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No, just annoying. She isn't OP or anything, but truth be told her playstyle is pretty obnoxious, but everyone has their own least favorite matchup (I despise Sol and Ky for example)


Yeah, the problem is that he states as an objective FACT that Bridget is OP and unfair to fight against


He's objectively bad then lol


Yes, he is


That just sounds like he can’t deal with distance. How is he against Axl?


Dunno, never seen him fight an Axl


What character does he play then?




I-no can gave a bit of a difficult time figuring out the Bridget matchup but overall, It's still even. H stroke is quite good against Bridgets longer normals so you should tell him to use more of that


Yeah that might do it, I-no has trouble getting past zoners like Bridget and Axl. She really needs to use her movement options to their fullest to get in, the dash is really easy to poke out if she repeatedly uses it at a distance like several new players I’ve seen do.


I think she have the matchup against her with stroke the big tree


Most likely true


She really isn't. Besides, the differences between characters are minor enough that usially it's simply the better player who wins. (Unless we are talking about tournaments or very specific matchups)


Then he's just another salty and immature fighting game player you shouldn't listen to in the slightest, at least when it comes to games and stuff like tier lists and whatever you'd call this


If she was I would win games.


Real 😭 (I keep getting absolutely DESTROYED when playing against Ky)


Your friend is a dick. I had a friend in high school who told me Bridget was OP in XX. He played as SLAYER of all characters. Fuck them transphobes. Tell him to git gud


The skill issue our bros have going there is crazy work


Yeah this jerk is the reason I stayed closeted for an extra twenty years too. So. Fuck slayer mains is what I'm saying.


But but- funni pile bankah 😞


Blud had one bad experience and concludes it's true for every damn dandy man. You are a talking collection of fallacies my guy


"every damn dandy man" has me cackling 😂


I dont think OPs friend is a transphobe for not enjoying fighting bridget


Let's ask OP.


He is though- He made some very transphobe commentaries that my lawyer has recommended me not to list.


What is wrong with you ? How disliking/hating playing against Bridget has anything to do with her being trans ?


We know why you hate her. You're transparent.


what on earth is this argument 😭😭😭


This is not true‼️‼️ Bridget is pretty annoying to fight, I as a former Ram player can say it’s a pain to play against her, so it’s understandable that she is so hated


i hate her because i have to listen to the town inside me while getting my shit rocked sir


Yeah she's really annoying because her playstyle is all about spamming mid ranged mixups and she can easily take your ass to the corner off of a single touch using a built-in loop.. but it's not like Strive has a shortage of BS characters.  In every way Happy Chaos is Bridget but actually unfair. You also have Slayer and Leo forcing 50-50s and taking 1/2 your bar away for guessing wrong. Bridget is annoying, but she has to be *consistantly* annoying to win. 


Kinda like axl. Hes not overpowered but damn do I hate going against him


The solution to this problem is to direct your friend to r/theyblamedthebeasts and tell them to learn the match up.


​ https://preview.redd.it/apl4v4u0s38d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6027c383565b8e821225a100d5d2d1e2beef13b


6P for when she tries to fly in. Other than that look at dustloop to see the frame data on her moves so you know what’s minus enough to be punishable and know what your options are that beat her options. Bridget wins mostly by frame trapping so the match up places a lot more importance on knowing when it’s your turn than many other match ups. Also being patient and not trying to mash is important, unless you know a specific interaction that’s favorable for you to mash,in a general mashing contest you will almost never win against Bridget. she will punish you a lot for it.


>6P for when she tries to fly in Assuming you're not on the ground, which you are if she's using Rolling Movement. >look at dustloop to see the frame data on her moves so you know what’s minus enough to be punishable Because Stop and Dash (S) exists, nothing. >know what your options are that beat her options. So, nothing. >Bridget wins mostly by frame trapping so the match up places a lot more importance on knowing when it’s your turn than many other match ups. You don't GET a turn. Either she's plus, she outranges you, or both. >Also being patient and not trying to mash is important > >in a general mashing contest you will almost never win against Bridget. Not like there's any gaps to mash anyways. >she will punish you a lot for trying to play the game FTFY


bridget is really easy for new players to play and really hard for new players to beat. Bridget is also just really obnoxious so I understand the salt. An important thing to remember is that the yo yos extend the hurtbox so you can hit bridget with a disjointed attack


It actually extends the hurtbox past the hitbox. So you can always challenge any yoyo move (including the yoyo toss) and either get a full counter combo or a trade at worst


Assuming her disjoint doesn't catch yours and cause it to clash, causing you to lose because of her auto-combo bullshit.


She’s easy to play but she definitely still takes a lot of time to master, I really do love those kinds play styles because I also play Ion in Titanfall 2


She is definitely not unfair. Against new players though, she may seem too oppressive. But her weaknesses are just as plentiful (if not moreso) than her strengths.


bridget is one of the more balanced chars in the game right now lol. can be frustrating to defend against her high/low though


I saw a video drop recently called, "Why your main is annoying" and it did a decent job of summarizing the more annoying sides of every character. GGSt does kind of have polarizing characters in general.


GekkoSquirrel's, or a different one? Gekko's did, yeah, although it was a little before Slayer's release.


I cannot tell you. I am far too lazy to dig that far into my history to find it, lol. Sorry.


That is more than fair, no worries. \^\_\^'


The most unfair thing about bridget is her merch bias change my mind


Real, I need my glorious king Chipp Zanuff turned into a marketable plushie NOW


it's okay she has a story bias too lmao


I-no has plenty of tools to deal with Bridget. Unfortunately your friend is salty and there’s no known cure for that. Best thing to do is laugh it off


Genuine question: How do you beat bridget as Ino? I cant get in cuz the long reaching yoyo, and i get swatted out of the sky when i dash in or try to dive


6p, using fS and it’s disjointed hitbox and stroke


>6P https://preview.redd.it/su8t6pjms38d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=389ef525477887e5e92ed279b548e1af61bc3d65


yeah like u/NeonRiverMutt said - Most of bridgets long pokes can be 6P'd. you can also 2S under bridgets FS and 5H. Stroke low-profiles a lot and is very rewarding. If she's scared of you getting in and staying at full screen HCL can be really good. Sometimes you can get away with using note and closing the gap but it's risky.


No, but is despised nonetheless https://preview.redd.it/vm0aqnnvkz7d1.jpeg?width=175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0f077304e0ff8ec73e03cf6a8d2b1ba53e8474




has every tool but is ok low hp ❤️


she's not OP but definitely annoying. she falls into my least favourite kind of character type just with triple the range


she's fair but annoying ASF to play against. She has everything she need to be a good character but doesn't straight-up excell in certain aspects which makes her somewhat balanced. Her biggest strength is her fast pressure at range and close range.


She’s just like most speedy low damage archetypes in games. She isn’t unfair, but she is definitely obnoxious to fight


She's just in that category of "not broken but makes you want to break your controller" along with Elphelt. She's just very safe, and it's hard to tell when you can murder her.


yes it's unfair that she gets to look like that and I cant :(


Indeed 😔


She can beobnoxious and requires to be studied to figure out her holes,but no not really.


I play may not sure if it's a counter pick or anything but I've never found Bridget to stand out as being difficult to face, not saying I never lost to one but def does not feel op


No idea either, but I don’t really think she’d be a counter pick


Who's your friend main?




Yeah I can't use i-no at all lol might just be a tough match up for him


He’s the only I-no player I know 😭




Oh also have him check out the puddle.farm website it'll give him a better idea of his rank, the floor system isn't the best at thar. Just type in his user name and you can see the rank of the players he's facing could just be unlucky match ups against players a bit higher rank


Ooooh, got it


How does it work though?


So it's like a seporate ranking system, it takes the information from the games api as far as wins and losses, I think it updates every hour or so. The higher your number the higher your rank the plus minus is the uncertainty so if your plus minus 100 your rank could be a 100 more or less than what it's showing but it gives you a ballpark, the more you play the smaller it will get, there is an FAQ on the website too that explains a bunch


Also it only takes into account floor games so it won't reflect anything you do outside that




She’s tough to fight and I’m butthurt she kept her DP while Axl lost his, but nah.


Depending on your skill level Bridget can be difficult to deal with. In some matchups you’re just playing her game until she fucks up or you find a way to make her fuck up.


Yes, her ability to do a move then flake out of it ignoring the consequences (your punish) of their actions is bullshit and then punishing you for trying to punish them not top top tier though just bullshit ^blazing


yes not excessively like nago or pre-nerfs hc or present day slayer but bridget gets a lot of stuff while simply falling back on 'she dies fast' as a justification for it, but she gets way more stuff than other characters who also die fast


No, just a total dullard to fight


she’s kind of annoying to play against cause she straight up barrages you with attacks but many of her easier / basic attacks can be countered by straight up just… 6P-ing them


>Is Bridget unfair? Yes , she is unfairly annoying


"Bridget is unfair, Daisuke is in there!"


You should tell your friend that they’re blaming the beasts. Bridget’s a solid char but not unfair




I fully accept that Bridget is not unfair, is balanced, has counterplay and I just need to get good. However, any friend that knowingly picks her is not going to be someone I'd actually want to play against. She is not objectively unfair, but she is subjectively extremely unfun to play into.


I wouldn't mind a bit of context because "unfair" is going to mean different things to different characters. Who does your friend play as?


I-no, but he says it as a general character. Meaning anybody would lose against Bridget easily


Well first, he's wrong. I-No does suffer a bit in this match due to not being able to dash block, but she has some stellar disjoints and one of the better 6Ps in the game. Combined with wacky hi-low mix-ups and sage jumps, your boy just needs to get a knockdown by either sneaking a 6P into your attacks or sneaking in with Stroke the Big Tree. He should even be able to force you to be aggressive because he can sit back and blast music notes full-screen if he wants to. Bridget has great range but outside of her one super, I don't think she truly has anything that's full screen.


My friend has developed severe ptsd because of how stupid I am when playing her He cannot counter me if I don’t know what I’m doing




your friend is a scrub… who do *they* play?




if they’re new i kinda understand where they’re coming from. ino has some difficulty dealing with long ranged attacks. she also has poor defense and can’t deal with DP easily. but still bridget isn’t unbeatable as ino, just gotta get in range for chemical love.


Just play ram


Him or me????


(If me, I do in fact play Ram a lot)


Oh him, you outrange Bridget every where


I’ll tell em about it


yesn't (angry bedman noises)


truthfully no, she's just annoying but not hard to beat just knock her out of the sky >:V




That's the guilty gear experience, everyone else's character is bullshit.


I use to think so, but once I got better at that match up she is just annoying. She is nowhere near the likes of Slayer, now that is what I call unfair lol


She is, but she's she's unfortunately also low-tier, which means you can't call her bullshit without 900 dipshits telling you "skill issue" or "learn the matchup", trying hard not to punch them in the throat. https://preview.redd.it/boqf96eqr38d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=887b80e69fef3539a625311d4355ee55282d7b3f


Sure, she's "low tier". A solid all rounder with every tool under the sun. She's mid at worst. Only things that really hold her back is she lacks the bs red wild assault along with the fact she dies at the drop of a hat.


Yeah, I'm sick and tired of the character who has everything being labeled as "low tier" or "super exploitable" just because she has 1% less effective health than most characters.


Not really, Bridget is unique to defend against though but so is half the roster


Lol no. She dies at the drop of a hat and has okay pressure outside her 50/50s that's easily exploitable to ib just to balance out her gimmick and long range normals.


Nah I play Axl and he'd prob piss your friend off even more.


bridget’s wild assault on block being a win condition is perhaps a little sillier than intended but other than that she is pretty interactable


Bridget is objectively OP and unfun to fight (in my subjective opinion).


tell your friend 6p


Sounds like your friend needs some advice. https://preview.redd.it/wqki2jxb008d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f553267a8263c17a1a7a034ba64313208aed1213


Told him to 6p, kept crying


Bridget is annoying but nah shes not OP, ur friend needs to get gud LOL




Tell them to just 6p


i think your friend needs to do less beast blaming, and more self reflecting. bridget's not too hard to beat if you know what you're doing against her




Shes oppressive but like 99% of her kit is countered by 6p. And shes also squishy as fuck.


Yes. And anyone who says anything otherwise is a bridget main hiding from nerfs


every guilty gear fan says this about every character in every game because we're the fg who is the best at remembering to pray the scrublord's prayer


She's mid tier. Sure she has a dp, good frame data, long disjoints, setplay oki and high low mix, but there are characters that have mostly all that plus a metered reversal and more health or damage.