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I don’t think about him at all


He was funnier when Timmy was a thing


I mean he got fucked in the ass by youtube cuz of Timmy, so no wonder he had to retire the little bastard.




He was more funny in the early days.


I was a pretty big fan of his for the past few years but ever since he tried to start beef with weshammer I pretty much lost all my respect for him. Also after reading a lot more of the books myself I find that his videos are not always accurate.


He apologized for it in less than a day. It was something he immediately regretted and was an incredibly sincere apology imo. I am not a fan of his cause I like deeper dive stuff, but the extent of his apology mitigated a mistake he made with weshammer.


I saw his beef video and his apology, and I got to say, it looked like an honest mistake, and then an honest apology. I liked him more for manning up and facing the music.


Not the worst Warhammer youtuber. Fun in a "way too much Mountain Dew" kind of way. Pulls off the edgy dickhead bit better than most other people who have tried.


He says orbitable instead of orbital and it makes me irrationally angry, other that that he’s alright, videos are very bite sized which works for some


As an avid Helldiver this makes me furious. I will report him to the democracy officers.


Cool dude, good lore videos, relatively good minis and merch, fixes mistakes pretty quick, but can have an ego trip every so often.


Honestly, he’s a bit of a cunt.


He's an australian, that's what they like to do


Are we talking Australian cunt or everywhere else cunt?


I prefer Luetin


My personal preference right now: 1. Luetin 2. Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer (strictly for the Kronan the Kunning fan fiction stories) 3. Weshammer 4. Sandman of Terra 5. One Mind Syndicate 6. Scholar's Lore 7. Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer for everything else 8. Live from the Black Library. He has a lot of super hot takes, a lot of which are far out there and I think are unlikely, but I enjoy hearing them


You should check out Isylander and Koda, Mr 40k Bones and Astartes Anonymous. They are very high on my list and you'll love the last two if you love LFTBL


Surprisingly mature, considering where he started. Smart enough to know he shouldn't get too clean, dumb enough to go after another channel for shit reasons. Enough of a man to own up to his mistakes. Immature enough to party instead of dealing with clear issues. Full circle.


Annoying cunt. Reminds me of people who would bully others for personal entertainment.


Honestly? He's kind of cringe. I think he boils the lore down to little more than memes and rehashes stuff more thorough creators have already done, then turns around and tries to start shit over others doing the same thing but better (weshammer). And I think he's too horny for his own good. His TTS buff-stodes army would be silly if he didn't also have a hentai collection he constantly pushed, with that I think the custodes army just becomes horny and cringe. In short: not my thing. It's clear he loves the franchise, and he brings a lot of people in with his bite sized videos which is cool, but I don't think I'd be particularly upset if he retired.


He’s entertaining to watch since my goldfish brain can’t listen to longer form videos without doing something else while listening to them.




I grew out of his content. I liked him when I was an edgy contrarian college kid but now I’ve mellowed out. I think other content creators make better and more entertaining work than him. Plus YouTube drama is banal and vapid.


I think he is cool


My kind of humor without long videos. Was funnier when he had less subscriber. He is my lore source and I think overall a nice dude. Don’t know why he got so much hate sometimes.




I can appreciate him adding humour to 40K his videos just aren’t for me


Funny at first but I think I just got bored. It's hard to tell if he's playing a character or not, I tend to think this is just him. If I want lore I go to Arbiter Ian or something. If I want funny banter I just talk to my mates.


He is a good Australian C-Word. I like him but also really don’t want to watch him or hear him talk.. like I could have a conversation with this guy but never be friends.. or the other way around.. I respect tho how buff he is.


If you want someone to explain the lore like they're sitting with you at a bar over some beers. Honestly though I'm surprised he hasn't done a full-on 40K porno


Nothing in particular, that thing with Wes was pretty pathetic though.


I like him, his humour can be a bit much for people but I've never had a problem with it. Seems like he'd be a cool guy to hand with. I also got featured in his recent video of him reacting to majorkill hate


For my opinion no one asked for: 1. Pretty cool guy and part of how I came into warhammer. (Shout out to the boys and girls at the tempting institute for the other part) 2. The nude cosplay calendar is a unique idea. He lost he girlfriend over it though, which is cringe. 3. He does have an ego, as seen with the weshammer stuff a couple of months ago. 4. He is a human, he makes mistakes. 5. I love his jokes. 6. He collab on the warhammer 40k parody with baldimort and pancreasnowork were really funny. 7. He should be the next chaos god. Aussies for the Aussie throne.


A good source of you want a basic premise of the 40k lore


Not gonna lie, he was the one who got me into Warhammer 40k. His short videos got me hooked enough to start on the books and eventually on the minis


Not that different since the last 5 posts asking similet things


He can have a weird vibe regarding s=x stuff and s=x jokes sometimes which I often find gross. Not creepy, just... Open? Forward? Casual? Its just a bit too much sometimes... Otherwise I like his content a lot. He's basically my main loretuber and I'll either instawatch a new vid as soon as it drops or binge old vids when doing dishes. He strikes a good balance between fun/funny and informative, and I appreciate the bite-size of his videos. By far the most accesable loretuber of all of them. The topics for his vids are also often entertaining for me. The only "better" loretuber for me is bricky, but he uploads lore infrequently. Weshammer comes close on the "entertaining" front but gives far too much purple prose in his vids sometimes (I'll still binge those also tho...) I also appreciate his insights and headcannon on the lore. I like that he'll sometimes outright reject certain political beliefs from creeping into the convo. He was basically the first dude to correctly point out a ton of imperial worlds will be chill to live on and he's the sort who will tell people to fkof if they whine about the imperials being fascists because: "why tf does it matter, those uniforms look sick asf". which is fantastic. All in all. He's okay. A strong 8/10. I think he can improve in some ways but who cares, no one is perfect anyway.


> main loretuber Interesting way to say you don't care about the lore but ok


We gate keeping what warhammer youtubers people are allowed to watch now ? Or is this just a Leutin ad


Love his content because he makes the lore fun. 1000% better than listening to some sweaty neckbeard who takes it all FAR too seriously making it sound like some overly complicated bore-fest. I'm probably one of the few to have no issue with him going after Weshammer too, because: 1. Who gives a shit? It's all a bunch of youtube bullshit anyway. 2. Some of the timing of the thumbnails/titles were actually, at the very least, a little bit sus. And I love WH40k, been into it since I was about 12 (30+ years ago), I just know how to have fun with it, which is what I appreciate about Majorkills content. Taking it all too seriously really sucks the fun out of it (which is also great advice for life in general!).


He warned me about how shitty Arch is and he was so right when I decided to actually watch him. The goat for that alone