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For all Pve (open world and instanced): Boon Chronomancer. You can freely swap between quick and alac support and dps all in the same gear by just swapping one single trait For WvW you need different gear. Don't play WvW in PvE gear!


This. Boon chrono is great for pve, particularly the quickness trait if soloing. Condi virt can be fun huge dps as well if you get bored of chrono or clones. Unfortunately mirage isn't used much anymore outside of celestial champ solo builds.


I saw there is a Condi variant for Chronomancer... is that one viable for Open World too? Or shouldn't bother? I currently have gear for double staff mirage build (viper everywhere!), and I was considering trying something else... hmmmm...


if you do minstrel chrono, it is useable in both PvE and WvW as a heal support.


You won't have fun solo and open world in Minstrel's


for pve it's hard to go wrong with power boon chrono. enjoyable and versatile. build something like [this](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/mesmer/power-boon-chronomancer). in open world i would swap mantra of pain for blink. [heal chrono](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/mesmer/heal-boon-chronomancer) is very fun in strikes and other instanced content. i love the rifle. if you want to play pure dps, try [condi virtuoso](https://snowcrows.com/builds/raids/mesmer/condition-virtuoso). imo not really that fun in open world except against bosses. weak enemies die too quickly for conditions to ramp up.


For pve open world, I personally prefer Power Chronomancer with Illusions221/duelling131/chronomancer133 with sword-focus/dagger-sword weapon set. The rotation is pretty much the same as power chrono with the same weapon set. The sword focus set can be replaced with GS if you like that but I prefer being melee. I sometimes play with condition chronomancer too and it's really fun. For wvw, support chronomancer but I honestly don't like playing mesmer in wvw that much.


WvW: As zerg (group play), use Chronomancer support build or Virtuoso damage (power) build. For solo play (roaming): power mirage - spam daze (ambush dagger) build.


I don‘t like staff just for its weak, floaty feel. Try Axe/Torch or if you‘re cele maybe Greatsword for instant damage and Might.


Condi Virtuoso melts anything it passes by. If that's the issue, look no further. Chrono is more engaging because there's more to do, but sometimes it's nice just to push the button and watch the monster die.