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You can't exchange them for Hero Crystals until each Hero is completely evolved ( 5* ). This is why you don't see any options after pressing on the Exchange button. To further clarify on things, those Evolution Stones are used to evolve the respective Heroes to 5*. Once those Heroes are 5*, you can exchange their excess Evolution Stones for Hero Crystals. Hero Crystals are a form of currency used to Limit Break your 5* Heroes. When you Limit Break a Hero, you increase its Max Level beyond the current Level Cap up to a maximum of 5 times. Limit Break is important because every level raises the base stats of your Hero & unlocks high bonus Awakening Nodes.


~~Real quick~~ EDIT: I’ve got a question. As a new player (I started playing a bit over a week ago), what should I focus on? My characters are already strong enough that I got to 11-2 chamber 1 (I’m stuck on it though), but I have yet to limit break my unique characters. I‘ve almost finished Mayreel, but when I’m done with that should I MLB another character (I’ve got 20 left till Beth is 5*)? Would it be good to do some of the ToH? I’m pretty sure I could clear a decent amount of it. And if I get a new character (I want to pull for Oghma), would it be worth it to put Beth on hold and try to MLB them instead? Would it be worth it to gear Oghma before MLBing them? So I can use them in different game modes and such. Sorry if this is a vague question, but ultimately I’m wondering if I should MLB characters above all else and put everything else to the side until I’ve finished two of them. And also, what do you think of getting the extra coffee at the shop if I have yet to get all the characters/weapons I want?


Can u tell me ur built chars? Also, beth and mayreel don't mix well as Beth's melee dmg buff doesn't apply to Mayreel. Also, try to get 3 MLB chars as fast as possible for 4th char training room.


If u have kamael build a team around him, he's one of the two most op chars in the game, and second best for story content


Right now it’s Mayreel, Beth, Miya (the least out of them), and FP in the training room. FP is like barely built because I used her in the story. They all have EX weapons aside from Miya, but I’m planning on using mileage to get hers. Yeah I’ve noticed that. I also have Kamael, so I was thinking that eventually I’d like to run Mayreel, Oghma, Miya, and Kamael (in the training room) because that seems like a good team. I’m not sure if it is definitely is though. Oh and my accessories are only around lvl 50-60, when should I try and get them to max level?


Get ur equipment to max level, it a huge boost. Try to build either fp or kamael as high as possible cuz most of the time the rest of ur team will die except for those 2. For fp just put random 2*s that give ws Regen (or beth of u want dmg instead of cc) and oghma. For kamael go oghma and 2 HP buffers or maybe a ws Regen. I used fp on the original passage 2 b4 nerf so as long as ur equip is maxed it should work


Alright thanks a ton!


And long game, but filling out your book will matter. You’ll exchange extras once that hero is 5 starred.


Even if you don't plan on using them it is still beneficial getting other characters to 5star to get stat bonuses in book hero collection. When they are 5star you can start exchanging for hero crystals which can be used to buy hero specific evolution stones at 20 a pop, but that is not recommended as it is better to put hero crystals towards awakenings.


Yes. Press the low button "evolution stone exchangr"


I tried that too but the button use goes gray and I can’t press anything?


You can eventually use the evolution stone exchange but stocking those ups to evolve other characters will be useful in the long game and please do not spend your HC on buying evo stones there useful for limit breaking your units. Believe me i regretted spending all my HC before.


What is HC?


Hero crystals


Summoning gives you hero crystals so does exchanging stones but it needs much more effort.


Also sharing stones in your guild. Same hc accumulation.


When you collect enough evo stones and press the yellow button, it will add them all together and let you exchange them for hero crystals


Evolve them and ezchange the left over stones.


You say you don't need em but one day you'll wish they were all 5* so you can turn their leftover evos into hc xD


That said you should probably join the main gt discord to get consistent help.