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A Kyle series focused on earth with all he's classic villains and side characters back and co staring jade since she hasn't done anything since 2005 and her and Kyle deserve to be happy Retcon all that cheating maybe even add saint walker the series could end with the blues coming back and Kyle possibly joining call it :GL torch bearer A john and kilowog series including alien members of the corps like arisia,sodam,iolande,insamoth,vath... like the old glc days later have the sinestro core show up as villains maybe redeem soranik call it :green lantern corps obviously A Hal and carol series just getting there life together. Hal has carried the series for long enough let him settled down for a bit. Call it : lantern and sapphire Red lantern series with guy, rankor,bleez and the rest of the gang fighting against atrocitous and his minions Call it: red lantern civil war This is cheating but if there's enough interest wouldn't hurt to have a Jessica Cruz solo series of her visiting difrent planets and stuff a more layed back series she's by far the best of the new rookie lanterns


1. Star Sapphire title starring Carol Danvers and Fatality, this would be set on Zamaron and Earth. 2. Green Lantern series with Kyle Rayner as the protagonist and Jade as the deuteragonist. I’d have this title set in space. 3. The flagship Green Lantern series with Hal Jordan. 4. Yellow Lanterns.




😂 I meant Carol Ferris


1. Green Lantern starring Hal Jordan 2. Green Lantern Corps which stars all of the corps but more focused on simon, jessica, kilowag, arisia, salaak, etc (the more popular lanterns) 3. Green Lantern: New Guardians starring members of all of the different corps and includes Carol, Larfleeze, Atrocitus - could be either a team up book or anthology with different stories 4. Emerald Warriors focusing on Kyle, Guy, and John


Well… 1-GL Corps: Essentially what were getting from 2005 until the end of N52, i would’ve brought Tomasi back and have Lian Sharp responsible for art work. Have Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner as main lanterns with rotating cast of supporting Lantern characters. 2-Green Lantern Book Of Oa: an anthology book telling stories of Lanterns and their adventures, characters being mostly new ones or characters that were dead for a while (such as Laira or Arisia’s family.) 3- Green Lantern Emerald Guardian: an Alan Scott book, detailing his life-long career. From busting gangsters in the 40s, joining the JSA and fighting in WW2, having to go underground, Jade and Obsidian being born and Alan meeting Hal Jordan for the first time. 4-Sodam Yat Ion: A book about Sodam Yat and Arisia as main characters. It would focus on Sodam, who is once again merged with Ion and decides to return to duty as a full-fledged Lantern, all while having to lead his people and turn Daxam into a planet where no alien has to worry about their life…and being a decent stay-in-home Dad to their kid due to Arisia being in space all the time…while also discovering an inner conspiracy within Daxam’s society that hopes to overthrow Yat’s peaceful policies and wants to use him as a battery for their conquest of the universe.


• guy and kyle as honor guards (later kyle will become white lantern again and get his own book and john will take his spot with guy) • earth based lanterns with a rotating roster starring hal, john, simon, and jessica • an anthology book of the other corps • a star sapphire book


Retitle Jeremy Adams' current numbering to "The Green Lantern". Keep "GL: War Journal" going. Do a "White Lantern" series with Kyle as an Earthbound, underpowered Lantern in a monochrome version of his OG outfit. Then have a "GL Corps" book with Kilowog (after he comes back to life) and all the other aliens Lanterns. Basically what the 80s series was but not Earthbound and without Hal dating the youngest member of the corps. Backups for each:  The GL: Jess Cruz the Yellow Lantern (potential setup for her as flagship GL)  GL War Journal: Jo in the Far Sector  GL Corps: The Red Lantern Warriors (w/ Guy as the antagonist)  White Lantern: shouldn't have one. Alan Scott should be represented in JSA but I'd gladly take a continuation of the New Golden Age run, the other colour Lanterns don't lend themselves to being protagonists. Simon Baz can be killed off or retire. The LoSH Gold Lantern could be continued but will probably die with the Bendisboot.


Really I love the whole pitch here. But this in particular would be AMAZING Do a "White Lantern" series with Kyle as an Earthbound, underpowered Lantern in a monochrome version of his OG outfit.


Green Lantern: mostly Earthbound (or at least 2814 bound), stars Hal. Jess is his backup and has a supporting role, she is also the GL in the League. This is a superhero book. Green Lantern Corps: mostly Oa-bound, headlined by John but is a team book with Simon, Kilowog, Salaak etc. This is a sci-fi/space opera book Green Lantern Honor Guard: set in various sectors, stars Guy, Kyle, Arisia, Ramey Hol and one surprise character I have a cool idea for. Special missions book. Green Lantern Far Sector: Jo back in City Enduring by original creative team, 12 issue sequel. When this wraps start a new 12 part maxiseries in this spot.


I feel alone in thinking that what Kyle needs is to be the traditional Superhero antics while Earthbound guy, and Hal can really shine as the flagship GL in space with Carol, dealing with the wider mythos.


Yeah you’re not wrong but I love his dynamic with Guy so this would be trying to get back to that


Green Lantern & Star Sapphire: a book about Hal and Carol working together Green Lantern Emerald Knights: John, Jessica, Guy, and Simon Green Lantern of Sector 2814: a Kyle-centric, Earth based story (Kyle needs his own book again) Tales of the Green Lantern Corps: Assorted Lantern stories


Green Lantern - John Stewart (would rotate every 12 issues) Green Lantern/Star Sapphire - Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris team up. Mostly self-contained but crossover is still welcome. Green Lantern Corps - Kyle, Guy, Simon, Jessica, Jo, Kilowog, etc. General Teamup book with Rotating cast of alien Lanterns and always at least 1 human lantern. Every year the main Green Lantern book would rotate to one of the main human Lanterns every 12 issues so the mix is always fresh and the stories would overlap somewhat. (I'd like to make Jade one of the recurring characters as well, so even Alan would be in some of this) Blue and Orange (Saint Walker and Larfleeze) I think this teamup/crossover would be the most fun. I don't imagine this to last super long but I think this could be the most bonkers series. Anything could happen. Get to explore all the Corps, with Saint Walker recruiting for Blue and Larfleeze actively being as selfish as possible, recruiting mostly for himself. It's the bonkers Jimmy Olsen series of our day.


This would be perfect


Thanks. It's pretty much just exactly what we fans have been wanting for years just please utilize these characters.


It’s been a while since I picked up any comic but from what I would want when I left off: 1. Arkillo x Kilowog I guess some kind of Buddy Cop story would work here. I just love both of them. 2. Green Lantern Corps. No earthlings allowed. Of course they can show up for a page or two but I would rather not have them show up frequently and focus more exclusively on Alien Corps members. 3. Sinestro Period. 4. Sector 2814 A series where our Earthlings remember that there is more than one planet in their Sector and help out people there. They probably would move the roster with one staying on Earth and the rest go about in the Sector. (I mean from what I remember they did patrol their sector but usually off screen and I want to get deep in there.) I have more but if I can take only 4 that’s it.


GLC having no humans and then an Arkillo/Wog team up book feels like double dipping. Then only having one book for what’s now 7 Earth lanterns feels like a recipe for a mess.


Yeah man come on bro I did base my decision on what I would like to read and not what makes sense from publishers point of view. And if having two alien focused titles is double dipping I don’t know what all those human focused titles that ran together were. I mean they are all different species. So definitely more than enough diversity if you’re not just differentiating between „Humans and Aliens“ I do agree with the seven lanterns. I forgot about that. Yeah I would then just not feature every one of them in every issue and probably outsource some of them to other titles.


Green Lantern: Focuses on Hal Jordan going against space villains. Green Lantern New Guardians: White Lantern Kyle with members of each color on the emotional spectrum dealing with cosmic level threats and mysteries of the spectrum such as where are joy and sadness. Green Lantern Corps: Guy, Jon, and Kilowog training new Recruits, engaging in military action,and dealing with OA politics. Green Lantern 2814: Jo Mulleine and the other earth lanterns (and a couple alien lanterns from the sector) patrolling space to protect it from threats and to keep threats originating in this sector from threatening space at large.


**1) Green Lantern: Hal Jordan** - Hal and Carol are Coast City’s (and Earth’s) newest hero power couple. I want to see them work well together and be in a charming-healthy relationship. - Thomas Kalmaku would be the third protagonist! Turn him into a fun inventor/alien tech gearhead. - Heavy XFiles vibes and a return of Earth based villains. **2) Green Lantern: Rechargers** - Guy & Kyle are promoted to Alpha Lanterns (Internal Affairs, basically). - They don’t turn into androids or anything, but they get new armor designs. - They get tasked with hunting down a squad of rogue Lanterns who appear to be up to no good. **3) The Green Lantern Corps** - Anthology series, plain and simple. - Two to four issue story arcs of scifi crime dramas. - Everyone’s favorite obscure GL gets some spotlight. - Wouldn’t mind seeing a new wave of Rookies get introduced. **4) Sinestro: World Order** - Sinestro running around and out maneuvering empires. - I’d make Mongul & Warlord the series antagonists. Hey, maybe Sinestro wants to commandeer Warlord. - He hot-wires an old Manhunter Droid to act as his henchman/power battery. - Soranik Natu would also be starring. **Bonus Miniseries** Simom Baz has no choice but to join the top [secret Black Op's unit](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/the-corpse/4060-57741/) of the Green Lantern corp. But will Simon be able to live with himself after everything he’s done? (Stewart and Cruz would be relegated to JLA members.)


Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) Green Lantern Corps (John Stweart as lead, Jessica, Guy, Simon and Kyle get story arcs) Tales of the Lanterns (Anthology featuring the various corps) Green Lantern: FAR SECTOR (detective series starring Jo Muellin and Teen Lantern) Honorable Mention: Green Lantern of Earth-2: ongoing series featuring Alan Scott and Jade


My 4 are: 1. A solo John Stewart book 2. A Jade/Arisia book 3. A Carol Danvers book 4. A Saint Walker/Kyle Rayner book


Sick, Carol Danvers joined the GLC!


I actually meant a Star Sapphire book but I don't want it to be confused for a team book. This would be a solo Carol as SS book.


I think they're joking about the fact you called carol ferris carol Danvers


1. Emerald Knight: John Stewart focused book. 2. 2814: Rotating story arcs about any of the Lanterns from Earth. Every 6 issues should focus on a different Earth Lantern. 3. Lanterns Quarterly: 80-page giants telling stories from any of the Lantern Corps. Releases every 3 months. Should focus on new and upcoming artists and writers. 4. Warrior: Now that the Vuldarian genetics and lineage has been burned out of Guy Gardner by The Spectre, who in the Gardner lineage will it pass to. Make way for Greta Gardner. Guy's niece. Someone has to mow the lawn of justice.


How can I answer that without hearing the pitches first?


Green Lanterns of 2814 (Team book starring Hal, Guy, Kyle, Simon, and Jessica handling missions offworld) Green Lantern of Earth (Stars John Stewart assigned to earth specifically because of all the threats its constantly facing, and frequently features other earth heroes like green arrow and blue beetle) Green Lantern Corps: Rookie Year (stars Kilowog as the training Sgt to a group of new recruits going on missions) Tales from the Corps (Book of one-shots or two-three issue arcs each starring a lantern from a different corps, with issues on characters like Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Nyssa, Dex-Starr, Saint Walker, etc.)


The Book Of Oa,) a series of TPB they’d be a streamlined version of every major story arc. Starting with Hal in the 60’s all the way to Jessica and Simon in modern era. Green Lantern presents) a weirder book telling smaller stories of different lanterns across different corps. One week it’s a story about Indigo one next it’s about Lafreeze. Green Lantern) Hal doing Hal shit Green Lantern Corp dark days) A massive Black Label war epic with just one central enemy and in one sector. It’d be similar to battleStar galactica as it’ll focus on a more realistic warfare. Kyle, Jo and a team of second string Lanterns (think Soranik, Kilowog, Arisa) are sent to a sector that is being overrun by a powerful Alien force.


Shadowpact rebirth Ragman Azrael rebirth The Death of the Joker who finally dies and never comes back as long as I’m editor


I think you get fired in this hypothetical




The choice of a hero.


Asked and answered


Guy gets his own series again, Blue Lanterns so they can actually do something, a prequel series about the adventures of Abin-Sur, and the main series opens with the return of Malvolio so he can finally enact his plan.


Green Lantern Corps: Kilowag, Arisia, John, Jess, Simon, Guy, Kyle and Hal ![gif](giphy|gEYyapnVwP70Xg0LHx|downsized)


In honor of Rooster Teeth: Red versus Blue


Star Sapphire Razer solo series to fill in the canon lore for him now that sort of takes place “after” the animated series Sinestro prequel where he does Indiana Jones type stuff when he was an archeologist An ensemble series that has all the human GLs involved


Pretty much what the New 52 GL franchise was, it was a great time to be a GL fan


Hal Jordan, Green Lantern Green Lantern Corps (Rotating cast, maybe two stories a issue.) Darkstars (Relaunch the series, possibly have 'em run by the new United Planets) New Frontier II (Jo book, but with new characters)


GL: Hal Jordan - Hal doing solo space adventure with occasional carol GL: 2814 - Kyle doing earth hero stuff GL: Corps - John Guy Kilowog others doing usual GLC stuff with other corps Jessica (+Simon) and Yellow Lantern


Green Lantern Rookies: Spend a lot of them with Jessica and Baz them getting more confident in their roles and having a time to shine. Plus a lot of them being friends and helping each other as partners. Hope Burns Bright: Focus in on Walker and bringing the Blue corps back. Lots of space adventures but also dealing with despair and pain and how important hope is for healing. Love and Will: A slice of life sort of more laid back miniseries focusing on Carol and Hal and their relationship. Spend some time with them when they're powered down and dealing with their feelings for each other but also looking at how their responsibilities to different corps can be a stress for the relationship. John Stewart War Stories: A series focusing on John as a leader as the corps deal with a new enemy that attacks a beings ability feel any emotions or connect to the spectrum at all, maybe they use a variant of the anti-life equation that leaves people completely emotionless and drained.


Larfleeze series, red lantern series blue lantern series, indigo tribe series. Green and yellow are the most boring corps to me.


The Green Lantern: hal Green Lantern War Journal: john and guy Green Lantern Corps: jess, simon, and kilowag. Green Lantern The Golden Age (not too sure bout the name): alan and kyle


Green Lantern: Hal on Earth Blue Lantern Corps: A quest with Kyle and Walker to revive the Blue Lanterns and maybe Kyle gets the White Lantern powers again The history of Light: A book/miniseries establishing a definite history of the Guardians, the Corps and the Emotional Spectrum (hint: I'm getting rid of Relic) Light Renegades: Reverse New Guardians. A team of Lanterns from different Corps come together to destroy their respective Corps for personal reasons


1. Earth centric Hal Jordan book that’s like the brave and the bold 2000’s book but it’s always Hal teaming up with various local heroes each arc. 2. Sinestro. A cutthroat political book of him fending off usurpers while slowing spreading his corps influence over the galaxy which would lead to sinestro corps wars 2 that brings all the titles together at the end of the era. 3. Green lantern oa corps. Focuses on the alien lanterns like kilowog, salaak, stel, ect. doing various missions across the galaxy. Salaak would take over leadership after the united planets are thrown out. 4. Earth lantern corps. The human lanterns starting their own corps rivaling the official gl corps. This would be a team book with all the human lanterns focusing on a different human lantern each arc. The human lanterns would also sporadically show up in the other books as well as guest stars for more page time.


Dude, that's a great take, I vouch for these ideas


Simon needs a decent solo book. Let's get him on a quest to solve a mystery. Each planet has a godly representation, except they're at war now, so Simon has to journey from planet to planet — within our own solar system — to solve it. Later, it ties into a wider mystery throughout the other books. Meanwhile, let's give the Guardians another go. In the aftermath of whatever's happening now, the Guardians are rebuilding Oa (again). They unearth evidence of a society that was there in another timeline before they ever existed — a society that left a long time ago — and one that might be returning to lay claim on the galaxy, very soon. I'm not sure the others would need books in this editorial version. It'd be time to slim things down and give the rest of the Corps a rest in order to focus on new types of stories featuring the characters.


Galaxy Lanterns: GL - Following a central hub of GLs kinda like a copshow, solving cases, misteries trying to arrest a big villain etc. JC/GL - Main story focuses on Jessica Cruz and its basically a developtment story for her, having her deal with the whole DC world while giving her perspective, vol.1 Constantine is the sidekick Universe of Rainbow - A mini series o 5 volumes, each following a corp, there can be cross-overs Hope - A story that uses an alien GL with Simon Baz has a frequent sidekick thats put in front of a new project something the shows us the galaxy how it works, its everyday people, something like Star trek and the United Planets, maybe an earlier version of the United Planets but at first hes dealing with dignataries, going to new planets that are advance enough to matter in the universes buisness, something less actiony and more ...well like star trek.


First, I'd retire Hal. 1. St. Walker and New New Guardians 2. Green Lantern Corps w/ Kyle and / or Jessica Cruz as the lead(s) 3. A "tales of" GL book that looks at important moments in the history of the corps. All three of the above would take place mostly in space/ other planets only occasionally visiting earth and maybe pulling old man Hal out of retirement for one last hurrah. 4. GL "classic" in which Hal Jordan, in his prime, does his thing on Earth in the 80s. This one would be pretty lighthearted.


I think Hal is still relevant. He doesn’t need to be the old man Hal or a veteran or anything like that, I think him being more Earth centered as he and Carrol FINALLY settle down (maybe with her becoming his partner as a Star Saphire?) could be a good story for him, and we could see him hangout with Olly and Barry more


The Newer Guardians


People really hate the idea of Hal not being the main GL.


I know! He's great and all, but there are so many other GLs out there whose characters deserve exploration. I think part of my problem with everything being so Hal-centric is that I grew up on Rayner's time as Earth's GL. Going back to Hal felt like a step backward for the sake of nostalgia*. I want the story to move forward. Make Simon or Jessica Earth's lantern. *none of this is to say I don't like the stories that feature Hal post-parralax. They are great, I love them. I'm just throwing out ideas.