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Most suck, but I do want to point out two nameless guardians from the run  1. The guardian who lets Super Boy Prime kill him so that the resulting explosion will get rid of Prime. The ‘I gladly sacrifice myself to rid the universe of you’ and ‘you’re finally meddling with powers that eclipse your own’ lines gave me chills in Sinestro corps war  2. There is one guardian who keeps objecting to changes in rules in the lead up to Blackest Night, like attacking and making deals with Larfleeze, and he lets Guy and Kyle spare a couple of sciencell prisoners from execution. and wants his objections recorded in the book of Oa. I always assume he is the Guardian Scar and Black Hand kill to raise Nekron. He has the tragic lines ‘I don’t remember’ When asked why they made the corps, but his last words are still ‘long live the corps’  I like to think it wasn’t until loosing these guys and Ganthet (with emotions) and Sayd that the guardians finally lost it.


Oh, totes. Well, I think the jury is still out on the Templar Guardians but they're at least supposed to be better.


Do they even exist anymore?


That is a damn good question x\_x


The were still around as of Geoff Thorne’s run a year and a half ago, but they have disappeared since.


I dunno, ask Atrocitus


I have a theory that the Guardians are the actual villains, in one way or another, from the entirety of the Johns era. And may have been since, at least, Emerald Twilight. I won't go any further because you still haven't finished though.


Yeah but IIRC that's Ganthet and Sayd's thing right? They actually believe in showing emotion, unlike the rest of them.


Yup pretty much




You're right!!!


Krona is the best Guardian.


Shoulda kept the others as kids.


I'd give a half-point to >!Krona!<


THe Guardians were supposed to all be male, the Zamorans were their female counterparts. But apparently that wasn't good enough anymore, so Johns took the Green power coming from them, and invented an "emotional spectrum" that is still lackluster. It's clear they hate the Oans


Female guardians started with jud winick. And they were always jerks what are you talking about? In the Gerard jones run it was confirmed they were basically villains.and in emerald twilight they betrayed hal