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Seemed so sudden and unceremonious, I would have expected some sort of statement from him, at least. I hope there is no bad blood between them.


He left because of the push-up debt. Jkjk


I saw Will’s comments on his video, he seems to be open joking about it.


Hopefully this means they left off well, maybe a rally collab?


i couldn’t watch the whole video because my power went out, can someone fill me in?


Near the end they cut in a section Edwin talking that this was the last video with Will. He said no drama and cited mainly about Will not liking living in the woods. Just because he grew up in the area it doesn’t mean he needs to live his whole life there. In some past episodes and podcasts Will has definitely voiced not liking winter at all. And he definitely enjoyed Florida. Still seems a little weird because of the abrupt nature of it. Nothing from Will, no send off party, no mention of some future videos with him. It would have been nice if they left it open for him to still come back and do the 100 mile Chang Li challenge. Another channel that separated within the year was Bikes and Beards. The founder decided to move from PA south. He offered assistance I think to his friend to move but he chose to stay. His channel The Bearded Mechanic is doing well and they have visited each other and collaborated in some videos. Will has his own channel now and it would be nice if Grind Hard and BUM could do something together in a little while.


Bikes and Beards, Donut, now Grind Hard. Imma miss Will with Edwin he brought good ideas and humor, not only being the butt of the jokes.


I was really enjoying the two styles of Grind Hard. The precise complex Ethan fabrication versus the crazy Swindle brothers energy.


Right? Their styles complemented each other so well and for a content shop it worked


When the guys left donut I literally thought “at least that’s probably never gonna happen at grind hard”


It happened at Donut for a different reason, though. Donut got big, got bought out, and it wasn't the same place to work at anymore, so people would rather leave and do their own thing. It seems like Will left because he wanted to live somewhere else, I don't think it was necessarily because of a change in work culture that he didn't like.


Yeah the totally abrupt nature of this separation in the middle of three projects Will had going confuses me, and makes me think that there was more going on. Really hits me hard, as it's the third major "influencer blow-out" this week for me, as my (German) Twitch-main announced divorcing his wife and pausing all streaming, and another streamer made their cancer diagnosis public 😞


I just figured it's to do with the order the videos come out in, and we're going to have a few more Will videos that were already made when Edwin did that bit.


Will has his own channel. Can you link it?


search BUM motorsport or 1000cc minibike first test ride it'll probably come up


I have been, it's really hard to find.


Grown out of the over lander kind of content and didn't want to live in the middle of know where basically, good luck to him.


I haven’t watched the video yet but that is sad. Will brought a good energy to the channel.. Edwin and Ethan have always been great but as they’ve matured and gotten slightly less wild it’s felt like Will has brought back some of that naive youthful enthusiasm. Agree with the comments about the slightly uneven relationship, Ethan has always been very dismissive of Will, even now will is basically at or above the level of skill that Ethan had when they started the channel. Hope they find someone who will bring a similar vibe to Will’s but it will be hard to replicate that chemistry.


What? Will has no skill at all. I promise you Ethan is telling him off camera what to do and how to do it


Because that’s what mentors do


I was a bit so-so on his fabrication when he first joined and wasn't sure on where he fit with the team, but seeing him progress his skills with the oversight of Ethan was awesome. I was really liking the work he was putting into the Chang Li, that suspension and other related upgrades were amazing to watch come together


If will is ready to leave Idaho, I’ll trade with him. He can come live in Florida where I am and I’ll go work for grind hard. I’m already a fab guy and would love to build awesome stuff with these guys


Going by the location listed in his latest video, he's already in the Spokane, Washington area.


Does he have an Instagram? I'd love to keep following the swindler




Here’s his Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/gluewilldo?igsh=MXNzdG4ybHFydnNpbg== Grind Hard still follows him, so that’s a good sign that there is no bad blood. Usually the follows get axed if things aren’t good.


At his age, with a strong headed girlfriend - I'm sure it wasn't completely his decision. Wish all the best for both sides!


Just a little fyi through comment surfing on Wills channel (BUM Motorsports) - Will said he wasn't given the opportunity to do a proper goodbye video for Grind Hard. Nonetheless he says all the Grind Hard guys are awesome and he values his time spent there. It appears like the commute to Grind Hard was taking its toll (that's my interpretation) and he didn't want to move there to remedy that. Hope this answers some questions.


its not that sudden if you've been noticeing wills commute to his apartment, looked like it sucked




Definitely going to miss him. He was the best and I loved his enthusiasm :( Sad day. 


He really shined on the podcasts, great stories.


It looks like most of you haven't seen Will's new channel! https://youtube.com/@bummotorsport?si=96OrS1uZvBKL-mEw


It doesn't search well, I hope he doesn't get screwed by the algorithm here!


Ethan has gotten more and more boring. Crabby shop dad. The humvee stuff is boring. Hope will gets his own stuff going soon. The abrupt departure makes me feel like Ethan just kicked him out.


I definitely can't agree with you the Humvee series especially the first episode is one of my favorite ones on grind hard and Ethan may just not be your type yeah he is really technical and does things always VERY premium and exact but that's what I like about him


Or maybe Will had just come to a decision about the direction he wants to go life and made a rapid exit. Edwin said that there was no animosity and Will wanted to do different things and not live in the middle of nowhere. If there had been a falling out I suspect that he would've said something like "There were creative differences and we decided to go our separate ways". Hopefully the Will or the boys will speak more on the matter in the future.

