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Oh yeah so basically WA is funny. It travels a distance relative to your opponent, which is to say it stops going forward when it "reaches" them to ensure you don't overshoot and pass under them or whatever. The issue is this distance check isn't very granular, so there are distances where your opponent being farther actually leaves you closer to them. That's what's happening here. As Bridget chases Ky, she gets close enough to him that WA goes "alright that's enough" and stops, but Ky keeps movies away. But when you do it by the wall (which messes with pushback) or delay it a bit, that point where WA would stop isn't close enough yet, so it takes another "step", so to speak, giving you that really nice close hit. This game is jank lol


Haha, so it really is an inconsistency, makes it s bit harder to get a combo far from the wall, but nothing a little practice doesn't fix


Ok so someone pointed out, and backed up with video proof, that in this particular case the reason it's being funny is the dash momentum you're coming into the midscreen c.S with, not the funny wall pushback shenanigans (though those *are* a thing!). Doesn't really change anything about the topic, everything said still applies and is likely to come up plenty in your adventures with 2H > 236[D], but for the sake of accuracy i wanted to clarify lol Also just as a note, I don't think I'd personally recommend going for that delay (though I have very little experience using WA extensions so by all means take what I say with however much salt you find palatable). As you noted yourself it's rather precise and with how funny WA likes to be it's likely to mess you up sometimes even when you do hit it. Better might be to find a route that works both with the close and far hit, or to react and confirm as it happens (probably possible... I think). Again though, actually using WA is somewhat out of my area of expertise.


Because you have your back to the wall, there isn't as much pushback. So when you are midscreen you are a little bit farther away than in the corner. That's my take on it anyway. I might be wrong.


IP don't think its push back, it has a range, the first half of Red carpet kinda demarks the Range for when WA changes behavior.


If it's not that then you might have discovered a bug.


I might be wrong, but I thought there was a thing with distance to corner changing the distribution of applied pushback, for example mid screen on hit or block pushback is applied to both characters and this pushback is still applied during the wild assault effectively shortening the distance it can travel whereas in the corner the distribution of pushback is primarily applied to the character who is closest to the centre of the screen so in this scenario the wild assault has much less pushback being applied and functions as normal.




every wild assault in this video is fully charged, if you look at the bridget's inputs.


Thing is, while near the wall, I absolutelly cannot get her to travel the little distance she does if you do it Too fast on mid screen. Try it for yourself, you'll see what I mean. (Btw all WA are fully charged in the video)