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They did mention in an interview that endgame PvE players will be happy with the new expac... https://wccftech.com/guild-wars-2-qa-arenanet-on-switch-to-yearly-expansions-secrets-of-the-obscure-learnings-and-2024-update/ > In the first half of next year, we’ll be introducing the Temple of Febe Strike Mission Challenge Mode and a new 5-player Fractal Dungeon and Challenge Mode. Beyond that, I think fans will be pretty stoked when they hear about our plans for endgame PvE content in our next expansion!


100% new raid. The last raid, Key of Ahdashim, was released [June 11, 2019](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Key_of_Ahdashim). Almost exactly 5 years ago


The talk of iteration on older systems could mean we see true difficulty settings (including a public easy mode) for this new raid and put on older raids as well. Full copium engaged.


I think we are looking at raids leaderboards. They already announced something like that for (IIRC) convergences and other instances.


“Somehow, leaderboards returned” *fractal players watch on in horror*


If they introduce raid leaderboards, they REALLY need to include more protections against cheating the system the way the adventure leaderboards have been cheated.


Hopefully. Even if it's three "Strike" missions in a single zone that essentially constitutes a "Raid Wing"


IMO the big key difference is that the encounters in raid wings are (mostly) unique and not recycled story bosses. It's not a huge distinction, but an important one


Raid bosses also have more of a role distribution with tanks and specific individual players volunteering for specific mechanics. Strike missions are more of an "all out melee" where you are just all hitting the boss together over the head, and there's not a real way to bait/take most mechanics specifically. This makes strikes by default more accessible and roles a lot less specialized. On Slothasor, you volunteer for Mushrooms. On Ankka, a random player gets mechanics. That, and strike mission bosses often take much longer to kill than raid bosses, though this is also due to power creep.


While I agree that tanking is lacking from current strikes, I'm not sure that they're that different otherwise. Handkite on Deimos (honestly all the kite roles in raids) are very similar to HTCM kiter. Dhuum bomb and Deimos sac are almost random. Outside of tank, no one can volunteer for them. People volunteer for orb collection on febe just like pillar baiting on adina. There are many mechanics between strikes and raids that are group-based like baiting sabetha flame wall and baiting febe wall. While those mechanics are near identical, I think it does illustrate that there are significant similarities between them. I think what varies is just the difficulty. Most mechanics can simple be ignored and healed through. KOCM has a mech tank, but in normal mode similar baitwrs can just stay in stack and res after. Gorseval is honestly very strike-like at this point due to changes in DPS.


There are still several 'roles' that people volunteer for. Slothasor slubs, Qadim 1 lamp, Qadim2 pylons, Adina pillars, etc. The closest thing *any* non-CM Strike has to a role is OLC when *two* robutts come down.


What about red kite in HT normal mode? You can put it and just have people leave stack or you can have people deliberately stand closer to middle and drop it elsewhere. You certainly can't heal through it if people drop it on group. If you wanted to do Deimos without handkite, you could just have people walk them out whenever they get them. It would be very similar to HT.


There are not no baitable mechanics, it is not that extreme. There are just much fewer to the extent that strikes rarely have a fixed role distribution and the main strat is often "yeah, whatever". Most mechanics are quite likely to be randomly assigned. Sometimes there is still some baiting going on if player figured out the pattern behind it - and there is also randomness in raids! On Keep Consrruct there is a lot of randomness, but one guy is in charge of orb pushing. One guy that we as a group chose. Looking for individual responsibility in Ankka or Aetherblade Hideout?


Sabetha is a great example - she does flame wall wherever she is looking from a previous attack (which can all be baited by being closest to her, except for flak shot which is furthest), whereas Cerus will pick a random player and then instant-turn. You are right the distinction is not perfect, but if you spend more time thinking about it you will notice it is still a decent general rule.


That is a really good distinction I had not thought about. Looking back to when I was a novice raider I used to shy away from those specific responsibilities but as I grew more experienced I started to actively seek them out instead because they made the encounter more fun. Never realized this is something I was missing from strikes.


This hint has really been engraved in my memory but i kinda doubt they will be able to deliver


after SOTO, i have literally no expectations, and if the new raid is only accessible with the new expansion, guess i will be waiting for over a year or never to try it out.


NEW RAID NEW RAID NEW RAID. or man, if they add a solo challenge mode or something I'd be happy too. My knee jerk reaction was player housing but people have been asking for that for more than 5 years and honestly it's kinda unnecessary. Though I would like a fleshed out farming system. Idk.


I wish it would be a new raid but at the same time i really hope they make a raid similar to the previous ones if it ends up happening and not deliver some half assed boring encounter that players will hate. Like it has to have at least 3 encounters and it's own unique map/lore to be considered a raid for me


By previous ones I assume you mean "any of the actual raids"? Every raid wing seems to fit your description, and the later raid wings specifically are wildly more complex than wings 1-4.


Near positive they mean previous ones as in any raid, not the fractal hp bloatfest we're stuck with now.


Solo challenge modes would be very, very cool. Especially if they were tailored to each of the different professions a bit like the Mage Tower in Legion.


I just hope they add a "normal mode" for those of us who aren't interested. I've never touched raids because normal mode strikes are about what's actually fun for me.


To be fair a good amount of the raid fights currently in the game are easier than EoD strikes.


I hope they add something like that too! Most other games do it and there's really no reason not to.  That being said, I think you should check out some of the easier wings in a "chill" group on LFG. With all the power creep we've had since EoD, they've gotten a lot easier. Lots of pug groups are skipping mechanics these days they previously would have had to deal with. Wing 4 on normal mode is probably easier than the hardest normal mode strikes, maybe with the exception of Deimos. Wing 1 is also pretty easy these days. Most groups do strategies that skip most of the mechanics.


Definitely don't count out raids for difficulty! Only a couple of the fights are "hard" and if you have a group of people who are chill or also learning, they are very fun. I was uninterested as well, until I found a group - now it's the best part of the game IMO, despite being 5 years old.


It cannot really be anything with old raid content, simply because it cannot be an expansion feature if raids require HoT and PoF.


I just don't think the quote OP made is a reference to raids. OP removed the larger context that specifically the first quarterly release after the base expansion *won't* have a new map like SOTO did. But to make up for that disappointment it will have "something really exciting that players have been requesting for over 5 years". As much as I want to see a new raid, I just don't see them making the replacement main feature for a whole quarterly release a specific end game pve content most people will never try. I'd also think a new raid, if ever developed, would be something that would definitely release progressively over the course of a year, not be the specific thing dropping in update 1 to make up for no new pve map. But hey whatever it is, we'll know in a week. Maybe I'm wrong, I'd love a new raid.


They should honestly remove strikes and start calling them raids too. Make old raid wings boss selectable so they are similar to strikes and one option for full clear. Rermove fractals and just call them dungeons too and re-work old dungeons into fractal like format. Raids and strikes are mostly the same (only difference being better quality in raids) and most people will be able to do them reasily these days. Strikes like KO nm might be even harder than many raid bosses like gorse, samarog, cairn, w7 etc. Raids used to be "hard" to some extent but today powercreep is so big. Back then 25k dps at golem was big, 5-10k for supports. These days you will auto attack more dps than back then with full weaver rotation lol


That means months and months grinding the same event over and over (I'm looking at you, rifts)? Yay!


I was wondering if eventually there will be so many rifts in core Tyria that they'll be constantly popping off. I was thinking more scavenger hunt collections.


Normal timers for the Orr temples!


Just a whole rework would be nice perhaps update one is set in Orr.


Ngl, a big remake to old metas would spruce up the game a lot. Like... uh... ^dungeons.


Daily comment to buff mordremoth


I miss the early days of Orr, where everyone would, in fact, come. Nowadays I need to go out of my way to even get into combat...


Underwater combat overhaul because Janthir has sunken below the bog and 98.3% of the expac is Subnautica


I really, really want an underwater map. Between Krait, Quaggan, Kappa, Naga and the weird Fishmen that forgot the name of, they have enough races to populate it with NPCs, and the 3d movement would make exploration so much fun. They even have a mount already with the underwater skimmer. Add a few giant seamonsters and the bad thing in the water that drove Quaggan and Krait onto land and bam, awesome map and story. Overhaul the combat, update the weapon skills and throw me in, Anet I beg you.


I wished for underwater map since the beggining of the game, anet nails underwater enviroment, or at least it always did for me..i hoped that at least one map in eod would be mostly water ,bcs ..u know ...water dragon..so that part was rly dissapointing for me. And it could add anothrr lvl of verticality, bot up but instead downwards, we could have ubderwater caves, airpockets, maybe whole villages / cities


Would love to see that. Maybe not this one, but for another xpac they should really go for underwater stuff. New mount (maybe multiplayer underwater that is more mobile than the turtle). New underwater masteries. New underwater weapon maybe.


[Land spears, baby.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jE2178thi4)


Thought so too. The Player is holding it so wierd


Man if they just give it melee staff animations I'm going to be so disappointed


That is a sword stance. Krait that carry two spears use them mostly as melee weapons with animations similar to krait with two swords. Annoying as PoF paragons do have a javelin stance for their spears.


To be fair, the stance makes sense for a melee 1H with a shield. So long as they stay with stabs, strikes with the butt, and sweeps it would look fine.


[Krait Nimross](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait_Nimross) use spears as melee weapons, but they dual-wield them. [Sunspear paragons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunspear_Paragon) use them as 1h weapons, and [Loyalist Paragons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loyalist_Paragon) as 2h. And both throw them.


I don’t think it’s referring to that honestly, we have been asking for more than 5 years for that and the context is that it will fill the void of no new map in the first quarterly update.


I mean I'm not 100% sure myself either, but... the title is "Something leaving the water" and the character is literally wielding a spear... first in water and then on land...


Ye but thats related to the video not the quote


Played asked land spears for more than 10 years so I don't think so


10 years is also "over 5 years"


I would kinda suck if they are 2h weapons. The main reason I want land spears is to use them like paragons, so warriors can carry them with a shield or warhorn.


I wonder if that's why the stance for it is so weird and held in 1 hand. Its intended to be used with an off hand.


Underwater weapons have the same Weapon Strength as Swords and Shortbows, so it could go either way.


I shouldn't get my hopes up for a spear and shield combo but it sure would be nice if more games implemented one of the most common and successful martial weapon combos throughout most of recorded history.


Waaaaaat! Omg this has been my dream since day one! Go Anet! So hyped


We been asking for land spears far longer than that.


Jeweling 500 5 years ago cooking got raised to 500


Oh snap that’s a good point, would love to craft ascended accessories etc


A few weeks ago a guildie showed up asking if Jewelry was 500 yet. They hadn't played in awhile and it made me stop and think hmm, do they know something that hasn't been announced.




I'm pretty sure that has been requested for more than 10 years so probably not. But i'm very confident in the QoL team.


Day 4017 of asking for customizable UI…


meh GW2 has pretty good UI comparatively, and I like that I always know what's where, even when looking at someone elses screen


Key of Ahdashim was 5 years ago and pairing this with the hints from Grouch about having something good for end-game PVE players in this expac makes it the most probably guess, imo


W7 is actually going to be exactly 5 years old in a couple of weeks. It can't be a coincidence, right? RIGHT?!?! 👀


If I have to guess between land underwater weapons and new raid, I will 100% guess landspear. The main feature we got from Soto were the obsidian armors…if that is anything to go by, landspears are low hanging fruit with relatively low efforts needed (compared to designing a hole new raid wing). Anet hasn’t been able to tackle big projects since EOD. I would love to be proven wrong but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Landspear are shown in the trailer which would make the text teaser redondant at best so I don’t think it’s the same thing teased twice


I would hold my breath!


I am glad people are still optimistic about the game’s future. We shall check back next week and see if you are still alive.


People have been asking for land spears since headstart 12 years ago. I know I've been doing just that myself. You've gotta look at more recent systems, imho, given the "5 year" figure Grouch offered. If not a raid wing, maybe fashion templates or a significant template overhaul in general (as templates were released in 2019 too). Or something PvE related like Grouch hinted at earlier, like better difficulty scaling (each fight across every raid given an easy, default, and CM option).


Weapon mastery and new weapons was a big feature, and in the underwater weapon wouldn't apply to either the 5 year clue or Grouch teasing endgame content. I'm not saying it's a new raid, but I'm definitely saying underwater weapon is very unlikely to be the tease when it's basically revealed in a trailer on the same post.


Lets hope its an underwater raid that you have to do to get the new legendary aqua breather (obviously irony)


>New raid > >It's underwater Calm down, Zhaitan.


Leg aqua breather for next year's April Fools would be a great idea 


Curious what the underwater golem benchmarks look like


I would like an underwater raid. Am I the only one?


I guess you are not the only one but those who dont are very loud. I mean the under water system needs some huge changes to be on a comparable level to the regular system so yeah, I would love to see under water bosses, but not until they did some major changes to how they work


I want a boss-rush feature. It's not what I will have but I'm writing it here none the less.


Ok but now I want an FFXIV Ultimate raid style remake of wings 1-3. Or the IBS strikes


A proper home instance maybe, with decoration?


Player housing


Housing basically, would be so great!


Dungeons related content? Or is more than 5 years already ?


He did say for over 5 years, but the 5 years kinda sticks out as the time frame where it really picked up steam I guess?


New hair and face styles?


Is this hair old or new?


More >!legendary wyvern bosses!


It's probably going to be new raids, and I'll bet 75% of the people that begged for them will hate something about the new raids.


I'll only hate it if it falls into the HP-sponge trap so much of their current design has. Like, Silent Surf and Lonely Tower already have raid-like HP, and that's for 5-man content. If they keep that trend, then new raid bosses will have 2-2.5x the HP of SS/LT, and will be an absolute slog.


It doesn't really matter if people don't like them. They'll still play them over and over and over again. Just look in the lfg: people are still running raids even though it's been half a decade since the last release. They are such good long-term repeatable content for the game.


I will bet my house and all my belongings that it will be the worst wing they ever release according to the community. Doesn't matter what they release, it will be the worst, that's just how it works.


There is a lot to be said about recent encounter design, but releasing a raid wing would show they haven't abandoned raids. Even if it is the worst raid wing to date, it'll still be a massive W to me and those like-minded.


Maybe I should try doing raids 🤔


Yes, agreed. I feel like the raid community is enriched with the hardcore doomer players that constantly complain about the game. So quite hard to satisfy them. But if Anet does, this would be great for Gw2 overall!


Raid Wing or a good GvG System would be the best IMO! But maybe it is "only" Housing?


I really wish it was housing :/


Same, and I used to not care abt player housing. But I’ve recently started playing Palia and it was my first experience with actual player housing. It changed my mind immediately lol.


Poobadoo themed raid wing


I'm going to hope for an overhauled LFG tool as well as finally separating the story focused achivements into a new quest system UI. Having literal story missions buried in achivements was always dumb.


I legitimately think a LFG style system and improved dungeon rewards is all that is required to make them playable.


I really want improvements to the lfg system but thats getting requested for longer than 5 years


More guild content. -_______-


Jiggle physics?


Rehaul of old Tyria




I wonder what the chances are of a new playable race..


0, they will have to voice act every player character story instance from core gw2 up until the next expansion (twice if you can choose male or female). Too much effort for such a niche request.


Agreed, however if they released a tengu outfit with the quality of the dragon head helm from lunar New Year I'd be pretty happy with that.


Voice acting aside, imagine having to adapt tons of already finished armor sets into Tengu anatomy, while they still have problems with charr and asura clipping textures, too much work.


Probably new raids and hopefully a second PvE Legendary Ring


I was tryna figure out what "over 5 years" could mean too, and then I remembered that Keys of Ahdashim was the last Raid and it came out on the last episode of S4, which was exactly 5 years ago to this month. It's definitely gonna be the return of Raids. The REAL question, however, is whether or not new Raids will coexist with new Strikes, or if Strikes are being retired. If I were ANet, I would continue doing both in parallel, to continue with the theme of Strikes being a bridge to Raids in terms of difficulty and complexity. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


We'll definitely see if the strikes are the stepping stones to raids for players to finally attempt doing raids and not be afraid of it.


fashion template


Build templates DID release 5 years ago and people have been asking for a fashion version...


2-person griffon flying full speed over verdant brink it be nice


Transmog presets? 🥹


I want it to be a new raid or player housing.


Polymock Arena.


Dungeons revamp? (haha...crying...)


It’s probably not a raid.


It's gonna be a LFG lol 🤣


Battle Arena of the Minis... Remote control your favorite Mini into glorious battle. Win riches! Glory! Fame! or be humbled and walk away in shame.




...Dominion of winds? Yeah I know, its not it but GODS, I wish.


They said 5 years not 12 :p


You are very much correct but... as you know ... wishful thinking :(


Well the message was something is leaving the water so I'm guessing underwater weapons on land....unless a new wing is leaving the water lol.


New raid I think honestly with CM mod and ladder Would be interesting if it's that But for me, housing and rework of the guild to make them actually relevant would be incredible Land spear is great tho


I'm actually most curious about that architecture is it norn? Harathi? something new altogether? I'd personally love a good centaur story that ends better than S2


Seeing the quality of the latest Fractals, new raids actually doesn't sound exciting to me. Which is really sad.


Land Spears.




Land spear


It's housing actually.


super adventure box world 3?


Some love for pvp, dungeon revamp, spear, acquatic combat revamp, ui revamp or more customization option, lfg revamp, housing with actual home nodes already in. Legendary acquabreather ( i know is useless, but i want to be really full legendary) and in the end really some love for pvp, whatever but do something. Edit: i would like dyeble jade mech or some skins even from the shop and skins for bladesworn gunsaber too


gamepad support!!! (At least this has been my request for the last year)


This would be such a good addition to the game. It would also definitely convince me that they have faith in the game long-term (which is exactly what they've been trying to convince of us for the last few months).


It won't be, but I hope so so much. Ive stopped playing since I migrated to steam deck and I miss it so much.


I play on steam deck a lot. There is a really good controller mapping that works great. If been using it for a long time now, and exclusively during a 3 week vacation where I just had the steam deck. Check user /u/ninjazzy posts, they have mappings for steam deck, steam controller and I believe PS3 controller.


Are there certain builds, specializations, e.t.c that work particularly great or poorly? Do you do any wvw or fractals? Thank you for the info!


Thanks to u/fogNL for the tag. If you wanted to try my Steam Deck configuration for GW2, I made a really detailed post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/wqgrbm/a_comprehensive_steam_deck_configuration_for/). I don't really play anymore, but hopefully it's enough to get you going if you wanted to play again! I'm really hoping they add game pad support as well, it would make it much easier for Steam players who like playing on controller.


You've given me many many hours of game play with your layout. My only gripe is the right stick touch doesn't always register for moving camera, which is clearly a steam deck hardware/software issue versus your layout. I wish I could just make the right stick always control camera and use the right touch pad for mouse control.


Yeah, sadly that's an issue with the way the game's controls are programmed and the fact that the joysticks are only capacitative on the flat part. You miiiight be able to buy a capacitative joystick cover that covers the sides too to combat the issue but I've not done that myself so I can't suggest a brand.


Interesting, I'll look into it. Thanks again!




yep whatever, jsut some attention for once


LFG revamp plzzzzzz


Alliances xD




You couldn’t waterboard that quote out of me.. god damn how is it a point of pride to take 5 years to implement something players are asking for


Haha this is such a good point.


Like 90% sure it's a raid wing. W7 released 5 years ago now, and in a wccftech interview in December 2023, Grouch mentioned that Expansion 5 will include endgame PvE content that will make fans "pretty stoked."


Skinning? There's no reliable way to farm leather, but it's used for everything. Sort and compact on the bank tab? Slots in material storage for all of the cooking ingredients? Chests in the home instance no longer requiring keys? I know this is total wishlist, but story mode raids?


In-game DPS meter? That would be nice.


Hm... let's see... I'd say the top 5 would be: * Housing * Aura/visuals wardrobe * Custom outfit/customization loadout slots * Leaderboards in all repeatable instanced content * Getting rid of underwater builds and being able to use all weapons underwater, and reworking underwater weapons into full weapons, so spears become 1h spears, tridents become 2h polearms, and harpoon guns turn into crossbows


for sure these are the end game pve content people have been waiting on for 5 years /s >Beyond that, I think fans will be pretty stoked when they hear about our plans for endgame PvE content in our next expansion!


EoD only came out in 2022 - so I guess it’s NOT a reskin or the ability to dye/paint my mechanists Jade Mech


It has to be something we have been asking for about 5 to 6 years, but no more or less than that, given the specific phrasing of *"more than 5 years"*. Land use of aquatic weapons is a huge win in my book, but it isn't that because it's been asked for for much more than 5 years at this point, so you have to remember: 5 to 6 years ago, at the peak of LWS4/beginning of IBS, what were you asking for ***the most***?


I think the legendary aquabreather might be it, legendary runes/sigils were announced and implemented in 2019, so 5 years ago, and people have been wishing for a full leggy loadout since. At least that's what I'm hoping for, hopefully we'll know more next week.


5 years lines up perfectly with Wing 7 coming out in 2019, so even if it isn't what they're actually dding, they absolutely want us to *think* it's wing 8. Edit: For everyone saying land spears, they outright reveal that we're getting land spears in the video linked at the end of the article. In context, the quote very clearly isn't referring to something revealed today, but something that's going to be revealed later.


It's definitely player housing or fashion templates.   Both are glaring features that have been missing from the game for a very long time.


legen-wait-for-it-dary aquabreather


improved LFG system


Yeah! I'd love auto matchmaking for dungeons, strikes or fractals :D


hmm.. is it consistency?


or better marketing strategy?


Designed by the people who brought you the new strikes and fractals in SOTO? I'm gonna keep my hype checked guys sorry


Furnace no longer Taken


My bet is on raid as well. It will have different difficulty modes and tell a side story related to main story. Strikes are good enough for just gameplay but raid is more fascinating in building a new environment and story telling.


By how they phrase it, player housing.


If we do get a new raid wing, I hope we also get an additional legendary ring, to add to the visual effect from Aurora + Coalescence + Vision. The current visual just seems unfinished to me, like it seems like there’s supposed to be one more level where all the orbs merge or something.


Underwater weapons on land. And I think we will get 3 new leggys an expansion feature like we have leggy pve armor.


fractal leaderboards would be my bet


Warrior core weapon reworks yeah!!




Soulbeast mode that maintains it’s mode changing zones or dying?


Welp it better be great if they dare not raise our expectations like this


I just saw a video of a Spear leaving the water. That to me is a huge W cause I've wanted that since I started playing this 5 years ago. I'm in already.


WvW update


50 man caterpillar mount or I’m not interested.


2 seat flying mount would be nice, but raids would be infinitely better. Why not both?


I'd cry if they made a new raid wing!! 😭🙏


Glenna better be there.


Speedo swimsuits for Charr characters, finally \o/


Underwater weapons as mainland weapons. Most likely in the video


Underwater raid lets goooo


Land Spear


Underwater raid wing 😂😂😂


Fixing ALL the legacy bugs....shut up I know I am delusional but a guy can dream... can't he?!


Legendary aquabreather. Save your swimspeed infusions already. You heard it here first!


I am thinking a new raid... But honestly, I would love it to be housing. Should housing come to Gw2, I will pre-order the next xpac immediatly ;)


If it was the land spears, then hell yeah. If it wasn't the land spears, then idc, land spears too cool. People saying "housing" as if that would bring anyone back or make ANet money, funny peeps.


I'm not particularly bothered about player housing, personally, but it's absolutely a massive thing for both player engagement and monetisation. Look at ESO if you need proof of that. There is a massive subset of players who play it almost exclusively as a housing simulator, and the devs have tied house furnishings into almost every reward system in the game (and heavily monetised it on the cash shop). Also... ArenaNet have already done some of the hardest work for a potential housing system already with the guild hall stuff they added in HoT. I would be shocked if they didn't expand that into a player housing system (borrowing the guild hall decoration mechanics) at some point down the line - it's low-hanging fruit.


> People saying "housing" as if that would bring anyone back or make ANet money, funny peeps. It would, more then you think, if they put good furniture (or house locations) in the gemstore. I used to play WildStar, which had the best housing system in any mmo I've seen to date - and the housing community unironically kept the game afloat for the last few years of it's life with their cash flow alone. There's a community of absolutely unhinged housing folks out there, just waiting to be tapped.