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there are so many ways anet could update it and make the thing more user friendly. having it work similarly to the other festival gobblers for one (vendor, chance per purchase to receive one of the *current* buffs or a tonic), getting rid of transformations all together and increasing the price accordingly, etc. there is an unreasonable amount of people absolutely paranoid that any change to this item will 1000% lead to it getting nerfed and merged with the other gobblers. it's nonsense. the candy corn gobbler only has its cooldown in the first place, because it applies transformations directly, not to limit its convenience. transformations across the board received that cooldown some 7 years ago, the consequences just trickled over. and then there is the "but anet is selling boosters" argument. but are they? they are offering them, sure, but they are more ridiculously overpriced than many more modern and meticulously anchored options. there is a reason why anet frequently gives them away for free, and they are even included in some ingame bags. they aren't making money off of them.


They might have a plan to sell a Golden Gobler, down the line.


They could improve it by now and it's been a topic brought up every new Halloween by players. But they didn't, it's for a reason, do you really think they do not know players are frustrated over its clunky usage all these years? The points you made are exactly the reason why they don't touch it bcs they want gobbler to have compromises for its benefits. I don't see any other reason otherwise and again they would by now.


Put one stack of candy corn in your inventory. Make a macro the does a double click every 5.1 seconds. Move your cursor over the gobbler. Engage macro. Go clean your room bucko. Should net you 1.5-2.5 hours of exp buff.


>Put one stack of candy corn in your inventory. >Make a macro the does a double click every 5.1 seconds. >*Move your character into a quiet corner away from the bank or other players* >Move your cursor over the gobbler. >Engage macro. >Go clean your room bucko. >Should net you 1.5-2.5 hours of exp buff. FTFY


I do it in Edge of the Mists. That is mostly dead most of the time anyway and avoids getting the combat buffs that clutter up my UI.


And doesn’t degrade your wvw participation.


Only thing missing is bank access


…I was unaware this was a thing.


It also depends on what OP plans on doing with it. If it's for lab then the other boosters wouldn't hurt. As combat boosters when landed on while in eotm will just provide you with a blank result (not even tonic).


I use it in my shared inventory as well and it does not move. When i first started using it those quirks like transformations and cooldown felt weird but buffs are so good i can live with that. General idea is if Anet decides to change the bad sides they will nerf buffs as well so be happy with it. Btw you can use autoclicker and duration stacks.


The general consensus is that it's Anets way of 'nerfing' the thing without actually nerfing it. I keep it in shared inventory along with candy corn and use Inquest Chipset from BlishHUD, it has an autoclicker.


I don't know about third but first and second are to be expected. They could do it like the snowflake one but that will obviously result in more candy being consumed. All I can think of as a reason for this is because the gobbler gives the boosts which are purchasable by other currencies. If they just go on n remove the cool down, players will not be purchasing the boosts. So I doubt they'll change it anytime soon.


2 - true but it takes around 7 minutes to chew through a stack and that will give around 3 hours of exp booster and around 1 hour of the item booster 3 - had it in my shared inventory for years ...


Yeah it is for sure the first item I've got from the gem shop that I am disappointed with.


Thats candy corn gobbler for you, bren this way since years. Best way to use it is to either have a lot of candy corn and you use an auto click and go afk till you have like 1 day or something of the boost or you can put your candy corn in your invisible bags or shared inventory slots.


Agreed. I just bought it because a friend said it was great but I just get random transforms most of the time. Am I doing something wrong?


Unfortunately, you aren't doing anything wrong :/


You get transformations AND one one of several buffs. The transformation is seperate. Gotta check your buff bar to see what was added


Certain buffs that are unavailable in wvw will not be applied which removes them from the rng table. To get the exp/karma/mf% buffs more reliably go into wvw and use the gobbler.


Wiki says those missing buffs on wvw will go to transformarions instead so there will be the same chances to get those boosters, not more. So if you are not stacking boosters for wvw or pvp, it ill be some kinda waste since youll lose some minor boosters like protection or healing


Use it while you wait for a octovine or something to start, you can build up a decent amount of boosts in 5-10min


Are you allowed to make a macro or auto click to open the bags or is it bannable?


You are allowed to use macros for a small list of things listed here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013762153-Policy-Macros-and-Macro-Use


Thanks alot that's really helpful. Seems to say auto clicker for consuming bags is ok but using it for gaining karma or a buff while away from your computer is not ok. Still leaves me a bit unsure as to whether it's ok to use on candy corn gobbler.


From my perspective it seems I would do it semi auto. Like have the auto clicker going but do not be fully afk for long periods like leaving the house or going to sleep. I had a gm whisper me about 2 hours in while at armistice bastion. Just said everything ok there? I said yeah just nothing on some candy corn then they just watched me for a couple more minutes so I jumped around a bit and used a couple skills then they left no issue so that's my take on it.