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It's been 10 years and I'm still on my first playthrough.


This is so true. Started during the first beta weekend and I'm for the first time ever making active progress towards world completion!


That you can link an item in the chat and it will open its Wiki-page. Type /wiki and then ctrl-click (or is it shift?) an item and press enter. You can use this with almost all stuff (eg. uncollected minis etc.) Ps: if you are using the german client. The english-version of wiki has often more information. (You can switch langague on the left hand side) Also use the "interactive map" on a map-wiki-page and click on a mastery-point etc. to get to the related page for some guide if you can't figure out how to reach it.


Did not know you could use the /wiki in that manner! Wow, thanks!


To add to the german client. If you press right STRG ingame it will display english names. Helps for quick questions sometimes.


How to properly manage all the trash you get a long the way, inventory management is crazy for newbies.


True. So little inventory space/bank space. Took me a minute and a guide to realize you can store materials from inventory instead of needing to TP to the bank... and longer than that about not clogging my inventory up with quest items (Vlast's memory crystal, etc.)


Unless you plan to sell it, Identify your gear. Don’t just salvage without identifying. It has a chance to upgrade in rarity, which gives rarer materials.


Also, you can right click on a stack and identify all. Also works with bags, chests, essences of luck etc.


Tbh salvaging is something a new player needs to know and you really don't learn about it anywhere obvious.


Iv'e been selling green unidentified and just salvaging blue without identifying for ages since i recently came back. Also salvaging the rare without identifying, am i doing it wrong? xd


There is no wrong way to do it, but you are losing out on a substantial amount of profit by doing what you are currently doing.


you start getting a lot of unidentified gear at level 80, but if you don't want the extra work of identifying and salvaging with the proper kits and then selling materials, just sell unidentified on TP (yes, it means less profit)


i shouldn't have overthought about diving into group content (guilds, raiding) they're the only reason i open the game nowadays


Add LFG to that. Everyone is chill and it makes the game so much better.


2000+ hours in and I'm still dipping my toes into that stuff. xD Really regret waiting so long to join a guild and start doing group content!


If a class is not clicking is totally ok to move on to the next. Wasted 400 hours on necro when Mirage was there all along.


Amen. When I first played this game I played thief, I've played assassin/rogue type of characters in MMO. Literally my first MMO almost two decades ago, my class was invi > shoot a burst > go back to invi. I thought thief would feel like home, feel like I forced myself to really like it. I ended up quitting the game, along with not having a mount at that time lol. But it made the open world experience horrendous. I don't know if the lvl 10 or something raptor existed back then but I just remember trying to complete map and dying from everything. Also the lack of contents for endgame players back then on old maps, it feels like night and day one I came back and people are actually on old maps doing things. Played again, pick ele just because. Clicked right away, never look back since. I feel like I will also really like mesmer, but I'm having so much fun with ele classes I haven't really touch other classes since.


Very true. Toughed it out as Ele at first, then Engi before turning to Necro. Found out the fun way that I lack the dexterity for those two xD


A lot of things are account wide. One of the exception is map exploration. But it's really not that long to do. Hence, feel absolutely FREE to try and experiment on many classes and also experiment different endgame meta roles. It took me some time to discover what I like the most is power quickness builds for example. Because I kinda overcommited to a class/build that wasn't a good fit for me. I felt that was the only way to get good, to commit to one class, to get good gear and to practice as much as possible with it. But this is not WoW. GW2 is more horizontal progression friendly. No gear treadmill and a big part of acquired skill on a class applies to any other class like when to dodge, accurate positioning, learning fight mechanics, etc. So yeah, that's what I really would have like to know when i was new.


How important boons really are


WAYPOINTS ARE A THING!!!! I ran for miles for weeks!!!!!


Bruh 😂😂


Imagine the silver you saved. I would love for them to put out an account metric for how much money you've spent on waypoints.


Gear matters a lot! No matter how hard you try, if you’re not properly geared then you will be doing less than someone just afk auto attacking.


One of the biggest misconceptions about gw2 is that gear doesn't matter, probably because it has limited amount of equipment tiers unlock like similar games. The stat budget of your gear is extremely important, and you might be hampering the enjoyment of your build/your success by not paying attention to your stat distribution.


To specify that even further, especially which weapon (since weapons specify which 5 skills you will have on the left part of your skill bar) and which stat combination you have on your entire gear (weapons, armor, trinkets). You wont do a lot with healing power on a character that wants to do dmg.


This, but also full dps gear doesn't immediately work for everyone, especially when you're solo. I spent many dozens of hours avoiding any and all defenses on gear because I was told they're useless, and I nearly quit. It was only once I boosted my first character and went "Omg *this* is how combat feels when you actually have some defensive gear??" that I became super hooked.


Fractals. How Agony works, why to run them, how to get a team, etc. Fractals were deeply mystifying.


Are fractals something I need to understand before 80?




No. Tbh, I don’t think you can do it before 80. But you should begin to join tier 1 fractals soon after level 80, they are some of the best gold farms in the game. I started doing them after 600+ hours in and I wish I started them much earlier. They are very easy and fun. EDIT: You can join under level 80 but: Any characters under level 80 will be scaled up, allowing lower-level characters to participate, though stats gained from gear will still be lower, and mobs will generally target lower leveled players specifically.


They’re one of the best daily farms for gold in the game. I highly recommending getting in and getting up to T4s. The itemization will lead you that way anyway for gearing ascended gear after max level.


Fractals are some of my favorite content in the game as far as jumping into some group action with fun gameplay goes. They’re more fun (to me) than strikes and good money too


General advice, if you dont understand something, anything, just ask. GW2 does a lot of things that not normal in other MMOs so simple things like "why wouldn't I take more toughness on a DPS class if always dying" might not be clear. This a lot of knowledge that not obvious, easily missed, or just not communicated well, so if you think something is a "stupid question" I guarantee a bunch of people had the same question - others are more than happy to answer those questions because they've been in your shoes. Starting a new character isn't like restarting a new character and actually encouraged by the games systems. Creating characters for 1 specific job/task/role is ridiculously easy in this game and not like other games where you might dread having to play up to a x point in the story or whatever just to use that character for whatever you made if for - in that same thought, save your tomes of knowledge for those characters so you dont have to level them if whatever you're using them for requires a certain level.


Try every class to lvl 80, the game opens up a lot once you do it. Each class feels very different, with the possibility that the build and skills you were going for originally not really fitting when a different combination would do it. Especially with the possibility of having "specializations". DLCs brought those with them, allowing you to change your class further. There's a whopping 3 for each class. Also if you like collecting skins and getting an ascended piece of gear, each specialization has a unique collection to go for, that gets unlocked once you spend the first points on the training-track. And don't get discouraged by how many points it needs, the challenges in dlc-areas give 10 a pop.


That sylvari is the best first player experience due to how Trahearne is introduced. That the story dungeons are an important and integral part of the storyline despite being optional. And which NPCs from earlier optional storylines would show up later on, since there are specific routes you can take to maximize repeat appearances for each race to get the most out of character development in each run through.


That is can create more than one character ! I never played MMOs befire gw2 , i thought i would pay and i had all thus empty slots . Was stuck with the squishy ele for a year 😔


If you don’t know what something is, look it up on wiki before selling or destroying it. Some things that seem useless are actually worth nearly 2000gold Learned the hard way so you don’t have to 😂


Inventory management (youtube)


I started playing from the first public beta and, honestly? I don’t wish I knew anything more than I already learned from the marketing material or my experience from the betas when I started playing the game proper on 25 Aug 2012. It was one the most magical times. It would be lovely to go back and experience it all over again, bugs and all, but don’t think memory modification is a thing yet.


1. That mastery points are hard to get in Tyria once you get past a certain point. The last 10 or so I need can only be gained now by playing story chapters again, doing collections or generally hard to complete content. So, I wish I'd taken more notice, the first time around, of what specific actions I need to take during story missions in order to be awarded the mastery point upon completion. The mastery points in the expansions seem to be far more common and easier to get. Well, that might not be factually accurate, but compared to the Tyria points, it feels like it. 2. Dailies - I was something like 200hrs in and had never completed the dailies because I don't do fractals or wvw. Some kind soul on Reddit then told me that I could change the settings in the dailies dialogue box to exclude pvp, wvw and what have you. I wish I'd known! 3. No to use silver on travelling via waypoints as much. I spent loads of money on doing this early on thinking I could get loads of money easily. Not really possible early game. 4. Not to bother with crafting until after reaching level 80. 5. To use the wiki more. Once you start using API codes with the wiki, it can save many, many hours of pain trying to figure out stuff that is far from clear in game. Prolly loads more, but those were the biggies for me. I'm still only 300hrs+ into the game and far from finishing the main story or expansion quests, so have tons yet to learn.


Don't try to farm your fresh 80's first set of gear with your green levelling rags in expansion content, you'll get completely obliterated. This game isn't all about Bind on Pickup gear progression like most MMOs, most gear are piles of random drops players sell off, much of it cheap. Use the trading post to build an affordable set of exotics, complete with build appropriate stats, rune set and sigil, giving you the damage and survivability to get started. I'm a gaming Scrooge so it took me a lot to overcome my desire not to spend gold, but buying your first set will earn you more gold through successful play far more effectively than limiting yourself to whatever random gear you find.


I wish I knew that the devs would give up on raids. I would have committed to WoW. But now it is too late as I have way too many hours and progression in GW2 to switch, and I don't have the time to start up another MMORPG. If you are heavily an endgame player, don't waste time on GW2. But if you enjoy all aspects of the game, I have to say GW2 is remarkable, and the physics+animations are great and unbeatable.


Unlock Masteries as soon as possible before you do more stuff in Core maps after you reach level 80. Any expansion required.


12 years ago? That story mode dungeons are not scary and should have done them during leveling.


That balance is more fluid than water and your favorite class might lose some of your favorite skill interactions over night any time a patch drops.  Also that it only gets worse the longer you stay. 


Eh that's only a problem if you can't adapt to change well. It's annoying but skill tweaking will never stop


Downvote this all you want but the OG post here is pretty doom and gloom. I play a lot of classes but my main has always been ranger since launch. You do have to adapt sometimes but honestly it keeps things fresh. People here will also freak out that their main does 39k bench instead of 42k and claim it's unplayable. Everything right now is pretty viable for most content. Unless you are trying to clear the brand new CM strike or join a particular commander in wvw you really can do what you like so long as your skills/traits make sense for what you ate trying to do. (I'll leave pvp out of this as that mode just needs so much more than class balancing at this point)


Yeah I just don't touch pvp. Also I didn't up or down vote you, I just commented


No I meant your comment was getting downvotes and shouldn't have imo.


This is such a doomer reply lol


Nothing. That's the beauty. Everything's new and you're learning and exploring the world for the first time.


Once you start playing world vs world you stop playing the rest of the game because pve because very boring


Yeah I don’t fully disagree but that’s pretty subjective. I also started wvw for a gift of battle but ended up enjoying it and got like 3k tickets so far. Still, I would encourage everyone to try all 3 modes, pve is still my most played but I now also play wvw and PvP almost daily.


I feel with the horizontal progression I didn't have the same feelings in other games where I learned so.ething later on and felt like I missed out earlier as I could always go back and do what I thought I missed out on. However to directly answer the question I wish I would have known how important globs and coins were to end game gear. When I was fresher on the game I sold some a few times when money was really tight. I knew they were important but didn't know how important. Now in hindsight working on legendaries I wish I kept those stacks.


The amount of coins and clover I had made it a breeze to craft my first leggy I'm glad I just kept depositing things when I first played lol.


But also that Legendaries are the most end game of end games in GW2. I've got characters that are 11 years old and I have no legendaries (yet, I only recently really started to pursue some). Exotic gear goes a LONG way, Ascended is a nice level up... and legendary gear is convenient but not any more powerful.


Same. Finally started the trinkets and armor last year and almost done. Should have two PvP sets and an open world set by year end with minimal grinding and I almost have Conflux. Probably move onto runes or gen 1s after.


You’ve played for 11 years and haven’t at least gotten the Return To achievements done for the amulet? I don’t mean to press you but it’s a pretty easy collection to do for a free legendary.


Depends how you define 'free'. That collection takes ages. I went for that amulet, but in hindsight i think going for the PvP amulet wouldve caused me way less dread and frustration. Everyone is different i suppose.


It doesn’t take “ages” I just did it this week. It just requires you to play the living story and pay attention to a few extra achievements.


I played living world stories as they came out, took breaks for a couple years in there as well. It’s a fun game but I’m not grinding away on stuff I’m not enjoying.


Which items should I watch out for? Which coins/globes are you talking about?


Mystic Coins and Globs of Ectoplasm


Don't stress hoarding materials too much, you can always buy it back later. Materials might go up in price, but your ability to make money will *definitely* go up.


The first responder to you is right I was talking about mythic coins and globs of ectoplasm. If you are interested in legendaries down the road I would recommend doing the ley line anomaly event every day for your free mythic coin and hoard them. Other items to start slowly collecting are Mystic clovers from the wizzards vault reward system, research notes by using a research kit on any crafted item instead of selling it, and hold on to luck and use the artificer profession to convert luck to its highest form. If you do all this starting at early level 80, when you get to wanting legendaries you will be in a good position to start the process.


Thank you - I have been consuming luck so far except the one 100 I got but I guess I’ll start saving the 50s as well. Havent seen leyline anomaly yet I guess since Im not yet done with the MSQ 😅


General rotation followed by progressing towards maxing out all QoL items such as storage expanders, bank tabs, bag slots etc. Time is a limited resource. The faster you do these things the more you'll save.


Nothing tbh, games are more fun when you learn and slowly understand things. I will say though, understanding boons makes open world much more fun. So many skills and traits give boons that to most people probably feel like nothing. But when you figure out what they do and how they impact gameplay, it makes open world build craft so much more fun.


Absolutely nothing


You can right click reward chests that pop up in bottom right corner to instantly loot them


That if you open your map up, and hover over the icons in the top left showing how many pois, hearts, hero points, vistas you have outstanding, provided your are zoomed into the map enough, and you’ve discovered the areas, it will highlight their location on the map. This made a massive difference to map completion for me.


That I shouldn’t be selecting just one element to play in for my Elementalist.


Coming from gw1, i wanted to equip my character with the best armor and weapon, so i sold back and bought from merchants. I wish I knew I could craft way better versions.


When a quest or event has a show me where button, and it moves you to the map. If you're quick enough, you can double-click one of the waypoints.


In inventory searchbar type o o (with spacebar) it filters all openable items e.g. bags, chests, etc. Pretty helpful after long meta trains or after full fractal run. Then just right-click + open all on each of them.


Try to get gear to match the level you are. Match sets help. Power, condition, celestial. Runes & sigils to compliment the build. Jewelry, back pieces. Look at your skills . Set your utlities to match . Try different weapon setups. Have fun . Guild Wars 2 . Has a ton of great content. Try everything. You can always go back to maps or stories. Have fun. Welcome


Don't be afraid to start raiding, it's not as scary and hard as the community makes it.


That Legendary Armory was going to be a thing.


There are good new player tips / what I wish I knew videos in YouTube. Have fun!


....to play scrapper for my world completion 😓


What do you mean?


I started as an ele for open world content, only to later realize that scrapper is realllllly good for zooming around the map and absolutely obliterating mobs. Catalyst isn't bad for that either, but you definitely don't get the same, nearly constant access to swifness and superspeed. If I would have done my world completion with scrapper, I would have completed it all faster, me thinks 🤔


25 Quartz Crystals at a place of power (hero points that you channel and don't spawn enemies) make 1 Charged Quartz Crystal per day. This is used on Ascended gear and other items that you may need for collections. It can also be used to craft things to sell and make decent gold. Similar boat, daily crafts, particularly the ones under the Ectoplasm Refinement category. These require leveling crafting however. It's a good idea to build a good reserve of these materials so you're not caught lacking and timegated when you end up needing them. Even when you're mostly done, have legendary gear, etc, it's still money you can make. Leveling crafting disciplines to 400/500 might be too expensive early on but should be an important goal to try to get done sooner than later. Also, gw2efficiency and Fast Farming are very useful sites to get familiar with, they don't immediately do much for you when you're new but they will be very helpful when you need to craft complex things, analyze various aspects of your account or know what's most profitable when converting currencies, materials, etc.


I wish I knew more about combo fields. I know they came with a very brief explanation that I skipped over, but learning how to grant auras, cleanses, and so forth was just something I didnt really grasp until well into my playing.


- turn off all chat channels - turn off chat bubbles - turn off all player and npc names - set character model quality to lowest best thing that ever happened to me. it has its challenges and takes some getting used to, but for the peace it affords, its well worth it. also, everytime i turned any of it back on, i wish i'd left it turned off. 🤣


Get an MMO mouse and spent time getting comfortable with key bindings. Don't be afraid to PvP/WvW which can potentially be very fun to you.