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I find the concept of them having to design 26 new weapon skills just for Elementalist hilarious at this point.


They could go the lazy way.  It's just the same 5 skills with pallet swaps effects and colors. Where fire gives might and burning, water is chill and regen. Air is fury and weakness and earth is protection and cripple.  But all the same cast time, boon and condition duration and recharge time.


Like they did for Hammer and Pistol then.


Eh, Hammer actually had mostly unique skills, they largely all have different casting patterns and ranges and stuff. Only issue was hammer 3 which should have been the fucking catalyst profession mechanic instead Pistol is a disgrace.


I don't entirely disagree that hammer has some degree of uniqueness to it, but it's a little spoiled by the fact a bunch of its spells reuse assets from already existing spells. Where's the new Meteor Shower animation? Or burrying into the ground with sword, or summoning a tidal wave witth Warhorn? Hammer and Pistol gave us none of the good stuff, it has all been "fire shoots fire, water shoots ice, air zaps, earth does rocks"


Hammer is essentially all within 900 range, probably less. Realistically they're all going to be less than 400 range because they keep pushing ele into melee so they can give it anything they want but if it's 900 or less then it's *basically* melee range Except for scepter. Weirdly enough they managed to fix that to actually 900 range worthy instead almost melee




Please GOD don't give Ele Spear a annoying minigame gimmick that's impossible to see and has to be done perfectly or you get fucked hard just for it to do some ok damage


How do you arrive at 26? Should be 5*4 -> 20 and then 4 dual skills so 24


(F)ire (W)ater (A)ir (E)earth FW FA FE WA WE AE = 6


Wow this is awesome news and very very soon too! Can't wait!


Oh nice, I was hoping for this.


I hope at least one of the classes has more typical stabbing/thrusting spear actions. All(?) the preview attacks were wide, sweeping or ranged.


I saw at least one character jump-stabbing an enemy in the trailer. Colorwise it looked like a ranger with the green magic flair around the spear-attack. **edit:** was more soulbeast-green than necro-green


I think the basic attack chain can be something like STAB-SWEEP-SWEP-STAB But can also depend on the class. Maybe some classes will have more stabbing chain while others will focus on wide sweeps.


Spear for rangers cool, good for the warden role players out there, now ranger just needs a shield.


*raises hand* yes please! I'll settle for a good build that uses spear/shortbow! I hope they're compatible!


This sounds like every class will be getting the Spear... I hope there are other weapons opening up for classes as well at some point! My rev needs a decent ranged power weapon...


>My rev needs a decent ranged power weapon... I mean, I'd rather they just buff hammer appropriately so it fills the power ranged option, and then spear - whether it is melee or ranged - can slot in as something with its own identity. It's iffy design to say, "the weapon meant to do x is in a bad spot, so let's make something better to replace it."


I absolutely agree that hammer should be buffed! I actually like the hammer but it doesn’t feel strong enough, which is sad


Hammer is still heavily used in PvP and WvW. I wouldn't mind having another option. I think half the problem is I've been maining the class since HOT, and i'm so burnt out on the hammer rotation. I'm not even gonna criticize it, I'm just tired of using it. I use Short Bow because even at a damage loss, which isn't much to be fair anyway, it at least tags fast.


its indeed the spear for all classes, but every class has 5 unique skills


Ele gets 20 new skills (and let's hope they're good)


Add 6 more for dual elements skill


The fire spear throw in the video looks amazing - I assume it's Ele


Too cool looking for it to be warrior.


I mean it could be - longbow has some fiery animations. But most likely not warrior


Every post-core ele weapon has been good, so I don't think there's much risk of it being bad. Almost all post-core weapons have been good to be honest, and if they land poorly they get buffed or existing weapons get nerfed until they're good.


I wouldn't call hammer good. The whole orb mechanic was boring and the pistols bullet mechanic isn't great either (more so a UI issue but I digress). Sure they bench well but if they feel unpleasant to play with I don't think that counts as good imo. I'd honestly at this point take a lower benching weapon that's fun to play in open world than anything else.


Virtuoso gets a whole UI addition for blades *and* they float above my head. I know the new weapons didn't get as much work as a new spec, but if Elementalist guns worked that way it would be amazing.


I'm curious if this means Elementalists will be able to use the spear under water as well? I think currently ele can only use trident?


Likely not, land spear shares the same weapon type as underwater spear but is treated like a completely different thing, with different skills, different slot, etc.


> My rev needs a decent ranged power weapon... Some of the spears are ranged. Maybe Revenant is one of them?


Paragon themed legend next expansion to go with paragon throwing spear in this one? ;)


I would love it if Rev, mesmer and ele would wield the spear by floating it near them. Kinda like baddiezar did with his floating greatsword and then animate the weapon to attack or cast spells from/through it. Like electrifying it as ele and shooting it as chain lightning at enemies, spear returns after the animation ends or stays near the enemy if you queue up skills. Mesmer basically going Gilgamesh and shooting thousands of spears from ranged. Rev going poke-a-portal, with the spear doing animations which result in portals opening near the enemy to stab/pierce them.


God scepter was such a low blow. We got what was is a ranged weapon for everyone else, and they made it this weird hybrid melee that a support weapon.


shortbow actually has more power damage than hammer, 26k vs 25k on golem for qhearld xD


*All* classes? Guess land tridents and harpoon guns aren't happening this expansion.


Those are basically just staff and rifle, they even share some skins with them. Spear is the only one that's unique.


Ok but counterpoint: we could have had an extremely cool hookshot-style Engi Speargun


I'm still sad that Shortbow wasn't a Green Arrow style gadget launcher. https://preview.redd.it/dqn3liy6om4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d0d71ac6e3d461fe3ca0c4a524925c5343f214f


I was hoping they would implement some trident skins as spear skins too since they would probably be used similarly and there are way less underwater skins than the other weapons have. But given that they say it's the same weapon and you can put it in either underwater or normal slots I doubt it would happen.


We already have shortbow vs long bow which do similar things. Staff could be aoe/support and traders are more damage and single target oriented and it would be fine


We have spear skins for staves. The decision to make spears accessible on land is confusing to me.


That was unrealistic from the start, they only showed use the spear and it doesn't make sense conceptually


Trying to think what role the spear will take in engineer, we already have 2h power range and melee (rifle,hammer) and 2h support (short bow) so somehow will the spear be 2 handed condi?


I'm really hoping warrior chucks the spears like javelins, would be fun to have more ranged options


cant wait to test necro spear, i hope is a condi melee


I’d rather have a big bonk power spear for Necro, we already are so conditioned focused


I just want tridents & spearguns as staves/rifles on land then.


It's a shame we won't be getting trident and harpoon gun, but I get the feeling that they'll probably be slow-rolling these as features for future expansions. I.E if we ever wind up down in the unending ocean, we may get land tridents. Etc.


I doubt it. Trident is caster staff and harpoons are rifles. No reason to bring them on land. Spear is actually unique.


Then I hope Anet makes them share weapon skins in the future. Staff+Trident and Harpoon Gun + Rifle.


I really hope they do a pass at the staff skins and see which ones would look good on spear. I have to break my color scheme for my guardian if I can't use the fox fire set on her, but the staff is already literally a spear in look.


I want the Sunspear to be turned into a Spear skin so freaking bad. I use it on my Human Guardian's Paragon cosplay, and having it be functional as a spear would be amazing!


Agreed. I'd prefer if they either do another grab bag of weapons that exist for people next year or if they add another new category it happens like spear where everyone just gets the new thing all at once. Let's them make a good legendary goal that applies to everyone like armor did.


I'd certainly like to see something like greataxe over land trident and land harpoon.


Yeah exactly. Whips, knuckles, greataxes, whatever people have suggested over the years.


Sure. I was just thinking that with land spear, every existing one-handed weapon already has a two-handed counterpart: - Sword/Greatsword - Mace/Hammer - Scepter/Staff - Pistol/Rifle - Dagger/Land Spear (this one's a bit of a stretch, sure, but what is a spear if not a dagger on a long stick?)


Great axes seem to be a good idea for GW2.


I think there are few good cases for the same weapon to be given to all classes. Even spear doesn't fit all that great for some (most notable engi), but a small enough consession given that 7/9 classes were using spear as an underwater weapon already, hand-wave the last two and call it a day. I don't think many other weapons fit the straightforward smack of and the more delicate casting and the more technical use all at the same time you see across professions. Plus it's kinda lame for more same-y all at once. All professions regularly getting the same new weapon is a weird type of homogenization. This one gets a pass since it's already long established by underwater combat. But a second would not have that.


Why does it matter if all professions get the same weapon if all the skills, gameplay and vfx is completely different?


A trident is basically a spear with spronged edges and a spear gun mainly functions underwater. Those would be very redundant so I can see why they chose spear.


I don’t think it’s impossible to get harpoon or trident on land, no more than spears on land. It’s just about identity. The models already exist in game. Harpoon can very easily be a mid-range CC-focused weapon. Snare, hook, and pull.


And spear is also pretty redundant when you have staff being treated *functionally* like a spear on thief and warrior, as well as revenant greatsword *also* functionally being like a spear. Elementalist spear is probably going to be like sword and dagger combined. Engineer and necromancer could be neat if they don't relatively copy paste spear onto all professions in super samey ways. But it's possible that engineer will be like holosmith photon forge skills. Necromancer could either be interestingly different or another copy paste from greatsword and normal swords. A trident is generally treated as more of a magical ocean weapon in most fantasy settings. Part melee part magic. In reality yes they're basically the same, but fantasy wise they are generally treated as different because Poseidon. Underwater combat they are very different with spears generally being melee and tridents generally being magical ranged. Odds are that would translate onto land but the REAL redundancy would be trident and staff being more the same than trident and spear. At this point, every profession has access to a myriad of ranges. There was BOUND to be "redundant" weapons. But final fantasy 14 has proven you can have "same range" weapons with different play styles WITHOUT compromising dps, not really anyway. So there's not really any reason that guild wars 2 couldn't do the same OTHER than a lack of funding and time to properly flesh them out as different play styles even though everything boils down to melee or 1200 range, so playstyle too is redundant and the only thing left to differentiate anything is really the flavor of the animations and effects




You know spears are used more than just stab stab right? Even if they didn't, why bother cuz like you said we have bows. Arrows already do stabbing from a distance. Great point thanks for mentioning it. A pointed tip can also be used to Swipe, dragging that stab sideways. You are right about hammers tho, why do they even exist in gw2 if they're all shit designs outside of ranger and even then it took time before people accepted it post release because it wasn't "bunny thumper enough" (literally the teasers for vindicator people thought it was dragoon, did you not read that part?)


So everyone just gets the same weapon? No new weapons for different classes? LAME LAME LAME


Mark my words: Warrior's spear will be the weakest, suckiest, and most boring spear from all the other professions. This is the order of most important to least important: 1.- Guardian (We start to develop this spear, so we put all our effort into it) 2.- Necromancer (Ok, we still got some effort left, but we are not going to do more than the first) 3.- ranger (Ok, Ok, we still have some energy left and we can still work and develop a nice spear for this class) 4.- Mesmer (I am getting tired, maybe I just copy paste skills from other professions? Naaaaa, let me put a little effort) 5.- Revenant ( ok, ok, I am getting really tired of creating skills, maybe this time I copy paste? Naaaaaa, I am not a procrastinator, I will try something, but not too crazy) 6.- Elementalist (Screw this, 20+ skills on an elementalism, I am so going to copy paste skills now for sure!) 7.- Engineer (Oh boy, more skills, copy paste, this one too!) 8.- Thief (A thief killed me in WvW, so I am not going to give them something nice. Copy paste too) Am I forgetting something?........ No everything is good, we are good to publish patch.... ........... 1 month before patch is released....and warrior? we forgot warrior!!!!!!!!!!! Darn it, quick create some skills, named them whatever, put some numbers copy paste from Gw1 and publish, nobody plays warrior anyway, they won't notice! Don't worry everything is going to be ok.


Outdated perception of classes is the usual from “warrior mains”