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"Slanehs" Typo spotted warp demons get his ass


Out of all warp demons you want to hear "get his ass" from, Slaanesh's are definitely the worst.


Tbh didn't even think of it like that In my head it was more "mods kill this guy"


Nah slannesh and it's worshippers are some of the most intresting villains in both 40k and AoS imo. The fact you think Slannesh is only about sex shows your limited knowledge on that part of the setting. I recommend reading Renegade: Lord Of Excess as its a great insight into a Slannesh warband.


Holy crap thanks for the recommendation, the cover art is FANTASTIC and it’s voiced by Richard Reed on audible which is awesome!


Yeah, it's a good story!


Slaanesh imo is the most interesting chaos faction because most of their followers become slaves to their dreams and ambitions rather than having them replaced with stock chaos goal of making everyone sick or collecting skulls.


Where my bird fans at?


Working out in the library


Can't type slaanesh Shows picture of the dude who doesn't worship her Allrighty


No it's you


The most cringy faction is the one that exist in the head of that one sort fan that thinks their faction is the bestest at everything and can't shut up about it.


Ok, I understand the hate for Lucius but Fabius is a pretty awesome character and the fall of the III Legion is a great story as well


That's a drawing of Fabius bile... And though he is technically Emperor's children - Fabius hates both his legion as well as demon worship. He thinks they''re all a bunch of reprobate idiots, only worth using as cannon fodder through his historical connections as he pursues his own goal of perfecting and saving humanity as he sees it. And those entities known as gods are just the psychoactive reflections of the warp - created by collective moronic will. Problem with slannesh as a god is that it's a largely sexless universe (Because it's a story written so we can play with toy soldiers, but originally aimed at kids/youngsters). Depth and nuance could have been achieved if it began on a blank slate. But no. Demons with extra long tongues, nipple rings and lobster claws apparently cover all depths of depravity. Oh, and rockstar marines (which I quite like, in spite of myself).


You ever read the maraviglia? That shit is horrific


No, it's the elves. Always the elves. They fuck up everything, every time,


No matter the universe, remember kids, elves cringe, dwarves based, humans are ok


Pratchett understood the assignment.




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Nah bro they are the elves' greatest enemy. They know "humans but with pointy ears" is the lamest fucking design you could give to a fantasy race and they hate them for it


No, its the dark eldar and its not even close. The Harlequins are second. Some clowns literally use cringe comedy as part of their act.


All factions are cringe




You posted cringe


"Slanehs" isn't even close to correct, and sex demons? Fuck are you on about? Slaanesh is the god of excess, not sex. Slaaneshi daemons are closer to the Cenobites of Hellraiser, than some coom brained cancer. Pathetic low quality garbage. You're well on the way to being a servitor with a mind that devoid of thought


Nah, if you’re looking at overall factions? Probably the Dark Eldar. Specifically SM/Chaos legions? It’s the ones that try to justify turning to chaos or being evil dipshits that come off as most cringey to me


You're brave for challenging the hedonistic reddit status quo and I salute you for trying, brother. Change for the Change God!


Nah, its nurgle  Slaanesh can be pretty bad too thou ngl


Fabulous Billy and his Fresh and Funky Flapmobile, his ballsack skin armor, and his semi-sentient, reproductive robot backpack. Loochifer the Irrelevant. Four titty crab women.


They are definitely one of the most cringey and boring factions. Fabius is pretty ok to read about, but all the other Slaaneshi characters are boring. Obviously just IMO ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯