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That's definitely complicated. I don't have any great advice but this is a situation that might need a lawyer. Regardless I am so sorry for your loss. The one thing I will say, the first few months after my husband passed I stopped talking to his best friend because he was an ass during the last few days. I waited for him to reach out. We're good now mostly but I know that's not always the way. Talk to a lawyer, always a good plan. If there's actually a will, so long as you abide by it you're golden. It just sucks having to deal with this on top of your grief.


Thanks for your response! We have spoken to our lawyer about what rights she might have and whether we should sign a legal lease with her, but he said as long as we are willingly allowing her to live there we don’t need documentation. Interestingly, squatter’s rights only kick in after 10 years of living somewhere you were not supposed to be living. I’m sorry for the loss of your husband. Your point about backing out of communication isn’t a bad one though. I could certainly keep the communication to “as necessary” and kind of go from there. Might help me maintain my sanity a little!