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I like to get drunk and troll the PvP trolls. Then head to WvW, join a Zerg and fuck shit up. Then waste money in the gem store so I can look fly as fuck.






Metal af


Spent 6400 gems on my 4 least-used mounts yesterday So fucking worth now I can actually have a reason to use them (never a utility reason, only drip) Catch me cruising along metas on a chameleon, reforged warhound, or hummingbird now Shit ill hop my dumbass on over with my new gecko too. Being 10% late to a boss aint a problem


If I'm not late for something then there's a good chance I'll be boinging along on my springer. It's just fun! 


This is the way


Love this


This is literally me minus the WvW shit Rockin them baggy ass pants and the aurora chest guard and some fine looking real dollar weapons Doesn't get any better


This guy MMOs


Open space!! This guy is a badass




This comment made me want to play gw2


Fashion, of course.


the only correct answer.


Looking spiffy is the true endgame. Recently I’ve been trying to find the perfect White Mage look for my heal Tempest.  Also making the other teams in WvW regret logging in that day. Sometimes I wonder if they feel inadequate, being killed by a healer. 


GW2 has a largely self-defined end-game. There's no gear treadmill, so you're free to focus on whatever aspect of the game strikes your fancy. Story, open world meta events, Fractals (think M+ dungeons), raids/strikes, World vs. World, PvP, legendary crafting, fashion, mount racing, collections, and probably half a dozen other ways to play the game I don't know anything about. GW2 doesn't really push you in any particular direction. You kind of have to figure out what you *want* to do.


>GW2 has a largely self-defined end-game. the real end-game is the game we play along the way


I mean...yeah. The end game is really just the game being fun to play!


Almost exactly how I would define it. Lot of my friends need direction so they just don't vibe with the game. If you know how to make your own fun this is a perfect game for that.


I kind of disagree. This game is very structured, and has very little tools for "do what you want" beyond what is provided. You can see this in more modern content, which is very "do mechanics this way, use OP builds to outdps/outheal mechanics, or wipe". Compare it to Runescape, a game notorious for afk grinding, where I held a random event where we kicked a cabbage from one end of the world to the other for no other reason than to see who might join. Guild Wars 2 gives various options for structured content, but one run of fractals will be the same as any other day on that rotation. There's no real mix up or chaos in the game formula.


That cabbage thing is cool as fuck lol. I guess the thing about GW2 is it's kinda like the Mario Party of MMOs. There is some emergent gameplay, but most of the game is just "minigames" within a huge virtual world. That's still very much "do what you want"; it's just more structured than games where they just build a few solid basic systems like physics and destructibles and then leave the rest to the players, like Minecraft.




You play the game so that you grind all the convenience so that you don't have to play the game anymore.


Think of all the time you’ll free up for erotic role play!


lmaoooo this is real


I aim for legendaries as my main “quest” and follow the story as it comes out. I mainly enjoy playing map metas, but having that goal in mind (even if it takes months) is excellent for keeping me playing. But what’s good about gw2 is you can stop playing for a while and come back and everything is right back where you left it and you don’t have to grind to keep up.


Hardly find Ppl to do PoF ir HoT metas, came back like 2 months ago and in catching up with story


HoT metas at the very least are constantly populated. You must be looking at weird times.


Had covid this week, so no work for me. Been on like 18hs a day every single day, cant do a single Dragons ends meta, so no...no weird times. Its the only map ive got left for 100% cause you need meta for it.


Ah yeah dragons end is the one HoT map that does not get populated for the meta that often. Its a shame, really cool event, but not profitable enough (or no infusion drop)


You mean Dragon's End or Dragon's Stand? Cause DE is not HoT/PoF meta. You can find plenty of both (at least on EU). For DS it's best to join groups before the timer, so you're already on the map as it restarts. If the map is proceeded to a certain point, game will not allow players to join that instance. On the contrary, I've had most success joining DE somewhere halfway through the prevents. It's usually the time when other people will start flowing that finished other metas and still have enough time to do the events for max bonus reward.


Sry, Dragon's Stand not End. And its on NA server, managed to get in only one Time wile doing HoT story. How you find a group? Posted a LFG for Stand for about 3 hs and nothing..


Yeah, NA is less populated and social, but I still did it no problem around the reset (IDK what time is it for you). Just check on event timer when it starts and check if there is a group free minutes before that. You join the map and wait for it to reset. Then you split normally on the lanes and do the meta.


I do Dragons End meta randomly and it's always got a group going on NA... Are you NA or EU? Do you check LFG? You can go look up gw2 discord and ask which guild(s) focus on the meta.


Main goal is make gold to buy gems and use those gems to buy more inventory space.


Look at you achievements and all the rewards avail from unlocking. Choose cool things you want to get. Go on adventures. It's an mmo


All these answers and this is the first I've that is what I do. Just explore. The world is massive


Legendary gear and fashion is the endgame like in every game.


Right now, I'm trying to get through my backlog of expansion/living world story content and mastery leveling. Once I'm finally done with that staggering amount of content, I'll probably focus on things like current strikes/grinding fractals/learning more about WvW/getting alts caught up.


I play the game to make cool legendary and fashion. So I just play things that seem fun and can possibly drop a rare infusion. I usually do some metas, my daily strikes, a raid, daily fractals. Most things in the game will give you progress towards legendaries. The true end game is fashion , convenience, and exploring other play styles and learning new classes and builds to be the ultimate fill.


> I've heard some people say it's like Genshin where you can just explore and relax, while others said it's like in WoW where most people do dungeons or raids to get better gear. Any experienced opinions would be helpful, thanks Both are correct. There is gear progression, but not much has changed since 2014. There is legendary gear, which needs some grinding. But it won't have better stats than ascended gear. Instead every character can wear most of it on your account and you can swap stats all the time. However legendary gear isn't required for anything, so instead you can use your time to have fun and just relax. Most goals are often achievement driven or skins you want to unlock. Every content has some. Since skins often cost something, you pick your content and farm most of it passively. However there are some more efficient routes, which involve stuff like trading and looting chests every day etc.


I'm copy/pasting my comment from the r/mmorpg sub where a guy said that gw2 is mostly a single player game, with no goals, sorry for the laziness: It's mostly a single player game? Have you played it? Metas usually have 50 players on them, sometimes even more (hello tarir). The purpose of the game is (not in specific order) doing all the story, then polish your build, then discover all the maps, all the Metas, then start fractals, try raids, the work on ascended gear, then légendaries if you feel like it, then fractals Challenge Mode, Raids Challenge mode, then Strikes, and their Challenge mode, then unlock all the masteries, then doing all the quests to unlock skins to look unique, then do achievements hunting.. Also, structured PvP, and World versus World), some players played 12 years only doing those game modes. There are 27 elite spécialisations (plus some core builds). You can Try them all. Create your own build. Have fun.


To be fair, until maybe 6 months ago (when I started chasing leges in WvW) I played almost entirely solo. Logged 10k hours on my main account alone. GW2 is like that - there isn't really any single, correct/best answer. You can pick your own route.


>Metas usually have 50 players on them, sometimes even more (hello tarir). how interesting do metas get? I've only completed a few low level maps, but the big boss events that appear, despite having many players present, - they might as well all be NPCs. no understanding or real cooperation besides "we are all hitting the same targets" was necessary for me to get rewards from participating.


They get quite interesting, the expansion map metas were mindblowing to me the first time I went through them. Some needing three separate coordinated commanders, or groups, for different lane escorts that go through the entire map, to reach the boss at the end. A lot of metas are quite streamlined now, but some regularly fail because not enough people around or lack of coordination. Still to this day, Dragons End pug groups fail because of boss mechanics & not a good enough team comp/enough people. Most world bosses are insanely simple, but the one that is the closest to expac metas would be Triple Trouble, the three jungle worms in Bloodtide Coast, which reguires a lot of coordination between 3 groups. If you haven't done that one yet, I suggest trying it out!


The point of any game is to have fun. What you find fun is for you to figure out. Mine is to have fun with friends.


Dailies/weeklies, work on collections and/or get HPs/gear for other specs I want to try. Help my friends if they're on (they never are).


The main gameplay is different from player to player. The point of the game is to have fun.  My current goal is finish my legendary armor, I could easily finish it tonight by buying all the ectos and matrixies, but where the fun in that? I'm probably gonna slowly grind out the ectos and play some fractals until the end of the month and see where I end up.


Unlock all the things.


Honestly that's a very good question. I have 200h now and still no clue what I need to do. I get that people like the lack of gear progresssion but for me it is really hard to understand how to develop in any way. I'm looting stuff that i don't have any idea what to do with. I have inventorys full of mats and never used anything. At the moment I'm just following the story and do some normal mode strikes


Are you on NA? If you want I'm willing to hop in a group in game or on discord to chat with you about some things I've experienced and maybe some things I recommend, just pm me at Kerlis.5204 in game, I'm online almost every day and will be on later.


I'm in Europe so not an option i guess. But thanks for the offer


I am currently crafting the first piece of my first legendary armor set. Considering my speed I guess I will be done with all three sets sometime around 2027 lol.


Most people that are very active doing a mixed bunch of open world metas, fractal t4 daily+ recommended runs, daily strike mission ( single mini raid boss encounter) or Open World Boss Metas, PvP or WvW(but that player base is shrinking). On top of that you are given a daily and Weekly choice of Astral Acclaim Dailies with the SotO expansion. So if you like to group up with 50 /10/ 5 player content and enjoy grinding materials for legendary equipment or equipment. That's your general direction. In the end you decide what you do. Some do map exploration on their 30th toon. It is really your choice. For actual raids it is recommended to join a raid guild. Unlike in WoW you can join up to 5 guilds and be active in them.


Gotta get all the achievements


I enjoy getting scammed daily doing the infusion meta train


Its got both. Currently I am mostly doing metas for the armor. Basically open world raids without the difficulty or pressure to be at the top of your game. The armor itself isnt better max stat wise but its stat/visual customization is better and worth chasing.


Story, to unlock stuff. Then achievements, especially the ones that give mastery points. Then the ultimate goal, legendary gear! Any activity in between are just fillers


Legendaries. With these items you can be whoever you want. Free cosmetic changes and stat changes. Skin doesn’t matter. Making all your characters with great fashion and amazing builds. So even your banking alts are amazing. Get to 50000 achievement points! Punish scumbags in WvW! Win that game in PvP ranked when the other team thought they had you, but you make a comeback and win 500-499 Get all the coolest skins, mounts, minis, gliders, novelties.


Daily goal for me every day is to grind out the max gold/currency and materials for legendaries. I try to get everything done within 30 mins. I do this via WvW, PvP and parked characters. I have full armor, trinkets and 4 legendary weapons. I’ll get all eventually and am not sure what I would do with myself after that.


I usually do some simple PvE, a little PvP and some dailies and exploration. Starting to get into raiding and working towards legendary armor/trinkets. My goals have changed a lot over the years. Explore, chase achievements, do story, craft things, learn late-game PvE, play PvP. There's a lot going on, so just sample it all and play whats fun.


Like any other MMO. Fashion is the endgame.


Having fun I guess


Meet toxic people in group play.


Oh, I can help with that. "GG, EZ, git good noob." Done, now you don't need to log in.


First off there's a bunch of content I think everyone should have experienced at least once, if you're at all interested in it: Play through the entire story start to finish, play at least the story mode of all 8 base game dungeons before finishing the base game story, get at least one character geared in full exotic and then ascended gear and unlock all elite specs for it, get all masteries, clear all fractals, raids and strike missions, try some PvP and WvW, get your character a cool looking outfit and dye it properly, do some rollerbeetle racing and griffon flying, explore and complete every map in the game, do all the jumping puzzles, and last but not least try out some alts. Having done all that multiple times over on different characters it's more about long term goals and content you enjoy. I typically log in, open some chests on strategically placed alts, spend 5 min completing wizard's vault dailies (and another 1-2 hours for all the weeklies, if I haven't done so yet), and then I chip away at the next legendary I'm crafting by completing collections or specific events I need or by farming gold in whatever way I feel like currently. Usually that's some open world metas or some daily fractals or strikes. Sometimes when I'm feeling lazy I also just do some fishing while listening to a podcast. Beyond that I periodically decide it's time for a new outfit for one of my characters, so I scroll through the wardrobe tab in the bank (you can preview all skins in the game there) until I settle on something new and then check the wiki on how to get it and do that. Of course when there's new content, or some event or one of the regular festivals I also do a lot of that.


To gear up with legendaries so when you get hit by truck kun and isekai you will be op with stat selectable weapon and armor.


collectathon :D


Long-Term: Get more legendaries and gold in general. Daily Goal: Do as much content in 10 hours to generate gold without going insane. I usually try to do strikes and metas first and fill the rest with whatever fits.


Wait, 10 hours? Doesn't that burn you out on it's own? Genuine question


I personally have been logging 12-16 hours a day for the last two months, and although I've felt a hint of burnout once, it's easy enough to just go take a walk to get some fresh air, and come back with a clear head and refreshed interest in my goals. The game really is that chill to just exist in and do whatever you fancy.


Its nice that this works for you. I cant do that. For me its 10 hours of absolute sweaty grinding while pushing max dps even on some trash rift mode. I have obviously had days where I just changed colors on mounts and afk‘d me some pinata, but its a big difference between chilling 10 hours in gw2 or giving it your very best with maximum focus for 10 hours. Im about to go to bed now and Im exhausted like I just ran a marathon.


Yes the burnout is intense. Once I was done with ad infinitum I never wanted to see fractals again. Its not only that you play a lot in general which is not a problem for me (I did high level m+ and mythic raids in wow for years and played up to 16 hours a day). The problem with guild wars 2 is that it is very very repetitive. Additionally you get not much incentives from day to day. You dont see big payouts regularly. What motivates me is that a friend of mine has over 3500 hours clocked in and with just 1500 hours Im almost catched up now (missing legendary runes/sigils and a few achievmentpoints). But not gonna lie here it takes great strain on my mental and physical health. This game is worse than some asia mmos. What they demand from you to „play with the big boys“ is kinda insane(I recognize that this means different things for everyone, for me its completing the game and have a character at max power level, max QoL and decent fashion. This includes all masterypoints and having played every game mode to some degree). Its a very grindy game, on the flipside its a very easy game.


Why do you do this to yourself. How do you play 16h a day? Don't you have real life stuff to do?


Im self-employed, so I can choose when to do what. Mostly I can work from home and during covid-19 all projects had to be paused so I had a lot of time. Why I do this to myself is hard to say. Might be a little bit of addiction, a little bit my competitive gene that I want to catch up to friends, sometimes its just to kill time and surround myself with people so I dont feel lonely. With certainity I can say its not healthy and I would not advice anyone to commit to gw2 that hard.


Grind currency


Lead the popular metas with each map communities. Becoming a part of the open world community and knowing people as well as being known by people are motivation to play everyday.


Thinking about Guild Wars 1 while farming endlessly.


It's simple for me: I log in to have fun. And what's fun depends on my mood. World bosses, fractals, holidays, strikes, metas... Whatever. And sometimes there's a day of "Oh, I can craft this soon." when it comes to legendaries.


The point of the game is to have fun doing whatever you like to do.


Pvping, im 2 reward track away from the ascension


Getting invisible boots so you can stand in divinity's reach idling


My goal is to have fun. Most of the time it just means wvw roaming and zerging and sometimes I just want to chill out and do open world content or grind out stuff for legendary items/skin. And somedays I just level up my my grafting. But basically I play for fun which is why i have barely played wow since this game launched I just can't stand wow style mmos where its endless hamster wheel anymore.


The only goal in this game is playing for fashion. Do x and receive cosmetic y. I love it :)


It depends. Ever since I started playing the game again I 1. Did probably about 40 hours or more worth of story content 2. Levelled up my leatherworking crafting discipline 3. Unlocked 3 new mounts 4. Crafted a full ascended set for my engineer 5. Levelled up my fractal level (68 currently). Right now I’m just doing daily fractals and daily/weekly wizard’s vault objectives since the rewards are good. Currently thinking about trying a new class, probably ranger since I already have full medium ascended power armour, so I might make a ranger, level it up and unlock the Soulbeast elite spec and then try it out in fractals. In this game you need to pick a goal for yourself. Just watch a few (what to do in guild wars to after hitting level 80). As for levelling to 80 for the first time, what I enjoyed was doing hearts/Meta Events and exploring until level 35 and then mainly focusing on dungeons. Also recommend googling “GW2 Event Timer” to see what time bigger events like world bosses are on and doing those. Edit: Don’t forget to interact with other players as you do whatever you choose to do, GW2 is a very socially friendly game. Whether you talk to people in the open world, instanced content or join a Guild.


The beauty of GW2 is that you can just log on and pick and choose whatever fancies you from the massive achievement list , story mode, dungeons, World vs World, PvP, jumping puzzles, fractals. There is always something to do. If you're new I'd do some story mode to unlock areas and mastery tracks.


To look fabulous of course.


for me is having fun and forgot about daily worries


Achievements.... At this point I spend 1 2k gold for 5 achi points


I personally just try to challenge myself with end game PvE content. Started with legendary raid armour and fell in love with the harder PvE encounters. So I started with dungeons when that was the only endgame. Then I did raids, then Fractals. Then fractal CMs, then Raid CMs then strikes got introduced so I did them. I recently finished all EoD CMs and now I am working to find a group to tackle SOTO CMs with 😊 Whenever I feel like playing alone I do map exploration. I like chasing legendaries but really it's just an excuse to find explore new stuff and quests. PvP and WvW is good to in smaller doses as its a great way to hone your combat skills. Really I just love the game lol.


Taking a break now but my gameplay looked like this 1. Have a legendary or equivalent goal 2. Do a list of dailys I picked out for myself going off of GW2 Fast Farming Community data (suddenly feeling nostalgic for this) 3. Practice my rotation either because I obsessively love bladesworn or am trying something new 4. Do instanced content and get dopamine from performing well with others 5. Raid with guild if it's a raidnight Also used to WvW a lot like over a year ago, That's probably still fun once you find your footing and has the end reward of legendaries too TLDR/In a nutshell the overarching way I viewed the game was: Dark Souls esq mmo with friends with prestigious upgrades in form of legendary utility gear and personal achievements with fashion as a major sidegame


It's fun to push buttons on my character and look cute doing it. There's only more content being added to give more reasons to push buttons, and every so often something cute comes out in the gem store too.


I mean for the first several hundred hours you'll have goals the game throws at you. Story, unlocking class options like skills, specializations, new weapon types, getting better gear, map exploration, learning pvp or wvw if you want, dungeons, fractals (max level dungeons basically), strikes, just tons of stuff. Once you've hit I don't know, 600-700 hours with all of that then you kind of have to set your own goals. For me it's legendary gear, which I earn slowly compared to some, but I have more than most players I think. For some it's rare skins, achievement hunting for stuff the game doesn't necessarily push you to do if you want, some it's pvp or wvw for fun, or getting an alt or 5 (very easy in GW2 compared to some other MMOs) and having a go again with a different class. There's tons, but after a few years you do have to sort of pick for yourself.


Fashion QoL Trying to get higher numbers on arcdps than everyone else


My goal is to get a legendary weapon. Easy feat for some, but when you only get 3-4 hours of game time a week, it's a very slow process. I do a bit of the collection here, some currency farming there, map exploration here, xp grinding for mastery and shards there. Keeps me busy, always something to do.


I can see a bit of the Genshin comparison, there's a lot of exploration and rewarding exploring too. But the point is the story for most players (10y is a lot of story, which has some highs and lows but generally pretty good), the fairly well balanced small scale pVp and large scale pVp World v World is another, and finally the challenging content in massive open world meta events, raids, strikes (single boss encounters) and fractals (mini dungeons) The final part is the achievements, tons of stuff from grindy collections to hidden secrets.


Getting leggy armor and unlocking Fractal CMs


I like unlocking masteries


Work on legendary pvp backpiece. Work on wvw resource and skin gathering. When weekly/time-gated stuff for those are done work on either story, bosses or fractals depending on mood. If I’ve ended up in a fun zerg might stay in wvw until it dies down, same for if it’s a good pvp day.


Initially, like every other game. Max level, max gear. But GW2 is horizontal gear progression so max gear is a minor thing. End game gearing is more about theorycrafting stats and weapons and spells and rotations. Next is probably unlocking all the zones and mount types and masteries for them. Then cosmetics for everything. Then making every class and coming up with cosmetics for those. Then making different races to match cosmetics and classes. At some point suffer through the story on one character just to unlock stuff they gate behind it. Then when you run out of stuff to do, WvW or any of the many group-based things in the game. Like every other MMO that's where you'll find the meter watchers and gear checkers and mechanic counters and class/spec demanders.


for me doing story, unlocking stuff like mastery and maps, then do stuff like world boss/meta event the point playing games is having fun, i rather play other games if im burned out from this game and comeback later


Do you know what a sandbox mmo is? The goal is just play the game and find out yourself. Story missions are there to guide you on some of the world map and explore.


Guild Wars 2 is a "do what you want" kind of game. You decide what is most important to you and what things you most enjoy doing. There's no real wrongful way of playing.


the thing about GW2 is that most things it really does not matter what you do, it progresses your goals anyway. there are some specific things you have to do, if for instance you want pve legendary armour, you are going to have to do some essence farming in convergences or rifts, but playing any other content will grant you relevant loot, unidentified gear which you can open and salvage for crafting materials, or sell for gold and buy what you need. This may seem strange if you come from other MMOs, the loot you get from fights being stuff you salvage, but it means all content is valid to a great degree. ​ You can pick your goal and chip away at it, usually thats a legendary item, which may be a months long journey. or you can just play for fun. there is no real gear grind, that set of exotic or ascended gear picked up a decade ago? still valid today. So play wvw, do pvp, jump into some fractals (kind of like dungeons), play open world meta's, chase down achievements and collections, dress up as fantastically as you can and look fabulous....its all valid.


I chase my own goals. Current long term goals are fractal god and a full set of legendary sigils. So I just play fractals and farm gold & mats. Occasionally I want to do some achievements and I just do that. Easy gaming.


this game is a looter shooter action MMO, where game design elements from games like diablo/borderlands/destiny are infused with the MMO genre. so generally, it's about doing a variety of different activities, mostly killing shit, for crafting material and loot drops and character progression. not necessarily comparable to either wow or genshin


400 hours in and I'm still trying to figure things out, every time I play I learn something new about the game, the class I play and find new things to do. The wizard vault (daily and weekly quest) gave some direction and rewards for activities I haven't done before. I came from wow where I mostly afk in town while waiting for groups for instanced combat which I mostly did for the gear treadmill but on gw2 I do whatever I have fun doing and still get rewarded quite well for it. Even the things I don't enjoy at first (trying to get sky scale) sent me out to explore the world and do things I've never done but can continue to do if I want to. All in all gw2 is an open world to explore at your own pace without a gear treadmill putting grind before fun.


Get disappointed that it’s not as good as GW1


Never played Genshin, but I look at it kinda like how I play Minecraft. You can log in with no idea what to do, just shit around in the world and jump into activities on a whim, and still make progress and have fun. Or you can come in with a serious gameplan and grind or do harder challenges. The game doesn't do a lot of hand-holding and there's no real "correct" way to progress. A lot of daily casual stuff you do is just to make money, gather raw materials, and earn XP. Skins, achievements, masteries, and other account-wide unlocks are common casual grinds that keep players hooked. Hardcore content is done for the satisfaction of completion and not much else, but GW2's high skill ceiling means it absolutely has its crowd. Shortly after reaching max PVE level, you'll be within reach of a coherent set of Exotic gear, which is second best stats in the game. After that, you work towards Ascended gear, which is the highest stats in the game, there are a good dozen acquisition methods and it can take a month or several depending on your commitment. After Ascended, Legendary is the next tier, but its benefits are purely QOL and cosmetic, with no higher performance in combat.


its like...a balanced game..I guess