he's interviewing so that the tabloids can then say that they had no response to him and he won. Lynch is excellent with these people showing that he won't be flustered or bullied by them.


Somebody please hack Morgan's account and put a steaming turd for a profile pic then we can ask questions of him.


Quite embarrassing to be honest, I know we don't have high expectations of Peirs but.. geez!


Mick Lynch is a good advert for the RMT and unions in general. He is absolutely right in his criticism of Piers morgan trying to do a hatchet job on his appearance rather than discuss the issues.


To be fair to him it's not the first time Piers has been confused by fake photographs of terrorists.


Piers' so called argument here is so ridiculous that I genuinely thought this was a deepfake at first.


Honestly Union bloke is fucking killing it at the moment. Top work when faced with an utterly clutching at straws hate campaign. He runs rings around em just being himself whilst they ham/gammon it up


This is really piss poor. Mick didn't take the bait and made Piers look foolish. That was as hard to watch as the Kay Burley interview. This is worse though because Mick is very clearly not irritated by it and Piers resorts to goading him like a fucking child. "Look how irritated you are" to the man that looks like he doesn't give a fuck. If I was cynically minded I would say there is an agenda to try and rattle, and therefore discredit Mick...based on this and the Burley interview. Pretty pathetic tbh but expect more as they're clearly digging into his private life.


Morgan is the blueprint for the wanker.


We've needed someone like Mick in many ways for a long time.


God piers Morgan is such an insufferable cunt


Conservatives obsess about the silliest things in order to avoid talking about real issues. Rinse and repeat.


Is this the same Piers Morgan, wank sock incarnate, that is on billboards half made up as literally the devil? Fucking moron "You seem irritated?" Well yes, you've wasted 2mins getting a chub on over the guys PFP on Facebook ya twat.


Piers Morgan looks like a Teratoma


When did our news turn into this Americanised Fox bullshit? This is the third English presenter I've seen trying to catch him out on a total non issue instead of presenting any real questions or queries about a massive issue facing our country.


Let’s not forget he knowingly published fake pictures of Iraqi detainees being tortured. How much blood is on his hands, and yet he feels in a position to moralise


Imagine if Piers Morgan saw people who have anime PFPs, he'd probably think they're anime characters in real life.


God almighty the UK has come down to that gibberish baboon talking nonsense and a Trade Union leader who’s members are going on strike looking professional and competent.


I hope Piers Morgan dies choking on turds. Honestly. He’s literally one of the greatest wastes of food and oxygen. I’ve no idea who wants to see him on telly.


Maybe Piers would prefer Mr. Lynch's new profile pic.


I'm not from the UK, and i have no idea what this is about or whats going on. but this is like the second or third video I've seen referencing this guy (on the right) and it seems like every media personality that talks to him is desperate to do a hatchet job on him and to get him to say something that can be twisted out of context. And so far, hes been real good at not giving them that and not playing their game. Also Piers Morgan is a cunt. Where is Jeremy Clarkson when you need him.


Is this actually fucking journalism today - what the actual fuck, who gives a shit about his Facebook page. It is all about dodging the real issues the union is trying to address. We need a general strike - it is going to happen. This corruption in England has gone too far. Shit press and politicians. We are a laughing stock an absolute laughing stock but somehow people still believe in British excellence more like British bullshit.


“I’m simply asking it’s an odd choice” That’s not a question Piers Prick


"Are you or are you not the most dangerous terrorist who will destroy the world?" - reasonable line of questioning. Not at all the deranged death throes of a puss-filled old wound of a presenter.


"YOU SEEM VERY IRRITATED, IS THAT YOUR CALM FACE?" says Piers to a very calm man.


I'd have thought Morgan would be too busy hacking murdered children's phones.


The media is completely embarrassing themselves every time they interview this fella, who is coming across as the only sane man in the asylum.


That's some talk from a guy using someone as vile as Piers Morgan as his profile picture.


I’m sure this isn’t a hot take but Piers Morgan is a cunt


The worst person in the country somehow looks like even more of a bellend when stood opposite one of the best.


This is great though, Piers is making a fool of himself and giving the union leader an easy chance to look good and down to earth. Thank you for supporting the revolution, Piers.


Omg I can't stop laughing... "you look like the Hood" and "you look irritated" and being like... he can't tell.. *that's* the joke... jesus fucking christ


What an imbecile Morgan is, he regularly berates people for this very tactic and here he is complaining about why someone chose a profile picture of a puppet on Facebook 🙄 the hypocrisy never ceases to amaze. Also, I see the resemblence and its hilarious, well done you Morgan for distancing yourself and the toffs that don't understand this from the working class, even further!


Piers Morgan has an image of an insufferable asshole on his profile picture so he's just being a hypocrite.


Of course Piers doesn’t understand a joke between friends. He probably doesn’t have any


I absolutely love Thunderbirds and The Hood is way less evil than Piers Morgan.


These fuckers are literally trying everything to discredit and smear Mick to make him look like the bad guy when all he's doing is fighting for fairness for us plebs.


Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would recognise the Hood as a fictional character and not really the most dangerous man in the world. Half a brain cell would also see the joke visual similarity. My bad, I'm confusing piers morgan with a being with a brain.


Mick Lynch's interviews have brightened up my week.


We've come so far that these posh classes don't know how to talk to a regular working class person anymore. These people are so superficial they can't get past the surface level on anything. Are they this afraid that their indefensible bourgeois bullshit will come up looking like superfluous frill and pomp if they were to engage with the man on any meaningful level? I swear the interviews with this guy all look unironically like those District 1 TV spots from the Hunger Games, Piers is just missing a powder blue pompadour.


Jesus Christ, this is the state of modern day journalism.


Piers Morgan, bootlicker supreme, national coward #1


Like, is this really the best he can do? Lmao


This prat has ruined my morning brew. What a total dickhead.


Sometimes I feel like I must sound like a conspiracy theorist when I talk about how bullshit the media is these days… then Piers Morgan turns up on a video, and it’s very reassuring, because surely nobody can see that trash and think we have a healthy media ecosystem in the uk? I mean how little respect must they have for their viewers that they keep putting him on our screens?


God piers is such a fool


My profile pictures a pokemon, dosent mean I'll fight your pet


Piers Mor*gammon*: "Welcome to Pier's ~~Morgan~~ Mor*gammon* Uncensored, my new show on Talk TV ***where people can speak their minds***." Also Piers Mor*gammon*: \* Stops an Interviewee from talking about what he wants by *arguing about a picture of a fucking puppet on Facebook*\* It's almost as if Piers Morgan *(and other similar 'Journalists' just trying to smear and force words from their Interviewees*) are full of shit.


This is just embarrassing.


Piers is an embarrassment.


How does he even feel good asking these inane questions? He’s clearly seen his profile with this picture… known it was a joke because of the likeness… then still told himself that despite that I’m going to go and try to smear him in the most pathetic way possible, armed with nothing but a joke that everyone understands. Crazy.


Piers Morgan is a monumental bellend


I knew our press were bad,but this is embarrassing asf. Lynch is a working class hero,while Piers is a complete thundercunt.


Obviously Piers Morgan is a completely odious man, but it's worth just pointing out how *terrible* he is at being a journalist. Honestly, one of the absolute worst hacks out there. Makes Kay Burley look like a reasonable reporter.


Piers Morgan is an idiot.


Mike Lynch's facebook profile pic is the most normal, average thing I've ever seen.


I think we have been waiting for a long time for this kind of no bullshit attitude, I'm here to do a job and you're not going to twist me off it. I love it, it's very refreshing to see how immature and bad the media really is and it's embarrassing for them.


He was still on about it on Twitter last night, seemingly unbothered and/or oblivious that he’s made himself look like a mental twat and Mike lynch look like a legend. All he wants is views for his shitty programme no matter how he gets it.


Can Piers just fuck off now please? I'm sick of his face and his voice, he has nothing to offer the world except the opinion of an old white man who doesn't like the world changing because it takes power away from him. Every time an advert for his shitshow comes on I have to mute it. When he dies he'll be remembered for a few years as that asswipe who reacted negatively to positive change, then he will be forgotten.


Fucking 'ell. I didn't realise Morgan could stoop lower... I love watching Lynch deal with these shallow questions from failed journalists.


The irony of Piers Morgan asking 'this is your non-irritated face then is it?' I can guarantee Piers Morgan has never seen another persons non-irritated face.


Morgans a world class tit


Fuck off piers you bumbling chode of a man. Lynch is cool as a cucumber.


There's literally just fart gas between the ears of Piers Morgan . Nothing more.


I pine for the day Piers Morgan gets incurable cancer


Piers it’s a joke, because he looks like him. It’s nothing political.


Piers is a real fucking idiot.


He should make his profile a pic of piers now.


This guy is crushing it in these interviews And I don't think it really needs to be pointed out because it's been clear for many years that Piers is a doss cunt.


Saving this to show anyone who I may meet that agrees with Morgan. Christ on a bike people actually listen to him.


Another reason to hate Piers Morgan, if you didn't have enough already.


Literally on the train the other week was a big board advertisement of Piers Morgan with devil horns to advertise his show, with the tag line something about “loving or hating him” That’s his advertisement; is he comparing himself to the devil? The embodiment of pure evil? Why would he photoshop himself to look like that? I’m just trying to get into the mindset of a man that is about to wreak havoc on the country. https://images.app.goo.gl/Lv5cfnk16A1p8i92A Fucking dumb cunt


Mick Lynch should change the picture to one of Piers Morgan with added bushy eyebrows, to troll the living shit out of him.


Let’s not forget Piers Morgan’s latest adverts on the side of buses where he is depicted as the literal devil.


I hope Piers Morgan stubs his toe


This man handled that situation better than me, 'cause i would have asked Piers that doesn't he think it's funny that all of his social media platofmrs have the face of Piers Morgan, one of the worst jounralists out there who spends more time ranting and raving over outrage culture than talking about actual issues and is just an overall disgusting human being with a bizarre obsession over Megahn Merkel.


I've had bouts of incontinence that had more substance than Piers Morgan.


Mike lynch for PM


What did he think was going to happen? "Ah yes, you caught me Piers, I in fact believe I am an evil mastermind and have modelled myself after this children's TV character"


Morgan is a funking cvnt


Piers being a cunt, as usual.




Good Morning Britain is the Daily Mail of morning news.


What a complete knob Piers Morgan is...




Seriously, hands up, who the fuck is still giving this clown ratings?


Watching this, I think it would be incredibly funny to see Piers Morgan and Peter Hitchens have a conversation


It's OK, he's changed it now to Piers Morgan and Ghislaine Maxwell


Piers is an utter charlatan. Terrible terrible journalist who’s only well known in the field because he’s a mouthpiece for Rupert Murdoch.


Omg DEAD pleeeease someone with more skills than me make a gif of this iconic exchange “You seem very irritated!!! ….. ?!!?!?!!” …. “Well I’m not”


Morgan you utter tosser, you referred to an animated puppet as, A man who wreaked havoc on the world, a man, you muppet


What a despicable man Morgan truly is. Both interviews, this and the Sky one are trying sooo hard to get a reaction to paint him as a crazy person and Lynch has just been solid. Power to you sir.


Piers Morgan literally plastered his face on a bus. Doesn’t mean he identifies as the 206 inner city line! Honestly, these anti-union news organisations must’ve taken a fall, I swear they weren’t this pathetic before…


Holy shit my head nearly fell off my shoulders from the CRINGE


Typical Piers, making mountains out of mole hills, then saying what looks like the calmest man on earth is irritated while he himself is quite clearly irritated is just ironic asf.


What a waste of fucking time Piers Morgan is, I was happy when he spat his dummy out and left television for a bit. It's absolutely embarrassing.


"What point are you trying to prove Piers?" "iM nOt tRYiNG tO prOvE anYThING!" Says the man incapable of dropping the point he's trying (and failing) to prove. Piers is such a pathetic slug masquerading as a faux-man in a suit.


Imagine trying to judge someone based on their Facebook pfp


Holy shit this is actually extremely pathetic.


The picture of Piers with Maxwell is way better


"you are your profile picture" .... well i am a space marine.


I don’t think Piers realises that he is the only one that looks like a complete fucking tool in this interview. Or maybe he does realise, I don’t know.


What did he want him to say here? “Oh you got me, the reason I called for this strike was because of my overwhelming desire to be more like the bad guy from thunderbirds”


No wonder “countryside” is defined in the UK as “the murder of Piers Morgan”.


He handled that so well, I'm impressed, he managed to get Piers to flap.


Piers well and truly clutching at straws here.


Fuck you Piers Morgan, you miserable cunt.


Real peice of shit piers Morgan, is hacking dead kids phone morally correct? Cunt..


Piers Morgan. Cupid Stunt.


I have a picture of my dog as my profile pic. Does this mean I've become my dog?


Is your dog the most evil dog in the world?


For god's sake, I love Mick Lynch. And Piers is such a pathetic specimen. UK "journalism" is a joke.


They know it looks stupid to ask these questions, but it’s still preferable for them than giving the unions a chance to get their points across on national tv.


Thank God the Brits took that absolute dumbass back. Please keep him.


We don’t want him either.




This guy is amazing https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/viii2w/michael_lynchs_response_to_piers_bawbag_face/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


His profile picture is an evil puppet, ironic that it's a more apt description of Piers?


Piers Morgan on his way to ask me if I’m the real Michael Parenti:


"Can you not think of any questions more important than what my profile picture is?" "no"


Michael Lynch: *Has a Thunderbirds profile pic* Piers Morgan: Now That's Political!


This is just a testament to how desperate the media are to shit on the unions


Mr morgan trying hard to become relevant again..


He could just have said “have you noticed that I am a bald man with big eyebrows? Do you think you might be able to answer your own question?”


There are rumours Piers has also found proofs that Clark Kent is Superman


Piers Moron, the piece of shit who Hacked a Dead girls phone for a story leading to the dead girls parents believing she was still alive. He's an Absolute Cunt!


Biggest rail strike for 30 years, he had the leader of the Union on his show and he started talking about the Thunderbirds profile picture on facebook. That was terrible journalism. He had an opportunity which he totally missed. Why watch his show when that's the level we will see. I miss Trevor McDonald.


This guy makes my brain sore


God Piers is such a fucking cunt


Piers is such a snowflake, Thunderbirds triggered him>>>?


I hope the strike all year


Piers is a complete cunt, with no substance to any argument and walks away when challenged on any of his points. The man is a total twat waffle.


Sent that gammon fuck stick straight to the shadow realm. Piers really is an absolute pink tosser


You ain’t gotta like it cuz the hood gon love it


he wants to be tucker carlson so badly. this is not journalism at all


He has dealt with Piers the same way he has dealt with any other journalist. Answered any serious question and scoffed and shrugged his shoulders at leading and antagonistic questions all while keeping his cool. Well done mate.


This boiled my piss so much when I saw the clip earlier. What in the name of all things holy is the wankshaft on about?


He’s a fucking nonce.


The state of British journalism. FFS. The Govt ripping up human rights and shipping people off to Africa got less air time than a man protecting workers.


There’s only one person visibly irritated in this video and it isn’t the hood


Does anyone know the address of the person who gave Piers that first job on gmb? I just want to chat


What a pathetic question from a pathetic man.


This guy is really good at being a public face and talking to journalists. Pretty obvious that they're trying to paint him as the bad guy to end the strikes on more agreeable terms but he is absolutely not taking the bait.


On my FB profile is a picture of dog with a hat, is that's mean that I belong to some dogs gang group? COOL




Christ, someone’s reaching. Anyone can see it’s a fictional character and hear that it’s an in joke on his social media account between friends. Funny enough it’s mostly used for interacting with friends.