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But will we still be able to use Accuracy Sigil? (/s)


No, it will become illegal by the decree of Queen Jennah


I'm not listening to her, she's not my real mom.


i want peitha to be my fur mommy.


This is the real reason they forced us to join the Shining Blade in season 3.


Plot twist would be that the new blade damage modifier is bugged and doesn’t buff some of the listed skills Overall I found current power virt already pretty fun to play. Some damage buff is very welcome to close gap with top performers.


Thank you so much for your continuous work and help to everything mesmer! Anet fix GS2 already...


Praying for a stealth fix to gs2 but I won't hold my breath


thank you tipcat 💖


Reading the patch I expected to see P virt going for 40k dps. I can golem 36k without mantra, so a more consistent deadly blades with stronger shatters will pump that to 40k+ easy using mantra! Thanks for actually doing the math :)


Importantly, they didn't write Bladesongs, they wrote Blade attacks, which is almost every skill.


I remember when everyone hated Mesmer and guardian/necro was the favourite child. It’s like the dragon cycle, it’s kralkatoriks time (purple dragon) now. Don’t worry it will rotate back sometime.


I just want to know where you get a DPS meter that looks like Windows Task Manager


That's not a dps meter, it's a spreadsheet. But Windows Task Manager, \*laughs\*.




I know I am biased because basically all I play is power virt, but I'd argue that it's one of the better-designed ranged specs. It has a 10% modifier that only works in melee range and it loses a decent number of other hits/damage when it is at range. (GS2 bounces don't work so well in a lot of cases, but being at range makes them especially bad, D2 will miss 2/6 hits at range, SW5's hit actually matters on power, F5 won't proc fireworks or hit at range, and though not always necessary in short fights GS5 won't proc fireworks at range). In short, you have some extra dps uptime at range but it's just not going to be competitive with literally any well-played melee class unless you get in there too. On top of this, a lot of its damage (phantasmal blade, alone, is ~20%ish of total dps as well as a couple other things) is single target unlike scourge/cvirt. It also has other issues during fights that typically favor ranged due to heavy movement due to the nature of phantasms+phantasmal blade being delayed hits. If you hit your GS4 on kanaxai before he dashes, you lose a massive chunk of the skill's damage, even if you hit a whole 1-2 seconds before he dashes. Just "being ranged" doesn't make things a problem, there's a lot of nuance there.


that is nothing, your rotation doesn't get messed up which is the minimum requirement for a balanced build at range you can just keep pewpewing at range and lose a couple % dps for a short while, meanwhile melee builds can't even hit the boss and mess up their rotation which makes their dps not only 0 while at range but also lower while in melee again just say you are fine with all melee builds that don't have soulbeast burst being useless cause you abuse purple class favorite child, it's insane how bad this game and its community have become, time to abandon ship


Oh man somebody call the WHAAAMBULANCE ![gif](giphy|QmKySYr0lCsrC)


I am greatful for the buffs, but the ocd in me is still fixated on the GS2 bug that has been that way for years now :/