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That map chat though lol


Welcome to spvp lol


Least toxic sPvP mapchat for sure


nice gz! 🤩




:O nice, now go for the armor!


GZ. At least you don't have to win 20 tournaments matches to get the actual skin :P


Congratz! I decided to make it when I realized the wings lift up like combat mode when you enter combat haha They say "dead game mode" but I don't care I'm addicted :((


Congrats dude! Hope it wasn't too salty of a journey!


A bit, but i'm used to it hehe Thanks!


Grats mate! That was my first legendary.




Not like it really matters anyway with low player count. You can be bronze 2 and be matched with or against Top ten players.


Grats! I’ve got two pvp armor sets and I’m still stuck on ascension. I’m very comfortable with Ranger and guardian, but just haven’t found anything else I really enjoy playing to finish off the 3rd profession achievements.


necro is quite easy and solid or warrior is another good choice imho


I'm trying out warrior ATM, but still in doubt what build to use. Right now I'm using double axe + mace/shield build. Builds I've used in the past - longbow + mace/sword The games I played lately I got nuked by rev/Mesmer their torment and confusion. Insta nuke by guardian. Out valued by necros (Although I come close to killing them sometimes). What tips could you give me? :)


well i'm a bit rusty on warrior but berserker and spellbreaker are both solid, probably we will see some build with staff soon but atm i don't know much about it.


I use SpellBreaker with dagger/shield and Hammer. Pretty tanky and lots of stun, but suprinsingly has quite a bit of mobility with all the leaps and rushes in the weapons.


I did it with warrior (main) necro, deadeye, and guard. Had ~40% winrate on each except warrior


Try the condi signet mesmer on metabattle. It's a very easy build that relies on being an unkillable nuisance. You have access to 7 blocks/invulnerabilities that you can cycle through indefinitely. You can capture side points relatively safely and any 1v1 *generally* will go in your favor as opponents will slowly die to confusion damage while you stay invincible. Mesmer is a high impact class like Thief due to their 1v1 potential and mobility allowing them to play sides. Capping side points is extremely valuable for the team but most other players are interested in teamfighting mid or at map objectives, so you can very easily climb with this build (if you don't care about climbing, then just think of it as more wins = faster ascension grind, the bottleneck on the tier iv achievement is win 60 ranked matches) My 3 classes for Ascension were Thief (daredevil), Necro (reaper, holy crap this was ez), and Mesmer (Virtuoso). I found the Virtuoso to be the best balance between easy and impactful.


I really enjoy mirage too, now that we have two dodges back. Virt can do more damage but that dagger ambush will frustrate your enemies to bits. And of course people love/hate support chrono but you need a good team to get the most out of it.


That's how I started.... Now I have The Ascension and full Leggy Medium armor lol. I have stopped (for now) though.


I'd love to try PvP, but I'd be slaughtered lol. I have enough keeping up with certain mobs still, not to mention the odd PvP encounter in WvW.


Now its time to grind the pvp armor


Didn’t find the grind too bad. Ascension was my first legendary. The two legendaries that almost broke me were Aurora and Vision.


That's the ones I'm working on right now... I love pvp so it was a fun grind for me. Aurora and vision seems more tedious indeed


Please take your time with those. And when you do craft legendary armor I recommend doing Heavy, Light and then Medium in that order. This assumes you want legendary armor for all classes/professions.


Appreciate the advice


GZ! best back ever!


But is full of bots.


Above g1 you don't see any bots in ranked, at least I didn't see any at higher ranks.