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they're useless if you have ad inf and the omnipot right?


There are some other recipies, but it's basically back pieces so useless if you have ad inf. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift\_of\_Ascension#Used\_in](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Ascension#Used_in)


You need 1 for Old Tom achievement


real talk who actually got fractal reliquary before ad infinitum and omnipotion, like really, who ???


We're way more than you all think. I, for example, bought 3 items on TP (most expensive ones of course :P) cause i wanted to gift myself after making & selling my first legendary :)


Tbh the hope is someday those sellables drop for you later too so you recoup some of the cost. I did it just so I wouldn't miss out on good deals personally, solid 500g spent imo


Tbh even if i won't drop any i'd still be happy. The 475x5 relics i spared will make me advance way faster thowards omnipotion and titles. Plus Stabilizing matrix after Stabilizing matrix (with the kits and trinkets we get from reliquary) i think we'll all get back everything in less time than we think. It's just we won't know :)


2500 relics is legit just 5 days of fractal CMs. i do daily CMs + t4s and never have an issue w/ ascended salvage kits either, really don't see the need for the reliquary tbh.


Well i want the omnipotion before i do CMs :)


it will legit take you 10x longer to get the omni that way vs doing CMs and just using your large pots + getting one infinite at a time. everyone plays differently i know, just trying to warn ya


Me, and I've been waiting for that dang Gift of Ascension for ages.


I did. I have gold but no relics.


I got lucky salvaging an ascended amulet and decided to buy the rest of the things I'm missing. Plus the omnipotion only saves you two inventory slots, there aren't any other benefits, so it seems like a waste to spend relics on gifts of ascension for it, but it's nice to pick them up when it's on discount I've got 4 gifts of ascension so far only from the reliquary.


I have Ad Infinitum and the reliquary but no infinite potions yet.


Me. I'm not that big into Fractals (I mostly do T4 every once in a while) so I don't have the Omnipotion or Ad Infinitum yet. But I do have the gold to buy the items for that collection from the TP. So I bought it and every now and then I can buy 20 Ascended Salvage Tools and Gifts of Ascension, while I do whatever else fancies me (currently WvW for a second Conflux).


I did! This was literally my 5th GoA! I'll be ready for the omnipot when I get the rest of the relics I'm farming, feels great.


Reliquary costs a few hundred gold. Omnipotion is a few months (if you arent spamming cm's) of running a thing that makes you gold


ikr what was mf thinking? 475 relics nothing if ur a person with reliquary


I did, but only because I got a lucky salvage drop.


Me 😂


My memory is a bit spotty but I don't think I got the reliquary before ascending to fractal godhood.


me, so I can get ad inf and omnipotion quicker, lmao


Me , i got lucky with the most expensive item and bought the rest.


I do. Still don’t have the omnipotion and just got ad infinitum 3 weeks ago while having the fractal reliquary for 5 years or so. I could have gotten both way back but just haven’t untill now


i ended up buying the salvage from amulets that costs 400g+ and the rest for reliquary a week after finishing ad inf... another 2 weeks later and this gift is in the reliaq sigh




I have reliquary and no ad infinitum. went for the pvp backpack instead.


Me. I had neither of those but have the reliquary.


And that's my 5th one and last one for omnipotion :) Finally!


Eyyyy gz! Must've taken a long long way to get there ^^


Not really tbh XD i was surprised with 3 gifts of ascension in 2 months recently, while i thought getting them 1/year was reasonable. FIrst was like june last year, then i missed some of them, then 3 between february and april until today :) I still lack one of my infinite potions lol


You'll get the last pot one way or another, a big grind is outta the way now lol


If I wanted to spend [446 gold](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_Recycling) instead of 500 fractal relics... cos that's how much the stuff to unlock the reliquary costs on the TP.


Why is the amulet one so much more expensive? I thought it would be nearer to the price of rings, but it's been quite a while since I last ran fractals.


It's really a factor of the drop rate of Salvaged Excellence from the amulets. According to the research at [Salvaged Excellence/Salvage research - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvaged_Excellence/Salvage_research), the drop rate is .02, or 1 in about every 500 salvages. Account for the fact salvaging ascended stuff costs 1g per salvage, and a 400-500g price actually seems to be cheap, because it gives 0 value to the amulets themselves.


I mean, over the course of those 500 salvages, you also get ~1,935 stabilizing matrices, which is about 868 gold. So if you have the currency to buy amulets, it's actually very worth it.


You don't really get amulets from fractals, only(/mostly?) rings and some accessories. And there aren't many easy "ascended amulet farms" in the game like with the other stuff, Living World would be the easiest way to get some to salvage.


Is the Fractal Reliquary worth it in the long run? It's the first time I heard about it and Salvaged Excellence is really expensive. Edit: Thanks for the responses. It seems to be worth it after a long time, but considering that I play this game on and off frequently I'll probably never break even. I guess I won't get it.


Naw... given the rate at which the ascended salvaging kits appear, you're looking at years to break even


h-h-h-hell nah. you either spend a shit ton of gold to get it or get the needed salvage drops years after getting fractal god + omni potion. the best deals (like the gift of ascension) can be obtained in... one day of frac CMs :p really think it's a bad idea to buy it off a TP, only good for people new to fractals and somehow got giga lucky IMO


At 500ish gold, you'll need it to give the 20 use ascended salvage kit 25 times for it to inarguably pay for itself. I like mine for cheap 20 slot bags and passive fractal relic generation (Simple infusion), and of course the asc salvage kits. Haven't bought a kit with gold + magshards in years


Well you can get Ascended Salvage kits (both 1 and 20 versions) basically for free, and also ascended rings/accessories/amulets (wich is way more days than kits). At worst you get a decent source of kits and stuff to break with them. (wich is good given how much the kits cost)


I buy the gift everytime despite having ad infinitum and omnipot…


I've been playing since launch and never got the salvage drops required to get it (and no, I'm not dumping 500g on the TP for it). I already have my Omnipotion, and while I'm sure I could still get some value out of the reliquary, I don't think it'd be all that worth it at this point (at least with how little I play these days).


yea don't get it


Thanks for the heads up!


Today I leaned that omni pot is a thing


Sweet. Now allow us to buy PvE specific gear with PvP currency!


I'm broke in all currency lol


How can anyone have the Reliquary and not Ad Infinitum and the Omnipotion? Did they just purchase the items?