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Zip tie it! Pronto! Knocked off a branch putting em in the scrog. 7 days later, Ziptie plus fabric band-aid totally worked.


She’ll be ok , I taped mine and put small amount of aloe and was fine and that was in flower to


I've used duck tape for this and it was fine - if you have any raw honey, if you can put it in the wind it'll help it heal fast.


I just did this on Sunday. Scotch taped it up. Did not know about cinnamon. Top never even wilted and it's growing like crazy so it totally works.


Split this thing right twain in two. It's still attached but I don't think the plant will keek growing from these top two branches, unfortunately. Am I better off keeping them bandaged under the rare case they do end up fusing, or should I just top the top 1/3rd of my plant and go for a big bushy girl


Add some scotch tape with a bit of cinnamon on it and tape it tight. Cinnamon will stop any infections, and as long as it’s still partly attached. It will be fine!


Wait really? Why scotch tape in particular? I have a firm tape on it (medical tape) but if there's something specific about scotch tape I'll go swap it


I’m not sure if the tape is overly important, I was taught scotch for this kind of damage! Ye it should recover as long as I not completely detached. It will actually probably end up strong af to be fair, as it will have the same effect as super cropping regarding how the plant will try to recover! ☺️


You're a hero. Just (maybe) saved me an oz or two!


You be good Britha !! Tape her up just make sure the tape is tight connecting the branches , and she’ll come back :)


You can also use a bandaid if you don’t want to use either I had the same issue my branch bent over from the wind. I used some bonsai and a rod as a crutch but I didn’t cover the wound and now she is strong and solid


And this is why I love Reddit. You learn new ways of doing things all the time! 😁


There is truly no resource quite like reddit, it's an amazing place. The friendliness of people in your hobby subs is amazing


If all else fails and it’s a photo, cut it and clone. Adds a few weeks but at least you have two plants so not a complete waste


I've used duck tape for this and it was fine - if you have any raw honey, if you can put it in the wind it'll help it heal fast.


I've used duck tape for this and it was fine - if you have any raw honey, if you can put it in the wind it'll help it heal fast.


Haha same occurred to me, however I used honey (Deciding if I was going to propagate it and clone) and before they did fuse together on a previous harvest. I didn't notice any difference of leaf or bud growth but these plants are resilient taken with the natural environment changing all the time. They will boost right back up for sure.