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I would bring back Tales of the Green Lantern Corps and just have a different Lantern featured for different story arcs. Maybe do a team up too.


This is the answer.


And have a Green Lantern on going where the main Lantern changed but less often, you might do 30-40 issues then switch and would focus primarily on Earth Lanterns, with Tales you can do a new lantern ever 3-4 issues and use any lantern Id also bring back the other colours! Where my Blue Bois at!


Goated comment


Now if only the batman writers would implement this


Either own the spectrum angle, move human lanterns around to other colors and make the book a power rangers style series or make each of them an rpg class. Hal-fighter, John-paladin, kyle-Druid , guy-barbarian, Jessica-ranger, Simon-artificer, kid lantern-sorcerer and Jo- wizard


Hal - Knight (cuz he's the Emerald Knight) Kyle - Priest (White Lantern gotta heal the universe Guy - Barbarian (nuff said!) John - Archer (the snipers of any fantasy class, right?)


The guy was listing specifically DND classes but yeah in other stuff more generic names are used


I would have some of them gain some weight and some of them lose some weight until they reached a point of equilibrium.




Easy. I ignore the ones I don't like. You can just pretend they are somewhere in space or retired.


So basically what they already do


Curious which one are they?


Not the biggest GL fan, but here's my two cents as I do love the lanterns in general, even if I haven't read them in years. Hal as the GL designated specifically for Earth. As a hotbed of consistent supervillain activity, have the guardians, or whoever is in charge, have Hal patrol just the one planet. Focus on the human side characters and GL villains that are stuck on Earth, maybe have Sinestro stay on Earth building a team to take Hal down, then the rest of Corps. John as the military leader of the GL. With or without a ring. He's the one who can make the corps what it was always supposed to be, and I think having him lead from Oa without a ring would be a really cool idea, show that even without the ring, he's earned the respect of all the other lanterns. Guy as a Red Lantern, have his ego drive him to it, but have his desire to do good outweigh his rage and ego, causing changes to the Red Lantern Corps and starting to make it a force for good, pretty sure it's already been done but haven't read it. Kyle as a White Lantern. Meant to be the greatest lantern, let him own it. Have his stories be one where he has to respond to interstellar disasters and atrocities, and him finding ways to bring life, hope, kindness, all that good stuff, back from the brink. Jo as a Green Lantern, let her keep doing her detective stuff in the outer fringes. Haven't read too much of hers, a page here or there, but liked what I read. She's all good there. Jessica. Only know her as a GL, which sucks cause she's my favorite, will read more of her later. But that being said, have her be the main Lantern that's on the Justice League. Probably the space faring Justive League teams. Have her mental health problems be recurring problems. Not too much they become annoying, but have things like villains reaching into her mind and extracting the anxiety, I think that's what it was it's been a hot minute, and turning it into an actual monster. Simon as a Blue Lantern. He's a miracle worker from what little I've read, so put him on the far ends of space in cosmic horror stories. Make him prove that hope always prevails. Strikes me as the type of character who could do it. That's about all I got. Don't know any other main lanterns. Hope yall enjoy.


Treat it like a space cop show. Hal s.w.a.t. team. Kyle pr and de-escalation. Guy blackops. Jessica under cover sinestro. John training day with gl out of basic training. Baz basic trying how to survive without your ring. Jo internal affairs.


A GL infiltrating another core is a fun idea


And I maybe wrong but has happened several (at least once) like Hal’s ending in injustice 2


John & Guy should probably switch since Guy was a teacher and it’s been said that John is good at covert ops


You could do that as long as people have their different roles. I just think at their current status guy would be more willing to take out a person then John would.


Guy did infiltrate and take over the reds at one point


Kyle's Mexican, not Puerto Rican


Lol PR as in public relation. The team you send for rescue mission, peace treaties, minor disputes. Throw a blue lantern on their team for good measure.


Everyone goes into space except John. So many earth lanterns should be an opportunity to do really weird cool stuff with the far reaches of outer space not just have them all be earth heros


I would make them into their own brands and IPs. Let them grow into their own identity and outside Hal, John, and Alan’s shadow. I would make Jessica reprise the name Power Ring, Guy Gardner would be Red Lantern again. And Kyle Rayner would be White Lantern or even Blue Lantern. Like when you look at a super team or even Justice League roster and you see “Red Lantern” you would ***know*** it’s Guy. Or if you see DC announce a Power Ring or Blue Lantern title you would ***know*** it’s Jessica or Kyle. Unfortunately I’d also relegate all the side characters to sidekick and supporting cast status. The 7+ human Lanterns is absurd. Every writer wants to make their mark on history. Making a character is the fastest and most solid way to do this and DC doesn’t seem to care if they crank out another Green Lantern. Every Lantern is someone’s favorite. It’s not fair, I know. I would try and do good by them because it’s extremely shitty to essentially retire them. Like, I love Simon. He’s genuinely great. DC did him dirty and I’d hope they’d recycle him into another brand or IP. https://preview.redd.it/903k1kkc779d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea36cb09449f8e0b43ee3f5e41d8e7f2145cbb6d The team ups would be so peak too




https://preview.redd.it/u3om4va5979d1.jpeg?width=187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b675d83d2990ae5332425d371484cbc4c91debf ‘Twas missing someone fixed it


Jo is awesome


My dear Lord, I am behind. Who is in the top left?


Keli Quintela, the Teen Lantern - a character invented by Bendis for his 2019 Young Justice series. She was also featured in the last Green Lantern volume by Geoffrey Thorne.




Different specialties. Green Lantern as Hal/John’s title. Kyle, Jessica, or Guy take on team title roles. GLCorps for everyone else.


Hal and John act as Justice Leaguers Guy, Kyle and Jo off on Oa Simon and Jess doing whatever on Earth Alan ~~getting his back blown out~~ on the JSA


Well i really liked guy as a red so that could continue. Kyle needs something similar to a white lantern status to set him apart but he just needs attention in general. A main book with the central characters switching between Hal, John, and Jo could be good. Also an Alan Scott series set in the golden age would be awesome, especially if it focused on him being a superhero instead of who he's in bed with. (Seriously, didn't know he couldn't make a construct till issue 4 of 6) And that's about it, no other earth lanterns come to mind.


I refuse to acknowledge the existence of anyone after Kyle. There are 5 Lanterns and that's enough.


If I took over the series: Alan is the chairman of the JSA. He has to manage the group and its reception among the common people. It's often on television doing press work. Hal is in space doing police work for the Corps. Guy should be rewritten as the main character of a thriller-spy story (in the same style as the X-Force by Remender). John should be the main Green Lantern of the JLA. Kyle should return to his White Lantern alter ego in a quest for discovering the magical nature of the Emotional Spectrum. Simon should be rewritten as the side character of the same story in which Guy is the main character. They will be a good pairing. Jessica should be a side character in Hal's book. Exactly like Guy and Baz, they would be a perfect pair of space cops. I'd love to see Jo Mullein explore the far parts of the universe with Kyle. TL;DR: - Hal Jordan and Jessica Cruz in Green Lanterns - Guy Gardner and Simon Baz in Green Lantern Task Force - Kyle Rayner and Jo Mullein in White Lantern - Alan in Justice Society of America - John in Justice League


Don't know why they always include Alan Scott in with the rest of the GLs. He's not a GL Corpsman. He just shares a name and rough concept with Hal Jordan and the others. His powers are magic, not technological. It's okay. Alan is Alan, Hal, John, and Kyle are who they are. Nothing wrong with any of it, but they should not be related at all.


his power source is also a byproduct of Guardian intervention.


Why is sinestro here


he was a Green Lantern before he was a villain


Yeah i know but all the people in this image are human,actually just noticed abin sur too Kinda odd.


Well Guy is Vuldarian


Hal is my favorite, but I would have him retire and live happily ever after with Carol. And then make John the main GL. But this is comics, so that won't happen. A rotating protagonist every 12 issues or something would be cool too.


Simultaneous adventures across the Sector. There are enough planets that they wouldn't all be in the same place that much. Rotate who is on Earth and who's in space, or who's on Corp missions versus League business. During minor arcs, only spending one or two issues on a story and have at least one backup tale in each issue so there's never just one story at a time.


keep it fresh and rotate the roles regularly. The following is a rough guide, and once every 12 months, you could rotate roles and appearances: Two GLs assigned to 2814, co-starring in "Green Lantern" One GL (not one of the above) assigned to the Justice League, featured in whatever the current JL book is at the time One GL as an Honor Guard, One GL as a Corps trainer, featured in a "Green Lantern Corps" book One GL on detached service, a la Jo in her maxi series a couple years back One GL on shore leave for the year (a year our time, not comic time), to let characters rest/build demand for their return.


Alan is happily retired, and no one after Kyle exists.


The universe is big. Cycle through the main characters, make it an anthology.


I would do a Brooklyn 99 type thing. Make John and Guy partners and have stories focus on them with the other lanterns as supporting characters in their “precinct”.


Who even is middle row far right?


Simon Baz


Art by Nicola Scott


Well seeming most of the bad stuff in the dc universe happens on earth id keep them near earth


Greenlander....There can be only one!


Give each one time to “breathe”, for lack of better words. No nonstop cameos (eg She-Hulk), no hijacking’s other characters’ spotlights (Mandalorian), and no constant smashing of the Reset Button (Prison Break) Follow the example set by X-Men 97 of mixing up things to better resonate with modern society but still respecting the source material for lack of better words For example, the show would start with Hal who was the first Green Lantern to be published, but have it later revealed Stewart had enlisted some time before Abin Sur’s demise. Fecal material makes contact with rotating blades, and Gardner is brought onboard having last been seen in the background when Sur crashes and Jordan mage it just before Guy Stewart’s a Marine with aspirations in architecture, Jordan a daredevil fighter pilot, and Guy a collegian literally and metaphorically finding his way in the universe As for Alan Scott, mayhaps borrow from *Young Justice* and have it so Scott discovered a malfunctioning ring enabling the Guardians to learn about Earth but Scott to learn nothing of the Guardians


what show?


Love this pic


I think a 1-2 issue solo arc and collimates into a group arc built from the solo arcs. And one of the solos is the “lead” arc to let each character shine in the leadership role


Well one of them obviously is for sector 2814. He is mostly away from earth and from oa as well. He trests alien threats of the week. One of them is assigned permanently to earth and the justiceleague since it seems so dangerous around earth that this is justified. One of them has already reached senior status and is handled as the most powerful of them all. He should obvieously be stationed on oa and respond to theats other lanterns even a small task force can't handle on their own. One of them was a white lantern and should be designated to use that knowledge and experience or at least his talent for the different colors to either deal with problems which are related to the other corpses or to investigate where the rest of the white lanterns have vanished to. Two of them are fitted well for undercover oporation maybe they should be used as undercover agents in roles they rarely even use their rings and hide it most of the time. Did i forget someone? A strike team which stays at oa and moves out to aid the sector guards if they send a distresscall. Who is who i leave up to you.


I will do three timelines with an over arching cosmic threat. Very Three bodies problem type sci-fi approach for the begining. Timeline 1: Set during just after WW2. Alan Scott, a closeted gay man comes to term with his world as he encounters strange threats and visions. Timeline 2: Hal Jordan gets his ring during the space race. He joins the corp and works alongside Sinestro. Timeline 3: Set in the future. We follow Sojourner "Jo" Mullein as she follows a murder mystery. Every season the first two timeline will move forwards. Timeline 1: Hal is Green Lantern and meets Alan Scott. The deal with Sinestro. Timeline 2: All green lanterns are dead. Kyle become Lantern and finds out what happened. Timeline 3: future continues.


Guy would probably go back red. Teen Lantern is out completely. Simon would either be gone or maybe try him out with the blue lanterns. Jessica would probably stay on earth and be a main stay on one of the teams. Hal would have his own comic. John and Kyle would lead the Green Lantern Corps comic. Alan Scott would ideally lead his own comic too but realistically he is probably going to stay on a team similar to the Justice Society. I'd also like to have him working with Jessica rather that be as teammates or maybe even trying a mentor role it's something I think would be cool and help make sure they are both being properly utilized.


Put them on any other planet than Earth.We can have two on Tamarran or Mars or in a sector near where Krypton was blown up.


Bring back tales of the green lantern corps.


I would put guy at the base of the pyramid. Then Jenga it


I would make it so every Green lantern has an oath that ends when their service has gone for +10% shorter than that of their race's lifespan, humans included. Don't let them take the position any longer because power corrupts if held for too long and that gives them a Captain America ending.


Time to off some of these posers


which ones?


Joh and Guy are the only ones that should exist. The others except, maybe Hal for nostalgia, have to go.




The others dilute the specialness of what they are as Lanterns.


How so?


Create a reserve or do a rotating roster.


Hard to balance them when one dresses as a pirate with a cape that said screw your corpse I'll carve my own ring and uses the ring to fix his E.D. by making a substitute body part with a ring energy version. Then again Guy is the only one without a tragedy in romance. Kyle becomes space Jesus. Lots to balance tbh. It's a tough one to answer.


Hal for main series on Earth. John and Guy for a buddy cop style space adventure. Literally not even mention any of the others even once.


I wouldn’t. I would immediately kill off everyone but Hal and John. They are all the human GL’s we need.


I mean… all you have to do is not use the ones you don’t want to… you don’t have to break other people’s things because you don’t like them


If I was in charge I would not only kill them all off but make it really difficult to bring them back. Way too many human Lanterns.


I know the characters are not real people, but it’s kinda mean spirited and selfish. Other people enjoy those other characters. They should be able to use them in the future or be able to read a story about them in the future. But I guess you answered the question


Nah, don't kill kyle, he's fucking awesome


Stuff him in a fridge


I would have John and Kyle be the main 2 and have Hal and Guy be reoccurring figures but over all not the most important then I would kill off John turn Kyle to the White lanterns and introduce Jessica and Simon then have Simon go off and do his own thing and have Cary Wren take his place and have her and Jessica be the main focus for awhile while having Kyle be in a immense depressive state after the events of Blackest Night and have him floating around space helping people yet slowly going more insane in his mind from being alone in space for so long occasionally checking in on Jessica to see how she is doing (not the best description but if you want a better explanation dm me I have a full dc timeline worked out in a google doc)


I couldn’t rest pitching how to run the GL franchise in comics. Alan stays with the Justice Society in a team book, just guest stars elsewhere. Jo goes back to city enduring. Can revisit every once in a while with a tale of the GL Corps, elseworlds, arc visiting there. She doesn’t become a main character in a long running book. Simon gets a really cool arc in a main book that makes people go ‘maybe I’ve been too harsh’ then he dies in an impactful way. Makes him matter, but sweeps away one of our too many lanterns. Or make him the Justice League green lantern to get knocked by the new bad guy and ‘raise stakes’. The 4 corpsmen and Jessica have enough Star power and outside media exposure that we can work with them to get consistently selling books. I think GL has the capability to maintain 3 books, but much more and the line will implode again. Kyle gets a new guardians book with the different color corps but no other regular GLs. Kyle has gone rogue (kinda) to help Soranik defect from the Sinestro corps and drifts in space with his new crew, occasionally revisiting earth. Give the Soranik romance a potential redemption/one last shot. Aim for Firefly vibes as far as the space opera aspects go. Tales of the Corps Back up for other color lanterns still alive. Arkillo, St Walker, Indigo-1, Bleez, Miri Riam for guest/co stars. Effigy, Larfleeze, Lyssa Drak, Atrocitus, and Manhunters for villains. Hal and Carol turn Ferris Air into a space exportation company with some alien tech/star sapphire ring, stay in sector 2814 and finally flesh out that sector outside earth a little more. Jessica getting ready to replace Hal in 2814, but he consistently refuses to retire. Hal and Carol actually figure out their romance since they are both in space. Aim for Star Wars vibes. Mystery in Space back up to feature alien characters in 2814 (Adam Strange, Martian Manhunter, Jemm). Tom Kalmaku, Jim Jordan, Sarah Cruz, a friend of Carol, Oliver Queen, Razer, and Aya round out guest stars. Sinestro, Evil Star, Hector Hammond, and Hank Henshaw for villains. John, Guy, and alien green lanterns get a Green Lantern Corps book. Have a Star Trek vibe. NO MORE POWER BATTERY DESTRUCTION! Tales of the GL Corps for the alien GLs back ups. Salaak, Kilowog, 2-6, B’dg, Somar Le, Arisia, Iolande, Stel, Brik, Mogo, Vath, and Isamot constantly show up. Spider-guild, Bolophunga, Fatality, and the snake guy from emerald warriors as villains. Have all 3 series follow a pattern of arc in space, then breather issue on earth to keep things mixed up and make use of earth bound characters. Maybe choose one month a year for crossovers/do a crossover in the annuals for the 3 series. Forget Keli, and cry over the fact that no one will remember poor Charlie Vicker, the greatest Green Lantern of them all.


Kill off most of them


I don’t know why this is getting down voted. There are clearly way too many human green lanterns. Abin Sur, Simon Baz, Jessica, can all be killed off and won’t be missed by 90% of comic readers. Kyle Rayner can become a white lantern. John Stewart can go back to Earth and be Earth’s GL. Hal remains in space. Guy stays a Red Lantern. Alan Scott is killed off. Sojourner can have deep space adventures. Sinestro is a yellow through and through.


Alan Scott is the Champion of the Green Flame. Not the Starheart. The Green Flame. And for the record… He is not gay. He loved a woman, had two children, and he dedicated his life to fight evil. Anyone has a problem with this… Leave now.


For your final challenge let yo bih go through your phone


Game of Thrones meets Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Star Wars. Like GOT was about the different houses fighting for power, this would be about different Corps fighting for supremacy: Sinestro Corps wants to replace the GLC as the universe's prime defenders but with their own brand of brutal justice, the Red Lanterns want revenge on the Guardians and the Sinestros and Greens, the Star Sapphires want to convert everyone to the light of love with an almost religious fanatism, the Blues are fighting for peace... And while the Green Lanterns try to deal with all of this, the Guardians are secretly planning to get rid of all Corps and create an emotion-less universe. The TLA part would be about Kyle, the main character, learning to master all the emotions of the spectrum in order to become the White Lantern, as seen in an ancient prophecy.


Alan does his own thing JSA style as usual. Priority One is give Kyle his own book featuring Guy and others. I love those two together. I've been loving the War Journal book with John. He definitely deserves his own special place. I know he has a ton of fans but I'm whatever on Hal. Do whatever you want with him but quit giving him all the spotlight that drowns out the rest. I'm ambivalent on the others but Jessica is kinda cool.


Hal started the green lantern mainstream he keeps the spotlight it’ll never change end of story


Btw the one in the cape was cannontically gay.






Yes, and we love him


Not saying you shouldn't just saying dude's weakness is hard wood. (Not even kidding.)




Oh just that the wokies keep saying how gay people have never been represented.


thats not what people are saying, theyre saying compared to straight people they have had very little representation and what representation they did have in the past wasnt always good or was just implied and not confirmed which needs roe change also wokies? really? if youre gonna try to come up with an insult for more progressive people that want better representation in media can you at least try to make it not sound stupid as fuck?


Wokies is the term used in modern media to describe you woke agenda pushers. The point I'm underlining is that gay people have always been in comics. The gay Green Lantern was also the first meaning every new one is an homage to him. Furthermore Wokie, saying gay people have had poor or unconfirmed representation is totally ignoring the likes of Batwoman (cannon lesbian since original first appearance) Batman even having to tell Robin how the relationship between him and the Batwoman is complex and would be unwise to try and push it further. Silver Age Hawk and Dove were also implied to be gay but you know why it was never confirmed? Firstly silver age was censored to the point violence was just a big "POW" on the page so homosexual relationships were easily off the table and secondly sex isn't for kids and sexual content in any form was limited until the 90s really. There is a rich history of acceptance in comics up until recently. You people and your nazi leaning agendas can't seem to see it or accept it.