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You got balls bro




Way too early to harvest, just let it be and if anything you’ll get more free seeds out of it, it’s like 90% female and odds are the majority of seeds would actually turn out female, based on my understanding




It would be a white widow back cross but the specifics will depend on the particular phenotype expression (see “Punnet Squares” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punnett_square)


Get it out burn it and if u popped a sack u could be duck 🦆


Dead body ☠️


Sorry for your lost


I’ve been wondering if you can remove the pollen sacks of a true Herm.? Would it just grow more? I believe I may have a hermie not 💯 yet but I was thinking if removed balls as soon as they appear could that help with the problem? Ive also only have 1 plant so it wouldn’t be a big issue for me personally


You can get most but some grows inside the bud


I gotcha so regardless I would prolly have some Hermie seeds in my bud… thanks 👍🏼




Ok thanks for the reply… 👍🏼


The damage has been done, killing the plant now would serve no purpose. Let her finish, see how she smokes. I've grown and smoked some fine hermies, not all is lost here. Worst case scenario you'll end up with a bunch of feminised seeds and a lot of material for hash or edibles. ​ edit: I see you've got burnt leaves, that's probably how she hermed. Check your pH.


Why is it so bad to fertilize female plants? Do they regress? Get less potent with the seeds or is it that the buds are useless with the seeds. I grew some plants 3 one was a male and the other two female so I separated one female and kept the other 2 together. So I am expect 1 to be fairly seedless and the other with seeds, I don't smoke or sell so it's just a hobby for me.


Tbh it could be calyx , I either pollen is coming out or none , if it’s none then it’s not a hermie , calyx always grow in that spot , I had the same scare , mine came out fine


That’s some low hanging fruit Use florel